f?5 23 18S J-, O- n. a! : J! i:)j.L ..n Ii.tn v r.t. mi 1 a . . i den; i; ;i ,ri l i ft - . : U- ,t!uH h S r a :i.e ''Mjln .! .!i:-r i:.t iti M rati n-r 'tie J. . ' J OElTS ON 7. Fair un Lni.n , the nay of s Ii ? m r.-iiu. T!ie nVo ', n..c . w in oVte- I - ' , town aim uuniv- Iic.-trl otir advertisements. Cottr.n 8 today on our market We may look out for a "killing frost. I diers grat reuuion ; and Gov. L-e, of ; co sta. tal from a d stance tl c da ' i Virginia, Las v.rittcn that he expects ; before. Our I one farmers who ecu.- I and hopes to be present then. ! e rally bring in the fragrant wre 1 t! e ! T? :o:- Se .v. s:U8:ig D 1 Attention is called to t'ic new i advertisement of Messrs A t;iLo ; Alien. There is no humbug, deceit or put-on by thtse gentlemen no .attempt to fool anyone :but when you trade with them you are sure to ;;-t fair and bone-: wLts i O r. -I t. V -j.lt- - -1' n;. r; -.;n JGi.i !:r i . i l ' The .03 s are counting the fomri. av ,A ? . ; re ,-i -.. . : ; 4 r t!i. 0 u.-u d ' h. "' :;.rr hi -e n published i; ; eat i r iphtt form, and 8 now for nlc at Hunt r's i Tu r S'.or. Th priceU wiP be ; i- n o 'Tin1 ., :i rd- . No "a t"i'l :s; :' -a -n u Th's i:ives a 'black y' to riie Iiiehuiond Fair. day il is s u', uvrr deterred v the uiis.ra'.le weather, fron l.':in boiue. Hut despiu- the b.id westhtr, ; the rain, the luh and h? d:ippirg ' c'oikU. the town wuh Gl!ed with to ba co and men. an'' a9 we b-f jre! stav-.l, vt- r-.. :';7d .,s:-r htd to ia l .t: r- q". ;' o 1 an i':-'r h -ue . Ih: : : v. '.(.a & Al- ' . ; -j i;..' . : ;.,.! , var.-..'ui-,i- piev tei a Keen f ac ttv.Cv nd nutv. : he quant'iy of iiibrtcctt on hand ' d ' - or d : ''! - ' - .' ' r . 'il -ai . ; ;. 1 ; it"l..e v.c u..vi- 0 d be at a'.' fa.r.rablo. Prices ruled L L WE CAN SHOW YOU THE LARGEST :'". "v-4 t;. u,o d "V: Jt; . t,c cess as a f.nmr. i-s hrea l :d int. aplent? for man and b;an You te.dy hud the greai maj-mty of may hauih at this, but did you ever tlise who ao!d wcjiihcniC with suiil- o much rain at this season of ; i.nnw mn w,r msH ,i 1 a ! in-r facca and wsll filled !,urs4. Six the year is phenomenal, farm enough jo eat to give a mort, counties and two Slates were - reprc- - llBniember that oar marliet h:.s gae, and beg for credit, bes to be j eented. For fair dealing, good tobacco sales everv day. i "trusi'cdF'Y YoA never did. pi ic?s and honest weights, there is .Let us aH go to the Weldon Fair, i t'iq war taxes- mact A'hich begins next Tuesday I ates .m advx-at.- of free whiskey and . Tnere is no tobacco market bet tux 2d clothing, food an.i fuel. The tcr than that of Warrento.i. motto is right, if rightly applied. - & Y r .,f;n i,.,t The war taxes that shoi'.d go,s fi.-(t A nice lot of .vountain batter 1 , viefroMlvpH fit W T") Kndor.TS . ! ' 1 JllUW I VVVI 1 VM www m-' - " ' 1 ple.-X. Y. irorld. . tax pa on tha nnces cities nf thp neo. l ue raiiroaa iare 10 tue ciuou i Fair is only. one cent a mile. For good and cheap Dry Goods and Sbois call on W. D. llodgeis. '1 hy weutlter has been too bad Last week it viriuUy ruined the Raleijrh Fatr. and this week it is -The X mark means you have too ..