cobutt 805 ” 2nd Class Posiage al Tryon. North Carolina 28782 and additional post offices. Postmaster: send address changes to The Tryon Dally Bulletin, PO. Box 790, Tryon, N. C. 28782 THE WORLD’S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Founded Jan. 31, 1928 by Seth M. Vining (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Jeffrey A. Byrd. Editor and Publisher The Tryon Daily Bulletin (USPS 643-360) is published daily except Sat. and Sun. for $35 per year by the Tryon Daily Bulletin. Inc. 106 N. Trade St . P.O. Box 790. Tryon. N.C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin Phone 859-9151 ® Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Carolina 12 Pages Today Vol. 65 - No. 151 The weekend weather: high 86, low 65, hum. 65 percent; Saturday, high 85, low 65, hum. 60 percent; Sunday, high 85, low 68, hum. 65 percent. A crowd of about 150 people spread out lawn chairs and blankets at Stearns Park Satur day evening and enjoyed the folk music of "Run For Your Life." The temperature was perfect, the company was swell, and the music was great. And once Zeke Graves threw the light switch on the beautiful park gazebo, you could even see the band. Thank goodness this was just the first in a series of Sep tember Saturday night concerts in the park! Zeke, Jacob and Claude Graves will be enter taining this Saturday at 7 p.m. Warren Carson of Tryon, an English instructor at the Uni versity of South Carolina at Spartanburg (USCS), was feat ured on the front page of the Upstate section of the Spartan burg Herald-Journal Monday. The accompanying story was about a movement in education to infuse historical lessons with information on the accomplish ments of Africans and African- Americans - information which (Continued On Back Page) TRYON. N. C 28782 Lake Lanier Man Guilty Of Murder The attorneys for Richard Longworth of Lake Lanier put up no defense last week and Longworth was found guilty of murder. He was convicted in connec tion with the robbery of the Westgate Mall Cinema IV and murder of two workers there. • The jury was considering Monday whether Longworth, who did not testify, should die in the electric chair or get life in prison. O.P. Earle PTA Meets Tonight Open House will be the theme of tonight's (Tues.) PTA meet ing at O. P. Earle Elementary School in Landrum. Orientation will begin at 7 p.m. followed by a business meeting at 7:45 in the school cafeteria. All parents, grandparents and persons inter ested in the community's chil dren are welcome. ~Community Reporter Wednesday Walks You can still see wildflowers at FENCE, and the Wednesday morning walks will continue throughout September and October. The next one is tomorrow, Sept. 11 at 10a.m. TUESDAY, SEPT. 10,1991 Bob Payne and Shane have a stringer of fish caught on one of their days spent together. What a great time these two, involved in the Found-A-Friend pro gram, must have had. If you can spend approximately four hours a week of quality time with a youth from our community, please call Bobbie Shannon at Found-A-Friend, 859-6661. There is a need in our commu nity that you might be able to fill as a friend. —Community Reporter Landrum Garden Club The Landrum Garden Club will hold its September meeting at the home of Clarice Camp bell on Thurs., Sept. 12 at 3 p.m. Helen Williams will give a program on birds. —Community Reporter 20f Per $ ops Police Chase Suspect All Over 1-26 To Make Arrest Friday A suspect in the burglary of Holy Cross Episcopal Church and several other break-ins in four counties led police on a chase up and down Saluda Mountain Friday evening. Thomas Thurman Dillard, in his late 30s, was finally arrested when he abandoned his car near the rest area south of Colum bus and tried to flee into the woods. Polk County Sheriffs deputies and Columbus Police Officer Chris Abril captured Dillard at the interstate boundary fence. Police in Jackson County tried to arrest Dillard Thursday night at a motel, Polk County Sheriff Boyce Carswell said. Dillard escaped out a window there, but $10,000 in stolen goods was recovered from his car. The Polk County Sheriffs office was notified that Dillard might be traveling north on I-26 Friday evening, and when deputy Bill Ives saw him, he pulled his police vehicle in behind Dillard's pick-up truck. Carswell said that Ives tried to pull Thurman over, but that Dillard cut across the median strip and headed back down the mountain. Columbus officer Abril joined the chase and after more maneuvers back and forth across the median strip the two officers were able to force Dil lard off the road. Carswell said the oick-un ^(Cona^ was driving was (Continued On Back Page)