NOftlH CAROLINA PORTFOLIO It . Pi -2 '.S ; 2& VOL. I WILKESBORO, N, ' , C.v J U L Y" 2 2, 1 880. - -NO 49. 3ST ' a? ' . : mm mm ? ' :" S&K&i - 3 'V THE TJtfD 2 X. . VI.' ' ..... ISSUED KVESY THUESDAT BY H. H. C a o -97.S 0 N TSZbS &F S UBSCMIP2 IGN : -Jm, ju'yeif, si. 5 75 ct , ISAiLG a. WELLBORN, Atrney aK3 Gotrasaiier at Liw VVILKESBORO; 3T. C. Practice in all the 'cotirts cf the fStato. Prompt" attention ,paid to tlae; collection oi, claims. . . M&fgantoa, K & Will attend the Courts of Wilkes afrtf adjoining counties: Practices iri all the Courts of the State. Charlotte Hotel, . CHARLOTTE. W. C Ddlightfully ituated ."in the centre : of the Citv. and Accessi- T - ; blc to all Unsinees j Houses. . -33Lffl:..Soi3.103.i3 . ' - -d . f Proprietor. "TcSiWIlAL. MQILL, Biciory, N. C. N I -;vi ; -.:..- Pkoprietoe. ! -:o: The tables: ar3 snoplisJ with the b33tth3 rarliec affords. Servants polit"? and attentive. ' . TEE ' OBSERVER, rtiblisbad daily, escepi Sundaj, . ulaterf of Subscription; ; per year, ' V eekly, per jeur, THE DAILY REVIEW, ' . "Wilmington, N. C, ! Jo&aT; James -Editor & Proprietor, j ' x j ( -Subscriptions, Postage, Paid. ; Qmyaa. $S03. Six month, $2 5'.). Thrco months, St Ond month, 50 cents. Advertiaiag races low and liberal. TIMETABLE, 1HE.CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Char. 3.. Jones, Editor & Proprietor. ' Subdcription Rato3. . " . V f .-; V Daily, one yer, (pit-p:iid) m ad- Vance t $8 00 - &ix Mor.ths i . - 400 , Threo Mouthd ! 2 0'J O.-ic Mouth ,75 ' ' r i "- " .. : , Weekly'Edition. eokly, (iuthe county) in adranca $2 03 Cut of the county, postpaid, 210 Bn Mouths r , 1 00 39- Liberal Reductions for Olubs: - ' i . . .-,- .,-'- - Tili JBhSl AND A4 XD SOMES T PAPER JX-AMEBIC A: Gen4 for it at Oace-See Oar . : Club' Bates. . - THE 4VSUN"NY SOUTH" is now the . : taodel weekly oftho nee. It co.nes out in an entire new drtus and new nub upj - generaoy, ana i ovcraowinsf wttn taa richest and spiciest niiiucr oi' the day Poems. Kasaysi Stones, -News of the Week, Wit and Humor, Female Go&ip, Domestic . lliir," l3tteri irocn all Sections, itfote f Travel, Puzzles, Chei Proolem;, Maar i - ri l t ' V f- 1 ,y ; h ! o ii ? Staff Notes,, aTorefBenits inouthernl So 4aety. Fiishion ,Not&s with Plates,' Ansyrsjs. to Correspondents, Biosaphies with Por traits of dUtingmshcd nidi and ; woraea. . Humorous KngrYing3, Soassitional "Clip ":. j)iags, Correspondents Column, Loeiil Mat . t?ra, Bailroaa Guidts, aad forcible editon--aIs upon all subjects. I&it possible to .-make psptr mrc comptste " tcl a copy and xaoiini it. It no circulate in alt the JStafcos 'and Territories,. is' England, Ireland , f -ianada Au-tra!l;i, Lii'aiii, uud tLto ladinii li is realty i an h.mor to the South aad ur pftV o are jpr'iml o(U and evex-y otie Uj thould tke L iinavediately, " The pr;ce 14 paly $2.i) a yer. - The .'r&i.j.y;,SytIif, enU , Byyj 'ani Girls o v , the $6uth" i will bit uratftftid ' yvtr for , J. & W. B. SEALS. THE GAPE FS&R AND YAD KIN VALLEY RAILROAD. No. 2."' By exanjin'nt; hs map of North Carolina it will bo seen that almost Yithout exception our rivers have a general courss iroia Nortk West to Saath Ei3t; witness the Jloanokrt, the Chwan the Tar the jSTeuse, the Cpa Fear the Yadkin and the Ca tawba, and it will also be observed tW-t betvreen esicjh of thase-streams .... t is a table laad er dividing r'd-i, . i . . - . - " which,: f eoHrse fellbyrs the etnc geral direction. Aleri .tiise dwidiRg, ri'ias ere' natural road ways waieia erly ira ,'.!4la. .kiitsCy of Viae state ere atilkgiS 'ifew- n!ke'"cn 'strtct ions -cf bih riaiii lo'.vd t'ftese Tinges' tfift3. sf 'she facilities :.:.55?a ifcar &oatamnetioQ in the ;4bieu' ((eir.w.ttJar 6 Sine or-esa-ed ; on aceoaRJuji: tlbip- grades &;id H:n' Wl-WtcMjjru3j(i. b j cauie they " :ra k thtt . d;trectio'. which trad a seefSft ewer . &ztsi ia nod to follow, that is .wTi'ui ssr paralel to the, -cross of tiaa ;streaQ, or, as we say ia-thii . part of th w.irid. with theHay ot the land."; Our Nor tiv, C ii'oii :i a system of i.ti I roads niuit, then, run" .North West and South Est. ' In riiy torm-iv letter uist.