- ;f hnAttU,, nni1 hn AirMn the colored fair to be held there this week, as well as the Virginia Stale 1010 delayed paying for your paper. W. D. Tlodgers is seling staple and Fancy Groceries at close figures. ! Fair to be held at IMchmoni today Remember the meeting here of - the Agricultural Club tomorrow week. The Weldon Fair begins next Tuesday and closes the following Friday. ' If yon wish your towa to grow you "must help your neighbor as wel 'Vas yourself. Mrs. Albert Jones died at hej residence, at Jones X roals last 'Morn' ay moining. - Mr. Y. U. Flemming advertises sale o personal property to take pl:icenext Tuesday. If von ward, honest , prices and Jn.nr.st weights, briiig jour tobacco t.t; thiM ma:kct. v - ; 'But man proposes &c. ! no market that beats Warrenton; and ter , . . . .t.m. i ... c kic i m fuy iuhi iier iou:iccu interest! a.e o" a more solid aur prosperous ba-?is than in any previ- om iime of h history. On Friday night list, Fishing Creek township. as treated to quite a scnsiition. Two women, one white and one colored, were Iving in hous cs built for them, as the neighbors j supposed, by two nihite men, both of who;a had lamilies oi tlteir own. These women wer supported and encouraged in their life of shame by these two white men, as Hq neigh bors thought, ard they determined no longer to Uave the neighoorhood itisgiaccd and the morals of the A letter from the rresiJeiit of . 3-oung corrupted by such open and Wchlon Fair says that the exhibit J shameless depravity. So, ou Friday there will be the finest ever seen and night last, about eoventy-five ot the I 1 . I 1 -1 . . . 1 ciuzens ae3emoiei ana oroceeaea to the aforesaid houses; called the vo that the crowd will be more double as large Fxcursiou trains will run from Henderson on Tucs-. men out, handed tncru noJices to be day, Wednesday and Tharsduy. We ! delivered to their maie friends and have as yet been unable to get ex act schedule time, but leara the train will pa"&-W a-ren Plains tibont 8 o'clock in the morning. Rates on'v then proceeded to tear down Lo'.b houses. We know nothing of the gud -or ! ianocense of the 'parties and there one cert a mile; cheap em.ugh for j fore eipress no o i;j:on about it, but the stingiest. j if Vhey were guilty scarcely any pun- t Isliinent cou!tl be too sevtre, fur such ofTtusjs arc worse in a com:nu- AND MOST ELEGANT STOCK OF GOODS IN WARRENTON BETTER FAR, WE CXd SHOW YOtT THE MOST 4TTIMCTIVE STOC K OF DRV GOODS 021 Mih ESHSS ANNOUNCE MENT SHA.r& Cr 1 8 8 7. H ARB 4' I r".fri fully bit iniQ.!y 1 ito-t nf fi ( ii-' f I -t S -i ll.d- arc il t-c tc ond t Loae Vj l? ro4.ei in 4 it .S t . Twelve mnth- o we opened a mU builucn la TVairen'.on. Mtlcl 7 itie CASH SYSTEM. ThU bl mk a departure frm fhe bl, nntlr4Ctory and UtterrHM jtrnt f Un . red i. aud tM-ln a tr4:ixr th ood pfopl of Wrrn aa 1 adjoin, ngcoiintle , uttur.llr. ibcrcwa f r aud npprrhoii'lon to ucce. We ar however gratified It U:U our . Ircicd u prn hi Nrw York r.nd CxIUuort lxl wees, u. la-je tuxk Vf go.Ji, aud bclkvc It it almost peifcct. Too busy now reoUa to c'.n 1 . es but In the oxt i3ua I ni.l iu.:c p; ccs f Lai ajt Uh r a J In the mean while, I Invito you to ray tore an J to exatnlca Bj stock 1 'LIcU