St * Vo^S’ V1 G 2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon, North Carolina, 28782 Established January 31, 1928 THE WORLD'S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Founded Jan. 31,1928 by Seth M. Vining (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Jeffrey A. Byrd. Editor and Publisher The Bulletin is published Daily except Sat. and Sun. 106 N. Trade St., P. 0. Box 790 Tryon, N. C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin * (USPS 643-360) * Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Caroline Phone 859-9151 12 Pages Today Vol. 63 - No. 238 The weather Thursday: high 53, low 37, hum. 76 percent. And by 7 a.m. Friday, a drenching 1.3 inches of rain had fallen. The Church of the Holy Cross is in the process of forming a search committee to find and hire a new rector for the church. The Vestry was informed in a meeting with the Bishop Jan. 8 that the process will likely take six to nine months. The old Duke Power building was up when the crowds went by on their way to Tryon Elementary School in the morning last Wednesday, and down before the final bell rang that afternoon. The new building sure improves the scenery in that part of town, and the final landscaping isn’t even done yet. St. Luke's broke ground for its new Intensive Care Unit in a ceremony Thursday. It is reas suring to everyone to know the hospital is growing and becoming better able to serve the community with each passing year _ an d doing so under some tough circumstances. For those of you who have always wanted to attend a meeting of the Polk County Board of Education, but had to attend Continued On Back Page TRYON. N. C. 28782 Fire Injuries Children In Pea Ridge A tragic afternoon fire leveled a Pea Ridge home on Wednesday afternoon and sent two children to the hospital with burn injuries. The home, which was occupied by Larry and Betty Ann Denton, burned at about 4 p.m. The Denton's 16 year old daughter. Glenda, had just come home from school with her 8 year old brother, Lewis. Glenda said that she was cold and decided to build a fire, finable to get the fire to start, she says that she sprayed a small amount of kerosene onto the wood and lit it. just as a draft came down the chimney and blew the fire into her and her brother. Glenda says that the first thing that went through her mind was what she learned in school, to stop, drop and ’'oil, which she did, taking her little brother with her. The children are in stable condition at St. Luke's Hospital. Lewis suffered burns to the chest, arms and face, and Glenda was burned on her arms and face. A Community effort is underway to raise money and clothing donations for the family, who lost everything they owned in the fire. Anyone interested in helping should contact the pastor of the Tryon 7th Day Adventist Church at 894-3677; or Mrs. Kutcher at 894-2341 or Mrs. Strickland at 803- 592-2152. — Reporter MONDAY. JAN. 14. 1991 Shepard Heading To Presidential Classroom Ladd Wilkie Shepard, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shepard. Jr. of Tryon, will be attending the Presidential Classroom in Washington, D.C.. January 19-26, 1991. The Presidential Classroom is a program designed to enable students to interact with government leaders and elected officials. The students attend seminars that are instructed by leaders in government, the military, the media, and the foreign diplomatic corps. Crossfire sessions allow students to debate current issues. Cacus meetings allow students to exchange ideas and disucss the seminars. Capitol Hill visits allow students to converse with their Representatives and Senators. Ladd is a Senior at Tryon High School. He is the President of the Student Council, the Secretary Continued On Back Page 20 Per Copy FENCE Fund Drive Draws To A Close Help! As the year 1990 drew to a close, we at FENCE (Foothills Equestrian Nature Center* became increasingly aware that the FENCE Fund Drive Horse just may not make it over the Fund Drive hurdles in 1990. In the last communication, we were able to report that we were 2 a of the way over the hurdles Unfortunately, we have fallen short this goal. At the close of 1990, we had received a total of $25,000. That is $5,000 short of our $30,000 goal. We are making a final plea to the Tryon community. Help bring our Fund Drive horse over the financial hurdles and bring it safely to ground. To those of you who have already contributed, whether it was a gift specifically designated for a special project or a copntribution to the general operating fund — Thank You! Those who have just not had the time to sit down and write that check, please do it now! We need your support. Send your contributions to: FENCE, 500 Hunting Country Road, Tryon. N.C. 28782 — Reporter Meeting Place Bridge The results of the Wednesday afternoon Meeting Place Bridge Club are: 1st Jack Davis. 2nd Thelma Anderson. 3rd Elizabeth Davis