^Y » 0 ' S' 31 □ bU^ 3 2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon, North Carolina, 28782 Established January 31, 1928 THE WORLD'S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Member: North Carolina Press Assn. (Consolidated with the Polk County Nows 1955) Seth M. Vining, Jr., Editor and Manager The Bulletin Is P u “’ ll, I'* d Dally except Sat. and ■ 106 N. Trade St., P. 0. Box 790 Tryon, N. C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin * (DSPS 643-360) * Phone 859-9151 Vol 54 ^W TRYON, N. C. 28782 Weather Tuesday: high 88, low 65, humidity 50%. Wednesday morning was cloudy but unfortunately no rain. Dr. Terry Staggs reports that a rabid bat was found in Pacolet, S. C. He suggests that everyone make sure that their animals are vaccinated for rabies. Dr Paul C. Bucy reports that John G. Landrum, Jr. is getting along fine and is responding to treatment. Mr. Landrum will have to be in the hospital a little longer, but should be home before long. The nation’s airlines, faced with long-term flight restrictions, are adjusting to the air traffic controller strike by cutting the frequency of service, laying off 10,000 workers so far and using larger planes where possible. The merger of Piedmont Federal Savings and Loan Association of Spartanburg anc First Federal Savings and Loan Association of South Carolina was announced Tuesday. The action requires final approval by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board in Washington and is expected to take effect by Jan 1st. The Mediterranean fruit fly keeps cropping out in different Continued On Back Page Prlntod In tho THERMAL BELT ol Wettom North Carolina Rockettes Were 2nd In Tourney The Rockettes Softball team of Tryon was second in the Chellys Stockman Benefit Softball Tournament held Aug. 21, 22, and 23 in Greenville. Lawana Littlejohn won the two Home Run Trophies — one for the most home runs for the first round and one for the most home runs during the tournament. Named to the All Tournament team wert Elaine Wilkins, pitcher and Brenda Hurth, short stop. The Rockettes will participate in the State Playoffs at Landis The coaches are Cleo Booker and Jim Twitty. Celebrate Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. William R Davis, of Green Creek, were honored with a dinner party, August 22, at the Hejaz Country Club, Mauldin, S. C. celebrating their 21st wedding anniversary. Attending were Mr and Mrs. Stan Bitting, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Carson Deck of Green Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Clayton, Forest City, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Powell of Spartanburg, S. C. Tryon Scrimmage Friday At 7:30 The Tryon High School Tigers under Coach Elmo Neal will have a scrimmage Friday at 7:30 with Blue Ridge High School at Harmon Field. ■WEDNESDAY, FEB. 25,11981 Running For Office In Landrum The Landrum Municipal Election will be held November 3rd. Offices to be filled will be two council seats and the office of mayor. Citizens of Landrum have until Sept. 18th to turn in their signed petitions and paying their filing fee. The filing fee for mayor is $50 and for council is $25. The Council seats open are held by Ray Mayfield and the one vacated recently by Calvin Whiteside. Presently there are two petitions being circulated for mayor. Mayor Dever Little is circulating a petition for re- election and former mayor Bob Cogdell is also circulating a petition, Alfard Mullins, owner of Landrum Cleaners, is curculating a petition for one of the council seats. Miss Joyce Payne and Miss Patricia Payne have been visiting their parents, Mr and Mrs. Alfred Payne of Newmarket Road, Tryon. Joyce has returned to Harvard Law School for her second year, and Patricia has entered the University of Kentucky at Lexington to study for her Master of Economics Degree. Scott Arledge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Arledge of Sunny View, has entered Western Carolina University at Cullowhee where he is a freshman. - / 20 Pages Today ( Price 10c Per Copy Special Meeting For Polk School Bd. The Polk County School Board icld a special meeting Tuesday tight in the Agriculture Conference Room in the Courthouse Annex. The Board accepted the low bid of Biltmore milk for the schools. Biltmore had a bid of 12c for a half pint with an esclator clause of going up or down with the price of milk or 12'ic firm. After a lengthy executive session the Board upon the recommendation of Supt. Ron Singletary approved the hiring of Billy Smothers as a teacher at Polk Central High School. Board members Willie Arledge, Roy Morgan and Charles Tucker were for the motion; Fred Earl Foster was opposed and Phyllis Crain abstained. A New Arrival Mr. and Mrs. John Timothy Jones of Clemson, S C are S™b“,’h r LX Xs a « erna l ^dparents are Mr and Mrs. Eugene Jones of Tryon a T‘ erand Parents are Mr and Mrs. Andy Newton , Central, S. C. Maternal great grandparents are Mr and M Merrill Morris of Cent^ S ^' and maternal Gr „ n( „ grandmother is Mrs 1 rM at ’ of Central. Morris Lindsey has a two sister, Jessica. year old