-tian wa m vie of n iov c'tarcered its 1852 'tartiy.4:lVbm the; town of Fay etteville nndranrjing westward, or rather north wadtward, with the old plank roaos and the. rivet's. J Al tcr..var;ou3.'yjcissit.ddeft and a $xi: cession of n-ntovrard fortunes," it fi' jval iy, by act of the Lislati-e of 1879, changed its naoiiV : to the OjpaFVf and ; Yadkin : Vu'ley R ' Iv, after Kaving copaUda'ed vpith what was known as thi Ot e Knob a:id Mt. Airy II, K. C. 'ic ia to this road as now organized. ."that I wish to call the attention ot thae ; intL-fastcd in a state evstem of in ternal iuipi'ovementa. ' Tiie t;:rand ultimate object ol' building this, road is to make a lino of narrow iattj:e road of 3 lebt sruage from, the citv of Wilmington , by- Fayette ville Greensboro, Walnut. Cove, Jones villc, and Wilkasboro, to Patter son in Caldwell" i-county, thence tbrWsrti -.Wktauara br Mitchell, ac cording as f 'jture develppmsnts raav 'dictate? i.u the direction of ths Cuinberlad.Gap., 'Another. branch of the road- starts off from! the main stem near German town, ia Stokes county, and rniis to Me. Airy iu the nortiiem part of Stokes, thence through Alleghany to Ore Knob, in Ashe, , The State of North Carolina owns eleven fourteenths. of the stock and now has two hundred and seventy - lire convicts at' work grading the road. Of these ono hundred' and tortv are at work about fiiteen miles cast of Greensboro and about one hundred and thirtv-five are North West. Oaly about tea miles : bs low Greensboro remain to bo grad ed and then the, whole force 13 to be put to work 011 this end of the line until the point of divergence of the tranches is reached, when the hands are to be equally divided and the two lines constructed pariposnu to their western termini, i - Financially the company is in good coudition and if tbo people along the line will but do their duty niKdimculty needb3 apprehendeahand,. and twenty-ninft 'dollars, in equiping- the road a tast as 'it j bjng a? dividend on stock held by can be.gradcd ready for the rails Beginning at Wilmington,: let- us follow"; this road it hrbughunl v& length and see tvlilatsort of a coun try will be developed by it," .and whit t'radst' 'it ui ay expect: to 6U3-: tain it, and finally .what , etfoct it vVilI have upon th3 business: of the estate, and the eourmeieia! future of onr principal seapjort. FroirnWil- mingtf n II13 rOad jpasses along, the wobij valley ; of ithe' Cape Fear ibrofgb the rich equities of Hanover, Brunsvyickj Bladen- and Cumberland : thence from Favette ville through iioroett,' Moore, Chatham, Randolph, Guildford and Stokes, in .vhich county the road forks, one .prong go?n"---p the Yad ; kiu river through Forsy the, i Yadkin, Wilkesv Caldwell, Watauga ' or Mitchell, toward the Cuiiiherland Ga&, -The other proa '- will ' pass through. Surry. .'Alleghany, and Ashe. Thus it "tvill be " seen that the road will run ftou the largest and most flourishing ae'a ' coast cit j pi our state north wct with fbc fiver valleys and the 'conrsa of tie streai3 the route, la id out by na ture, and one whieu experience and obsarvation both prove Ui be cor rect Foom F.iyettevijlo ty Wil mington, ilia comp Kiy'-crHins will carry the rich products of the Cape Far co ispoied in part of cotton, rica and corny." Id addition to these heavey freiglVts, mint be jided the carrying trwde ' of the naval store I'busmesa, Hgreg-jting . in the couris i iiits year'tens of .thousands -of bar re i of turpiotioB, rosin, and tar. and millions' of feet of the finest ' - . lumber in tlw world, the 1 nuibor sawed from the. celebrated lon leaf u i ne. E. JONES. Ga-rSald's Lstter of Acceptanca, . . AS IT SHOULD BE. To the. Hon. Gehrge Jrulie Hoar and oikerSy, Committee of the JSra- tianal Republican