2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon. North Carolina. 28782 Established January 31. 1928 p ’,K LIBRARY BOX 11 Joumwit. THE WORLD'S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Member: North Carolina Press Assn. (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Seth M. Vining, Jr., Editor and Manager . is publish’d The BU sat and Sun ' Dally except Sa . 0 Box 790 106 N. Trade St., r Tryon, N.C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin (USPS643-360) ^ Phone 859-9151 Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Carolina 10 Pages Today Vol. 53 — No. 162 Weather Thursday: high 84, low 64 Today is the first day of fall. Won’t be long and we will have to put another log on the fire. Two Cuban hijackers were returned to the United States Thursday to face air piracy charges, the first hijackers the Cuban government has ever offered to send back for prosecution in this country. From The Stoller: “A Chicago man recently retired to Tryon after serving years with the National Auto Theft Council. He was slightly embarrassed to stand in court in Spartanburg Monday, the victim of a thief. His wheelcovers were taken in a stop at the Greenville-Spartanburg Airport." A Cuban cosmonaut and a Soviet mission commander rocketed into space Thursday night aboard the Soyuz 38 spaceship. The Cuban cosmonaut, Arnaldo Tamayo Mendez, is the seventh non-Soviet to fly in the Soviet Union's Intercosmos space program. The paving of Trade Street is scheduled to begin today and will be completed Tuesday, weather permitting. The Polk County Rescue Squad Continued On Back Page TRYON, N. C. 28782 Childbirth Classes St. Luke's Hospital will be offering Childbirth Education Classes starting Monday, October 6th at 7:00 p m to 9:00 p m. at St. Luke’s Hospital for parents due in December 1980, January, February 1981 The purpose of these classes is to familiarize expectant parents with the process of labor and delivery, relaxation and breathing techniques for use in labor and delivery, tour the labor and delivery area, and begin thinking about what it will be like to be a parent. Any interested persons are welcome to attend. The classes are specifically designed for expectant mothers and fathers in the last two to three months of pregnancy. Please wear slacks and bring a blanket and two pillows for use during the exercise period To register, please call Cam Lawrence, R. N. at St. Luke's Hospital on Monday. Wednesday or Friday between 7.00 a m and 11:00 a.m. — Reporter Region C Committee Meets The Region C Employment and Training Advisory Committee will meet at 10:00 a m on Thursday, September 25, in conference room °f B Isothermal Planning ana Development Commission. Simpson Building. 101 West Cou Street, Rutherfordton, NA The meeting is open to me public. MONDAY, SEPT. 22,1980 Injured In Tractor Accident T. B. Odel. 81, of Rt. 1, Mill Spring was injured Wednesday afternoon when a tractor overturned on him. His son, Albert Odel, took another tractor and pulled the WD 45 Allis Chambers off of him and he was rushed to St. Luke's Hospital. After x-rays were taken, all that could be found wrong with him were two cracked ribs and bruises. Mr Odel, had a tree fall on him in 1974 when he was 75 and suffered serious internal injuries. He had cut a big tree which lodged against a smaller tree and in attempting to cut the smaller tree to release the big one, both trees came down on him before he could jump to safety. Although 81, Mr. Odel doesn't believe in sitting down and twiddling his thumbs. He has led an active life for himself and the community. He once operated a dairy, served for over 20 years on the Polk County School Board, is a member of the Woodman’s Lodge and the Big Level Baptist Church. Girls Tennis Monday Tryon at A.C. Reynolds Gaffney B. Team at Tryon (JVs) Mr. and Mrs. Grenville Sewall have returned to their home in Tryon after spending the summer in Christmas Cove, Maine. Price 10c Per Cop; To Exhibit In Asheville Roy and Carolyn Cunningham of Mill Spring will exhibit their clocks and wood craft articles at the fourth annual Indian Summer Arts & Craft Show, sponsored by the UNC-Asheville Alumni Art Chapter Oct. 2 — 4 at the Asheville Shopping Mall on South Tunnel Road. Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham have been doing Crafts as a full time vocation for the past three years, but have made things as a hobby for many years. They make clocks, lazy Susans, book ends, hand mirrors, weather sets 3 " d Christmas tree ornaments. They do between 20 and 25 shows 3 year. They moved to Polk County six Thev h g ° ^ Ja o k sonviK * They bought some land from B^T Br ° wn ( P art of the oM Knob^^ 0f Grassy Ga P Township and h Co °P ers Mr. Gunningham U1 hat h ° f me ’ children and Mrs n^s four has three children anT 8 ^ are now 0 *h°m Cunningham said th a ?th Mrs ' of 8°t in craft work ? ey sort ™ ade things for memh? hen the y arge family. Their r^ 0 ^ ^ir was the Polk e ,r first show Grafts Show hel°dT a nd £ re « years ago n Golumbus found that theFr ’ Wher e they Reived e,r arli oles were