coU^ s * 2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon, North Carolina, 28782 Established January 31, 1928 THE WORLD'S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Founded Jan. 31,1928 by Seth M. Vining (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Jeffrey A. Byrd. Editor and Publisher The Bulletin is published Daily except Sat. and Sun. 106 N. Trade St., P. 0. Box 790 Tryon, N. C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin * (USPS 643-360) * Phone 859-9151 Vol. 63 - No,. 226 Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Cerollne TRYON, N. C. 28782 WEDNESDAY. DEC. 26.1990 20 Pages Today 20C Per Copy Landrum Storyhour Landrum Branch Library would like you to welcome in the New Year at Storyhour on Thursday, December 27th. We will read a variety of books. We will enjoy “Un-happy New Year, Emma” by Stevenson, “Haircut for the Woolseys” by De Paola, and “Whose Footprints?" by Yabuuchi. Storyhour for children ages 4 and under will be Thursday from 10 a.m. until 10:20 a.m. Storyhour for ages 4 through 7 begins at 4:30 p.m. — Reporter New Arrival The weather last Thursday: high 50, low 40, hum. 82 percent. By 7 a.m Friday. .3 inches of rain had fallen. The Tryon Rotary Club recently had a very interesting speaker, Patrick Oliver-Kelley of First Biltmore Corp. Oliver- Kelley, a Phi Beta Kappa scholar, is the founder of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. As quarterback for the University of Tennessee, he led his team to the Gator Bowl in 1925. Since that time he attended Princeton University and Robert College in Istanbul, Turkey. He has served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Turkey and been active in investment banking and international finance since 1970. He lived in Europe for 25 years and advised banking institutions throughout Europe, the Middle East and Asia. With that background, he was able to share with the Rotarians some very interesting thoughts on the current Middle East crisis, which we will in turn share with you, thanks to Frank Basler. Oliver-Kelley's comments were too lengthy to share all in one day, we we will excerpt from Continued On Back Page Jerry and Cindy Willis of 185 Horne Rd., Tryon (Green Creek) are parents of a daughter, Elizabeth Maraih, born Dec. 20 at Rutherford Hospital. She weighed 7 lbs. 12 ozs. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Willis of Tryon. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Horne of Green Creek. Local Poet Life without dancing Is like love Without laughter And love without laughter Is like night without day I can’t imagine you Never dancing. I can't imagaine you Being alone. No. I'm not jealous My heart holds no envy I’m happy just knowing How close We have grown. Brenda Cranford Willa Cather Speaks melding, officers and directors of Betty Jean Steinshouer is shown presenting her acclaimed one-woman show "Willa Cather Speaks." before a capacity audience al the Polk County Public Library in Columbus last month She really was Willa Cather, renowned American writer Her style was enchanting. Questions from the audience, resulting in lively exchanges, enhanced her performance. Everyone present agreed that this was an outstanding program, and the hope was expressed that she would return at a future date to present her next play, covering the life of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings. "A Pitcher Full of Cream ” “Willa Cather Speaks." sponsored by the Friends and Staff of the Polk County Public Library, was a feature of the Annual Meeting of the Friends organization Also, during the the Friends were elected for the coming year as follows. Pres Warren Carson; First Vice Pres Glenn Dedmondt. Second Vice Pros -Dale McEntire; Treas Margaret Marchionda; Recording and Corresponding Sec. Duncan Scott: other directors. Marion Houser. Evelyn King. Don Dillemuth. Helen Gumbus. Catherine Feagan Another feature of the meeting was the presentation by Marion Houser, outgoing Pres of the Friends, of a check for S6nn to Barbara Brewer. Library Director, to cover various library projects The pul ic is invited to join the Friends by filling out a membership form at the library. Annual dues are $5 per individual and $7 per family Reporter