Cast Announced "The Philadelphia Story," Philip Barry's sparking look at the elegance of the rich will be the Tryon Little Theater's next presentation on Dec. 4,5, and 6 at the Fine Arts Center. First produced on Broadway in 1939, this radiantly witty comedy hit has remained induringly popular through many presentations throughout the U. S. ever since. A view of a self-assuredly fashionable and wealthy old Philadelphia family of the 1930s is afforded through the eyes of 2 Life magazine-type reporters who in pursuit of a panoramic story about life on Philadelphia's exclusive Main Line, push into the family's activities on the day preceding the divorcee daughter's second marriage. Connie Junker (Tracy) will be seen as this spoiled daughter who has left an adoring first husband and is on the eve of taking for her second a stuffed shirt, self-made and up from the ranks. Because she has exacting codes of conduct and expects everyone, including herself, to live up to them, she is contemptuous of others' weaknesses until she meets the hard-boiled magazine reporter covering her wedding. This man, from a different world than she has previoulsy known, changes her outlook on life to the point where she no longer feels she must adhere to her rigid standards. Under his tutelage, she is humanized and awakened to life and love as a warm and understanding woman. With this new viewpoint, she finds herself, one hour before a ceremony that is beginning to seem ever more unlikely to happen, in the dazzling dilemma of having to choose between three men eager to be her groom — her fiance, her former husband, and the impertinent magazine reporter. The theme of the comedy is C v r>r ‘SS(“d in n lino •crarv* • Compare The Record Campaign promises aside, there is no better evidence or proof of what a candidate will do in office than their record. Decide for yourself: Opal Sauve I Billy Hugh Ruff Tryon Daily Bullrlin, Frl., Oct. 31.1980 Assumed Office Elrord by thr Prop!, „( folk County November 7. HIM. tor l» u ronseculise ye.™ she soled lo hold thr Ilnr on tales krrplnx Ihr county 's ta« rate thr third and second lowest In thr Mate in 1979 and 19X0. Assumed Office unrated by the People ol folk County November 7 W anted Higher Expenditures m’'"'' '?' l ’"" c “ unl .' •’"'(gel and keeping the lai rate at Xo '’•''"« •^.pendilures 'serenTwou^.'June ^ Sponsored Odor Control Ordinance ITagued by thr continuing nuisance and oltrnslsr odors of thr ,rrr ? ( W^arm. Sauve authored and won approval for a count) ordinance in (ireen Creek Township to control nuisance odon. Ma> 5. 19X0. Ended Political Meddling By Conntv In Affairs of Local l ire Departments ’ Couldn’t Make I p His Mind '""J'"’""’,' “I“ ud > “ l “r °«°r ormnance and yean of problems tor the residents of Green Creek Toonship Hull soled against the ordinance on its first reading saying he ^ X'""” " ""'" "" ""•’"” "* '"P'™?™ Sat Silently By W bile County Confiscated Fire Fighting Equipment From His Own Illhough