I PRESENTED BY Mrs. Orrin Tllson . i . 419 Beucatchr Road j 1 i . ' . j' ' i " Ashovillc, N.C. : 1; ' f J.. January i 1962 i .'V llfl 11 !! i ! j f ! -1 xM f-tr j funds in hia "hands belonging to his corre spondents in New YorlcT Boston, and New Orleans, were presented and had to.be cashi Ky the njosi earnest efforts, he' succeeded " :. . . ...... L - I ' I f i. ' in geuir "iiuucn; mi ne was tully coo. vince'hat it ; would ba impossible for htm ,,toauu ior another day without important d. From nowhere could this come ex cept through his new: partner, whose an. pearance, with the articles of agreement having his signature attached, he had been looKingior hourlv... Tw-r- o-coc fc hmd rooked in vainr .Fearing thatfre might not corne in before morning and dreading the cospquences of even an hour's delay, he deemed it best to call round at the store of the young man's father, and thus giie matters a chance of coming to a close. fa good opportunity for doing so occurred, ) meant to ask lohav? a few" thousand (Jollars advanced on thn next dav.' In fact. I. the hope, of getting hold ; of the money was , tho only reason he hafor venturing to i i presa matters ,to an earlier issue than they - would come if left to themselves, y. ' V Turnham found the merchant in his coun ting room alone. His reception he thought . lormai, and even cold. v "Is your son in?" he aaked. ; "No, air, was replied; and then there was silence- : 'i . i ' , "Will he. be in this afternoon?'? ,! think not." , Turnham felt 'oppressed. There was V something in the manner of the merchant " " nnt iinrlaraf ant a . mnrlsorl retired. The merchant bowed to him low and formally as ho did so. Sometning'is wrong," he nrutteced to himself, as he walked hurriedly back to his f The evening mail brought notice of drafts i at sightt amounting to fifteen thousand dol lars, all. or nearly all of which would prob. he would have understood lioro fully the j (jreat error ho had commifrd, and trem- Liiled in fear of even morareactive consc- tframple. . ery m P'aift and familiar, given, taken from yerj'itnTvavhiv'' kg all sociat relations. The cinssqaences ot every one'a coo duct ctusl W J lu form pr other, earlier orJ3tnUfe. This ts inevitable, for ai?ain etfpn trust sir due re lation innality and force, tiT'cadi other a truth that we cannot jay too deeply to heart. WARRENTON ;NEWS. - II ' ' ' a' V ' - - ' THURSDAY, AUGUST 29. 1850. Ihia , COIVGRESS. t Having to devote our time almost excluV sivelv to the work of setting type for want of other help, (a trade by the bn that we vera not "brought up at,") we Jiive been in the j7roceeaui?;s oi oonrt'ss.'- Je week ly sketching over' the, papers, ho; If. siigKI find they have, as usual, beenfr we littler We isum op the1"1 prcjeecTTHgson the 26th, our latest datccs,folfcte -" Mr. Yulo moved to take up t' join t resolution to terminate the session oft the first Monday of September. Not agreed tov ; Mr. Dodge, of VVisf. oflered a rt solution for granting a pension to the widow of Capt; Alexander Seymore Hooe, deceased. Referred. ' Some private bills were dispose! of. ine senate iook up tne resoiu'. i viding for the purchasing of 2,000 cop of-A H. Pattner's book on Japan CtUjA tndefihitely postponed: -and t adjourned. : i ino tiouse was engaged tha,dYpart cf the day on the bill to eitaWtsh ertain aKtu rtw nrpsntffl next davi This made cooid The time obt .wm evening ivas snent in ef. forts to ouir uB lained largely to those "f!4 wnom , ne calfed, about the c part wP he had formed, and the great cotntD? capital it would soon give him.' All lb' Va credited: but the bartiea hadV, i cfn?y to spae from their own opera- : 'J160 'j? his connection to be formed?" 