joa will Cod In the larje liaiMing next to Parker A Co' aa l rrccst f occuple-1 by R. D, FIeia!ti2 & Co. I m 1 FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. j to tti that our bn)ors Iim been kc.s, honil our mrnt Aaugnlae ex tctitinm. ThW i..icc-M U attItou ble fo thrre thu - flnt-Adhsrln ttrtlj lo the 1 f nw 3 OTP, lttorney-at-Law, .! Second Cecplni; tha bt pooI Mii:ng at uatrorwlj m4ll proflr !.at, bnt br no mean lcat co-uIcouk, honct and fair dalif, with an HONEST 11 li pries EN'I'ATIOX of all goods. The following are s":ne of the prices paid at White & Allen's wsr3 houj-e this .wetk, to wit : r 11 o l-.i -r,i - I.o! out ibi high priced,, cotton n- xt Spring, about the tim yo i ret r,eady o plant. T!ie lUv. Mr. Taylor requests us to 8:v ibf.t Vte expects to protrt-et the meeUi':2 U.'l;isci:urch during next week Tiie i t'le sis earo!d daughter of Mr. line' ana ,, of S-.v.dv Ir. ' k fed ji.-d bl'ke-oCr last W.- U o llatkins. 17. "av. . L'.iyd. 2i:,0 37 4, F. M. Tujke.'. Z'A 37 53 71, 427 li s averaged 42.70, P. II. Aii. n. 16 18J 24t 34t averag.: 24. G4. CarroU liro-, iO- 26 ?0 34' 34 ivera- 25. J. H. O .rrol , If -J8 30 35 --" 5.j av.;r v;e $2,". Ugw.ui:; Lar.g try. 17 28 30 3l. '.rthu Arn:igt..n 18 2 2J rS 3y L. H, Turgor, co". 15 20 2t 271 -ih 371. il. 15. Pa'.- ,. ! terjpi, 17!, 301. ki. C o k- . ?'18 22 23 31. l)r A:V; 1 i':uvu;. r SUCH AS ABB Peculiarly Applicable To Our PEOPLE'S "WANTS AND Wishes 1 VKKENTON. N.GJ l5TOCl:c ort r C. 15. Church & Co Mo.C. . J Uatnes pU.ccd in r.y bat.Jf ml 1 ricclre Imtafdlate Allttuion. I Monthly Hrronn ginu on a I claiin ert luC fur cdhction, ta a j Correp-ndtace i'.lle p: oar pity an. swcrc.t by P.;tri..MAiu 7 1 V i i :o: We fr re."lc!irg new f-i.lt ftnl by ( Hrfeicnce U tuatlr 10 the follow election vi 1 CKCCEKIES. ONFFCT!ON U!ES. STAPLE liUY-GOOl) NO riONS. SHOES. II AUD WARM TINa'AIlC&c&c. , width vt nffi-r to the public beret or- ia:oai uull'uiiy low pioflt lot SPOT CASH CR BARTER. Cxiirrts rrrmliituu. 1 ' i rm I f MT fK.'X O " l W , - r . 4c .niiflW UliI .rr 4 Uru4 V. U.Y I . 1 ir 1 1 1 I 1 ir'l imm mill I il A .aJ V' V HW Geo. L. Arj. NrlV.k. Va.. T. A. VTH . V-.v- llaiu A Co , NoroU. Va tfaMle. Emu "'uTil'I -VlU.u & o "oil k, Va , Vamn, II. II u to , ; rcteroburs. Va, Wlngo. Kbclt A, L'ruup, ' Co., New Yk. j VAnnrxToxI ail r nrriE dunn co- 00TT0K FACTORSA'J renel COMMISSION ULRC3ANT. .onroLi. r a. If you iv:.i! cheaj' uoods 2;i F!. u.mini & fs , J . K 10 "di.w k (Vs. T. -'- nss 10 1G 17 .0 21 40, .1 Al. liiiiovav. o: C s (I . 1' )7 & i3 2410 . F. !- 174, 17 25 2 5J, v.. 1. U m 1 1 i - i . ,1. . 1 . . 1 1 ;3 f .18, il.ss -lane Yanc v, 15 10 2- a Lite tinning iie srbro' house of 28 31 55 avtr?or $20 for 967 bs. j - - ijity, nore liurtiul to t.i, virtue an ! ii'oiu's of the p-'op'e, .sp.fial' lh. VOUI. lL:tl pv":..ap aiji o'.-cr orime.an.it;.: .-. '.i.a.i'tv ti-a; e. nitts su.li o;";eusts to iiw anl I ter in its m.vUt'iuK.hj. ive i and un- rebuked is itrtlf a lioe-itious one. iK-h oiim: A a;av.it d.cucv a .d 51 -.'O 1 mora'. a i.niU! i.-.. sterelv rotuk ed un I instant! eckd. It iU: law ca:irto; r":ijli the:n I. p '(:1j ca :. ' houhl " c d I 2 'or-; 111 i vf. '..