'1V r3; 2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon, North Carolina, 28782 Established January 31, 1928 THE WORLD’S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Member: North Carolina Press Assn (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Seth M. Vining, Jr., Editor and Manager The Bulletin Is published Dally except Sat. and Sun. 106 N. Trade St., P. 0. Box 790 Tryon, N. C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin * (USPS 643-360) & Phone 859-9151 Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Caroline Vol. 53- No. 172 TRYON. N. C. 28782 MONDAY, OCTOBER6,1980 low e 57 her Fr T^ UrSday: high ™. ^s day was another This is National Fire Prevention Week. We went in h. home of Ralph Henderson Friday morning and watched the Tryon £F w F° or “ r ^^ and answered th. , d01ng addition to saX^ 0311 In property when n ^ J F 1VGS an( l to educate us s^^’ thcy Wanl them They a " *'* 0 "' 1 need check our fur n r » k ‘ ng US 10 heaters, fireplace' n°° d and coal chimneys S orp ■ nue P‘P«s and They ask ^ Or t e o “'* begins, detectors inour'h P ace smokc ‘ hey will mspwTaVbu ^ houses, schools 1. bus ‘ness and public buiw nUrSln8 homes 7^"»& A " ” - 'f" ,h ^fi a A t,vc tow dusl ievels i^t^m “^ ° f Cotton textile mills is h rin C ,° lt0n Usin g ? n d must h " ously der icient immediately corrected Ropttesenu^^House of Continued On Back Pa^ day Democrats Meet Tonight at 7:30 Chairman Oliver Green has announced that the Democrats will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Democratic Headquarters in Columbus. Court of Honor Tryon Boy Scout Troop 150 will hold a Court of Honor Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the Congregational Church Fellowship Hall. An Invitation To Singers This is an invitation to singers in the community to sing with th Rotary Community Chorus e first rehearsal is Monday, C at the Fellowship Hall in the Congregational Church Melrose Ave. at 7:3° P_ _ Performance dates December 13th and 14th Everyone in the community invited to sing with the group is Clean Up Today In Columbus The Lions of Columbus will clean Mills Sue ^ ol untecrs beginning at 5 P . are who would like to -mith's requested to meet a Supermarket Mrs Frances Reynolds^ Spartanburg is visiting k Mrs. Herbert Horne on w Lamer Communication This is National Fire Prevention Week, October 5—11, observed on the County and municipality levels. The fire departments begin this week with inspections of all business houses, schools, nursing homes, and meeting place building. Firemen would like to pay tribute to our employers, without them we could not function. We would like to thank the Tryon Daily Bulletin and the WTYN Radio for the publicity in the local fire department as well as the county fire departments; to the Town of Tryon and County Government for upgrading our communication system. Fire prevention begins in the home Have you checked your heating system’’ Now is the time to check your furnace, wood and coal heaters, fireplace, flue pipes, and chimneys before the winter begins We in the fire service recommend smoke dectectors as a necessity in the home At present we have 134 firemen in Polk County to serve you. These are dedicated men on call 24 hrs a day seven days a week. 1 am sure that any of the fire chiefs listed will assist you in any way that he can Chief Edwin Lanning, Columbus, Chief Joe Owensby, Mill Spring, Chief William Page, Green Creek. Chief James Gilbert. Saluda, Chief Leon Burgess, Sunny View, Chief Clarence Scoggins. Tryon You cannot beat fire prevention to save your life! 8 Pages Today Price 10c Per Cop; Polk Officer He A nderso C n SC Co P untv fr ° m th e was recaptured a™ cam P probation officer ° k Count y description coming*" filtin 8 the woods near a 8 out of the Melrose, about t J road trestle in Saluda t>0Ut ‘bree miles from Owight^Ah^* 35 'dentified as detan on Th T U h rsda > from* 1 * 1 " 8 Saluda, Th °">Pson Ro a d ork Brand took 10 Sto t^^ Pnson camp t ndcrs °n co aken Bain. - Ash. T y Cant ,. 0u hty R Results of^h ^GE Th >^ynighi C ? e tw e r? n ’e of St ? tt, Ea =it.w J . ack ' v at Sn Mll e s w^e Farwell s ti ,° n h “e An drew