no’* 90 2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon, North Carolina. 28782 Established January 31. 1928 yOSS ^’JU^’ JU “ , yUB^ WORLD’S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER C^ Founded Jan. 31.1928 by Seth M. Vining (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Jeffrey A Byrd. Editor and Publisher The Bulletin Is published Daily except Sat. and Sun. 106 N Trade St.. P. 0. Box 790 Tryon, N. C 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin (USPS 643-360) Phone 859-9151 Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Carolina III Pane-. Toda' Vol. 63 — No. 33 TRYON. N C. 28782 MONDAY. MARCH 19.1990 Inc Per Coin Weather Thursday: high 76. low GO. hum. 66% At 7 a.m Friday the precipitation was 07 and it continiued to rain The U.S. Postal Service, which recently announced plans to charge 30 cents for a stamp because it is losing money, spent as much as S10 million on conferences last year, including SlOO-a-person meals and a $12,000 reception, a government study reported Thursday. According to the General Accounting Office the conferences were held at plush resorts in Hawaii. Arizona and Florida — usually during winter months. If the tropical rain forest is felled in the Amazon River basin of South America, the loss of trees would permanently changc- local weather and a sharp decline in area rainfall could, in turn, change the global climate, a study says Tonight at 7 o'clock the Polk County Board of Education will hold a Public Hearing in the Saluda School Auditorium to consider public input on the continuation of the Saluda Special Supplemental School Tax Individuals wishing to speak may sign-up beginning at 6 p m The Polk County Commission- Continued On Back Page Writing Contest Deadline March 31 Deadline for entries to The Upstairs Student Writing Contest for area students in grades 4 to 12 is 2 p m. Saturday. March 31. Entrants are reminded that submissions should be double- spaces. on one side of the page only, and the entrant's name, grade, school, home address and telephone number on the back of the last page of the submission Teachers have the contest rules. — Reporter Photographer Here Tomorrow On Tuesday. March 20 from 2-7 pm a photographer from Enterpress Studio's will be at Miss Marion’s School of Dance in Landrum taking pictures of children to appear in the Tryon Bulletin at a later date. Each child photographed will be used in a feature article Group pictures may also be taken, but only children photos will be used in feature articles According to an ad there is no charge and no one will be obligated to buy anything, although photos will be available for purchase For more information or to make an appointment please call Joyce Jones at 457-2607 after 6 pm Read The Bulletin For Local News Heads Red Cross Canvassing Porter Morgan is heading the canvassing of industry and business in the 1990 Red Cross Fund Drive in Polk County He reports that contributions are coming in nicely at the half- way mark of the month-long drive The Polk County Red Cross fund drive extends through March. Red Cross month Morgan stated that 80 percent of the contributions collected locally will stay in the county — being used for disaster relief, blood bank, safety instruction, youth programs, the Oteen VA hospital and military families. Over 100 volunteers are participating in the canvassing. — Reporter Communication an Open Letter To Parents: Tryon Elementary’s parent seminars have been rescheduled for March 20. March 27 and April 3. On March 20 - Gordon Schneider — Director of Mental Health for Polk County will do the first seminar on "Building Self- Confidence in your Child and Improved Communication Skills "7 p.m. Library- On March 27 — Dr John Carter. Jr. M.D. — Child Psychiatrist of the Polk Mental Health staff will conduct the second seminar on "Solving Family Conflicts with Love and Limits."7p.m. Library Stan Bayne — Drug Prevention Specialist with Polk Mental Health will conduct the third session on "Talking with Your Child About Drugs." 7 p.m. Library I look forward to seeing all of you at the seminars. I'm sure you will benefit from the expertise offered by these mental health professionals. Sincerely. Lynette R. Willis Tryon Elementary School To Go To Washington And New York The seniors of Landrum High School will leave Wednesday night for their Senior Trip to Washington. D.C. and New York City, N. Y. They will return on Monday. March 26.