- - 1 ' oa : .11 .. p 10 f I :iu a.. 1 ad 1' no aor - co i . u s 1 c -s i' , prot - t tlie s mm th ir ii.O. i-n.-s a .i i .i.' i ! .-' 'w.lu-' la iVit.SUOSi' III s nu. C"8 i d u - t)ius . j - r.1.1 r..tity. e !e:ir.i lh it the utM'ihorii.,ol sas that if the firs'. no ad. .cc!irdu!c to take efTcct l?epL lf 15. ItfiilTn.. n.r. ?n Uirc Vinvntoa lt:. . fu. yallTr.In. PeJn-Soa: t .v,rttitAi p. ta J. While. PreS ie W.k r.nr Af f .til i 1 a Am 1. a V'I-- fkr mil tl'll III 1111- 1 liberality. Vii,.!.w Mrt.n ,r r.f m tl !e ! eotl1 r. In--p; 11 in IhlH COUNTRY'54 sreiit r.ii p-l.! c. ad it, i-turHi. ' 1 ri t eU.lw L --..t a. , iiti.k pur tJu'in. ttil -u tin; I ilur " I : r a In the j.i.t. w will !r turlcaocaud ! TT -1 ,M . , . L.e It Juvl?, Lclcs and Wrap. C'iriHt. Huff Upholster, Gentlemen's Mr. Stalliugs, of Litteton, last week. ? j. k. Piummer, 28 33 40, J. II. IUcks , warning is i.ot suIUoIeut th-y will try J. Sattcrwhitfl fell and broke his 21 24 42 CO. J. M. Brame & Cum-; what virtue tujre may be in tar nud . .1 , "... 1 . .. . "arm. in-two places. ' j ber, 27 31 60. Whole break ave: -1-1 . -v- 1. ... 2 1 aTf ft 1 5 OR. lie .v 11 a,!iv niiiioaiLJ vour nauiw i "o' -r-r . . - . I means that you h we too long neglec ltd paying for the "Gazette." If nou s je tl.e mark on tne first of No ; Vfinber,-blame jourself and not us, Ever' resptxt able man in tne county should patronize his county paper, and for t!ie reason the county and town need a news paper, and it cannot have it unless it is fairly well and liberally sustained. j . . The Agricultural Club will meet 1 ere the 1st Fa'urday in November, lnterectinsr questions wiZl be public ly discussed an;i every progressive farmer in the county is invited to attend. The Baptist Union Meeting be gun in the Baptist Church here last, jight and will continne until Sunday. Scvoral talented rcinisters from h distance will be. present, and the ex ercises promise to be interesting. W. K.Parker is Agent for the popular "Cold ater" road cart. $29 each. Ped, Black, or Cherry color eci as prefeied. Wanted. 500 Bushels New Corn, 00 Bushels Black Peas, .100 lbs. Nice Country butter, and 1000 leathers and it tuee ctoni nswcr tney Trill- try something a little more 8ivere. NOTICE. For sale a !uabtc plantation con aidng2l5 acre, neat Macon, Warren County, X. Cm ioruis very easy. Also a valuable family and farm hor-e, terms agrccablu Addre.-s P. 'J, box lfi, War renton, X. C. -we repeat our invitation to the progressive farmers of the county to attend on Saturday, tomorrow :wcek. (the same being the fir&t Saturday in Nov.;) the. meeting of the farmers club to be held here that day. C ra:; oul and learn and lake an interest in your own business, or forever here after nuit 'ciissinor' and savin the NOTICE! . , , . homethtng bow uuuer tue pun. farmers have no suowing, are cheated x desire tft ,7Ptify my costoraClS lhat 1 &c. &c. If voii are not treated as . have moved fmra my tld stand in the j,.u .hoald b..ao somet'nnstc make- ii,"!,'" U 'gfeS i otbur.j give jrou justice. Eyen the shop that is tecond u none between r..,mn -makera. no disresnrct to the , I'rshurg Va., and JCaleigh FurnithingH, GIotc?, llcflery. Underwear e extend a cardial Invitation to .Y. ry out uteri; thvir patrougc: Please remeni- I) eX we bare r.o LEADERS to deceive, but iwll fjte Fre r f CoiaoaU toe. 0 I- Ii4. wfvti atJi oa in Those wishing I No. I Suave. IIaiu Cut or : ; J iH3, ihtutd call at I?U.n T;N.