'Sl? - ,h0 per80na td whora had rr,,"I,i,iaie,y w answered. . We are uider the disagreeable necessity of issuing only half a sheet thi? week, on account of the continued sicknes'i -pur nf,j uco lianus, ana our inaoimy 10 py from any other source. It is said beeinninca make cood endinffa holds true in regard to newsaperjenrrorise, A PQst roads. It was passei over, and n we may certainly anticipate a orious rej The civil and dip!omaiicvapproprialin bii! sulr in our undertakings forwose luck we J was reported the House. . K presume no man or set of map ever bad in Without conciudine tho considpris;,, r twvrtaitifjg. r7 ww w-aur burfiefis it is principally, to superintend the mecjanical part of the concern, has been conjned to his bed nearly four weeks, with an ktack of bilious fever, and consequently, haO THE MARKETS. - RICHMOND, AugV.28 . . , TOBACCO. B -'- Lues 50 a 8; common to cood leaf 89, 5D a 9,50; fine shipping leaf 810 a 1150; rancy Manufac&iring 12 a 30. -ina rrii jL,- fiT - COTTON ; l2ia J3tent?, . -Hails S a 3lc. ; T M ' . - 1 S J- - ! ATTORNEY AT LAW, : ATTRONEF 'AT LAW, ; ossoab.-iT-'o.. . W. R. MOUNTCASTLE, WATCH MAKER AND JEWELLER. i . r - ' '' Will repair and regulate Watches, and re , pair Breast Pins and other Jewelry i nanktUl tor past tavors, no souciis a coaua us nee of twtronatfe. Wa.rrenton, N. C. r BP- PETERSBURCVAug't 23. TORACfjfi. : Lugs 5 J a Si; Sbipprlg and Steaming We qun;, 6J a 31. 7 Holders of 1 BblNWl Lud,,. ' For sale by J. A Harrison & Co VatrtrUon AvgvsU?th 1850 CABINET MAKING. 1 lit fWareVEMtalilisiimenf jlijale3reaie;:uay were 90 a 110c. for Red ; - 105 a 112ic for while. L . t 'II .1 . . . ie online rionso adiourned. wfth tu .CORN. "The demand is 'fair at GOcfor prime. V ; BACON. , . , i y cured hog round 7$ a 7$c; Hams 9c.' VVesfem Sides CJ a 6$c; Shoulders 5 a 5 J PHRENOLOGY. Uur citizens were " agreeably enter.'ined on Monday eveninii last, bv a Lectuie nn jeen unable to give any assistance in , PhrpnnU.?. pmi,, i:i.-j ,J uiu ywce. vur oniy otoer nana nas aiso Dr. A. Crrne at the Wa beeh tck almost continually since we com menftd our paper. We have written to eeveil places for hands, but have not been able cums rrenton Female Seminary, which was followed by an 'esen. pliMcat ion of the Science of Phrenology jin the examination of the heads of TourWuh pt to get. any. These ,are the cir-! iectsthree ,renllempn nnf, ftri0 vmlrurUx, nces wo would plead in-apology for w ' have loner hcn n mntf,Htrt ,hJc;;. the Megular appearance of our paper-here ence Qr hreholov: hut''" had w h,pJ K uine jonly half a sheet this I ,;ur- D, : . ' . . . i . i t j Veriest srentif? nn tho snhidrt ivo ihirl tiia week,vhich we preferred, rather than make rn. , , . .. ,.r . .. , nrt . it rp. . r , Doctor s practical exemp ification cf tho no issu) at all. iThis state of things skill 0 , 1 . . , , ffcN the 16tk sei! at public. Auction or! Jioa tl, . r . . l r-JTVi nail uj 'Land on which "I J iontaininc about r 1001 Acres PHUK, and fiv above SHOCpO'5pnn'"s It produces 'Corn. WheatTtU .TaS- t...... - v. i -"fc i HPHE suUcjiber Hprepirt toccccat iuwtotVe j t A entrusted to his care, either in repairing or ne w work, also Rooma and guttering done i.r a neat manner and on reasohable terme; old . pewter and lead taken in exchange for Tin Warp Call at my shop on Main Street next door to ' A. P. BairdV Varietv Stcrc and nearly Owen's Hotel. I ri ... 