POLK LIBRARY il noy 91 COLUMBA 11 c 28722 2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon, North Carolina, 28782 Established January 31, 1928 THE WORLD'S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Founded Jan. 31,1928 by Seth M. Vining (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Jeffrey A. Byrd. Editor and Publisher The Bulletin is published Daily except Sat. and Sun. 106 N. Trade St., P. 0. Box 790 Tryon, N. C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin •^ (USPS 643-360) * Phone 859-9151 Vol. 63 - No. 231 Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Caroline TRYON. N. C. 28782 THURSDAY. JAN. 3,1991 12 Pages Today 20? Per Copy The weather Monday: high 66. low 41. hum. 50 percent and .4 inches of rainfall: Tuesday, high 50. low 28. hum. 68 percent. The year 1990 wound up wetter than usual, with a surplus of 8.4 inches of rain over the average. In December. 4.78 inches of rain fell, as compared to an average of 5.16. For the year. 72.88 inches of rain fell. In all the reporting on the Christmas season sales, no one reported on the wear and tear the season look on sales clerks. You know that phrase. “The customer is always right." Isn't that one the boss made up for the employees who had to grit their teeth after dealing with unreasonable, impossible people? Sure, the customer is always right. And it never rains in Guatemala. A more honest, yet service- oriented maxim might be. “At XYZ Company, we always try to make it right for the customer." And on that score, you win some, you lose some. (There are just some people who come looking fora fight.) At 78. Perry Como is still singing, and is still relaxed. That's the Cox News Service Continued On Back Page Turner-Yaggie Miss Diana Lynn Turner of Columbus and Robert Francis Yaggie of Spartanburg. S. C have announced their plans to be married on May 18th. Miss Turner is the grand daughter of Mrs. Ruth Rose of Tryon. She is a 1989 graduate of Polk Central High School and is employed as a technical clerk with Lockwood Green Engineers in Spartanburg Mr Yaggie is the son of Robert D. Yaggie of Spartanburg and Ruby Yaggie of Inman. S. C. He is a 1987 graduate of Boiling Springs High School and is a senior at Clemson University where he is majoring in computer science. The wedding will take place at Mill Spring Baptist Church. Bread Making Class The Polk County Home Economics Extension Service will sponsor a Breadmaking Class. It will be Thursday. Jan 17 at 7 pm. at the Agricultural Extension Conference Room. The instructors will be Emme Pebler and Joan Schairer. The cost of the class is S2 and must be paid in the Extension office by Wed.. Jan 16 If you have any questions, please call Eloise Johnson at 894-8218 Funeral Date Changed The Benjamin Franklin Foster funeral will be held Friday. Jan. 4 at 3 pm. not today, as previously reported. Massive Boulder Drops On Hwy. 176 It just couldn't hold on much into the new year. A boulder the size of a Mack Truck cracked off the side of Warrior Mountain just below Melrose Junction Jan. 2 and rutted a hole through the blacktop of Hwy. 176 — and three feet into the earth below Itself planted in the northbound lane, it cracked again, dropping a sister boulder half its size onto southbound lane. No one was hurt. The road will likely be closed until Monday County Emergency Management Chief Jim Cochran said Highway workers will spend the next two or three days drilling and blasting the 20-feet tall. 37- foot long stone and its sister into moveable bits. County Foreman D. B. Watkins (picturedstanding Continued On Back Page 911 Service Data Forms Out Final preparation are underway for Polk County s new Enhanced 9-1-1- emergency telephone service scheduled to begin in February. A data collection form is being mailed to the address of record for each telephone listing in the county. ALLTEL customers can expect to receive forms immediately, with Southern Bell and Saluda customers to receive theirs soon. “The equipment is in." said County Manager John Lewis. “The lines from Tryon and Columbus into the (operations center in the) sheriff’s department are up and functioning." However, the new system will not be implemented until everything is correct. “There might be someone who needs an ambulance, and we don't want to have any trouble getting there." Lewis said. One of the kinks still to be worked out is the naming of county roads. The Polk County Board of Commissioners has asked those dissatisfied with the name of their road, or who are aware of an error in the placing of road name signs to submit a petition signed by residents of that road to the county manager by Jan. 15. A public hearing will be held Feb. 4 to make a final determination of the road names. Soon after that, county officials Continued On Back Page