-. All Goods F;rsi-Clas Saloon, where lb.y rr 1 a!wAs fiid the Proprietor wll L. tts;:al smte of welco'.K'. 1 have engaged the wrritrs .f Win. Long, who was-fur mioy y a- in charge of th; rallroa I nid 1 u-l (barber bp in WcUo.i. Wra. u questionably knows Low lo la.:i!: a razor. Give roe a trial. John Duostonaud I I'm. Lor.. TTnitormly lel5Ua..aifcn na,,c 15. ISO, 'l Tnla Vrt 1 . .- UaWffb. V.k- Fi icih'atoe, 5fci:irJ!, odtroD, l"rrcntoo, Littleton, tVrttoa, M.UTrsioAc.2. Gci9ffctL. rtlr. HTATinvo r ieava, ' Ufa, M. 0 hi 10 ID 10 il 11 1? Z2 12 18 Ii 55 43 lb II J II C3 IS 19 gentlemen, for they are always need ed, first and last, bv all f us have formed an organization and call themselves funeral directors, and that too with a big F aud D. N w, then, when the well daggers, the grave frequenters, the peanut vendeis and the sausage makers combine cannot the intelligent fanners of the county do likewise? If they do i;ot are they progressive and can a man affjrd not to be progressive in this aae? Last Tuesday was the day set apart far tee opening sae of Messrs. Boyd & Rogers, and such a daj its like has not often been Witnessed. I tl guara:e satisfaction iu all Lraneh es ot my busii.es Come one nd ad respectfully Yours Horace Gross, IMPORTANT NOTICE! Lumber Yard In Warrentoo 1 One hundred aud fifty thou-atid feet on hand itnu Two humlrcd thousaud can be furnished in a Tew days. Orders solicited. Should ou want anything not o:t : baud, y.mr order will be idled iu a ew days cy applying to W. J. NORWOOD. O.Uce at C. B. Church & Co's store. Oct. 27, '8ff- 3 in Dcz. Fggs by Shaw & Co. for which '. On Monday evening before it begun the highest market; piices will be 1 to rain, and there was an almost con paid in exchange for goo-.'s. tmuons down pour during ,tbe uiht -We ask our "friends to remeni ! and ul1 the lowing day and a more 1IL R. E. KINO. UG.tTSaT Wax. rent ox. Alsa we 'claim to bi the Leading Grocirj- llousj in twenty five tid: ol Varrcnton. Sugar. ill:l;sej, V b-ee, CravkeM, Syrup. Canned Good. aUckirtd, licrrlugt. Salt & 6 idee. . ' . reppcr, Lard. Hour, .Meal. .Meat. Old Itacor., IbiniiAand every th.mgel.se that is good total. Far;uer' Supplies la endless vatlcty Trace chains, Horse cidUr. Blankets, Lock?, b'ar. Hammers, Axes. Cutlery of cndkss ariety. Ntice: On Tnewlae, the lt ds? o' N"eirl-r 1$S7. I wlill k t nnM'i. icri:.,i f..r STVT A T.T. "PT? 0F CA : lv re.tete of J- 11. KJXTAIX I I I I JLbUi- ri-mlntf. der. all f Un r.rot r irrty, to mil: IIr. Oxen. !Pci I cnx. verl hf a.l of drr ealtle. Uz. 1 Frntiii: u.vati". Crop of rorn and fr- afe.ml.t cf cj1 beit. Hone-lnIcl and k'lctien lurult.ire AeAe. W. 8. r.etkin. kiectitor.l P. M. 4 2 5 0C $ 13 5 5J C 12 C 36 7 0G : u STATIONS. Wtldoa, IdltJeloi, Wsrrre.ioa, Rifeary, Ueudertoo, KilirrU's, "Vinlliotoe. Wake, tzr I 25 JCJ i 14 7 7 r r. is. IT Oct. 5t lf7. ScllIc5exclnlTly for CAS and PAYING CASH we ate fully prepand to guarantee h J Di:.Vf UOODS as LO Ir at tho lowest, j FUllNITURl 4 COFFINS, BUGGIES WAGONS. 