PO 0" IS 23722 nov 2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon, North Carolina. 28782 Established January 31, 1928 THE WORLD'S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Member: North Carolina Press Assn. (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Seth M. Vining, Jr., Editor and Manager The Bulletin Is published Dally except Sat. and Sun. 106 N. Trade St., P. 0. Box 790 Tryon, N. C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin * (USPS 643-360) Phone 859-9151 Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Weatam North Carolina 12 Pages Today Vol. 53 - No. 168 TRYON, N C. 28782 TUESDAY, SEPT. 30,1980 Price 10c Per Cop: Weather Friday: high 78, low 67; Saturday: high 75, low 54; Sunday: high 56, low 54; Monday at 7 a.m. there was 2.47 inches of rain. The rain continued Tuesday. U. N. Security Council calls for an end to Iran-Iraq War. Iraq seems to be getting the best of the fighting but it dosen't look like there will be any cease fire. Iraqi leader, President Sadam Hussein called on Iran to return to Arab control "every inch of usurped land,” including three tiny islands in the Strait of Hormuz seized by Iran from the United Arab Emirates in 1971. The box offices is open from 10 to 12 noon and 2 to 4 p.m. at the Fine Arts Center for "An Inspector Calls." It will be playing Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8:30 p.m. Sunday at 2 p.m. is the 47th annual Any and All Dog Show at Harmon Field. There is no admission fee, but there is a 10c entry fee per class. Everyone is asked to bring his own chair. Dr. Danny Waldrop, brother of Tony Waldrop who ran for UNC is taking over where Tony left off’ He raced against Bill Rogers in a six mile race in Cincinnati on Continued On Back Page Officers Elected to Second Wind Hall Of Fame The third annual luncheon meeting of the Tryon Chapter of the Second Wind Hall of Fame was held at Pine Crest Inn, Monday, September 29th Mrs Elizabeth Martin, president, presided. New recipients of S.W.H.F Awards are General Harry Evans and Richard and Ruth Palmer. Mrs. James Anderson of Gramling, represented the new South Carolina Chapter of S.W.H.F. The guest speaker. General Harry Evans, gave a talk on "Downtown Tryon Landscaping Project.” Newly elected president of the Tryon Chapter is Doris Lackey Other officers are: Vice president, Thomas Grenfell; Treasurer, Louis Anderson; Secretary, Ruth Tucker; Advisors, William Martin, Everett Billiu and Jack Wheaton TLT’s Play Opens Thurs. The cast of the upcoming play. "An Inspector Calls" had a bit of trouble at their rehearsal the other evening. Betty Frost is directing the company in J. B. Priestley’s mystery-fantsay which opens on October 2nd. at the Fine Arts Center for three performances. The play starts Continued On Back Page October Events At Fine Arts Center Oct. 1 —31 — Tryon Painters & Sculptors: Gallery Show, Sherrie Hoover, watercolors and acrylics, Henry Mitchell, woodcarving. Oct. 2, 3, 4, Tryon Little Theater, Inc., "An Inspector Calls", Auditorium, 8:30 p.m. Oct. 4, Tryon Little Theater Workshop, auditorium. 10 a.m. — 12 noon Oct. 5, Women for Constitutional Government, "The Constitution of the United States” a film presentation. Mural Room, 3pm Oct 8, Tryon Film Club, “My Fair Lady”, auditorium, matinee 2:15, evening 8:00. Oct. 10, Children’s Theater Festival, "A Yankee Doodle Dandy”, presented by Producers Foundation, auditorium, 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. Oct. 11, Tryon Little Theater Workshop, auditorium, 10 a.m. — 12 noon. Oct. 13, Tryon Little Theater, Inc. Tryouts,Mural Room, 8 p m. Oct. 14, Tryon Crafts Board Meeting, Mural Room, 2 p.m. Oct. 14, Tryon Concert Association, The Brass Winds, Quintet, auditorium, 8 p.m. Oct. 15-16, Tryon Little Theater, Inc Try Outs, auditorium or Mural Room, 8 p.m Oct. 16, E. F. Hutton, Inc. Investment Seminar, Mural Room. 2 p.m. Oct. 17, Tryon Garden Club, Continued On Back Page Landrum Band Is 1st In Class 4 The Landrum high School Band was first overall in Class 4 Saturday at the Palmetto Tournament of Bands at Clover, S. C. This is the third year in a row that Landrum has won first in Class 4 at the Palmetto tournament. The Landrum Band was first in the Horne Line; first in the Precussion Section; and the Flag Girls were first. The band competed against many AA and AAA bands. The Landrum band director is Gene Vanderford. Forestry Appreciation Day Ap'reciatio^^^try 10, the Pniv . ’ Uc tober 6 — Extension Service will 8 ^ 11111 ^ 01 Forestry Adult Dav on ^ 3 Oct. 7. The Day ^ill tJ? 68 ^' P m. with a trip to A b g ' n at 1 Cove where for^ solar energy ch^ d ‘ fe and explored. 7 classes will be A Dutch Treat h sa PPer will be seXD mbur eer at Cove Creek ° n ^C cock Anyone interested i^ nd 5 Pm - should call the Pnu, allendin g Agricultural Extendi k Cou nly 8 «-8218tomake r X n Office at ceceive more de^ 31 ' 0 " 3 and ^e activity. R e « C0nc erning Ocm^ 30 >a?er rV t a h lions ^ Octobers. th an 5 p m