Conuentivn ;' - -Qentlemkj My norniiiatiou by your CSoaventio'h" at: piagO; vwjss unexpected. I did not depir(e it ;"1 bad not even c uitempiuted the pos sibility of its huh)? made-' A very UKiioe; recollection ol events m J icy own public career lett;'o-room in my mind for 4I10 supposition thai the political party with which I am acting could, under any circurn s5tr.ces,. risk its supremacy upon my candidature. After the mo ment ot weakness in which i c n seated to allow my name to; go be fore the delegate?, uiy first irapuKe ws 7to withdraw. That impulse has recurred with augmented strength at various times -during the past five , weeks. It is still strong withiu me. Netertheles?, it having b;en rcDrescnted to me that withdrawal at this' timo is im possible, I have reluctantly decided to accept a nomination that was uir songhf hud un coveted, aud to enter jnto a ' v-anyass which mv better judgment declares to5 be hopeless. Io accepting the nomination ot the KeDubiic n;parry to b President of the United States, I expressly dis claim responibiiity for the rtsulr, if 'iinfavorabfe to that party. . r ' Having candidly defined my po sition in regard to the canvass, it eeomes proper for me ' to tynch; with equal candor, upon the lead ing issues that will engage the at tention 'of, the people during the next tew months. In Jnnve, 1S68, as is shown by the record, and as is declared by the 're port of 'the Republican investiga ting eommitteeV known as the Po land Committee, I received from ?kj. Oakea Aaies a check for three me in the Credit Mobilicr'Dt Amer ica; In the confusion ota 'trying momect I "swore that I had never owned such stock and never receiv ed aach divfdend. When it was shown, that : the money in questiotj nad been paid roe, beyond trie poh- jsibility d a doubt,' I rt quested Mr. Oakes Ames to consider it a'loah. I now respectfully ask the voters of the United States to: take ' that view; QlthU.WQiio ad let go-a a loan. .. v : 1 1 . - On thel'itbof ,Jnlyf 1872 jfbj Jan interesting coincidence . just eight years ago to-day I received .from a firm of ! coqtractyia inlereated sin proenring an appropriation; by ; th ewmtnittee of vhich l was chairman a check tor, !5,C00; ' Wliei.tuis transaction was investigated, five years later by-a committee ot Con gress, I swoVo'that the $5.000 was Hot a" bribe, but a fee. Tfe fact that 1 hisd, never renuered ' to this firm ol contractors any terviee3 of u legal nature is one which,; in my opi nionh it is ueitlje r just nor, gener ous to bring up alter all this: lapse ot time. I thtfrj'iore respecttully re q.uesf the vtifers of the' UYited States to adopt my view of the five thousand- dollar trai'isaei ion, and let it go as a fee. ' ! . Tn February and March, 1S73: 1 wm largely iustru mental in eftect - ing the pisenge of an' lippropriation of about $2,000,-000 for the J! batk pay ot Congressmen, i I considered this amount wh ieh thus canie into my liands a welcome i addition to my slender income ; ; but when I fooud tha the measure was .edicus to-the country, and likely to Siflect the political ln:u of the Uobgress men concurred- iq it, I mado haste to-covar. the ..entire sum intj the Treasury. I was . one half dozen. refund. ot the .first I now specttully ask the voters of the United States to take my riew t ot that restoration ot; the people's money, and let it go as a virtuons act. , . r j - There arc no doubt; other ques tions jalloeung mv personal .charac ter which wiil .como . before ine couhtry ; those rhich I have speci tied seem to tno to ibe' amoDg tha most important. My earnest jdesi re ;s that, whatever course politilical disciicsion limy take letween now and . November, we may be spared a campaign of calumny:' 1 ? ' On the other hand, if culture aod classieal attainments are: to ihv any weight in the contest now ope-uing-if, as has been ;rtceutly sug gested in the speeclil ot a: ' distin guished .Massachusetts Senator, the echoo'maater is Tyrteenaof the terrible pacs ot Salamis, inspiring the Aihe.nian Old Guard by com bingcut his long p locks in ? the presenco of Egyptian hosts, I shall be found at the front of the Repub lican column, carrying confidence to the hearts oi voters by. the cool i.ess vith:whic!, ia the hottest .of lhe fiht, JL bhall biting out from time to time some ot, the, treasures ot a cultivated mind. ( r . I remain gcuilemen, yOur fellow citizen," . t ;. ;'- A. QAKFIKLL. ? . Mentok','6 , July 12, 1880. , EowSlia Gotliim, ; " - i; ' "S "'-. ' - .