2nd Class Postage at Tryon. North Carolina 28782 and additional post offices. Postmaster: send address changes to The Tryon Daily Bulletin, PO. Box 790, Tryon, N. C. 28782 POLK LIBRARY P.T. ' , 204 WALKER ST. COLUMBUS, N C 28722 THE WORLD’S SMALLEST DAILY NEWSPAPER Founded Jan. 31, 1928 by Seth M. Vining (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Jeffrey A. Byrd, Editor and Publisher The Tryon Daily Bulletin (LISPS 443-360) it published daily except Sat. and Sun. (or $35 per year by the Tryon Daily Bulletin, Inc. 106 N. Trade St., P.O. Box 790, Tryon, N.C. 28782 The Tryon Daily Bulletin Printed in the THERMAL BELT of Western North Carolina Phone 859-9151 16 Pages Today Vol. 65 - No. 90 The weather Wednesday, high 71, low 55, hum. 72 percent and 2.2 inches of rain; Thursday, high 76, low 62, hum. 60 percent, and by Friday at 7 a.m. another .43 inches of rain had fallen. Polk County's proposed 1992-93 budget will go to pub lic hearing tonight at 7:30 in the county courthouse. One of the interesting ques tions regarding the budget is what happened to all the extra money which came through this year. Intangibles taxes were budgeted at $650,000 and came in at $980,000, a windfall of $330,000. In addition, the county tax base was estimated at $595 million and actually came in at $610,000, producing another $90,750 in unexpected revenue. So where is the money now? Most of it is headed into the county's "fund balance," that is the working capital the state requires counties to keep on hand in case of cash shortfalls. The state requires at least an 8 percent fund balance, but in smaller counties they ask that a larger percentage of the total county budget be set aside in fund balance. Polk has in recent (Continued On Back Page) TRYON, N.C. 28782 Prayer Breakfast The men of the Garrison Chapel Baptist Church will host their annual Prayer Breakfast on Sat., June 13, from 8 to 9 a.m. The speaker for the breakfast will be Stacey D. Mills of the Smith Chapel Baptist Church in Campobello, S.C. Mr. Mills is a student at USC-Spartanburg where he is majoring in Elementary Educa tion. He is active in many areas of campus life, including the Model United Nations, Upward Bound, and the USCS Gospel Choir. Additionally, he serves as a Junior Deacon at the Smith Chapel Baptist Church and is active in the Sunday School and the Youth in Fellowship Choir. He works as the coordinator of the After School Tutorial Pro gram at the Bethlehem Center in Spartanburg. His topic will be "Men in Prayer Challenge and Over come the World." Tickets for the breakfast arc $5 with all proceeds going to support the annual Men's Day program at Garrison Chapel. Tickets may be purchased from any of the men of the church, or you may make reservations by calling 859-6793 or 859-5706. -Community Reporter Meets Tuesday The Saluda Woman's Club will meet Tuesday, June 9th at 3 p.m. in the activity building of Saluda Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration. Bill Nelson will be the speaker. MONDAY, JUNE 8,1992 New Columbus Fire Station Underway The new Columbus fire station is under construction at the cor ner of Peak and Ward Streets. The new building is adjacent to the Columbus Post Office. -Community Reporter Lynn Homecoming We would like to invite you to attend our annual homecoming services at Lynn First Baptist Church, on Sun., June 14. John Crabbe will be speaking in the 11 a.m. service, followed by a covered dish meal at noon. The Rev. Crabbe has worked with many churches in their youth programs. He has also been involved for several years in Bible camps for young people. He has visited Romania and Bulgaria on past mission trips and has recently returned from a trip to Romania, bring ing fresh news of God's work 25C Per Copy there. He is an accomplished pianist. The Rev. Crabbe will be teaming up with Paul Travis with some musical numbers in the afternoon, following our fellowship dinner. We will also enjoy music from several mem bers of our congregation. Please come and enjoy the preaching, food, and the music as we give recognition to for mer pastors, officers, and mem bers, fellowshipping with those who have been away, and wel coming all our friends. - Community Reporter