2nd Class Postage at Tryon, North Carolina 28782 and additional post offices. Postmaster send address changes to The Tryon Daily Bulletin, PO. Boa 790, Tryon. N. C. 28782 POLK LIBRARY 204 WALK COLUMBUS, H C R ST 2 37 2 THE WORLD S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Founded Jan. 31, 1928 by Seth M. Vining (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Jeffrey A. Byrd, Editor and Publisher The Tryon Dail, Bulletin (USPS 643-360) is published daily except Sal. and Sun. for 535 per year by the Tryon Daily Bulletin, Inc. 106 N. Trade St.. P.O. Boa 790. Tryon. N.C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin Phone 859-9151 ® Printed In the THERMAL BELT of Western North Caroline 20 Pages Today Vol. 65 - No. 28 The weather Monday, high 75, low 42, hum. 51 percent. Work is progressing on bringing Enicrgency-911 dial ing service to all of Polk County. Residents in most of the county can now dial 9-1-1 in an emergency and reach the dispatchers in the communica tions center in Columbus. At the same time, information regarding the residence, its location, the occupants, their medical histories, and other pertinent information appears on the dispatcher's computer screen. Ilie two areas of Polk County served by phone companies other than Alltel Carolina Inc. do not have complete 911 service yet. Sunny View residents, who are served by Southern Bell, can dial 9-1-1 and reach Polk County dispatchers. But the computer information will not be available until a special line can be established between Southern Bell and the Polk communications center, said Ann Gibbs, director of commu nications. Work on establishing the link with Southern Bell is underway, (Continued On Back Page) TRYON. N. C. 28782 School Transfer Requests Honored A standing-room-only crowd clapped wildly Monday when the Polk County Board of Edu cation voted 4 to 3 to allow most parents to choose their children's schools next year. The board voted Monday night to keep the controversial new school attendance lines it approved last month, but to honor all transfer requests received by Monday's regular meeting. The parents of transferring children readily agreed to pro vide transportation for their children to and from school. Buses will only run along designated attendance lines. Board members Geoffrey Balkam, Phillip Feagan and Phillip Pleasants voted against the motion. All three cited unexpected growth in population which has forced the board to re-open Tryon High School as a middle school and redraw attendance lines to ease over-crowding at Tryon Elementary and Polk Central. The new school attendance lines reassigned: 91 Mill Spring and Green Creek students to Tryon Elementary and Middle Schools; nine Sunny View stu dents to Tryon; 23 Tryon stu dents to Polk Central Elemen tary; and five Tryon students to Saluda Elementary. By honoring the transfer requests, the school board has allowed 63 of the Mill Spring/ (Continued On Back Page) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11,1992 20? Per Copy Top 'Jump Rope For Heart' Performers Pictured above arc the top performers in the Tryon Elementary School's recent "Jump Rope for Heart" Contest. From left to right are: Leslie Beatty, Brandon Pennington, Andria Durham, Andrew Durham, and Blakely Coleman. Each of the five raised over $300. Two other contestants each raised over $200: Meredith Laugh ridge and Heather McCraw. Eight others each raised over $100: Hayley Salden, William Leonard, Benton Wharton, Grant Phil lips, Elizabeth Aldred, Autumn Lennon, Carmen Lyles, and Emily Rogers. Altogether, 126 students participated in the contest and raised a total that exceeded $6,500 to benefit the fund drive of the Polk County Unit of the American Heart Association. According to Mrs. Lee Mueller of the Community Schools Dept, and a member of the Board of Directors of the local Ameri can Heart Assn unit, and coordinator of the annual event, "This was a record-breaking year, the amount raised surpassing that of any of the prior "Jump Rope for Heart" contests. The children's determination and enthusiasm for the Heart cause obviously helped them in their efforts to convince their sponsors to contrib ute in record amounts." A date for the formal ceremony, awarding prizes for the various categories in the contest, will be announced later.