0 1 RDNLIfS OLD STAND. i I hve new in tor a folilin! Im- Atl frocnls wa.Tented a represented, i tunr, whkh 1 rl jnis i uK.NhujsiuKb, c 11 1: r run emu. oiprteah. lUor ca !i;tlhont lo prompt pljlnff ttiiomcr. TM will nnl Irr ch.nitK-r -Uit la leatU v. all. You c aa tl.i I Is alrgo cemmcdions and confortMc ' O T TT rlTt 1 Tl O TTOll building, and wc will be gUd 19 wel- -AkJr liAlXJ 5 J KJ U. conic I . . peferburgnalload ci. crncc or sLrtaixrtsrxar -c-cji3 Cf Traias to iikE Kc? 5. 1235. Petersburg da:i"oV..r 'm. r,vPa ! Lc.re Prr,t dftjJ U rr.ee .in-a at Z ."J V N. (0ce u:ri J. JtL GaKDIuNU'S ilTOKE Int why enumerate? You cau get a'modl auy ihlug you wanlat oiirUrc. ber those who advirtse in the Gazette, and togivi thr ro ad the pat ronage tut-y canr and for this r-oso : a county paper is necessary to tie citizens; a newspaper caunot liye without ihe supio;t of the people. Theieiore, thosn who help to support ii themselves, slou'd be hcipecl. disagteeab'e occasion was seldom Come and see us, eveti if sou . , ... . 1 do uui ittteud bii) lui, uu HuuU- uaving returned to Warrcnm lot v to U coodt. ie fcper.ai purpose wi practicing uty lUKtoo tlre drp0 11 Hi r. 1,8 a' U.t. Pel br, daily Arriroat ' 1 1 Uu ta a 1 0 I Xo An t'V vffTu. & aAVAitsAi, rxre tot. nrbo!Jtuod 1 "VUcodadr at i-I 1 itl keep aj Ainic,al .tUrb iT, ' rrd(t. I will I J a t aww Ton Ktnr 0 nmtiVirr.1.:-.. J.CeP VV.f,.f..0.l Vtn.:.ic...li.,.. t " r41.H11, Vlmuir rlI . e-s to Uie public, oii.uing a invd.-ra; ever, Loyd & Hoger' w:;ichotisK v:ts J thutoof their pair'u.iag over tun and iiuu m thplr if.no. .. Ticlh ex.; rat u-d wiiuot t iain by . w" , . , . " J ttie u-c ol LOCAL, a .d uCn.ual AN t- 1 had to be ceo r led to outfit le Louses. I T'lETiC r.j a,.m lU:S .UJI.CUO fti.iiU 1 'I I " riEkTH 7EMOVCD lii.' lldt at K in., u. ' tt) KUt'OKt: LJlAViNU the OVTICE. Aug. m, B5. I will boy your proluce an I pay the very J igs.tst niask.t pr'ecfo. it. J. H. Jolmson, from otlicr counties on-Mor.ciay, the firsL arriving about 11 o'clock a. in., and continued to pour in until dark, arr.uton, N C. Oct 20. 1857 ALL PERSONS MAKING PUK- ta th'. I1c. at mt te at V-lIA?L, . In ddtibn to furiuutns full Una of eoftn of !l cs " ' i-nntlnii In Lr.n Il.k: Ira. f!anti: tomakj our !orr beaqnarter nbrn nd H'agunn. and d al cdiKi a .d iej vUU town. We will he iled to agoa rcparo neaiiv a.i proi-ipUy, quote price, and in k cMioc r way wth a full mrpt rf ha d ai d be let aavc yon money U te do not a.U. n tt,e cr.u:Ury. We cta4 U exct led Again thanLiug the public and to ir n ti, Uaa. lug them that tin: liberal paUOu.r gtr cuutiutl.-! uat U a tuic fiuuude . SSiVi'. rttXZrX B eforQ Malang rooge. We arc veir neieci fully. ) Sept. 2nd I W. illAW i Co. , , yonr porc'iawi In fhe alMr n:i.,l . . j ... N.B. Ye bave s cured the ser- be rtfitlucrd iu t caa buy cl cap J c .Fr?'4' c'c: ;.!. ,.r t. t u-sti:- ... ..... fc- i . " 6a tr , 'salesman, and hi will b p!eaj;d to rrite at rxrhkr- at KtiioitT. - 4 s tr.r. elcoino bis n air friend 1 end will i treat tLcai riht. Very Ke.jetfully. r u JnitUio 5 ' J. ki . Vt ILL.l.wiV 5,4.1. it, -A