- . .- '-'""'.--'- .'":, " 1 ' : "1; -' " NAOU'S VAIN ATTEMPTS TO ' ISOAPE TIiE'Wll)OW'sMATEtMO"aiAL6"SABKS, ; A Detioit justice of the peace was the other day interviewed by a Woman . about ibrty-five - years of go-e. who announced ithat she' would bo married on a certain night at.her tarte-honse, and his Honor. had been selected to come out and per form the ceremony. She asked how much, the fee was, and. paid it and took a receipt: j Business cau eluded.Sr'h.e sattlown, filled a short clayspipe with tobacco and indulg ed in a smoke. . i . ; " r -V Yt a .won't flunk loo on" Jhis ?" she said, as she.rose to go, after pt hahsting the contents oi bcrl pips. : '6h, no--Il be tiiere sure " 1 'So'il l,and Etfllho, or:ril know the reason why .Hi-'s beoa a claw ing off a little-lately bat I'll make bim toe the4aiark, 6fee it I donV'. vl hope' nothing unpleasant will cr," cbsevved th Qonrt.. ' hope s.y,too,,bat I'nf going to ber, pi epared ibr a ecririimage jnst t became. . Yon alwajs "bacli the yeakel sex, don't yon.?" . . . ' - ;Y yeg,' toftly itplied ;tjij jcs-. tice, , . . ; ': . ; . -: i,, do I, a ad I guess-'we'H be all righr -DonTt forget .be dato4" His JIoor went oi a?t night, prepared to-perform the csreuaonj wjth - '-promptness and. goodwilf. Ho found about a dczen persons ns sembled at 'the "house, and the wo man looked goigeons under tl& light of three - ken-sense lamps. She had Ker pipe going,? ai:d her face was covered with a biaDd smile as the shook hacda and said : "Takei a cheer. : .The vold man isn't here yet, but I'll send for him." Then, turning to a boy in the. room she continued bamue1' S and tell the eld man it,s t?mo o come in and be ." spliced.1 Samuel depared on bis. errand. and after the Jupse of ten tninatt-s ho returned and responded :; "The old man js overdo Martin's He? got his boots of! and s whi? tling out a wooden cat, and I don't believe he carts two cents about be ing tparried to you or auybo'dy, else " . - . The widow refilled her. pipe, t ook se v er al 6 1 rong w hi fl?, and j tbtn said to a longlegged farmer re-lwh itemed hungry lor the bridal feast';.' ' ' "Jiloses, you go over and tell Noah I want him 1' : Metes departed. He was absent ten intnhtes, and !the,n Ibungeid in and said : : ' " '"''''"- '' .' '. - ' , "Sys he is quite comfortable where ha is- j Gnefs he isn't on the marry very much." ; ' ' 4'4adge,"- began the were an, as f he;, looked around for her bonnet, yon play a gams of foX"-ar,d-geese with MoseR while I go over and see about this thing. . There's ; going to be a marriage here to-night,(and I'll bet a new horse-rake on it !" She ws absent about twenty minutes, and then reUrned in com pany fith toah. He bad neither coathor.bat on, and only one' boot, arid both were panting for breath. "G-go ahead, Jude!" she gasp ed, as she hauled the groom, into the centre ot the' roTm. uHe heard rae coming and got out and run four times around the orchard, but here he is." . 