90 11 r.o' co^ 3 ’ * C 2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon. North Carolina, 28782 Established January 31, 1928 THE WORLD'S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Founded Jan. 31.1928 by Seth M. Vining (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Jeffrey A Byrd. Editor and Publisher The Bulletin Is published Dally except Sat. and Sun. 106 N. Trade St., P. 0. Box 790 Tryon. N. C 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin * (USPS643-360) ^ Phone 859 9151 Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Carolina 20 Pages Today Vol 63 - No. 58 TRYON. N. C 28782 MONDAY. APRIL 23, 1990 ST Per Copy Weather Thursday: high 66, low32. hum. 42%. The Kremlin tightened its economic squeeze Thursday on Lithuania by shutting off more than 80 percent of the Baltic republic’s gas supply, following a complete cutoff of oil the previous night Hendersonville leads the 1A schools in the Wachovia Cup competition after the Winter Sports with 265 points After Hendersonville came; 2 Manteo 212.5. 3. Murphy 202.5. 4. Lejeune 195, 5. Dixon 172.5, 6. Currituck 142.5.7. Polk County 140. 8. Swain and North Moore 125. 10. East Wilkes 112.5 All schools that finish in the top eight positions in the state are awarded points Five points are awarded for each sanctioned sport in which a school competes Tryon Elementary School’s “Environmentally Yours" art exhibit opened Saturday at The Upstairs Gallery in Tryon. It will continue this week The students created trash sculptures and other eye-opening art works. Today is the last day to buy tickets for the Spring 4-H Supper Friday from 5 to 7 p.m. Take-out plates are available according to Continued On Back Page Red Cross Makes Goal Jean Stratford, executive director of the Polk County Chapter of the American Red Cross has announced that the 1990 annual fund drive reached its goal of $18,000 "This means that we will be able to continue to provide all of our Red Cross services in the year to come." she said Mrs. Stratford thanked all of the area citizens, organizations and businesses which contributed to the successful fund drive. "Our special thanks go to fund drive chairperson Connie Glassman and the over 100 dedicated volunteer canvassers who gave unselfishly of their time and energy during March. Red Cross month,” she said "The fine community spirit of these volunteers sets a good example for all of us here in Polk County." Artists At O.P. Earle Two Ar ts-1n-Education residences have been scheduled for 0 P. Earle Elementary School in Landrum. Chuck Sullivan, a poet and writer, will visit the school from May 7 to 11. Steve Harris, a clown and mime, will visit from May 21 to June 1 The Arts-1 n - Education program is coordinated by the Spartanburg Arts Council, with the assistance of the S C. Arts Commission Follow the Yellow Brick Road / “You may not recognize him at first glance - you may think it’s Sam Doar shown in the picture above. It’s really the Cowardly Lion! He’s hiding behind Sam and he sounds like Sam but speaks softly - it's the Lion and he scares easily. Come and see for yourself. Fine Arts Theatre on May 18. 19, and 20 Have a great time and help the Rotary Scholarship Program, now in its seventeenth year helping educate local graduates - Reporter Tryon Lions Meet Tuesday The Tryon Lions Club will meet Tuesday at 7 p m. at the Western Steer in Columbus. G. L Pace, Jr will be in charge of the program Radio Club The Thermal Belt Amateur Radio Club will meet at noon on Wednesday, April 25 at the Western Steer on 108 in Columbus. New officers will be appointed for the remainder of the year. All members as well as those interested in Ham Radio are encouratged to attend. The TBARC net is held on Mondays starting at 7:30 PM using the Inman repeater on 145.150 MHz Hams in the area are asked to participate in this important emergency communications program May Fair Saturday, May 19th is May Fair Day to be held at the Church of Saint John in the Wilderness in Flat Rock. The May Fair is a biennial fund-raising event of the Episcopal Church Women. From 10 a m. until 4 p m. a variety of handsewn articles, wooden items, practical and ornamental crafts, flowers, garden ornaments and utensils, jewelry, children's toys and games, baked goods and many more attractive items will be for sale. Correction The new officers of the Polk County Jaycees will serve until April 30, 1991 Also director Yvonne Spier's name was misspelled.