4 THOMXS L. JOHNSON. ' Warrenton. August. 9 1S50. I' - -1. 1 1-tf. FTjTHIE undereijned taUcs this method of re aa turning his th&nks to the public lor their liberal patronage and solicit a continuance of the same. , He is prepared to do all work in his line 6f business with neatness and despatch, and war rants all work going from hiaehop to be made of Good Material and wel 1 pu t together.. There is no need for. pereons in the communi- 1 u gu oorito porcnas lurmturo as he euar. 11 I 8nlles t0 furnish aaood vMk upon aa favorablf COLD STREAM DIVISION ; 7-;-f:.-:;.;:.--No.80tr!:.- . The Division having purchased a site for th erection of their Hall, respectfplly give notice,, that a Meeting of the Committee for ; solicitirig snbscriptioris to the same, will take place at-the Division Rdom on Monday the 26th 4nst, at 12 o'clock! M. for the purpose of ascertain ing what' abount has been subscribed. mnA. so, of determining upon the plan of futuq; op erations. J jit is expepted and desired that every Member of the Subscription Committee will be present. .- .. j . , , , By order of the Division. - 4 ; - I I R. A. Ezcll, ChrV Comm. August 9,185a - l-l-Stro. n. -u , . -vvv- .v.u wnen oroupnt in n oersebrjsinrtoMo? . r: .. LCT All jobs imtoediatelv r, rrtvi f k" ca ma Payment to Thorn. nrnmntlv ..trAJj "-'vw win u t f.j UIICUUCU LU ! Aiirrnct .! ' -. . j ' . Mill, as W. Row be ffiven.j ett, as longer indulgence vill no Warrenton. August 9. 1850. 1.1 jtwt artici oth Th ft . .-. , . - v. : M JO Oi &oreimAnf'.a a - . ? .'VMiiiua ouuo siijn them. Phi "Who ishi;-wiinTiayou know?n "1 oVhot." f : "Let me see I did know. Yes, now, I xomembor. It is Wheeler. He's a sound JawyerV' Wheelerl You are sure?" "O yes. ' 1 - recollect', rmw vpp ttit . " .. i vu rvneeiers the man." . ; 1 . TiAnhatn went back to his office, tfiink mg more seriously about his conduct to wards Wheeler than ho htd ever thought uciure, anu ieenn anxious add alarmed lest the lawyer should have retaliated upon him by informing Mr. H. of what he The effect, he saw, would be to ruin him. Turnham s.'ept but a few hours ihaf night. i Ifl trio mnrninn kn...l J ': Of mind, but resolved upon o:ieVthins aud that was to see Mr. flYnnd l,i3 sorrb'jforo ninaoclock, and knoiV whether tho nrndea agreement wereith be signed oj not. tx?0 merchant coldly than be, w-ooKeij em- , ---"v'tr,", cominij at onco to tho ' point; T . .;' :, ,. - ;... ' "Wo have," repliea Mr. fl. "Are they, properly drawnT'asked Turn ham. ; ; 'Yes; but since .1 Saw. tyoti' fyestnnJay, circumstances have led ir.e to change, my views jo regard 10 my son. Of his I should havo informed you during the ay. I trust , it will be no matter cf "serious disannoint- s. 1 ' 1 , nngs not continue. We pledge ourselves to pro euro hiid3 as soon as possible; and we may also reasonably hope, that the sickness of our present workmen will not always last Wo hope shortly to be able to make Science on Monday evening. woulJ l.rtva convinced us at least that there. is mors in it than is usually "dreamcd.of in our Ijhi 08pphy." , W venture to gay that ho ve jasa good description of the character ofcao naniJy ; and contains an uhdsual quantity of riCll . forest, and thnmnrrMw .i :J . i Iow.grrounda-.in the ..angle of it and Siiocco Creeks. . The dwellirinr-is large and 'taWefulI finished m a.beauriful firove, and surrounded with all necessary Hi rm : Houses, . -and ierro Chin JENNY LIND JortUe Ladies. -LTST received tj&J much admirf with various other them. I Aug't22 2-tf. To 'ht Farmers of North Carolina, ' Hfvmrr CiecontinupH hn ATk ' r. Pf, i'uim varoiins " "'""-'i y raii oi suiiicienf : nnlrnnnnn' pr expresa few pair of thosa IZZu r t , ma , ine ;otaE wtcretinff to d J,Tnr A?.tJJ, 063 uch of . onr ft ends who ttiiv rhinlr str'nirr.