■ O UUHBUS> “ C 2nd Class Postage at Trynn. North Carolina 28782 and additional post oHuw. Postmaster: send liddress changes to The Tryon Daily Bulletin, PO. Boa 790, Tryon. N.C. 28782 THE WORLD’S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAI ER Founded Jan. 31, 1928 bySelh M. Vining (Consolidated with the Folk County News 1955) Jeffrey A. Byrd, Editor and Publisher me Tryon Duly Bulletin CUSPS Ml-3601 is published daily except Sat. and Sun. for 5’5 per year by the Tryon Daily Bulletin, Inc. 106 N. Trade St.. P.O. Box 790. Tryon. N.C. 28782 Trj©B 0©lj wbAae'fci Phone 859-9151 Vol. 65 — No. 22 The weekend weather: Friday, high 67, low 31, hunt. 40 percent; Saturday, high 61, low 47, hum. 40 percent; Sun day, high 67, low 28, hum. 40 percent. A total of 6.88 inches of rain fell in February, 1.36 inches more than average. But the rainfall so far in 1992, 10.10 inches, is still less than average by .74 inches, according to official weather recorder Robert Dedmondt. The high tempera ture in February was 73 degrees on Feb. 4 and the low came just six days later on Feb. 10th when the thermometer recorded 22 degrees. Current, and former, Thermal Belt residents are getting rave reviews in Florida. Christine and Stephen Fitch of Landrum, and Carol Cloud, daughter of Russell and Inky Cloud of Tryon, are all appearing together in Fiddler on the Roof al the Alhambra Dinner Theater in Ponte Vedra, Fla. Tire reviewer in the Fonte Vedra Recorder ranks Stephen Fitch among the top ranks of actors to ever play the role of the milkman Tevye. He says: "Tevye’s one weapon (Continued On Back Page) Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Carolina TRYON. N.C. 28782 Martin, Foy, Skipper File For Board Seat Incumbent chairman of the Polk County Board of Com missioners Jeannie Martin changed her mind and filed for reelection Monday. Also filing for the board Monday were former county recreation director JoAnn Skipper and Jessie Foy of Mill Spring. Martin, Skipper and Foy are all Republicans. Three candidates for Polk County Board of Education also filed since last Friday. Susan Casey, president of EPIC (Edu cation in Polk Is Crucial) filed from Saluda, while Glenn Rhodes and Brian Walker filed from White Oak township. The filing period for candi dates for local offices closed at noon Monday. The last minute Republican candidates entering the board of commissioners race assured a Republican primary on May 5. There are now six Republican candidates running: John Edwards, Ross Gosnell, Grover Whitmire, Foy, Martin and Skipper. In their primary, the Demo crats will have to choose from among a field of four candidates for county commissioner: incumbent Sue Cochran, Charlie Feagan, Henry Hunt- singer and Benny Smith. Three candidates from each party will be chosen in the pri mary to compete in the general election in November. There will be no primary for (Continued On Back Page) TUESDAY, MARCH 3,1992 16 Pages Today 20 Per Copy Ballet Illustrated By Students Clara Rogers, art teacher at the Tryon schools, asked her filth grade art classes to draw pictures of ballet dancers, suitable for mounting on posters that had been pre-printed for this purpose. Mrs Rogers showed them a ballet book with pictures of dancers, and then even stood on a table and showed them various ballet poses to copy! We couldn't persuade her to pose for our camera, but we think the drawings came out well anyway. All this activity is to promote the program of ballet coming to Tryon on Mar. 17. Pictured here are some of the young artists holding their work. Kneeling in front: Heather McIntyre, Beth Wolfe, and Christina Ross. Standing behind them are Kent Causby, Alex Turner, and Morgan Bradshaw. Watch for the posters in store windows and other places. The N.C. Dance Theatre will perform on Mar. 17 at 8 p.m. at the Fine Arts Center. —Community Reporter New Arrival Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Burrell of Columbus are parents of a son, Jonathan Ryan, born Sat., Feb. 22, 1992, at Mary Black Hospi tal. He weighed 9 lbs. 1 oz. Jonathan has a sister, Lisa, 12 and a brother, Mark, 10. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burell of Tryon. Maternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pijcrina of Mountain Home, ID.