POLK LIBRARY 11 nov 91 Rx. 204 WALKER ST. COLUMBUS, N C 28722 2nd etas* Postage al Toon. North Carolina 2HT82 and additional post oilier* I'li.tmsilrr: send address rhinites Io the Irion Dall) Bulletin. 1’0. Box TOO, Traun. N.C. 28782 THE WORLD’S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER bounded Jan. 31, 1928 by Seth M. Vining (Consolidated with the Polls County News 1955) Jeffrey A. Byrd, Editor and Publisher The Tryon Dails Bulletin (DSPS 643-3601 r* published daily eacept Sat. and Sun. Tor $35 per year by the Tryon Daily Bulletin, Inc 106 N I rade St . P O. Box WO. Tryon. N.C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin Phone 859-9151 Vol. 65 - No. 131 The weather Thursday: high 01, low 69, hum. 72 percent, and by Friday at 7 a.rn. 1.43 inches of rain had fallen. The storm which pelted Polk County with heavy rains for a brief period Thursday afternoon knocked out power to the water and sewer plants, and took out the transmitter for the fire department's radio frequencies. Betty Jones, operator in charge of the water plant, said power was off from 3:55 to 4:30 p.m. while Public Works director Clarence Hen son went to throw the breaker switch and restore power. The shut down could have caused problems, Jones said, if the operators of the water plant had not anticipated increased demand for water. The recent heavy rains have muddied the ponds and rivers which normally supply water for Grover Industries and Caro lina Yarn Processors Inc. (CYP). Both industries have been pulling town water, instead of processing their own. To keep up with the demand, the town water plant has been processing water around the clock, going from two to three shifts. (Continued On Hack Page) Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Carolina TRYON. N C 28782 Landrum High Registration Today Landrum High School stu dents arc urged to register on the following dates, prior to the start of school August 22. Registration for Sth grade students will be held from 4 to 5 p.m. today, and 7th grade students from 5 to 6 p.m. today. There will be a special orien tation session and tour ,pf the building for new 7th graders at 6 p.m. tonight. Students entering the 11th and 12th grades will be registered from 4 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 14. Students entering the 9th and 10th grades will be registered from 4 to 6 p.m. Thursday, August 15. Vosburgh Breaks (World Records Betty Vosburgh, formerly of Tryon, was born on the 4th of July, and turned 60 during the first day of the Athletics Con gress/ USA National Masters Track and Field Championships in Naperville, Ill. "Betty Vosburgh personified every masters athlete's dream by entering a new division on the first day of a national meet," National Masters News pro claimed in its August edition. She followed through by breaking seven W60-64 records, and beat the M60-64 record in the 100 with a time of 15:39. MONDAY, AUGUST 12,1991 Rev. Don C. Davis New Minister At Tryon Methodist The people of Tryon United Methodist Church recently welcomed their new minister, Rev. Don C. Davis, and his wife, Mary Davis. The Davises came from Hickory where they had been at Highland United Methodist Church. Don has held various posi tions on the district and confer ence level, giving leadership in stewardship. His primary emphasis is on the local level where friendship and being truly human are important. Don is a native of East Bend, North Carolina. He holds degrees from John Wesley College, Guilford College and Emory University. Mary is a professional musi cian and has worked exten sively with many music groups in churches, schools, commu- (Continued On Back Page) 18 Pages Today .UK Per t ops Inman Man Pleads To Accessory Charge In Trucker's Death Jonathon Arlo Schuler, 18, of Inman last Thursday pled guilty to being an accessory to murder in a deal cut with the 7th Circuit Solicitor's Office in Spartan burg. In return, the solicitor dropped murder charges against Schuler, who was with convicted mur derer Timothy Lee Waldrop the night Waldrop dropped a dumbbell from the Landrum Mill Road overpass into the path of an oncoming truck. The trucker, Philip Earl Reed, was killed instantly when the weights ripped through his windshield and into his chest March 21, 1990. Thirteenth Circuit Judge Larry Patterson sentenced Schuler to the maximum 10-year sen tence, but suspended it to five years in prison and five years probation. Two other young men charged with murder in the case, David Earl Alverson, 18, and William Roy Camp III, 17, both of Inman, were also expected to face lesser charges. New Student Orientation All students in Grades 1-8 who will attend Tryon Elementary School for the first time are invited to an orientation meeting Thurs day, August 15 at 7 p.m. in the school library.