2nd Class Postage al Tr>on. North Carolina 28782 and additional post oflices Postmaster: send address changes to The Toon Dails Bulletin. PO. Bns 790, Tryon, N. C. 28782 THE WORLD'S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Founded Jan. 31, 1928 by Seth M. Vining (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Jeffrey A. Bvrd, Editor and Publisher The Toon Daily Bulletin (LISPS 643-360) is published dads except Sai. and Sun. for $35 per scar bs thcTrson Daily Bulletin. Inc. 106 N. Trade Si.. P.O. Box 790, Tryon. N.C. 2S7*2 The Tryon Daily Bulletin Phone 859-9151 Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Carolina 16 Pages Today Vol. 65 - No. 147 The holiday weekend weather: Friday, high 90, low 67, hum. 60 percent, and .10 inches of rain; Saturday, high 91, low 64, hum. 70 percent, and .01 inches of rain; Sunday, high 82, low 66, hum. 75 percent; Labor Day, high 74, low 64, hum. 60percent. Make your guesses now. Did we have more rain, or less than average during August? If you said 'more', put on your gal oshes and come on down. Robert Dedmondt measured 9.17 inches, nearly four inches more than the August average of 5.23. So far this year, 52.65 niches of rain has fallen, 7.46 inches more than average. By this same time last year, though, we had a surplus over the average rainfall of 8.42 inches. Ihe hottest days of the month were the third, fourth and sixth when temperatures climbed to 94 degrees. The coolest night came August 23, when the tem perature dipped to 57 degrees An anonymous poet shared the following thoughts with us about the replacement for the Hickor y Nut/Oak tree which stood next to NCNB in Tryon: "When the roads and streets of (Continued On Back Page) TRYON. N C 28782 Board Of Elections Questions Whether ACT Is Political The State Board of Elections has written to Polk County's Association of County Tax payers (ACT) with questions regarding its activities. Deputy Director Yvonne L. Southerland of the campaign reporting office, said she received a query regarding ACT’S activities from an "I.R. Thompson” in Polk County. In a mysterious twist, Sou therland said she had reason to believe there is no such person as I.R. Thompson. However, she said her agency is charged with investigating such situa tions, and would do so regard less. The letter from "Mr. Thomp son" included a copy of ACTs January, 1991 Newsletter in which ACT leaders stated their goals. The newsletter indicated a possibility of political activity " Southerland said. "But it is not complete proof." Southerland emphasized that political activity in itself is fine but that North Carolina law merely requires disclosure. Southerland cited ACT's stated goals as "indicating sup port of certain candidates and opposition to others." Some of the listed activities are seeking to influence an election, or political parly or candidate,'" Southerland w^ote (Continued On Back Page) WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 4,1991 Dr. Willard H. Parsons Tryon Rotary Hears New Theory Geologist Dr. Willard H. Parsons will explain a new theory as the major extinction of the dinosaurs and most other life forms at the end of the Cre taceous Period. This involves the rise of mol ten material from a hot spot deep within the earth's interior. This is not a simple volcano but a flooding of lava to the surface with its associated gases such as COz, sulfur compounds and others Every major extinction period is associated with a major lava plateau. Tliis Tryon Rotary program will be at the Vineyard Restau- rant at 12 noon, Monday, Sept. 2iif Per opx Revival and Homecoming Revival services begin tonight (Wed.) at 7 p.m. at the Landrum Wesleyan Methodist Church and continue through Sunday, Sept. 8 (at 6 p.m.) The speaker will be the Rev. James C. Gen- nings of West Union, S.C. Sunday, Sept. 8, the church will observe homecoming. Dinner will follow the morning worship, around 1 p.m. Special music will feature the Hughey Family of Chesnee, the Con nor-Cash family of Landrum and others. Rev. Harold Jones, pastor, and congregation invite everyone to attend this special week of ser vices. —Community Reporter Columbus Lions Meet Sept. Sth. The Columbus Lions kick-off their fall meetings with Anthony Womack as the guest speaker. Anthony was a participant at Tarheels Boys State this sum mer, held at Wake-Forest Uni versity in Winston-Salem. Tlie public is invited to hear Anthony tell of his weeks stay t Boys State and answer ques tions about their activities ?!v er s,ar,s 31 6:30 pm. at the Western Steer in Columbus the program will start at p.m. -Community Reporter