?° VK J* 1 BO* U C ZB! 22 2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon. North Carolina, 28782 Established January 31, 1928 THE WORLD'S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Member: North Carolina Press Assn. (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Seth M. Vining, Jr., Editor and Manager The Bulletin la published Dally except Sat. and Sun. 106 N. Trade St., P. 0. Box 790 Tryon, N. C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin * (USPS643-360) * Printed In the THERMAL BELT ol Western North Caroline Phone 859-9151 Vol. 53 — No. 216 TRYON. N. C. 28782 TUESDAY. DEC. 9.1980 (8 Pages Today Price 10c Per Cop; No official weather report for the weekend, but it was like spring. Monday was more of the same Sunday. Dec. 7th passed quietly. Those of us who were around 39 years ago still remember where we were at the time the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and plunged the United States into WW II. President Carter conferred Sunday with the National Security Council over the Polish crisis, and a White House official said Soviet intervention in Poland “could take place because preparations for it are completed.” Arnold Palmer sank a 7-foot birdie putt on the first extra hole Sunday to defeat Paul Harney and won the 42nd PGA National Senior Championship at North Miami, Fla. The Tip-Off Tournament held Friday and Saturday at the Landrum High School gymnasium was very successful. It involved Polk Central. Tryon and Chesnee in addition to Landrum. The facilities at Landrum are excellent. It lasted a little late for some of us, but it was a well run tournament. The Christmas trees were Continued On Back Page Selected For Outstanding Young Women of America The Board of Advisors for the Outstanding Young Women of American Awards Program has announced those who have been selected for inclusion in the 1980 edition of “Outstanding Young Women of America.'' This program is designed to honor and encourage exceptional young women between the ages of 21 and 36 who have distinguished themselves in their homes, their professions and their communities. Accomplishments such as these are the result of dedication. service and leadership — qualities which deserve to be recognized and remembered. Included for the honor are: Dr. Susan Lee Galda of Athens. Ga., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Galda of Tryon; Miss Joyce Ann Payne, daughter of Mr. and Mi's. Alfred Payne of Tryon; Miss Sandra Delores Young, daughter of Mrs. Christine Young of Philadelphia and Arthur Young of Tryon. Win Title The Raleigh based Erlanger International Soccer team won the North Carolina Soccer League Championship Sunday at the Fort Bragg Soccer field. Andy Bayard, son of Dr. and Mrs. Walter Bayard of Tryon and a freshman at N. C. State University plays right wing on the Erlanger team. Christmas Party For Tryon Lions The Tryon Lions Club will have their Christmas party tonight at 7:30 at the Pacolet River Plantation. Guests will be their wives and the handicapped Gay Young, Sue Wilson and Shirley Linnins will play Christmas music and James Cowan will lead the singing of carols Dr. Darryl Maxwell will be the speaker. Fires The Tryon Volunteer Fire Department was called to two fires over the weekend. Saturday night about 9 o'clock there was a brush fire between the homes of Mrs. Clarence Rhodes and Ed Tucker near Lynn. The fire jumped across the road, but the firemen put it out before it could go into the Wilderness Road area. Sunday at 12:30 p.m. the fire men were called to the home of Mr. and Mrs Doug Thompson in Pacolet Valley. The firemen had difficulty finding the fire due to the dense smoke. The only area burned was a bird cage an a counter top. but the house had extensive smoke damage. The Thompsons were not at home at the time of the fire. Tryon Lodge Meets Tonight Regular communication of Tryon City Lodge No. 518 P H.F i A M will meet tonight at 8 p.m. All master mason welcome Robert Fox, W.M., George R Fant, Sec. Margolf Shoots Hole-In-One Fred Margolf of Tryon shot a hole-in-one last Wednesday on the 9th hole at Tryon Country Club. From the Executive tee, he hit a nine wood on the 110 yard hole. He was playing with AI Bowen, Glenn Hackett and Dave Edwards. 2nd In Age Group Tom Foster of Tryon entered the Paris Mountain Road Race last Saturday along with approximately 300 other racers Mr Foster ran the 12.4 miles in 1 hour, 15 minutes, 56 seconds. He was 16th in overall and 2nd in his age group Jackson Elected As Commissioner Columbus, Oh. - The R ev Richard Jackson of Tryon, N c was elected to represent th* United Church of Christ's Board for Homeland Ministries commissioner on the Commission on Religion in Appalachia at v recent meeting here of th 3 national denomination^ agency's board of directors 3 The directors approved $50 in grants and $568,700 in loans/ build, remodel or design ninn- 10 church buildings in as man* states They also voted to provM $322,600 to subsidize organi^ ministers at nine establish 5 churches and install ministe « seven new church starts al