-tr.ST: lransthe,rfsubsdriPtionstothis ineVr , . ' ' a n n.in - J VOtinff, WecklV. SCVernl hn!nmnJ I-:!..::. ' Will not the farmPM n,i . 2. r Carolina. reDaiour zp.l in tha;. Kkir .rV, .u nroa .uL:. . Z' . win UlO Warrenton, N. C. VARIETV STftKr cilSn, of W.mi.rn ,ureh!fl.lho "" art. which every goveSt ' vkinfffilhe Jiber f ffiSM.toa P.evcry proprietor Uuii Zt' 2-5 V :. are forl to submit lo circrnkWes. it er? corr'cl des'Tfion., . ' V -has bfeer. on account of no nW iCf on our Tha Dr i 'f - Returns fri , part that we are thus backward, but it hn ( lp& ,n tifITe & anbihef Lector i' ' tVU ' J- S-jone bden. owing entirely to caiiwcorer which ' "3y evenin notice: cf which uiil ! VpVco;, Ao?. 3-2t!'. " Thopianion iin .ood h' art. havin, X PiiS Z aZP h worked on thoMhrce shirt, and horizontal n1aHi.t", 0Tei ' ra lists to rouse Mur nffrJCU,tu. . ana ouJdpfoy 10 'hand'sl.i.profitabi v. cer eV Sho", I'af Grocer, thm species of i&rnat on- etthCmHC ' uaer pd arid cbundanthe hfTid Sc- w'lr'Jf'V erJ to the pub. cultural works old ivfto th sT-rf1' 5Lr"l brhood oVerbiaf-' - r"l "ISS ' .-t. Confection world the rS 'Sfrf? !.?ho y"? tuirutae pu!nsvaioney will bd re- hn u ill iVk v4i a,i cf which Kead and Write Our rnhfmnV -11 ,1: j h r.,. riA-. tL t.,Aii.v'ilic oa to tnofct i'eascrY, trme tn .Lu "i!j!lJi?,dmilS will ever' bo o- j" iZU u credit-. jtf. ;wi -Hf. v ' try-fvirrxrrA . v. ; Vt ttl. I. Jr.rfr 5 T we had no controJ. ' V, 3 hope our patrons will ihV th r? weight to these circumstances, .Jhich have proved o vexatious lo us in tho corarner.cc fnonr nn L.I. : r r' u.,u .uuk xorwara with ir? to that "good d.iy which is coming wheour dif. ficulties shall bo removed, and wheWe mar " - - i -ii ' j so lorwird in our work of f ndeavprinff to "aiurua eve""l enlertai;? and . L.. . ..M'g Uewill tell jen by the ringir of the Court MS boll. " . - " ; - 1 PTd to furnish K ?tfir! Ltno5cr and oathe most rcasonjbls t-w.v tlCe' Dr. VV. 1-?. iU5lAJlTIN, jjjp VING loced i.,,,; - -n,r- at' his resilience. ---in a mi!o,a,. v ' i -.ill ujujeuiites be rnivfVnl.o uui j ini ,23 nat were. ' a. wauo will deliver a tWVr ,euspecuuily offers his professional Lecluro on the sublet of M, SODrv lil ,t0 fho .PlbI,c- can b1 found at all t-V, ttoralitv, dfat t,ie ,Ih :V;S.. 1 ! l Al W I i . . -s f ; 7 " i Iot fin f " vt-nrng next at early cnrAd many things about .11 ment. A connection, fully as advantageous as the one about being formed with my son, you can without doubt, easily make." " " i tie reason ot your extraordinary con duct' said Turnham, who had become quite paie, !you will certainly explain. "l ean make no explanations, sir." re- 1 lit l ill' uirr i j nr. . '. r ,. . ' J ;v c11 -cc ota icuer, re. a uirnu m IfiiS COUntV, datW . 't?w"d:s Coun, -Va. A,?. th. .:-'7 uet-u quae an atg SOnrt fi rrl itt- ii ... -----y "oorticu u, . nave oot traufpircd-in this community. All are invited to attend. hitii'? woeiy Ranted. -Wo 8 STOftM IN HALIFAX. 