90 POLK LIBRARY 204 COLUMBUS, 11 0 2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon. North Carolina, 28782 Established January 31, 1928 THE WORLD'S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Founded Jan 31. 1928 by Seth M. Vining (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Jeffrey A. Byrd, Editor and Publisher The Bulletin is published Daily except Sat. and Sun. 106 N. Trade St., P. 0. Box 790 Tryon, N. C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin (USPS 643-360) * Phone 859-9151 Vol. 63 — No. 106 The weather Thursday: high 92, low 61, hum. 56 percent. The U.S. Justice Department was to rule today whether or not Spartanburg County’s single- member district election plan violates the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Under the plan approved by voters in a March 12 referendum, six council members would be elected from six districts and the council chairman would run countywide. The Spartanburg NAACP has opposed the plan because of the provision for the countywide election of the chairman. Spartanburg County taxpayers do not face a tax increase, but landfill fees will increase from $7.50 to $10, and ambulance rides will cost $125 instead of $100, under the county's approved budget. Henderson County lowered its tax rate 13 cents in its approved budget, but the board chairman estimates 99 percent of county homeowners will pay between 15 and 20 precent more taxes after the recent property revaluations are figured in. Approximately 200 WestPoint Pepperell employees in Tuxedo Continued On Back Page Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Carolina TRYON. N. C. 28782 Ed Britton Named Rotarian of the Year At the annual banquet of Thermal Belt Rotary Club held on June 25th at Tryon Country Club, Edward H. Britton, Jr. of White Oak Lane in Tryon was named Rotarian of the Year David Paff in making the presentation gave credit to Ed Britton for organizing and serving as the first President of Thermal Belt Rotary for the past 18 months and for recruiting many of Thermal Belt Rotary’s present members. Brittonis co- owner with his son Chuck of C&E Home Improvements and is also co-owner of the new Ace Hardware store being built on Hwy. 108 in Lynn. Rotary District Governor Ray G. (Gary) Corne attended the meeting and spoke to the Rotarians and guests present He cited Ed Britton for having 18 years of perfect attendance in various Rotary Clubs. Fred Haas was also given credit for having one year of perfect attendance in Thermal Belt Rotary. District Gov. Corne was also given the honor of installing the following new officers and directors for the 1990-91 year: President, David Paff; President-Elect, Fred Haas; Sec., Ed Britton; Treas., Steve Strickland and directors Sandy Paff, David Cotty and Anne Crowell. The four main fund raising projects for the past year were reviewed by past president Continued On Back Page MONDAY, JULY 2,1990 John Hood To Speak At Tryon Rotary The program for Tryon Rotary Club on Monday, July 9, at the Vineyard Restaurant will be presented by John M. Hood of the John Locke Foundation. His subject will be “State Government and the Role of Experts.” Mr. Hood is director of publications and research for the John Locke Foundation, a public policy think tank based in Raleigh, North Carolina, that examines state and local policies from a free market, limited government perspective. In this capacity, Hood edits a monthly newsletter, “Carolina Issues”, edits and frequently writes a weekly column, “Carolina Beat,” which is distributed to 200 newspapers across the state; and manages the Foundation’s research program, which issues Continued On Back Page 20 Pages Today Joe Per (opx Commissioners Meet Tuesday The Polk County Board of Commissioners will meet Tuesday to revisit — yet again — the two most controversial portions of their 1990-91 budget. Although the budget was passed June 18, both the school budget and the landfill budget are still in limbo. Clerk of Court Judge Arledge will hold an arbitration meeting with the Board of Education and Board of Commissioners at 10 a m. tomorrow to try to resolve the school budget stand-off. Prior to that, at 9 a m , the board will meet to discuss the landfill budget after learning last week that the flat-fee method of raising landfill revenues may be unconstitutional. The board had decided to charge homeowners $25, businesses $100, and industries $200. These charges were to be placed or tax bills. But County Manager Steven D. Wyatt instructed the tax office to go ahead and mail the tax bills without including the fees last week after hearing from Sen Bob Carpenter that the fees may not be legally enforceable. Wyatt and County Solid Waste Manager David Draughn were working on alternative plans, primarily plans which would charge users of the landfill based on usage Read The Bulletin For Local News