2nd Claw Pouage at Tryon. North Carolina 28782 and additional poll offices. Postmaster: send address chanter to The Tryon Dally Bulletin. PO. Bos 700. Tryon, N. C. 28782 POLK LIBRARY PI. > , 204 WALKER Si COLUMBUS, N C 23/2 THE WORLD'S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Founded Jan. 31, 1928 by Seth M. Vining (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Jeffrey A. Byrd, Editor and Publisher The Tryon Daily Bulletin CUSPS 643-360) is published daily except Sal. and Sun. for 335 per year by the Tryon Daily Bulletin. Inc. 106 N. Trade St., P.O. Bos 790. Tryon. N.C. 28782 The Iry®B Daly DilfetiD Phon^ 859-9151 Printed In tho THERMAL 3ELT of Western North Carolina 16 Pages Today Vol. 65 - No. 27 TRYON. N. C. 28782 TUESDAY, MARCH 10,1992 20# Per Copy The weekend weather: Friday, high 58, low 55, hum. 85 percent, and .96 inches of rain fell; Saturday, high 77, low 49, hum. 40 percent and 1.66/ inches of rain fell; Sunday, high 77, low 46, hum. 40percent. Seen on the Tryon Theater marquis this weekend: "Hand holding welcome here." The movie playing was Hook. One of the season's first poli tical anecdotes: Jeannie Martin received a lot of support for her continued presence on the Polk County Board of Commission ers after announcing her inten tion not to seek reelection a month or so ago. One of the most important supporters was her son, Jonathan. While riding to school one morning, Jonathan said: "Mom, if you decide to run again, and I sure hope you do, I have a great campaign poster slogan for you: Too Legit to Quit." Kids. A springtime treat: A reader called to remind us all that the Farwell Garden next to the Tryon Fine Arts Center is at its peak now. Stop by and enjoy it. What's happening: Raffle tickets are on sale for a (Continued On Back Page) Bike-A-Thon Riders Fight Childhood Cancer Janice Miller has called on all Landrum residents to join the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Wheels For Life Bike- A-Thon slated for Sat., Mar. 21 at 9 a.m. at Southside Baptist Church. Volunteer workers and riders are needed for this Bike-A- Thon to raise funds for the world-famous research center in its battle against childhood cancer and other catastrophic childhood diseases. "We're looking for riders and helpers who will contribute their time and talent to help children live. We really need lots of riders, since they are the ones who can make this Bike-A-Thon suc cessful," Mrs. Miller said. In the Wheels For Life Bike-A-Thon, riders ask sponsors to make a donation based on each mile completed. All riders turning in money will receive a certificate. Those who raise $30 will get a certificate and a special St. Jude T-Shirt. When $75 is raised, the rider receives a sports bag, as well as the certificate and T-Shirt. "The real prize, though, is the pride everyone can take in giv ing children a chance to live a normal life," Janice said. Contact Janice Miller at 457-4498 for details on riding or sponsoring a rider. St. Jude Hospital was founded by Danny Thomas, and operates primarily from public support. -Community Reporter Helen Mittelstadt Attains Professional Registration In S.C. Helen I. Mittelstadt of Louis P. Batson, III Architects, Inc., has attained professional regis tration through the S.C. State Board of Architectural Examin ers. Helen attended the University of Minnesota where she received her Bachelor of Archi tecture. She is a member of the Metropolitan Arts Council, American Institute of Archi tects, and is the Historian for the Greenville Council of Architects. .Helen is the daughter of Judi and Glenn Mittelstadt of Lan drum. TCC Bridge Results of Couples Bridge of Tryon Country Club for Mar. 5 are: 1st Frank Basler, 2nd Jean Stratford, 3rd Julia Baker. —Community Reporter Columbus Manager Laments State, Federal Regulations State and federal regulations being passed along by Colum bus's "comrades" in Raleigh arc going to cost the town between $50,(1(10 and $60,000 next year, town administrator Butch Smith told the council last Thursday. "You can kill a man with a .22, but they're using machine guns," Smith said. He talked with the council about "safe confinement" regu lations, "hazardous communi cation" regulations, among others. And, he said, Columbus was reclassified because it ser vices Hatch Mill and its water and sewer treatment permits were increased in cost and made more strict. "We're looking at leaner times coming up," he said. In other action, the council appointed Dave Butts to a two-year term and Mark West to a one-year term, both on the Columbus Fire Department advisory board. AAUW Play Reading Group The Play Reading Group of the American Assn, of Univer sity Women will meet at the home of Ruth Woodward on Mon., Mar. 16 at 2 p.m. The leader will be Eileen White. The play is Androcles and the Lion. Car pooling suggested at the Tryon First Baptist Church parking lot at 1:45 p.m.