90 POLK LIBRAS RT- ^ " H c COLUUBUS, U C 11 nov ER ST- 23722 2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon, North Carolina, 28782 Established January 31, 1928 THE WORLD'S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Founded Jan. 31.1928 by Seth M. Vining (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Jeffrey A. Byrd. Editor and Publisher The Bulletin Is published Dally except Sal. and Sun. 106 N. Trade St., P. O. Box 790 Tryon, N. C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin * (USPS643-360) * Phone 859-9151 Printed In the THERMAL BELT ol Western North Caroline Vol 62 — No 250 TRYON, N. C. 28782 FRIDAY. JAN. 26. 1990 26 Pages Today 20C Per Copy Weather Wednesday: high 58. low 45. hum. 85% At 7 a m Thurs the rain was 1.75 inches President Bush is preparing to propose an aid program for Panama totaling more than $1 billion to help the country re cover from recent warfare and long years of corrupt military rule, a U.S. official said Wednesday night. Iran-Contra arms middleman Richard Secord was placed on probation for two years Wednesday for falsely telling congressional investigators he was unaware any money in the affair had benefited Oliver L North After his sentencing, the retired Air Force major general said "I think former President Reagan has been hiding out; I think it's cowardly." when asked about Reagan's role in the affair The Spartanburg County Council had to scramble Wednesday to block the purchase of a $370 000 downtown office building that had not been discussed or voted on publicly Mr and Mrs Guy Alling, missionaries, will give an illustrated lecture-slide program Saturday at 7 pm at the Congregational Church in Tryon. Long-Range Beautification Plan Unveiled At Tryon Country Club Shown for the first time at the annual meeting held at the Vineyard on Tuesday. Jan 16. was a 4'x6' model of the country club complete with contemplated beautification plans. The long-rang beautification plan was developed by Mary and Robert Gibbs and the model was built by George Finnie. Planning park-like settings is not new to the Gibbs Mary has planned most of the flower beds and shrubbed areas around the Fine Arts Center and Farwell Gardens and Bob. retired from the National Park Service laid out most of the trails at FENCE. TCC is fortunate to have the services of these two talented people Frank Waldenfels, chairman of the memorial and beautification committee reports that work has already begun in clearing under- brush and undersirable growth to bring out the natural beauty with which this famous local golf course is blessed Working to the plan, additional dogwoods, azaleas and other trees and shrubs, as well as permanent bridges over creeks, will be added as time permits. — Reporter Read The Bulletin For Local News Rick Hutcherson Is Missing Richard “Rick" Hutcherson of Austin. Texas has been reported as missing since Tuesday at 4:45 p m. Mr. Hutcherson was flying a helicopter for an oil company and disappeared A large air search is being conducted to locate his plane Mr. Hutcherson flew a helicopter in Vietnman and has been with the oil company for nine years according to his father, Grover Hutcherson of Columbus. He is also the son of Mrs. Ellen Hutcherson of Columbus State Wrestling To Be Held Here Coach Larry Foster said that Polk County will host the State Wrestling Playoffs the week of Feb 19th Democrat Women To Hear Plexico The regular monthly meeting of the Polk County Democrat Women will be held Mon., Jan 29 at 7:30 p m in the Democratic Headquarters, Columbus J Clark Plexico, who has filed for N.C Senator for the 29th District (Western N.C.) will be the speaker Glenn Dedmondt, Polk County school teacher and musician will also present a musical program All women are invited. “Jump Rope For Heart” To Be Feb. in Tryon The “Jump Rope for Heart" competition at the Tryon Elementary School will be held from 3:15-5 p.m on Thursday, Feb. 15. not Feb 8. as previously announced, according to Mrs. Lee Mueller. American Heart Assn director and chairman of the event. On Feb. 15. the public is invited to watch kindergarten through 4th grade students jump rope in the “MAP area" of the school enclave or observe the Sth through 8th graders' competition in the gymnasium "We'll have a briefing meeting with the kids on Tuesday morning. Feb 6th," Mrs Mueller noted "They'll get their rules, prize lists and envelopes to sign up sponsor-contributors then So. with their parents' written permission, they'll be out soliciting friends and neighbors to sponsor their rope-jumping activities from Feb 6th through the 14th." she explained. Funds raised by the heart- healthy annual rope jump fete go to the Polk County Chapter of the American Heart Association to help in its annual campaign to raise more than $20,000 for research and public education on cardiovascular disease. — Reporter Cantaloupe, honeydew, casaba, Per sian and Odessa are all varieties ol the muskmelon. Their differences are the result ol cultivation in differ ent regions of the world.