2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon, North Carolina, 20782 Established January 31, 1928 FOLK Ri. 204 COLUMBUS, « ^ 11 nov .KER ST. 28722 90 THE WORLD'S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Founded Jan 31.1928 by Seth M. Vining (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Jeffrey A. Byrd, Editor and Publisher The Bulletin is published Daily except Sat. and Sun. 106 N. Trade St., P. 0. Box 790 Tryon, N. C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin * (USPS 643-360) * Phone 859 9151 Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Carolina 16 Pages Today Vol. 63 — No. 156 TRYON. N C 28782 TUESDAY, SEPT. 11.1990 20C Per Copy The weekend weather: Friday, high 94, low 66, hum. 72 percent; Saturday, high 91, low 70, hum. 78 percent; Sunday, high 83, low 70, hum. 73 percent. Rainfall equalled .23 inches on Sunday and by 7 a m. Monday another .06 inches had fallen The Landrum Town Council meets tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Landrum Town Hall. The Polk County Planning Commission meets Thursday night in the courthouse courtroom at 7:30 p.m. Cleaning out the In Basket: Phyllis Cochrane of Hobe Sound, Fla., and a former nine- year resident of Tryon, sent an article on rising movie ticket prices from the Christian Science Monitor recently. Mast of the cost of a ticket, $5.40 out of a $6 admission price, for instance, goes to the film company, which is paying exhorbitant star salaries, the story says Cochrane said most movies today are mde for teenagers, a clientele which does not overwhelm the Tryon Theater. Mrs. Sarah A. Rickard of Greenville. S.C. recently sent a copy of a May, 1937 Bulletin On the back is an advertisement for Continued On Back Page Annual Crop Walk The Annual C. W. Farrar Memorial Crop Walk is to be held on Sunday afternoon, October 21, 2:30, 1990. The six-mile walk will begin and end at First Baptist Church on Rutherford Street in Landrum. CROP is the name given to local community hunger education and fund raising events sponsored by Church World Services. Volunteer recruiters are needed from every church, school, Scouts, or any other organization that would desire to participate in the Landrum- Tryon area. Each walker will be given a Walker’s Sponsored Record Envelope by the recruiter to keep a record of donations by the sponsors These donations may be given to the Hunger Relief Agency of your own denomination. Sponsoring group of the Annual C. W. Farrar Memorial CROP walk is the Landrum Ministerial Association. Rev. Tom Wilkes, pastor of the Landrum United Methodist Church is president of the Landrum Ministerial Association. Contact person for this event is Ruth Farrar who is the CROP walk coordinator in the Landrum-Tryon area. Anyone willing to serve as a recruiter is requested to make this known to your minister. — Reporter q LANIER. LIBRARY] The Lanier Library sponsors the Great Books programs in Tryon and welcomes anyone interested in joining a new group to check in at the front desk of the Library. A few more names are needed to make the group take off. Sign up or call in today! Buy Home Ms. Mary Colby and Ms. Betty Daugherty recently purchased the Albert Dell home on Grady Avenue in Tryon They plan to remodel the home in the future. Myrna Viehman of First Real Estate handled the sale and transaction and Anson Merrick was the listing agent. Shag Lessons The Landrum Recreation Center, a division of the Spartanburg County Parks and Recreation Department is offering a class in Shag Lessons to be held at 0. P. Earle School. Landrum, starting on Wed , Sept. 26. Intermediate at 6:30 p.m and beginner at 7:30 and lasting 6 weeks Class instructors will be Peggy Leonard and Judy Smith. To register call 457-4244 Registration deadline is Friday, September 21st New Arrival Randall and Pam Poman (Pam Reynolds) of Forest City, are parents of a daughter. Erica Kristen, born Aug. 29 at Rutherfordton Hospital Paternal grandparents are Stanley and Jean Poman of Peyton. Col. and Eddie and Pat Loar of Gaffney, S.C Maternal grandparents are Ray and Ann Grigg of Landrum. Maternal great-grandmother is Margaret Reynolds of Columbus New Arrival Mr. and Mrs Dennis Wall of Mytle Beach, S.C. are parents of a daughter. Sarah Elizabeth, born Sept. 3 at Myrtle Beach. She weighed 7 lbs. 11 ozs and is 19 inches long. Paternal grandparents are Mrs. Mary Wall of Tryon and the late Calvin Wall Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs. Michael Mousaw of Neptune, N.J. LHS Class Of ’75 Landrum High School Class of 1975 will have their 15th year reunion Saturday, September 29 Call 859-9892, 457-4815, or 457-4742 for information To Meet Sept. 18 The Beautification and Appearance Commission will meet at 5 p.m., Tuesday, Sept lit in the conference room of the Agriculture Extension Building in Columbus.