Tryon Daily Bulletin, Thurs, Apr. 16 1992 take . ni0 considcra tion were the stern demands oi How Can He Get Away From 'Serious' Writing by John Bergman You have to understand that for nearly 30 years I did some pretty serious business writing. In one shareholder report, it fell to me to explain why the company's accounting system was being changed from LIFO (last-in-first-out) to FIFO (first-in-first-out), or maybe it was the other way around, in language so clear that Aunt Bessie wouldn't raise the ques tion at the Annual Meeting. I wrote the copy, but don't ask me to explain it. Another time, I didn't get to bed at all that night as I put the finishing touches to the busi ness plan presentation that was to kick off a two day meeting the next morning. I dozed off along about chart 35. In another part of my job, I sometimes wrote speeches for other people on subjects rang ing from the binary relation ships of infrared spectroscopy to the purchasing manager's thoughts as to how the costs of raw materials would interact with next year's consumer spending trends. And you think you had prob lems. Then one agonizing after noon, when I was at the very height of my creative writing prowess, I spent two laborious hours haggling over the words in a press release with my com pany president. What survived that interesting session was three short paragraphs of abso lutely meaningless copy. Then I retired, knowing, blessedly, that in my new life I would never again have to do any serious writing on impossi bly tight deadlines. But what I ^ X or the neighbor- hood association newsletter and it has to be mailed TODAY, my wife tells me, tossing a tat tered envelope of scribbled notes my way. At first thought the task seems beyond me, but then I dug down deep inside, hoping that my life's experiences would some how enable me to cope with this latest crisis. And it did, we made our deadline and those lucky newsletter readers read all about their new tennis court regulations, next month's work day, and the children's cookie party. Mighty serious stuff I was dealing with. Then, I was given my next assignment. In not more than two hours, I was told to have at church a crucial item for the bulletin that, at that very moment, was going to press. How did I do it? It was a miracle at work. Next, I was summoned before my management and ordered to write a skit that was to go into rehearsal in two days. Again, the task seemed impossible, but I took it on: MASTER OF CEREMO NIES: Many of our northern friends are disappointed in life as they find it in this part of heaven. NORTHERNER: It is OK here, but back home, the shop ping, restaurants, and fishing are all better, the... (interrupt) SOUTHERNER: Well, we sure would hate to see you all leave, but why don't you just go back to where you came from? NORTHERNER: Are you kidding, I HATED it there... Anyone like to buy a used snow shovel? Alright, so it's not Neil Simon, but he doesn't have my pressures, and will iney end? , minutes of last month's meeting and they^ Polk County Recreation Dept. Sponsors: SPRING INTO FITNESS A.F.A.A. Certified Instructor: Barbara Olsen April 27 thru June 26 STRETCH & STRENGTHEN CLASS $25 Mon. & Fri., 8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m. HI/LO COMBINATION AEROBICS $30 Tues. &Thurs. 6-7:15 p.m. ♦Drop-ins Welcome* LOCATION: Steam’s Gym, Columbus For more information call 457-4557 or 894-8199 Act Now Come see the Spring Show at #1 Hunting Country Trails. The stage is all set for spectacular color... And all you do is watch Part of the rewards of carefree living in Tryon's most prestigious townhouse development. euess who, smiles sweetly as she hands me some more of her scribbles that I am instructed to translate into cogently reported, beautifully typed copy. At least at work I could close m y door and curse the manage ment. C^MQIL C. CAMPBELL REAL ESTATE 14641 Asheville Highway, Gramling, S.C. ^Residential Factions Acreage * Commercial For All Your Real Estate Needs S03-472-6222 or 468-434] Carroll C. Campbell home. 803-472-8215 Builder/developer owned with outstanding custom features, pacious and open floor plan, 2800 sq.ft. Call 859-5644 or your Bocal realtor