Habitat Seven years ago in May, 1985, Thomas and Janet Con nell donated a 2,000 sq.ft, store at 132 N. Trade St. in Landrum with the suggestion that Ther mal Belt Habitat should open and operate a resale store for used furniture, appliances and household items. Later, two more stores were added adja cent to the original Resale Store as business grew. The dream of the Connells to raise $50,000 a year for the Habitat house building project will be reached this year. The store is now the principal source of income for Thermal Belt Habitat. In order to increase profits in 1992, one of the stores is now being rented to the Landrum Ministerial Assn, who will be using it for a clothing thrift shop under the name "Operation Hope." Since our Habitat Store does not handle clothing, the two operations will compliment each other. With limited space, the Habi tat Store has adopted new poli cies and is strictly enforcing old HELP WANTED, maid wanted, 6 days a week including weekends, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Please apply in person at Pine Crest Inn, 859-9135. adv.l6,17,20,c. HELP WANTED, bell hop. Friendly helpful person to greet guests and help with baggage. Must be 18 years or older. Please apply in person at Pine Crest Inn, 859-9135. adv. 16,17,20,c. JOB OPENING at Polk County Child Development Center, four hours per day, must be age 55 or older. EOE. Call 859-6125. adv.l6,17,c. MTN. VIEW, country setting, 2 miles from Tryon, 2 BR, 2 1/2 BA, fireplace and beamed ceiling in LR, heated glass room, brisk terrace, workshop. Call J. Minick, 859-5162 or Bailey Pullen Realty, 859-9971. adv.l6,21,24,c. Store Thriving operating procedures as fol- lows: 1) No Bed Springs, Mat tresses, or Box Springs are accepted. 2) No Carpeting. 3) Only good quality sofas and easy chairs will be picked “P' 4) Appliances must be in good working order. 5) The new layaway policy provides a maximum of three (3) days with a 25% down pay ment. The Resale Store is now being operated with all volunteer help as sales personnel. Tire stores have been cleaned and mer chandise attractively displayed, and as a result store sales have doubled. With the recent opening of Tryon Estates, Habitat is now receiving large contributions of quality furniture, appliances, and household items in addition to estate gifts. Consequently, the store is now attracting more affluent neighbors looking for quality items at bargain prices. -Community Reporter 1991 Fleetwood Mobile Home FOR RENT, most utilities included. Sec. dep. and references required. 863-4453. adv.16,17,21, 23,24,c. FOR SALE dinette table and six green chairs, Formica top on table. Call after 4 p.m. or Sat. morning. 863-2638. adv.16,17,c. LOT FOR SALE, Gillette Woods, level 1.27 acres, mtn. views all year, city water on state rd. sche duled for paving this spring. Langdon Realty, 859-9945 any time. adv.16,17,20,c. COPY MACHINE FOR SALE, Cannon NP155 office copy machine in excellent condition. Cost new $2,995. Sale price com plete with trays, $450. Habitat Resale Store, 132 N. Trade, Lan drum. adv.16,c. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE 92-SP-11 Pursuant to an Order of Sa c y the Clerk of Superior Court of P J County, North Carolina, datco March 25, 1992, which has been entered in the above special pro cceding file, and under and by virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust executed by David E. Doyle wife, Jodi Doyle to Kenneth Youngblood, Trustee, dated Janu ary 29,1988, and recorded in Deed of Trust Book 197, at Page 873, Polk County, North Carolina, Registry, and under and by virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned Substitute Trustee, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, whereby the power of sale contained therein has become operative and the holder of the indebtedness having demanded a foreclosure thereof for the pur pose of satisfying said indebted ness, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will on April 23, 1992, offer for sale at 11:30 o'clock A.M. at the main entrance of the Polk County Courthouse in the City of Columbus, County of Polk, State of North Carolina, the following described tract of land, including improvements, of any, located the reon; In Saluda Township: BEGINNING at a point which is located South 12 deg. 41 min. 48 sec. East 263.47 feet from the beginning comer of that property as described in deed from Woodrow W. Bentley and wife Joyce W. Bentley to David E. Doyle as recorded in Deed Book 184, Page 198, Polk County Registry; and running from said beginning point South 12 deg. 41 min. 48 sec. East 335.76 feet to a point located in an existing drive; running thence North 84 deg. 48 min. 12 sec. East 160 feet to a point; running thence South 67 deg. 47 min. 12 sec. East 130.82 feet to an existing iron pin running thence North 10 Deg. 07 min. 10 scc. East 172.49 feet to an existing iron pin at a stone; running thence North 14 deg. 21 min 09 sec. West 198.91 feet to an existing “ On E 1 "’ ^"^ag thence North 75 eg. ^7 min. 13 sec. West 173 feet to a double oak; running thence South 75 deg. 24 min Tnd 172 94 feet 10 ,he point 3. r, 8 e 8„. to sa j ™ M Phe record owner(s) of the abo- - dc - rib tt "^ r^tv Register of Deeds not more County ? HO) days prior to the than . of th s Notice arc David E. P^ J wife Jodi Doyle. D °£Tale will be subject to prior r c taxes casements, restrictions reservation’s and rights of way of ^property will be sold in its „ a condition, and the Substitute Trustee will make no warranty or covenant to any purchaser wHh respect to the marketability of the title to the interests in the property, improvements, and fixtures described above and to be con veyed hereby. •Die highest bidder at said sale may be requested to post a cash deposit of ten (10%) percent of the amount of the bid up to an includ ing $1,000.00, plus five (5%) per cent of any excess over $1,000.00. This the 25th day of March, 1992. Susan Dotson-Smith Substitute Trustee P. O. Box 2868 Asheville, N.C. 28802 adv. 9,16c. LOT FOR SALE Columbus area, Oakridge Estates, Lot #21, 2.21 acres, Skyuka Rd, borders stream, $15,500. Langdon Realty, 859-9945 anytime. adv.l6,17,20,c. FOR SALE 350 motor, never cranked, bored 30 over aluminum intake, 350/350 head, all new parts, $1,200 firm. 894-3867. adv,16,17,c. WILL CUT GRASS and do other yard work, 894-2767. adv.l6,17,p. SALE riding lawn tractor, 16III B&S 42" cutting deck, new and bla des, runs good. 457-3639. adv. 16,17,p. saioo, rRY BEAR DAY 15 now ac «P‘ing appli cations for full time infant (c acher *16.17". limc - ® 9 “1 _ ®12S. Snvrk^re i’“ r Mo ' sa " Filly 13 Oh J 3 y Morgan Prospect M nds - Exc - driving oiler. 7M?v&^ S f" D “> 704-626-3309 P • days ' Or weekends In nin $ s and 24 >C ’ a dv.16,17,20,21,22,23,