0 i -si ii 4x V--i .it-. , 1 . . '.1 . -;o :2., WILKESBOUO, JULY 28. iSSl. NO. 94. I i JUL 3 1 - f i 1 1 if I 1': 1 ' I -v.- ' f ft- to V V If 1 : -r- fi 1 ir .V-: ' n T 'H& 4 V Si E X. nscEb r.vf r:v t:i r tf-u it b y H. H. c i 0 w :s. 0 N . Remarks by Rev. Gaba Tucker. "Yon may nttejh it on da ain as a : v mighty ,re?uy ;ian. f To make your j u ii? :i-nt J3 clo's j-dxi kirers . np a raan ; . " For I haullj neeli:to:tcH jou how u. yoa of ten come nc ro 34 : A: filty-dollar a?U!c ori a twf pty-do- Jar hos ,? : i ' ,; ' '7 Au wokin, in ilelow grouacls, jju'd .ffkivsr ;iyo;i JJv. Datthe iincfxf ghaJk may hMe tho i -iaeaiics Hubbia in a rv r fe I tlink a mon ha ?St amlhtjr leiiv . x Pat liol'U bn to bis piety hie day oat of Eibeu : ' ' . Dat talks afiout lt3 since: ri with a heap y. 1' i ' o' fioletaa t'jat, . r . ; ' i Aq Hebbet tlrapi'a iiicklo ia de into--j , ; eionnry hit ; -f ; i Dat'a loctnKi ro tls hicetin,liou?o' ' for rAim all (e t'niiMt-'. . Bat lays a:idjhi 'liioa witA hvsSun- "'' day j):;tiulo.uhs ! : ' ; vf ' I never judgo o' pGopld dat I meets along lp way . ( ' . By de places wharidev como from an' r , f do houses whar tjc-y sfay ; . For de Bantam chickens avul fan o' roostinVjirctty hih, ; An' de urkey buzzHn finil above do . eagle in do ky ; 1 Peji fetched little minner in de mid dle obi de sea, ' ' Aud j'ou finds de i-raallfis 'possum up de bijitrea Kind o tic I . fiibiiera Month y.- IN BONDS OF STEEL. 4I am. pleasantly surnriged. Hu- fus," fcaid rrtirefH)n)rftld; cheer- iully, Allien you camo down herojofny wdjin I, nver ' once inifgined you might , ii id a U'lfo jion these agreeable country peo- ple. She en active, industrious little Bodyam X wiih y ou bulb e v ' cry pcssioie nappinctjs' blind but half-discontented tmilo flickered over tho visajj' pf 1 tb5 ciQW man, J f not you r con grat illation rather nmbiguoua ?1J ' Mr. " Dugald lauhod uneasily He was always disqiiteteu when his Bhrewdcousin choso to be critical. ' lSibai3 no inorp periect than any ci a'.heanswedy' 'evasively. uShe is easily otTendrd, and not disposed to bo reasan;ib!o whi"i angered. You;aro tlia same, Kufus. But she loves yen and you loro her ; to when you come to iniderstancKcac'a othor iho.Vou'iiy, I can aiiprtdiend no rcaron why' you will, not ba . an rdinsrily happy pair. ' 1 - j , 1I aui hfniid you have eoaiem l I; pi z t ed . d i s ng r e e a b 1 e p o i lii litiW," . ' t remarked the other, with uniiaumil ' ' K00d hunior. u But have you do- l' p cidedto come with us to Ken tueky, ' : Walter V .r '' -, . , L .U shall be obliged to go, 1 sup t i po3Q,, responded Mr; Daald, .Rloomuy. vl can get no cm ploy -- mcnt: herj.; and I must do some t h i ng speed i ly , ijr my fu n d s a re j ' bocoming. u n ciMn for t ably ui all S' 4iVn, 1 laivo" plenty fur m all. i and;tnyj)usvne isjluerativo' ob terved the' conri p))3olingly, ; . "j Te5, I k!mv;' - ruftpdne-1 , the ( younger maniJbiit can I adapt my abilit ies to y oi; r biuinees ; t hat 5s vholly cmtnereiil, 1 understand j-J J ; ( 4;Cerfaiiilypd wMprtlt," was the; quick reply. Mut we ir.r.t ! t disperse wiiha bininess cih$ulta - lien just now . I iiear the ladies : cob'irj.''" . s " ' . Tiit ro was a sound cn the stairs; , not nsjilie the ll uttering ef lirdV ingi 'v t,u:d of'slaiost harrow- ing r:ivrMiy $ 'Tapid tiiat neither the v.!i ir sweep ofekhrts, ..',; ..hrf-. 'it-.vj Uiu:! nt Jioa ''jaeqnit ; V i n t e fed .1 j v p V : r w i t h n-i nncere 1. riumo-u add' a sfcarcIr rracioui lis- iatLte of man'ifi. : . wlI WMuid iot twait for Ijrina she purred with a etnirk. "She ii hofri'iilv slaw and particalr abju Der tonet. l tn airaiu ane 13 vain l reauy rn, maea ; ana 1 tLirK should pity jon, Walterjnit a lit - UI am not conwioui of any Bpco ial need of pity, in any 6ort of way returned the young man. with some coldness. He hid very little iikini for iti Jacquir. She vrajrs rarainded.hiin of .thit typof 70iriari of which Shakspnre uVtist have beca thinking when the as- Sn rf " ' ' I uShe is a vixen l And though ehe hi but little, gheJs tierce"- as written. Sua wa3 a brunette, with fine. plenteous, bat lu4terles dark hai r ; a srnali and nuinteilectual hc-ad ; or ji nary, .bat not displt-asing feature a criniin mouth, with long, thin li, and with birsce, dark, dull eyes, that- oniy