co' A)^ 5 ’ 2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon, North Carolina, 28782 Established January 31, 1928 THE WORLD'S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Founded Jan. 31,1928 by Seth M. Vining (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Jeffrey A. Byrd. Editor and Publisher The Bulletin Is published Daily except Sat. and Sun. 106 N. Trade St., P. O. Box 790 Tryon, N. C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin * (USPS 643-360) Phone 859-9151 Vol. 63 — No. 229 Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Carolina TRYON N C. 28782 MONDAY, DECEMBER 31,1990 12 Pages Today 20C Per Copy The weather Thursday: high 38, low 29, hum. 100 percent, and .5 inches of rain had fallen by 7 a.m. The Columbus Town Council will meet at 7:30 Thursday night in the Town Hall. The town recently opened its recylcing center behind the school bus garage and so now joins the list of Polk County communities trying to be more resourceful in the 1990s The Polk County Historical Association Inc. will meet Wednesday, Jan. 2 at 2:30 p.m. at the Stearns Education Center Auditorium. The program, to be presented by Mrs. Phillip (Hilda Storie) Pleasants, is entitled “Reflections and the Present of the Sidney Lanier Home.” It’s almost a New Year, and no matter how trite the expression, I think we all find ourselves making “resolutions,” or expressions of hope for the coming twelve months. I met Al Schattschneider at Owens Pharmacy Friday morning. He commented that it had been a good year for the Tryon Daily Bulletin, and hoped we might have another just as Continued On Back Page Daffy Jills Garden Club The monthly meeting of the Daffy Jills Garden Club will be held Thursday, January 3 at the Tryon Presbyterian Church. The program “Bird Songs” will be presented by ornithologist, Mrs. Kennethy Frederick. — Reporter Travel Adventure Series Begins Jan. 13 For the past eighteen years the Kiwanis Club of Tryon has presented its yearly Travel and Adventure Series, Travelogue. This year, there will be another fine series of four monthly presentations to satisfy the wanderlust during those long winter and early spring months. The professionally photographed series, which includes live narration, is always very well done. To some, the views presented bring back memories of past vacations to distant places. To others, it may be a first glimpse at a future travel destination. While for still others it may be a way of visiting a far off place that would not be possible otherwise. Whatever the reason, we at Kiwanis are proud to bring you the Travel and Adventure Series for 1991. January 13, 1991 Sunday at 2 p.m., “A Journey to Japan” with Woody Thomas. February 17, 1991 Sunday at 2 Continued On Back Page New Officers Review Resolutions At Toastmasters Talk-of-the-Town Toastmast ers Club members will examine their individual New Years Resolutions, and come to some resolve on how to keep these “self-inflicted promises” when they meet Wednesday night, January 2nd at 7 p.m. at the Western Steer Restaurant in Columbus. Leading the extemporaneous discussion will be Table Topicsmaster Dave Slater. Toastmaster for the evening, Peggy Dando, reports that other assignments include: principle speakers Jim Bacovin, Simon Thompson, and Russ Quarles; evaluators Frank Palumbo, Virginia Meador, John Flanagan, and Jeannie Martin; grammarian Steve Strickland; and timer Terrell Ball Deborah Johnson will offer the invocation A new slate of officers has been selected for 1991: President Bill Kuhn, Educational Vice President Russ Quarles, Administrative Vice President John Flanagan, Sect./Treasurer Peggy Dando, and Sergeant-at- arms Steve Strickland. Dave Slater is the immediate past president. Guests and prospective members are always welcome. — Reporter In the photo above are the new officers, left to right: John Flanagan, Russ Quarless, Bill Kuhn, Peggy Dando, Steve Strickland, Dave Slater. — Photo by Ceri Dando No Bulletin Tuesday There wii; be no Tryon Daily Bulletin Tuesday, Jan. 1,1991 and the office will be closed. Read The Bulletin For Local News