11 nov 0^ coLuubus. « c ST- 87 22 2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon, North Carolina, 28782 Established January 31, 1928 THE WORLD'S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Member: North Carolina Press Assn. (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Seth M. Vining. Jr., Editor and Manager The Bulletin Is published Daily except Sat. and Sun. 106 N. Trade St., P. 0. Box 790 Tryon, N. C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin * (USPS643-360) * Printed In the THERMAL BEL T of Western North Corollno Phone8599l5l 12 Pa^es Today Vol. 55 — No. 15 TRYON. N. C. 28782 FRIDAY, FEB. 19.1982 Price 10c Per Copy Weather Wednesday: high 67, low 52, hum. 78%, rain at 7 a m. Thursday was .82. Thus far we have had 8" of precipitation this month. The finals in the Appalachian Conference Basketball tournament are Saturday at Cherokee. The JV finals are at 5 pm., the girls at 6:30 p m. and the boys at 8 p.m The weather has been unusual this week. It has been warm enough to be spring and Wednesday there was lightning and in some spots hail was reported The nation's industrial output plunged 3 percent last month, matching the biggest decline in seven years and providing convincing evidence that the recession is deepening, new government figures Indicated Wednesday. Nevertheless, analysts inside and outside government still say the economy should pick up somewhat by late spring. The Landrum High School P.T.S.A will meet Monday at 7:30 p.m at the high school. The 4-H Volunteer Recognition dinner will be held Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the 4-H and Youth Continued On Back Page A New Arrival Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Petty (Kim Prevost) of Landrum, are the parents of a baby girl, Susan Stewart, born February 17th at Mary Black Hospital. Paternal grandparents are Mrs. J. L. Petty, II and the late Mr. Petty of Landrum, maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Milton E. Prevost of Southport, N. C. and the maternal great- grandmother is Mrs. Henrietta S Prevost of Tryon. Franklin Williams Is Fireman Of The Year The Tryon Firemen's Ladies Night was held Wednesday night at the Tryon Fire Department Hall. Franklin Williams was named the "Fireman of the Year." His award was presented by County Commissioner Paul Butler Chief Clarence Scoggins presented Billy Wall the "Service Award." On behalf of the Tryon Firemen, Chief Scoggins also presented an award to Mrs. Raye Dusenbury. president of the Firemen's Auxiliary for the Service she had rendered. Presented 25 Year Service Pins were Roy Williams, Jim Cowan, Robert Earl Arledge and Carroll Scoggins. Heart Sunday Two more heart canvassers on Sunday, Feb. 21 are Ethan Baker and George Nelson. Engaged Miss Debbie R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Smith of Spartanburg, SC. have announced the engagement of their daughter, Debbie R to Michael L Sprouse, son of Mr and Mrs. Ronald Sprouse of Tryon. Miss Smith is an administrative assistant with the Union Home Loan Corporation of South Carolina She is a graduate of Spartanburg High School Mr Sprouse is a senior at N C State University He is a graduate of Tryon High Shcool and Montreat-Anderson Junior College. He is a member of the N.C. State University baseball team The wedding is planned in May It’s 859-6883 The phone number for the ree tax assistance for the elderly is 859-6883 Tryon Council Votes To Annex Proposed Area The Tryon Town Council voted unanimously Wednesday night to annex the proposed annexation areas. The motion was made bv Melvin Phillips and seconded hv Ellis Fincher. Ace Rickenbacker joined them in voting for the motion. L This action came after about an hour of questions from a num^ of those present as to reliability of the Town's on the cost of extending nA pick up and police prot^™, g e the annexed areas. l *°n to The annexed areas will k be surveyed and desert' 0 metes and bounds residents now and in , hat will know where the ■? ' Ulur e are located. limits The "S.O.S.’' Suburbs) has indicated O ur will take the matterm 1 they keep from being annexe,r OUrt to Town citato the There were 26 Wednesday night at the A^nt -A mecti ng. Democrat Wo men Meet Monday n The Democrat w meet Monday, Feb Will courtroom of the p ^ in Ik 7:30 pm JaelA'rihoA^ Family Counselor®