nov 0?.’ co^’ W c 2872 2 2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon, North Carolina, 28782 Established January 31, 1928 THE WORLD’S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Member: North Carolina Press Assn. (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Seth M. Vining, Jr., Editor and Manager The Bulletin Is published Dally except Sat. and Sun. 106 N. Trade St., P. 0. Box 790 Tryon. N. C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin * (USPS 643-360) * Phone 859-9151 Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Cerollne Vol. 53 - No. 241 TRYON. N. C. 28782 THURSDAY, JANUARY 15,1981 1G Pages Today Price 10c Per Cop.’ Weather Tuesday: high 43, low 17. Wednesday was warmer. At 12:45 it was 45 and sunny The cold wave punishing the East stunned Florida on Tuesday with a record killer freeze from Tallahassee to Miami that hung icicles on orange trees and glazed vegetables in their fields. The cold weather may have wiped out 20 percent of Florida's orange crop, the equivalent of 49 million gallons of concentrated orange juice. Chris Evert Lloyd edged teen- ager Tracey Austin Tuesday by two votes for The Associated Press Women Athlete of the Year. The N. C. Legislature convened Wednesday in Raleigh. Reappointment of Congressional Senator and House of Representative districts will cause some headaches and Polk County can look forward to being shifted. Because of the increase in the minimum wage and a federal government cut in the aid to school lunch programs, school lunch prices in Spartanburg County will increase on Monday. Lunches for students will increase by 5c a day to 60 cents per day for elementary students Continued On Back Page At Tryon Methodist Dr. Robert E. I.air. Jr. Dr. Robert E. Lair. Jr., is the new minister at the Tryon United Methodist Church succeeding the Rev. Everett Freeman who has been assigned to an Asheville church. Dr. Lair, a native of Texas, is a graduate of North Texas State University with a BS in Education, the University of the State of New York with B A and received his B.M and M. Div from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He was a Merrill Fellow at Harvard Divinity School and received his D. Min. from Emory University. He served as a Marine infantry officer and was honorably discharged as a Captain He is a Lt. Col. in the U. S. Army Reserve Chaplain to Basic Infantry Training Brigade He taught high school World History and American Literature and Continued On Back Page Fire Destroys McCarter House A fire gutted the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon McCarter in the Beulah Community Tuesday at 12:15 a m. Answering the call were fire trucks from Mill Spring, Green Creek and Columbus. The fire was put out. but the inside of the house was beyond saving when the firemen arrived. Mr. McCarter was in his chicken house and happened to go outside and discover his house was on fire. The cause of the fire is nol known Another Fire The Columbus Volunteer Firemen were called out Wednesday morning about 8 o'clock to the Inland Gilbert place on Houston Road An outside building was destroyed by fire and damage was done to a camp er trailer, fish equipment, etc that was in the shed. The cause of the fire was not known. This is the fourth fire in four days that the Columbus Firemen have responded to Skiers Stranded In Columbus Tuesday's Spartanburg Herald had an acticle by Lou Parris about a church group Monday from Greenwood. S. C. on their way to the North Carolina mountains to go skiing, running Continued On Back Page Miss Beverly Ashmore Mr. and Mrs. William Greene Ashmore, of Tryon, announce the engagement of their daughter, Beverly Sanders to Lindsey Bev Moore, son of Mr and Mrs Lindsay Fuller Moore, of Jamestown. N C Miss Ashmore is a graduate of Western Carolina University with a BS degree in Business Administration. She is employed by United Airlines, based in Washington. DC Mr Moore, a graduate of Western Carolina University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in design has also studied in England. At present, he is with Frontier Airlines based in Denver. Colorado. A spring wedding is planned In an historic move, the NCAA voted Tuesday in Miami Beach, Fla. to sponsor women's championships in Division I sports