'’^.“’oM^''’ ^ p,T. ^ ♦ M r 2872- COLUUBUS, N C 2nd Clast Pentane a , Tiyon. North Carolina 28782 and additional post orficu. Postmarler: lend addrrv changes to The Tryon Daily Bulletin, PO. Hot 790, Tryon. N. C. 28782 THE WORLD’S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Founded Jan. 31, 1928 by Seth M. Vining (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Jeffrey A. Byrd, Editor and Publisher The Tryon Daily Bulletin (USPS 643-360) is published daily except Sat. and Sun. for $35 per year by the Tryon Daily Bulletin, Inc. 106 N. Trade St . P.O. Box 790. Tryon. N.C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin Phone 859-9151 Vol. 65 - No. 80 _ Fhc weather Wednesday, high 71, low 58, hum. 53 percent, and by 7 a.in. Thursday .08 inches of rain had fallen. Got a call today from a trade magazine wanting to know if we wanted to continue to receive their free publication. I said 'yes'. "Just to verify that we did talk to you today," she said, "could you give me your mother's first initial?" 'J,' I said, and hung up, bew ildered. Free publications have to work especially hard to prove to advertisers that they have leadership, but how would these guys know my mother's first name anyway? What else docs that computer of theirs know about us? Hmmm... Well, back to the business at hand, we have had several items brought to us recently by folks hoping we'd share them with you. Bill Bennett mailed us a clip ping describing tax laws regarding donations of histori cally significant items. Con gress is allowing donors to deduct the fully appreciated value of material given to his torical societies before July 1. Say you bought Civil War let- (Continued On Back Page) Printed in the THERMAL BELT of Western North Carolina TRYON, N.C. 28782 Elect Officers Polk County Lodge #55 of The Fraternal Order of Police elected officers at a recent meeting at their lodge building on Skyuka Road on White Oak Mountain. Voted president was Pat Staggs, N.C. State Hwy. Patrol; vice pres., James Carter, Polk Co. Sheriffs Dept.; Sec., Cliris- tine Dotson, Polk Co. Sheriffs Dept.; treas., Richard Purcell, N.C. Wildlife Officer; and state trustee, Richard Cannon, retired N.Y. state investigator. All law enforcement officers in Polk County arc eligible for membership and are invited to join. The lodge holds car washes, raffles and other money raising events for charitable projects. On Sat., May 30, a Gospel Sing will be held at Stearns Park in Columbus from 2 to 6 p.m. The Friendship Gospel Singers, Larry Johnson and the Mercy Rivers, and the New Covenant Quartet will be sing ing. Hot dogs, drinks, etc. will be sold. A 1978 Chrysler Sta tion Wagon will be raffled at 6 p.m. Tickets are still available from any F.O.P. member. -Community Reporter No Bulletin Monday There will be no Tryon Daily Bulletin Monday, due to the postal holiday, and the Bulletin offices will be closed for Memorial Day. The deadline for Tuesday's newspaper will be today at 11 a.m. 32 Pages Today FRIDAY, MAY 22,1992 2SC Per Copy G.C. Hounds Parade At Golden Games To help celebrate National Nursing Home Week recently, the Green Creek Hounds paraded at Harmon Field with their handlers in colorful hunt dress for more than 150 residents and guests from eight area nursing homes. The hounds were led by Margaret M. Secor, MFH and Whipper-in (foreground), Jefferson "Tol" Goodwin, Huntsman and Collen Lichty, Whipper-in (back ground). Residents had a rare opportunity to meet the hounds 'up close and personal.' "Foxhounds are a unique and very strong yet gentle breed, and are oftentimes quite shy around humans," said Ms. Secor. "We welcome occasions like this where we can make a contribution t community events and where the community can get to know us better. For additional information, call Margaret Secor, 863-2753. -photo by Chevalier J. Tucker. Memorial Day Polk County Memorial Post 9116 Veterans of Foreign Wars and its Auxiliary will observe Memorial Day, Mon., May 25, 11 a.m. at Polk Memorial Gar den Cemetery. Our guest speaker this year will be Brig. General Ted Lee Bishop Ret. The public is encouraged to attend.