POLK LIBRARY 11 nov 91 E'i‘. >, 204 WALKER ST. COLUMBUS, N C 23722 2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon, North Carolina, 28782 Established January 31, 1928 THE WORLD’S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Founded Jan 31.1928 by Seth M. Vining (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Jeffrey A. Byrd, Editor and Publisher The Bulletin is published Daily except Sat. and Sun. 106 N. Trade St., P. O. Box 790 Tryon, N. C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin o' (USPS 643-360) Phone 859-9151 Printed in the THERMAL BELT of Western North Carolina 24 Pages TRYON. N. C. 28782 Vol. 63 — No. 198 The weekend weather: Thursday, high 61, low 39, hum. 68 percent; Friday, high 49, low 38, hum. 90 percent, and 1.33 inches of rain fell; Saturday, high 54, low 39, hum. 65 percent, and 1.89 inches of rain fell; Sunday, high 61, low 40. Tryon’s official weather recorder, Robert Dedmondt, had a heart attack Saturday and is recovering well at St. Luke’s Hospital. The Landrum Town Council meets tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Hall. Tickets are now on sale for the 1990 Christmas Concert of the Tryon Community Chorus. Showtimes will be Dec. 14-16 and all proceeds go to the Rotary Scholarship Fund. There will be a countywide benefit to raise money to help defray the hospital expenses of Harry E. Fox. The program will feature nine performers and will be held at the Tryon Elementary School Auditorium Saturday night at7. The first annual Crafts For Hope sale, featuring over 25 talented crafters, will be held Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Stearns Gym in Columbus. All proceeds will go to benefit Steps to HOPE. Chorus Xmas Concert Tickets Now On Sale Tickets for the 1990 Christmas Concert of the Tryon Community Chorus went on sale to the general public this week via a couponed ad in The Daily Bulletin. The concert, directed by Betty Brewer and produced by George Finnie is entitled “The Many Faces of Christmas” and will be presented on Dec. 14, 15, and 16 in the Tryon Fine Arts Center. Seventy-three contributors to the Chorus of $10 or more each year who have thus become “members of the Tryon Community Chorus, Inc.” on Nov 2 received a special mailed invitation to purchase tickets to the Christmas concert. “This is a good time to remind our supporters that now is a good time to renew their membership in the Chorus, by sending their check for $10 or more to Tryon Community Chorus, PO Box 54, Tryon,” Dr. Wray S. Monroe, Rotary Liaison Officer for the Chorus, advised. “Such contributions are tax-deductible, and help our Rotary Scholarship program as much as ticket purchases. And of course, we plan to continue to offer such contributing members early choice of seats for our future concerts,” he noted. Reporter. The St. Luke’s Hospital Board of Trustees will meet Thursday, Nov. 15 at 6:30 p.m. in the hospital library. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13,1990 200 Per Copy Family Campout At FENCE Here's a sure-fire recipe tor a good time. Take twelve families and friends, one large campfire, plenty of hotdogs and marshmallows, and blend well in a grassy meadow beside a stream. Top it off with a hike through night-time woods, and almost-full moon, and silent mist rising from a pond.' Feeds 21 adults and 22 children. This recipe was tested recently at FENCE’S Fall Family Campout with pleasing results. Half the group enjoyed the evening activities and cookout, then returned home to sleep. The other half spent the night in tents or under the camp shelter and awoke to 40 degree temperatures, a crackling fire, and hot chocolate. For those whose appetites are sufficiently whetted, seconds will be available next fall.— Reporter. Buys Property Roland Williamson of Magnolia, CA, has purchased the Jones home on Shady Lane in Landrum. Retired for over twenty years and a recent widower, Mr. Williams took his transcontinental motor home on a house-hunting jaunt, where he checked out the Ozarks before investigating the wonders of our “Thermal Belt.” His host for our area was John Prass of AM:Realty, whose correspondence had brought him to the Carolinas. The Shady Lane home was listed by Carl Wharton of the Walker Agency, and the sale was handled by John Prass at AM: Realty.