'Do you want to marry this , we man Vf asked, the official, as he gave Noah a lookifjg over. v . ''Yaas3 was the blunt reply. "Then , why did! yon run away ?" " 'Spose'I'uv going to'give right in the first thing ?" demanded the indignant. Noah. "I'll go and fix up and come back." '". " . ' .kNo, darling ; no yon wontmy pet am.ethyst I", chuckled fba wid ow. , '.We'll be married right here and now, boots or'n o boots 1" ' ; She crowded binV against the ta ble;. Moses stood' behind ' the 'pan to render any .needed aid, and the knt wa3 soon ied. ; As. soon as the ceremony was over Noah skipp ed cut - ot tbebak door, but o one pursued. The ; widew. called 5 the guests to supper and remarked Sit risrht down and "doht worry about the groom.' l'v e been niue vears working him up to this but he'll be a little baahlul for a, few wks tb come. . Have some of this roast pig, Mr." Court V'psrrtii Free Press , . ' - .. ' 'Sleepless nights tufd cheerless days will be prevented if yU'U6e Dr. Ball's Baby1 Syrup o-induce sleep and coin posars tor the Bvby. Pi ice 25-cents,. .. iyi-v The 1'orest and Stream, hai it. "To preeerve health use Vv timers Safe Kemo-. diess These" are ; almost of '? uii.iaculoujj power in : reuvoving diseasts forr which rec cniEDfrEded. ' j.h- worutierful. curative xi valitlt"lhy eie in-estcd l vouched .. bx teas of tousacia-' - " Yesterday and ti-Morrow ' "Hole on dar," sajd a colored man. -hailing an acruan tance ilDoesyer croes de street ebery time yer sees me ter keep frnm payin' dat.bilir ' . . , ... , I ;No, I doesn't." 0 , "What fur den?" ! uiler keen frum hpin 01 "Mr. Napoleon," said the credi tor, ''I lent yvr ten dollars tliree weeks ago.. Yer promised ter pay me. De Vdder day jou said cat ?ieman yer'd pay me ter-day. Votv What'fe YCr jrr.t ipr av" ' I ol'n.n ? 1 - t-r- , f gettin' er lack ob flotofy an' my honos mixed." "How's dat?" - " . "Doan yer know 5 at" de udder d ay all de time m town1 was chan ged? Da fonn' dat de time was wrong mi' da sent t:ff an got what da calls a transit apparatus, tirc den all de watehrs aft' cloeks, h:l been overhauled. Hit had? been foun' dat our lime js gis bne cay too fast." ''.Dat's got nuthin ter do wid my money," , f - . ' 4'Conrte;it b&b. I premised to pay yer tcr-day. De oberhanliu' ob de lime shows dat dis amt ter day."' tiTTJ.. J l'i '.;' juow uvjej yer maiteoair : .' Why, his is ter-morrow. Doan y'er let? Lemme tell yer, et yer ronn'.djs town showin' , sr ch i gimruce oh fiotofy de people will laugh' at yer." .-.:--.wtr ,;.i" .. f-, iwi, ucu J6 er iue iey iy rae?" - '--:'. . ' i'.'."- Jrs ez foon cz wft .kin git lhe time. 6t th ightened np. Da's woikin f hit now. - Jts tke my advice, fnr el de people ocstgits inter dar ob knowledge won't change hit; -Jfron the little Beck A ah) Ga- Rul es efcr Livirg. 1 I am no docter or pill vendor, yet 1 have bad a guod long life and a happy one. May I nof, there fore," just give ray f imple rules tor1 health, in the hope that ,som t raveler on the npor down .hiil ct life may look at them and be bene fitted by them'f I have prletictd them for many years and they ha done me goodj and they may du good to others. Thc-y are inexpen sive and may eosily atiandoiied, if they cause any harm. i IT JL aw xi tuu ruugngu cio - LUUtl2 as " possible.-. A plant will not tbtire withdut thesuubeam; much lass aman. . "lirBreath as much fresh air a your1 bnsiness" will permit. Tliia will make fresh blood; but it will never be1 found in the foui walli ot your building. Beneath the open sky, just therej and only, there, - n, comes to yon. . J v; '111: Be stricly temperate. You jcanoo: break organic law or an other law, with impunity. ; . IY. Keep the feet al ways -t;l and the 'Head' copU Disease Kr death - ? begin f? at tbo feet n.. commonly than we thiok. ' ' Y. Eat white bread " when v jc.i cphnot get browu bread. 1 -VI. .. If. out of order se whiih o.t the aboye rnlts yon have not ob served, then rqb you, self all over w;ith a towel "saturated: -with- salt water; and; well dried, and bwg'u upou tho r riles again- . - . VIL. Look over on the bright siJ-r wnicu is lhe . heaven, side of jii This i far better than medicine.- . Thece eeveti slmpio rules, gooK for the validyif rightfy -'obseryto, would save,, L apprehend, ag c : deal of paii prolong lite, ana -v far fcs health goee., make it Wo. U haveg. V, HetWL. ' ' ; . . - -.