FOLK LIBRARY 11 r.ov 91 LU uALRMR ST. COLUMBUS, 11 C 28722 2nd Class Postage at Tryon, North Carolina 28782 and additional post offices. Postmaster: send address changes to The Tryon Dail) Bulletin. PO. Box 790, Tryon. N. C. 2878 2 THE WORLD’S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Founded Jan. 31, 1928 by Seth M. Vining (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Jeffrey A. Byrd, Editor and Publisher The Tryon Daily Bulletin (USP.S 643-360) is published daily except Sal. and Sun. for $35 per year by the Tryon Daily Bulletin, Inc. 106 N. Trade St.. P.O. Box 790. Tryon. N.C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin Phone 859-9151 Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Carolina 10 Pages Today Vol. 65 - No. 126 The weather Thursday: high 85, low 67, hum. 66 percent, and by Friday at 7 a.m. .35 inches of rain had fallen. No day of torrential rainfall, like the one we had last week, likely passes without a twinge through the spines of Pacolet Valley residents. Shirley J. Nisbet of the Paco let Valley called last week after we ran a picture of a tree which had washed down river and wedged itself underneath the Howes Bridge. Cornelia McLean pointed out that it was a blockage like that contributed to the 1977 flood in the valley. But Mrs. Nisbet wanted to be sure that those of us who weren't here then understand that the 1977 flood was caused by more than a back-up. "We had four or five days of rain," she recalled. "The ground was saturated. Then there was a terrible storm." Checking back in The Bulletin from that time, we sec it is so. It rained .17 inches Friday, Oct. 28, 1977, then let up for a few days. Tuesday, Nov. 1 it started again, with .01 inches of rain; Wednesday, .20, Thursday, .20, (Continued On Back Page) TRYON, N C 28782 Coopers Gap, Saluda Separated From Polk In House District The redistricting plan approved by the North Carolina House during the recent legis lative session drops Coopers Gap and Saluda from House District 48. Coopers Gap and Saluda township voters will now be a part of District 50, which includes Henderson County. The remaining Polk County townships - Columbus, Green Creek, Tryon and White Oak - will remain in District 48. District 48 will now include parts of Gaston County, all of Cleveland County and all of Rutherford County. Toastmasters Discuss 'Pride' "Pride" will be the theme of the August 7 Talk of the Town Toastmasters Club. Toastmas ters take great pride in their improvement in speech making ability as a result of belonging to a Toastmasters Club. Dan Marley will serve as Toastmaster for the evening. Julie Davis will be in charge of Table Topics. Virginia Meader, Mike Osteen and Steve Strick land will be the speakers. The General Evaluator will be Baiba Bourbeau. The public is invited to attend Wednesday, August 7, 7:00 p.m. at the Western Steer, Columbus. —Community Reporter MONDAY, AUGUST 5,1991 J. Jackson, C. Rigsby Red Cross Annual Meeting Tlie 74th Annual Meeting of the Polk County Chapter of the American Red Cross was held July 26 at the Western Steer restaurant in Columbus. A highlight of the meeting was a ceremony in which Catherine Rigsby of Saluda, shown in the photo, was made an Honorary Director. Shown with her is chapter chairman, Jim Jackson, who presented Mrs. Rigsby with a special Red Cross pin. Officers elected at the meeting were Jim Jackson, chairman; Porter Morgan, vice chairman; Bill Bley, treasurer; Muriel Nash, secretary; John Kuekes, public relations and Jean Strat ford, executive director. Newly elected directors are Jeff Byrd, Ann Jones, Carrie Massey, Roger Traxler and Connie Glassman. Other direc tors elected to serve a three- (Continucd On Back Page) 20c Per 1 ops Barry Flood To Speak The Thermal Belt Rotary Club announces that Barry Flood will be the speaker at their August 5 meeting (today). In addition to teaching at the Spartanburg Day School, Barry is the present owner of the Tryon Theater. The theater is a hometown business that has maintained its character and survived the modernization of the industry. Barry will give his insight about the rewards and tribula tions of the theater business and why they have been successful when other have failed. The Thermal Belt Rotary Club invites anyone interested in this unique local business to attend. The meeting time is 6:30 p.m. at the Western Steer in Columbus. New Arrival Rick and Melanic Campbell of Columbus announced the birth of a daughter, Anna Brooke, born July 26th at Mary Black Memorial Hospital. Anna has a sister, Lindsey, who is 3 1/2. Maternal grandparents are Dean and Gwen Butler of Tryon. Maternal great- grandfather is Robert Butler of Tryon. Paternal grandparents are Carroll and Betty Jean Camp bell of Campobello. Paternal great-grandmother is Lorraine Reid, also of Campobello. —Community Reporter