P °^ LiDsnr . ..... 11 noy C ^IO.’J3U3 3T - 0 22722 0 2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon, North Carolina. 28782 Established January 31. 1928 THE WORLD’S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Founded Jan. 31.1928 by Seth M. Vining (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Jeffrey A. Byrd. Editor and Publisher The Bulletin Is published Daily except Sat. and Sun. 106 N. Trade St., P. 0. Box 790 Tryon. N. C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin (USPS 643-360) Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Carolina Phone 859-9151 Vol. 62 — No. 231 TRYON. N C.28782 WEDNESDAY. JAN. 3.1990 16 Pages Today 20( Per Copy We 57% saturday: high 57, 24 hum ' 80% precipitation 10 w 42. hum. 80^P 431 hum . 01: Sunday h'Rh f’ 0 , Monday: « 7 ‘- «w 35. hum. 64%; hi ^ h 62 ’» nn 1 41 For December precipice” ion was } 07 and the the precip'ta 1 nlb er is 5 16 average for " tio n to date. Inches. A^rage to date 64 83 65 27; Average surplus of .44 inches ’!?/uninjured American The first Panama combat troops to ^ Kelly A1I . arrived ^ Antonio. Texas. nnwl M''"’" rBowl: Southern * t ohi°b ta ^^pBowI Wolverine F rhe P° lk ^basketball teams ^ “"a g g°° d t^TU ^^ ^^ 5 ^ , ” 80 Join Effort To Buy Red Fox The members and friends of the Red Eox Country Club who are seeking to purchase the properties and convert them to a member-owned club were 80- strong by Dec. 30, according to Gen. Harry Evans. Evans is a director on the interim board of the proposed new club, to be named The Club at Red Fox. The board has set a goal of signing up at least 150 members by Jan 8 in order to go forward with the effort to buy the now- bankrupt club. Over .. 800 invitations to join the new member-owned club were mailed out Dec. 16,1989. An early canvass of those who received invitations points to the possibl.ty of 200 charter members, according to the membership committee. Memberships are $5,300 with no initiation fee. If the effort not successful, the escrowed money will be returned board has slated. Membership fees after the Jan B cut off are proposed to increase to M.000 with a $2,000 init^ ^ 7^ B “ nkru P^y Court has scheduled a hearing i n Charlotte on Jan 8 at which time it ! expected that the North 5 Federal Savings and bank which holds a $2 R first mortgage on the pro™ " 0n will foreclose. Arlies, The current owner of t he club Continued On BackPa Rc Thailand Honors Dr. Paul C. Bucy December 15th Dr. Paul C. Bucy of Tryon was named First Honorary Membership of the Neurosurgical Association of Thailand. The following Citation in Absentia was given on Professor Paul C. Bucy: “Mr. President. Professor Sugita, Chairman of The Organizing Committee, Ladies and Gentlemen; “Professor Paul C. Bucy is internationally known as one of the most famous neurosurgeons who devotes his life to promoting modern neurosugical practice, especially in developing countries. He used to travel to several countries all over the world, exploring by himself neurosurgical status in those countries. Professor Bucy would then proceed to help improve their standard of neurosurgery either by admitting young surgeons into training programs under his own supervision, or by participating in local neurosurgical teaching himself. “Thailand was one of those countries. In 1958. during his first visit to the Kingdom, as honored guest of Professor Udom Poshakrishana, “The Thai Father of Neurosurgery,’’ Professor Bucy immediately realised the need for rapid development and standardisation of neurosurgery in Thailand “According, from 1959 onwards, several young Thai surgeons were accepted into Continued On Back Page Plane Crash Lands Saturday at 5:45 p.m. at 4- seated Piper Plane crash-landed in the Collinsville Road area of Green Creek about 1 mile South of No. 9 The pilot. Carol Jennings of Spartanburg was not injured. She reported to the Sheriff’s Dept, that she was lost in the fog and decided to put it down in a field. The plane was owned by Burion Martin of Spartanburg Home Egged Early Friday morning (shortly after midnight Thursday), the home of Chris Johnson on Laurel Way, Tryon received considerable damage. Two or more vandals showered the house with 5 to 6 dozen eggs. Tryon Police who investigated the incident, found five empty egg cartons on the street in front of the house. The origin of the eggs was traced to a local store and the clerk recalled selling three dozen eggs each to two while males in their late teens. She also gave physical description of the suspects. The investigation is continuing In November vandals damaged or destroyed a number of mail boxes in the Gillette Woods area. Mr and Mrs James H Davis spent Christmas with their son and his family, the James B F Davises in Southfield, Mich They were joined by their daughter. Tamar Held and granddaughter, Robyn, of Los Angeles. Calif