2nd Claw Postage at Tryon, North Carolina 28782 and additional past offices. Postmaster: send address changes to The Tryon Daily Bulletin. PO. Box 790, Tryon, N. ( . 28782 POLK LIBRARY 20-1 WALKER ST COLUUBUS, N C 28722 BOV 91 THE WORLD'S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Founded Jan. 31, 1928 by Seth M. Vining (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Jef frey A. Byrd, Editor and Publisher The Tryon Daily Bulletin (USf’S 643-360) is published daily except Sat. and Sun. tor $35 per year by the Tryon Daily Bulletin, Inc. 106 N. Trade St.. P.O Box 790. Tryon. N.C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin Phone 859-9151 Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Carolina 28 Pages Today Vol. 65 - No. 99 The weather Monday: high 73, low 65, hum. 62 percent. Dick Longworth has been awfully thirsty lately. Accord ing to the Town of Tryon, he consumed 8.89 million gallons of water last month at his Lakeshore Drive home. Perhaps he's felt the need to take baths rather than showers. Tut. Tut. Wasteful practice. But, if you're willing to pay, Dick, be our guest. The bill only comes to $25,629. A mere drop in the bucket. About that tree: R.L. Wil liams says the tall leafy thing between the post office and NCNB in Tryon is a Hickory Nut tree. "That is, unless it's had a sex change." Mark your calendars: Super Saturday will be held March 21, 1992. What's happening: There will be a reception held for Sister Aloysius McVeigh of the Convent of Mercy in Derry, Northern Ireland at 3 p.m. today, June 26 at the Mimosa Inn. Sister McVeigh is an icon specialist and will display some of her work. Tryon High School Senior Pictures will be taken (Continued On Back Page) TRYON, N C 28782 Teenagers Walk Out Of Cove After Search About 16 rescue workers from Polk County and Saluda rescue squads spent much of Monday night searching Holb ert's Cove for four lost teenag ers. Jim Cochran, Polk County Emergency Services coordina tor, said the four teenagers from Henderson County were reported missing after they failed to return home by 10 p.m. They had stopped at a pay phone in Saluda to tell their parents they planned to hike around Big Bradley Falls and would be home by 10. The Big Bradley Falls area is rough terrain. Cochran said the teenagers were caught by darkness, but were wise enough to stay put, and when the sun rose, they simply walked out. Rescuers must have searched all around the four, but never came close enougli to hear their cries for help, Cochran said. Clemson Extension Agent Visits Store Charlie Gray, a Clemson University Agricultural Exten sion Agent, will visit Thomp son's Hardware in Landrum from 1 to 5 p.m. Friday, June 28. He will return Saturday fro- m 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. If you have any questions about landscaping, or lawn and garden care, you arc invited to drop by. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26,1991 Susan Cavin Wins TLT Scholarship Susan Cavin, a music teacher in four of the Polk County Schools, won a Tryon Little Theatre Scholarship this spring which will enable her to com plete courses at Converse Col lege during the summer toward a Master's Degree in Music Education. Cavin, a graduate of Converse in Music Education and Vocal Performance, will use her knowledge to enhance her teaching in the coming year. Willette's Wisdom "The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." —Aristotle 20C Per 1 ops Tryon Raises Taxes 13 Cents, Takes Step Toward Annexation They thought about letting employees go, or cancelling their raises. They thought about cutting the fire department building fund. They thought about saving an estimated $80,000 by giving un town-based E-911 dispatching (and five dispatchers). But in the end, the Tryon Town Council did the only thing its three members felt they really could do - raise taxes. On a motion by Ellis Fincher, the council cut Town Manager Matthew Dolge's recommended 15-cent increase by two cents, and unanimously approved a 13-cent tax increase Monday night. The 13-cent increase will bring Tryon taxes to 59 cents per $100 property valuation, just 1.5 cents less than Polk County's tax rate. The increase will bring an additional $85,163 into town coffers. Each additional penny of taxes raises $6,551, Dolge told the council. But even with taxes raised 13 cents, the Town of Tryon will face a very tight budget year, the council agreed. The mem bers were only able to cut about $5,000 from Dolge's original proposal. "Die overall 1991-92 town Wo 1 a PP roved Monday night, $280 000 /°"’ I alrcad y d ° Wn $280,000 from this year's bud- (Continued On Back Page)