5 I .1 ' . onn r. .k r - . A , f snooin crii xiwiii uirixeDUOlienn that i .f . rt- . f "i.woil.iiui I III r " M : " - A f, EX A N D EJv . P.B A I R D. Vi?td? Wcrrent0D' ow. vvari-cnton, Au5ust9t ig. fi were immediately 40 or 50' men ordered out r iT" umi mav V at Benton, the place near whicn their meet- 150 varrf , V' UC,Ure Was aboul ing was held in as thick canebreak. ,'n the hil un& Snd ' lhe wrs uere 6 1 - m m iJUOUI en e if at thx Han- an D. Sorn. .h ul.iio th'5? 'Tu?t received 4. " ' - - t Wjfowf LeFt Lnyer IU.:rit i rr??V I C ef Prunes - x iCKies ana iTscrves; as fd kain &l, opposite Owen's i;oel. ; kimcory: turned tho merchant, coldlyr lMy reasons ) tor what 1 do are sufficient for my own jus uncation. My conduct may, appear extra ordinary in your eyes; but j am satisfied that, in reality, you have no right to.com- plain of it." 1 T Th is was all tho satisfaction Turnham received. On that day :his acceptances with information to the negro -wcro dishonored; and drafts to .'"aT" lafno an0 f ! ' C k'rlhzLTm' r '- c tnounl. drawn against deposits Qi-'bolleo j tions4hat ought to have been in his hand9, I went bick uripaiJ. . t v J ! Ready as tfie broker would have been to I secure something for himself in the disaster i that befell him, it came upon him so suJ l Everthing was snnui of his power. :r?0lW in his pocket. ' tion ofTni:8 lt the rcac -1 V . w,,u vu""uci, and j life. . ". . VUVI9( bend of the rivei. When the comDanv wn organized, they marched to the fecene of : 'Pt... 1 !" J ' . 1 r - auiiuu. u ev uau uui auvanceu inr hoinrb they found the ssriljnels were strewed to the plice of meeting, about 6 miles below. The first sentinel broke and they fired upen him and brought him to the ground badlVout.d ! e.d, but not kuledj thay then extoneirom him the whole secrete The alarm wao carried so fast, and the time was so hindered at the first, that they only shot at sit that night, and the others 'fled for the woods. The citizens of Benton have been naively engaged in the pursuit ever since. , J re, ceived information that they had hanged' fifteen of tho captains, wounded six, and shot one dead. Therehas been information obtained here, that at the time the Siearn boat Selma, sunk, there was a free nea Dn board, with a quantity of abolition T1 . ... T rn ITr.nr.. " -Jl, 1 ,1 'Pi ' ' ' "t. I Tho Dlanlation nf kfr r'i.,.'...!! miles south of Halifax, sufiered severe Ii. fe'li Sf 'ho.. W n were nnuiuur 01 his staves received serious injury, some of them broken limbs. Several calves were taken out of their pens at this place, and were torn limhlpR. n .. I I I ... T ti I. arm f'op- ale I r vvui remain p' ie eAieiibUkT-pairujiaire ne WW they- bave ever 'hAfora tic..: IJis pictures nm tQi,. . tuux-u memod, colored manner a r r; ";;trr'ueB considerable amount . , r-w"V -T"ino.anc Miscellaneous mif- whlch we trust Will interest all classes of III coJnunity.U.TRAJs. m m ih9 . Raleigh, Aug. 21, 1S50. 1 " ProspectHs of fhc SouUcjrii . A N association of aixty-three Memberf - penntend the 5.?" at Washington Citv. to Hp . J ' reM t,1. 8,tKaand defence of Southern Rights and hT r" ' rt.f.-.- -1. . t . Trv' PO'Cj, -nd the eoi.ru nr L. ;'uca.na generally vithout reference- ' " ofthc old party inesof Whiand nJ.T?C Arrangements arenow in progrrw, nroWi. to ensurethe4Sfl?lof6ucha : ; - Tiifr! sbbriiERN press" or uiq conduct of -which. eaithi vaiU. ..-. .. . "rVS" I . - r . ...kv w, o w in also recc tii h n Lfl!i2!f0AiTO ft'li-WMUU and u.Il. J."', issue: the Tatter lo contain suottaritialflhsv---r. -" tesircua cf reinnvfn .r "''i, iu a war mer climate. I nnw ffi-..