2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon, North Carolina. 28782 Established January 31, 1928 THE WORLD'S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Member: North Carolina Press Assn. (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Seth M Vining, Jr., Editor and Manager The Bulletin Is published Dally except Sat. and Sun. 106 N. Trade St., P. O. Box 790 Tryon, N. C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin * (USPS 643-360) * Phone 859-9151 Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Carolina 10 Pages Today Vol. 53 — No. 2-19 TRYON. N. C. 28782 TUESDAY, JAN. 27,1981 Price 10c Per Cop: Weather Friday: high 53, low 36; Saturday: high 62, low 31; Sunday: high 65, low 25. The weather has been too nice, we need some rainy days The 52 hostages came home Sunday. Their route to West Point. N. Y. from Stewart Airport was lined by thousands of people who welcomed them home. The Thanksgiving Services in the Farwell Garden gave an indication how the people of this community are thankful for the hostages’ release. Tryon Mayor Ken Tucker arranged the service andothers pitched in to help make it a successful occasion. The Oakland Raiders defeated the Philadelphia Eagles 27-10 Sunday in the Super Bowl. Quarterback Jim Plunkett was voted the Most Valuable Player Saluda which is celebrating its 100th Birthday Sunday has been getting some favorable publicity in the metropolitan papers Last Thursday Kays Gary devoted a portion of his column in the Charlotte Observer to Saluda and the Sunday's Spartanburg Herald had a feature article on Saluda. Col. Paul Cullen. Ret., had his picture on the front page of the Friday. Jan. 23rd Waynesville “The Mountaineer." He spoke to Continued On Back Page Junior High Basketball The Campobello-Gramling Invitational Basketball Games are being held January 28th and 29th at the Campobello-Gramling Schools. Schools participating are Landrum Jr. High, Polk Central Jr. High. Campobello-Gramling Jr. High and Tryon Jr. High. The games will be played at 3:30,5:00,6:30 and 8:00. A New Arrival Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Ford of Campobello are parents of a daughter. Rochelle Rae, born Jan. 21st at St Luke's Hospital Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs. Arthur Ford of Campobello. The maternal grandmother is Mrs. Gloria Balge of Michigan Featured One of our readers sent us a clipping from the Citrus Times (Fla I newspaper which had a picture of Jack and Methellean Gosnell and their restaurant “The Lil Abner" at 114 NE U. S. 19 which specializes in serving country ham from North Carolina. Mr. Gosnell formerly owned the Lil Abner and The Willows restaurants in Tryon. According to the article, the restaurant which opened August 4th, has parking on both sides and in the back. It seats 75 persons and has a staff of 13 employees. The restaurant opens daily at 5:30 a.m. and closes at 10 p.m. Thanksgiving Service The Community Service of Thanksgiving for the release of the hostages was held Saturday at 2 p m. in the Farwell Gardens at the rear of the Fine Arts Center. Approximately 300 people attended the short service The Community Choir sang "God of Our Fathers"; Invocation by the Rev. Richard Jackson; Presentation of Flag by Polk County American Legion Post; the National Anthem with Mrs Emma Mackay as soloist; The Pledge of Allegiance led by Boy Scout Andy Voso; Scripture Reading by Dr Darryl Maxwell; "We Gather To Gather to Ask the Lord's Blessing" by Community Choir; Prayer of Thanksgiving by the Rev. James Johnson; Mayor's Resolution by the Hon. Ken Tucker; Moment of Silent Meditation; “My Country, 'Tis of Thee” by everyone; Benediction by Dr. Robert E. Lair, Jr. A copy of the Mayor's Proclomation will be sent to each of the 52 hostages and a tape recording of the service will be sent to the State Department A New Arrival Mr. and Mrs. James Hyder of Landrum are parents of a son. James Alonzo Hyder, Jr., born Jan. 22nd at St Luke’s Hospital The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Otis Powell of Landrum and the paternal grandparents are the late Mr. and Mrs. Grady Hyder of Landrum. Citizenship Week The Tryon Junor Beta Club is having "Citizenship Week” Citizenship is being stressed and speakers are scheduled to talk on citizenship. Today at 9 a m. Mrs Carol Lawrence will be the speaker; Wed. at 10 a m . Joe Claud; Thurs at 11:30, Holland Brady, Jr.; Friday at 10:45 a m John G Landrum. Jr Meets Wednesday The Tryon Mayor's Advisory Committee will meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Hall. Meets Monday The Tryon Central Business District Committee will meet Monday, Feb 2nd, at 7:30 p m at the Town Hall Forest Fire A woods fire burned on the former John Fisher place in the Dug Hill section near the North Carolina-South Carolina line early Sunday morning The first call came in around 5 a m The Greenville County Forest Service brought in a bulldozer and cut a fire break around the fire The Tryon Volunteer Fire Department was on a standby basis in the event the fire spread toward any of the homes in the area Mrs. Earl Carter and Ken Carter have returned from Hazel Green, Ky where they enrolled William Carter in Hazel Green Academy