91 c^ow’ 3, " 0 2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon, North Carolina, 28782 Established January 31, 1928 THE WORLD'S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Founded Jan. 31.1928 by Seth M. Vining (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Jeffrey A Byrd. Editor and Publisher The Bulletin Is published Dally except Sat. and Sun. 106 N. Trade St., P. 0. Box 790 Tryon. N. C. 28782 The Tryon Daly Bulletin (USPS643-360) Phone 859-9151 Vol. 63 — No 223 Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Carolina 24 Pages Today TRYON, N.C. 28782 WEDNESDAY,DEC19,1990 ZOtPerCopy The weather Monday: high 56, low 45, hum 83 percent, and by 7 a m. Tuesday .08 inches of rain had fallen. Stott's Ford has set up a collection point for those wishing to help Randy Greene after the recent tragedy in his family. Greene's wife. Pamela, was killed in a car crash Saturday. Dec 8 and his daughter. Kelly, was seriously injured. A moonstruck Jim Jackson reports a rare phenomenon will occur this month • there'll be a Blue Moon That is the second full moon in one calendar month. "On Dec. 31, we will have a Blue Moon." Jackson says. "Is there someone in our midst who can tell us the last time we had a Blue Moon on New Year's Eve? Or. perhaps you can tell us the next time this will happen." The Polk County Historical Museum in Tryon now has VCR tapes available for sale of "Tryon Early On.” and "The Visitor." Call Richard E. Cannon at the museum, 859-2211. for more information. Talk about a heart rending story: the Chicago Tribune recently sent a reporter out to talk with a 71-year-old man who Continued On Back Page County Begins Revaluation Process Polk County Tax Supervisor Clarence Wilson on Monday began the two-year revaluation process which could see taxable values on county property rise by over 25 percent. Although new lax values will not be effective until bills go out in June, 1993, Wilson told the Polk County Board of Commissioners that they must begin their work now. Wilson received permission from the board to solicit bids from contractors interested in gathering the revaluation data. County Attorney It Jay Foster is reviewing the bid specifications now. Wilson said. Polk County has been setting aside $12,500 each year since the last revaluation to pay for the next. Revaluation contractors charge between $12.50 and $13 per parcel. As of Monday, there were 11.541 parcels of land recorded in Polk County. Wilson said the county's savings for revaluation total over $100,000 now. With interest and two more years' savings, he estimates $150,000 will be available for the work - just enough. At least every eight years, all North Carolina counties must update the tax assessments to bring the recorded, taxable value of every property up to current market value The values established during Polk County’s last revaluation in 1985 are now Continued On Back Page Landrum High School Sophomore Featured Ellen Petty. Landrum High School sophomore, has been featured in the 24th Annual Edition of Who's Who Among American High School Students. 1989-1990. High schools across the nation are invited to nominate students who have achieved a “B" grade point average or better and demonstrated leadership in academics, athletics, or extracurricular activities. Five percent of the nation's high school students are honored each year. Ellen is the daughter of Jimbo and Janice Petty of Landrum.—Reporter. Tryon Fire Dept. Christmas Dinner The Tryon Fire Dept. Christmas Dinner will be on Thursday, 6:15 p.m December 20, at Harmon Field Log Cabin All active and retired members are urged to attend. Please bring a covered dish. Tryon Man Cleared, But Accuser Charged The dispute between Charles William Morgan of Tryon and a former partner continues to confound legal authorities. Morgan was arrested on a sworn criminal complaint last February claiming he had attempted to sell stolen property. In July, a Polk County grand jury- dismissed the charges, returning "Not a True Bill" of indictment. Thus, Morgan's case did not go ta court. The Travelers Rest Monitor last week reported in the first of a lengthy, two-part series, that Ron Ayers Jr , one of the persons who swore out the complaint against Morgan, was indicted himself Ayers was reportedly indicted in Rayburn County, Ga. on ten counts of misrepresenting the true ownership of vehicles when applying for registration Ayers, of Greenville, S.C told the Monitor that he was "between a rock and a hard place" after Morgan took the paperwork on the cars. Morgan and Ayers were partners for about 14 months in a business selling antique, "muscle cars, a business which had $2 million in inventory, accor ding to the Monitor. The judge in the civil su j t between the partners told the Monitor, "1 will announce my findings in about two weeks This case was a complicated case with just about every point bei contested by each side." The teaser for the Monitor's Continued On Back Page