POLK LIBRARY 11 nov 91 R'1. 3, 204 WALKER ST. COLUMBUS, N C 28722 2nd Class Postage Paid at Irson, North Carolina 28782 and additional post otlices. Postmaster: send address changes to 1 he lr>on Dails Bulletin, P.O. Bos 790, Iryon. N.C. 28782 I HE WORLD'S SMALLES1 DAHA NEW SPARER hounded Jan. Jl. 1928 bs Seth M. Vining (Consolidates! «ith the Polk onnts Neus 1955) Jeffrey A. Byrd, Editor and Publisher Ihe Bulletin (I SPS 643-J60) is puslishcd daily except Sat. and Sun. tot $35 per year. 106 N. liadeSt . P.O. Bos '90. 1 non. N.C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin Phone 859-9151 Vol. 64 - No. 43 The weather Tuesday: high 75, low 37, hum. 38 percent. It was Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dedmondt’s 53rd anniversary Wednesday! They clearly passed the 47th year itch. Tryon's Folly has sold out for Salurday night. Tickets remain, however, for the Sunday mati nee. The Polk County Board of Education will convene early Monday night, at 5:45 p.m., to view brick panels for the new high school building. The reg ular meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. A photograph of Stoney Lamar of Saluda appears in the Spring 1991 issue of the Pi Beta Phi Sorority magazine. Lamar is shown giving a demonstration of Multiple Axis Turning dur ing the American Association of Woodturners convention at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts in Gatlinburg, Tenn. The sorority founded the camp. Stoney's father was a director of the Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross and was a graduate of Tryon High School. Speaking of magazines, there are extra copies of the State available at The Tryon Daily Bulletin and at the Tryon Ther- (Continued On Back Page) orlntod In ths THERMAL BELT of Western North Carolina 18 Pages Today TRYON. N C 28782 THURSDAY, APRIL4, 1991 W Per Copy Musical At Seventh Day 0 Me, 0 My, 0 Nehemiah! is a musical on how to rebuild a career, a business, a marriage, a relationship, a life. Nehemiah is a textbook on the value of holding on to your dreams when other people are laughing al you. The program of Nehemiah will be presented al the 11 a.m. worship service of the Tryon , SDA church on Saturday, /April 6 by the Columbus SDA School choir. The presentation will be in the Roy L. Morgan Com munity Service Center gymna sium. All arc welcome lo slay for the weekly potluck after Ihe service. The school choir is directed by Mrs. Linda Herman and accompanied by Ron Brown. Choir members arc: Dane Wilson, Jasmine Wilson, Joan Wilson, Rob Edncy, Kelley Edney, Ben Demsky, Stephen Demsky, Amy Herman, Ryan Herman, Lucas Richards, Andrew Richards, Mike Helton and Nathan Taylor. —Community Reporter Nic Addison of Empagiani, South Africa was a recent visi tor of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Brady. Nic was a frequent visi tor in Tryon while he was a Morehead Scholar al the Univ, of NC Chapel Hill, where he was a friend of Susan Brady. He is now married with two daughters and is serving as a Christian Missionary to the Zulus. Santos Contreras and his wife. Odalia, stand on the porcli of -their new house with daughters, looking forward to the Sunday dedication of their Habitat-for- Humanity dwelling. photo by Jin: Shelley Habitat Dedication Includes Harvey Tribute • The program for the dedica tion ol Thermal Belt Habitat- -for-Humanity's 16th house, to be held Sunday, April 7 at 2:30 p.m., has been announced by B.G. "Woody" Woodham, president, and will include a special memorial to Fred P. Harvey. Gilbert "Gib" Edson, associ ate regional director for Habi tat's South Atlantic Region, will be the principal speaker when the Santos Contreras family's (Continued On Hack Page) Columbus Police Make Drug Arrests Columbus Police Officer Chris Abril was off-duty when he stumbled across evidence which led lo a drug bust Tues day. Lloyd Dean Clayton, 64, of Butler Slrecl, Landrum, and Theresa Diane Williams, 26, of Landrum were arrested by Columbus police Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. at the Days Inn Mole! in Columbus and charged with felony trafficking in cocaine, according to Columbus Police Chief Billy Stepp. The Polk County Sheriffs Department and Tryon Police Department assisted. Abril was helping to clean a room at Ihe Days Inn Motel in Columbus al 1:15 p.m. Tues day when he found a bottle believed to have been used for holding crack cocaine. Abril called Chief Stepp who did a chemical field test on Ihe bollle that showed traces of cocaine. The officers learned from Ihe mold operators that the former occupants of the room where the crack bottle was found hail only switched rooms and were still in residence al the motel. Tire officers obtained a search warrant from the magistrate and went back at 5:30 p.m. lo the room where Ihe suspects were believed to be staying. "We got a master key and tried to open the door, but the door was locked with Ihe upper lock." Slepp said. Tire officers (Continued On Back Page)