THE WORLD'S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Founded Jan. 31,1928 by Seth M. Vi nin 0 (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Jeffrey A. Byrd. Editor and Publisher 2nd Class Postage Paid At Tryon, North Carolina, 28782 Established January 31, 1928 The Bulletin is published Daily except Sat. and Sun. 106 N. Trade St., P. O. Box 790 Tryon, N. C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin * (USPS 643-360) * Phone 859-9151 Vol. 64 - No.27 The weekend weathci. Friday, high 49, low 36, hum. 87 percent, and .20 inches of rain had fallen; Saturday, high 58, low 26, hum. 75 percent and .41 inches of rain fell; Sunday, high 47, low 33, hum. 70 per cent. The Polk County Schools' winter sports banquet will be held at Tryon Youth Center at 7 p.m. Wednesday night. Participants in basketball, wrestling, indoor track and cheerleading will be recognized. The Tryon Painters and Sculptors' exhibit of Lawrence Mazzanovich's work continues through March 23 at the Tryon Fine Arts Center Gallery. Auditions for the Tryon Little Theater's next production, "Send Me No Flowers," con tinue tonight at 7:30 at the Tryon Fine Arts Center. The Children's Theater Fes tival, sponsors of Super Satur day, is also sponsoring a bene fit performance for adults this year. On Friday night, magicians Danny and Jan Orleans will perform their "Mind Magic" show. Tickets are on sale at the Tryon Fine Arts Center box office from 10 a.m. to noon daily. Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western NoHd Carolina TRYON, N. C. 28782 Wildflowers At FENCE Wednesday It's a little early yet, but spring is definitely on the way. Tree buds arc swelling; (he maples arc blooming; the Hepatica.s are still holding their own by the creek along the Pine Woods Trails. This coming Wednesday, March 13, the first of FENCE'S spring Wildflower Walks will introduce beginners and experts alike to these and the signs of the season at FENCE. Meet Phil Nisbet at the Trial Shelter at 10 a.m. for a 2-hour liesurcly walk. Other walks are scheduled for March 27 at Cove Creek, April 10 at FENCE, and April 24 at Pearson's Falls. For more information on these and other public nature programs, call FENCE 859-9032. Good News From St. Luke's Auxilliary Tickets for the thrift Shop Fahshion Show will cost $8.50 not $10.50 as stated in the Vital Volunteers. —Community Reporter TCC Couples Bridge Winners Winners of the Tryon Country Club Couples Bridge played on March 7 are: 1st - Susan Blake; 2nd - Clarence Mumford; 3rd - Clary Jones —Community Reporter 12 Pages Today Jaycees Receive Flag Fund Donation Polk County Jaycees President Rick Day, Internal Vice Presi dent and Flag Chairman Kenneth "Shag" Page recently accepted a $25 donation to the Jaycee Flag Fund from Tryon 1110111131 Belt Chamber of Commerce Vice President Kirt Flynn and President Charlie Neff. On Exhibit The landscapes of Lawrence Mazzanovich a resident of Tryon from 1925 until his death in 1959, is being featured in a showing at the Tryon Fine Arts Center Gallery which began Sunday, March 10. The show will continue through Saturday March 23. 7 Mazzanovich was bom at sea *h e Coast Of California in 1871 or 1872. His father, from Dalmatia in Yugoslavia, and his mother, a native of Venice settled eventually in Chicago.’ Originally an illustrator, he studied at the Art Institute of Chicago. Motived by his first wife Ann, Mazzanovich moved to Paris and after returning to Amenca, became a major con tributor to the American adap- tation of French Impressionism. The years 1910 through 1925 marked the period of his great est creativity and his critical rewards. He was greatly influ enced by the work of Claude Monet. The pictures are on loan from local residents and are presented as a visual gift to local visitors. Gallery hours are from 10 to 12 noon and 2 to 4 p.m. weekdays, and Saturday from 10 to 12 Foothills Music Club To Meet r^t^ 11 14 meeting of the Foothills Music Club will meet C ^ ss E P isc °pal Church Musicians performing Will be organists Joseph Arm- brust, Virginia Pados and Ellie Roemer. The public is invited.