2nd Cla-A Posuge at Tn on. North Carolina 28’82 and additional rest offices Postmaster: send address changes Io The Tryon hath Bulletin. PO. Bax 790, loon. N. C. 211782 VOLK LTBPa^ COLUMBUS* N C 91 THE WORLD S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Founded Jan. 31, 1928 by Seth M. Vining (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Jef frey A. Byrd, Editor and Publisher The Bulletin (LSI’S 643-360) is published daily except Sat and Sun. for S35 per year by the Tryon Daily Bulletin Inc 106 N Trade St.. P O. Box 790, Tryon. N.C 28783 The Tryon Daily Bulletin Phone 859-9151 Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Carolina 32 Pages Today Vol. 64 - No. 68 The weather Wednesday: high 78, low 45, hum. 50 per cent, and by 7 a.m. Thursday .10 inches of rain had fallen. Even the kudzu has had enough to drink. On Thursday May 2, in the Curb Reporter, we made a comparison between Greenville County, Spartanburg County and Polk County school fund— ing. The two S.C. counties employ local school taxes levied on real property. Northeastern Green ville County residents without school children who are paying higher Spartanburg School District 1 taxes were complain ing recently, asking for relief. To make a comparison to the South Carolina tax rates, we used the Polk County property tax as the sole source of local funding for the Polk County Schools. In rethinking this, it is a misleading comparison, since the Polk County local appro priation for schools is derived also from sales taxes and state shared revenues. The comparison is further clouded by the fact that South Carolina funds its schools dif ferently, relying more heavily (Continued On Back Page) TRYON. N.C 28782 Saluda Police Commissioner Says Council Informed Saluda Police Commissioner Harold Phillips objected to statements that he and Saluda Police Chief Ron Hershberger ran a "drug education" fun draising program without the town council's knowledge. In a story in the April 19 edi tion, Saluda Mayor Nolan Pace told a Tryon Daily Bulletin reporter that the Lenny the Lion drug education fundraising pro gram was run "without the council's knowledge." Phillips said that isn't so. "I have copies of the minutes where I brought it up," he said. A formal vote was not taken, but Phillips said the council had no objections. Phillips said he also told the council what he bought with the money raised for the town, walkie-talkies to replace a 20-ycar-old set. The Lenny the Lion program raised $20,000 altogether, and gave the Saluda police $2,400. Phillips said he and the chief liked the program and had signed up to run it again. But he said this week that he had changed his mind, and would cancel it. "We don't want to be a part of anything controversial," he said. There will be a special Mother's Day service at St. Luke C.M.E. Church Sunday at 2 p.m. Refreshments will be served. FRIDAY, MAY 10,1991 Andrew Raines Andrew Raines In Clear 5 Years It will be a great Mother's Day for Mary Raines, and for her husband Keith as well. Their son has been free of can cer for five years. It was Mother's Day five years ago when two- year-old Andrew, now 7, first got sick. He fell from a chair at McDonald's in Columbus and complained that his stomach hurt. Within days he was diag nosed as having a fast growing, deadly tumor in his kidney, known as a Wilms tumor. Only a few days later, doctors at N.C. Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem operated and removed Andrew's kidney. However, the physicians also detected a spot on his lung and what they believed to be a dead cancer cell in his stomach - so 15 months of chemo-therapy (Continued On Back Page) 20C Per t ojn Dance Saturday Tlie Palmetto Dance Club of Spartanburg is having its May dance Saturday, May 11 at the Spartanburg Arts Center. Mar ion Brock's Music Makers of Tryon will provide the music. —Community Reporter Thanks to all of you who brought in books for the Lanier Library book sale coming up on June 8. We want them all but arc setting a final deadline on May 31 for you to bring in your last minute books to the library Le Duc Room. —Community Reporter Retired Teachers To Meet A visit to the Hawaiian Islands is in store for the Polk County Retired School Person nel Mon., May 13 when they meet at Columbus Presbyterian Church. The noon luncheon will be followed by a program com plete with music, leis and hula skirts. A business meeting will follow the food and fun. If you wish to attend and have not been contacted, please call 894-3984 or 859-9557 right away. - Community Reporter.