no-.’ °’- 2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon. North Carolina, 28782 Established January 31, 1928 co^ 5 ’ 11 0 THE WORLD'S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Member: North Carolina Press Assn. (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Seth M Vining, Jr. Editor and Manager The Bulletin Is published Dally except Sat. and Sun. 106 N. Trade St., P. 0. Box 790 Tryon, N. C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin (USPS 643-360) Phone 859 9151 Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Carolina 16 Pages Today Vol .4— No .VI TRYON, N C 28782 WEDNESDAY. APR 15,1981 Price 10c Per Copy Weather Eriday: high 82. low 49; Saturday: high 82. low 56; Sunday: high85. low 56; Monday: high 88, low 58 Rain at 7 a m. Tuesday was .09. Cool weather came after the showers The Charlotte Observer won the 1981 Pulitzer Prize on Monday for meritorious public service for its series "Brown Lung: A Case of Deadly Neglect." In Febniary 1980. The Observer published 22 articles and 8 editorials detailing the failure of public officials, businesses and doctors to deal with brown lung Worried that support for the president's economic program may be falling apart. White House officials and administration loyalists have launched a massive publicity campaign aimed at winning over Congress. The American diplomats formerly held hostage in Iran were cited Monday for exceptional bravery as they were presented the State Department's Award for Valor by Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig, Jr The Polk County Animal Protection Society invites members and potential members to a meeting Friday at 3 p.m. (Continued On Back Page) Commissioners Meet Tuesday The Polk County Commissioners will meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Columbus Town Hall due to Monday being a holiday. Columbus Presbyterian The Columbus Presbyterian Church will have a Maundy Thursday service at 7:30 p.m. The Choir shall lead with special music and the minister, the Rev R. D Bradham will lead in a meditation. "The Confidence of Christ.” The public is invited AARP Meets Tues., April 21 The Polk County Chapter No 21821NRTA-AARP) will meet Tuesday, April 21st at 2 p m at the Meeting Place. The guest speaker will be Mrs. J Frank Mitchell of Landrum Mrs. Mitchell, a retired missionary, spent 37 years in Chile teaching in the Baptist School as well as working in various parts of the country. Refreshments will be served in the dining room after the meeting. Guests and visitors are welcome. Gaut-Pruette Associates and Town & Country -Knoblock were the Realtors that sold the Charles Green house to the Bruce Palmers Town of Tryon Considering Annexation Monday night at the Town of Tryon meeting, the Board of Commissioners approved a resolution stating intent of the Town of Tryon to consider annexation The areas under question are the following: 1. South to the State line; 2. Gillette Woods area; 3. Country Club Heights area; 4 to Pacolet River including Harmon Field, Tryon High School to the Lynn bridge; 5. Out Wilderness Road area; 6. Out New Market Road to Ridge Road Each property owner under consideration will be notified by mail of this intent. There is a map on file at the Town Hall describing these areas under consideration There will be a series of public hearings which will be held May 18-22. The public hearings will be held section by section. The Board will then take action within 60 days of the hearings by local ordinance. There are some 225 parcels of land in the area with an estimat ed property value of $11,000,000 and an estimated 500 people. It is estimated that lower insurance, lower water rates and city services would more than offset city taxes. In other action the Council presented certificates to Tryon High School Boys Varsity Basketball Team for their 21-4 record and finishing 2nd in the (Continued On Back Page) Closed Monday The Tryon Tryon Hall will be closed Monday, but there WILL be garbage collection as usual. Student Art Competition The Hendersonville Art Museum Group is sponsoring its Second Annual High School Student Art Competition commencing April 15 through April 30. The show is being judged by Ed Ritts, new Director of the Asheville Art Museum, with achievement awards and cash prizes, to be awarded at the reception for the exhibit on April 15, 1981 at 7:30 in the Henderson County Public Library. The exhibit will be in the auditorium room of the Henderson County Public Library during normal library hours and the public is invited to review the exhibit and attend the reception. Spartanburg Beats Landrum 16-8 Spartanburg baseball team defeated Landrum 16 to 8 Monday at Landrum. Spartanburg took the lead in the 4th with a 5 run rally. Spartanburg 201 051 0 6 - 16 Landrum 002 311 - 1 - 8 Stewart, Sellars and Hood; Pruitt and Tucker. Read The Bulletin For Local News