- nd. Rerdv OpA i j- v ,n on hmg same matter as the former, and intended to reach affbrded iZTi M4-VfBf tllf.ouay whose mail faci ities anoraed to the pub-f J- TTiWt j . , 1 by the I L 11 he deemed advieaM t, .. " uraet-i the General nd Foreign bv m.fi original essavji. t,w. ror further rt8rr1V.1i... ' NEW COTTON. On sunday a; bale of new cotton j the first cf South, am as diow, mey were to be noHfiec( rise in a renernl hrvt iK.lv . 1 p r -""j .niiuuur -nffi ftftko c!atrkM: . r r"B on .he lookout ,t North Carolina and V ? a L ::; "c,u, 11,31 gave the informal vdl ,ere were agents all over the so tn riialriKiilo Hnn..d . . i. 11 7 . vumjwiis and swear them ttrejsix hundicd of thes' of Alfred -Brown, Clarke county. It can,C consigned to Messrs. ' DoykirMcRea and r oster. The bale . Weighs a bout 300 JbV: ' JJCnttnr in. ;.. ' - . f . -- - - f - p L ittWnn n' vvriDton and Littleton Depot, .cd -contain- 1 o Acres. 4-conti modfeusDwel. all complete wither rd e,ht nrePJ BarD?, Stable &c! h H RCCessar houses, tTpnfo baa ! I 'ast and crei just beerj recH it H tho mm .3 - -- W f U. I ..J j handled, and has thv-upp belter matured than Ih fi, ALSO rooms at GnnHiA&v ..Ji 4 " nis specimens. f'v a . ermine . his . Warrenton, N. C, August 9, 1850." 11 If. z ,nif?rest. ;e collected sicui wmcn constitutes h .n, . ,:'v. valuable NensmvT We to e correct .7 .1" ,".wu Ww COMSJITTED toiheJiil of V4rr n ong to Stephen P. HoIJowVy of Or n" e Pn, ' C. near Moring's fc"gg wner is Hereby notified to come forward n. Property, pay barges and take 1, ? ? he wiJJ be dealt with a3 the law d Set!?' 0r of the Legislatnrea question.- ConrrregfL a a waII . of the. Southern coalition COnljrin ?.:: Jr law di reels 11 G. GOODLOE. Jailor Warrenton. AlJgusl 9, 1850. ' Yr re Bred lhan llfir.. ....: t:. i,"- J.-sre wcH adsil irf.i.. ,?, ly are. .We h,. " T.. VW W,Wiat. CotiTrXr" exteof lhe WSIE S I , : so ' Ffi S A LE SeZfT" TheSenera Pta'tto and ft.t Lit- ua.o ..iti-iesuon is ofthe r.M -Vaa i i- vPm.,..- " r vent, ana am now receiving A limited number miltr .4 wi l be recpivrrt-n,- -u"emcnui od the m.teri.l.Sl rrhlD.e'ca tFS". for the purpose. "uvurcu eepemlly It iaconSdently hoped that everv ir,. ' fi.:.'j nd for,v.rd the " V which the nue?f 9 none or the peculia'rttipa r w f i j 1 ai J yv" Fer cent in rent. cotton, and I cTeh' iU I" itVZV. bal" received on Le fi.rther p,r..Mlars will .!K v , s.ua,-U',H .rorn ftlarengo, the 3 ! vao "iC -.r.nueton Depot. "'her from WaSh nn or,ri ' ,l. j .. -L . . - fIF:nv iilnnm tht third bale was received. In 1848. sevf u?ustV5ta l-3-4tm. i - r At the New Bteg 10 can and BfT..j i4. viciniiir. 01 puchasino- Drv . K'f;opponunity Uisstnrfc cV03 fit a reduced. nrir god8 belog trT selected expresfly oMht v W hare To the follow iV?L arj"n arfeet. V to.ctll the ati.n.Jr.,06 wesparlicQlar. iiaraTinr v' UJ Viz: Rich Checked M v icontUa.nd Lawns. I r. , a roscmaslers are authorized by law CV. -P.: j ;. ,. , , . , y. ' y in-weemv during fW.u- -i ffW- and Semi-weekTv rc- VVeeklanrum.;. .. The price of eti!Ur;MV 1. ! , 2 50 nably in advance, a SeCaT PaM ot. name sent. i H cas& accompany the in th, , , V ,,ur,n week end Tm ti!t! of Aa& Mobile Tribune pj?751! K8' ttichmand Enqutrei S?J S ?ITe ur ,Dsertion3 each' and fct- wsra their Recounts to ihi OfPce. i ior oay and evening drisirV A 71 P, and elegant a.WnJrff' ;k.a e season is advancing anH I L f caa the Urge rTmeatti'tK, All 'Uled to receive rc;7. '1 V. : M'r' iwr OCe VPnr A. P. BUTLE&. J. AJORTOiV. ' R. TOOMBS, V Waab hington. May 2i Li - "if I '.rren.on, Anf 9,

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