brightened in times cf wrathful passion, and then with a strange, sly savage glitter. - Walter Dughld believed her to b.3 a3 inciueere as Bhailow, as re lentlessly cruel as she was violent and shrewish. And he marveled ut the infatuation of his cousin. Falconl)ridgj had led his; le t rot bed to.vard the piano at the further end of the 'room, and the tr.'O wer 'j'.'Stini;' and' laughirg sp gaily tthat it wa3 evident tbey would, not heoQended, if thry were left alone. - '' . , Walter quietly left tho parlor, and went up to the pretty chainber where his j- beautiful young wife was adorning her j bronzer-brovrn curls' and the simple corsagefof her plain, gray ilk dress with pink and white rose-buds . L 'I fancied and hoped you would and Kufus singing already ? How hppy they ero togtHher ehe ; concluded, contentedly. ' , , "Evidently our preeenco is not essential to their comfort just now," laughed the young husband. "Shall vre go with them to Kentucky, ile- ginaf he ended with5;abrupt .seri ousness. 'l am not inclined ' to rc-c-ard the j ' .'-. pnjcct , very favorably," was the gentle reply. "iSibft and I' have never been the most loving ot sis ters, aud--pardon me, dear I do seriously distrust this apparent friendliness of your cousin,. But I shall cheerfully do what yon think best, Walter." . '' ul know that, darling," affirmed tho husband. ,4But I respect your wishes and value yoiir advice. Of course Ijdo not contemplate loca ting permanently there ; but the ex periment of a yoar;, or two ' among new. eceues and botv faca might be bepcficial,i - : 4Yes, if you were an artist or in valid," said Retina, smiling. uBut Ccn Rufus atsure you of any bene fit or profits as an engraver ?'! uNot at all," was the answer. uIIo i3 to fini me some ageucy or gomethiujr that-he promises me will lie most lucrative. In tho mean-s time, if w are not ' pleased if wel are difsatbded, we can return. I am afrnid I cau do no better than accept the oifer, my love." vTiion wdmust accept it,,raverrcd the wife, promptly. -f . But llcgina Dn.gald had a pre sentiment of ill. And her heart ws wearcwilb "indefinable, sadness s, soffij .weeks later, she neared the wild mountains among whose emerald and amethystine sbacjo ws was t-hs new home promiied theai bv Rcfus Faleonbridgc. . It was a curious,' rude, wooden structure, oddly resfetnbling ft huge, square, dun rock among tlie ropks. TiKeklev trees hid Us low rjoof, and thick wild ivy hid its walls an narrow JaUibed windows. It wis suflicieutiv comior table, and its 1. t '..:. several coinmolijuj ri!ii?!icd tasteful! v: I "l uaa tfie nouso built after fh irnoaoj or a tmntin Ipd3 I lone ) 'sw ia tho North or Englaiid'' ex piained Jr!cnbriGe, cheerilv. it Dot: delihtfuliy eccinded ? not iDe site rem antic ajid pictorcsi que? Aro ndt the -sr, of.thc; fori V Waiter shuddered. OiltyRrina 'he gray of the roe the pu r-Und tiU intiocent babe did iiotknuxv p!e of tho liak, superb ? I hxvz x.f lQ po wder kesrtrorcd ia: the wine a century o!d in my cellars :feve for ihU cfentinencv. i I havo the finest hordes in tlie fmn- try iiii my stables ; I hava ent!e irH2iu on a.. thouahJ hi!U.' I shall' keep yoti proNyinny, Walter, what with my herds and fjlds and other 'matters' 7 uAnd what aro we to-do-Rcgm and'.TiT inquired Siba.briakiy. "Anything you uvy prf-rt mv deartst,"- declared Falcon bridge, laughing- u You may read, 'em broider; gossip, or tos&t qtiail or broil 'veosiob steak for vour mihtv hunters. And- when you desire something adventurous yon may explore my subterranean shooin g gallery that leads through a wonder ful cave,, and then through a sti'i more wonderful passage, to the bank of a deep and narrow strain. And Jtherev in a dim; deliahtfn grotto, you will find moored a t-anoe as-light as a lark's feather, &t jo n;? ts an 'eagle's -wing, and switt v. an .Indian's "arrow. I have -provided for ail our desire3 and necessities, I assure y6n." Regina glanced at him cmionsly. .Something in its expression seeuied t her unnatural and vrninou. "She faneied, too, that there; was p. sudden gloom upon her husband fine, frank countenance. "Wo shall regret vj ever came to this place," was hi.-r mental pre- Idictiop. ' 4.-.- Uut that Siha wa faonetly glad and gratified she ' could not debt; Indeed, in all tbo vlcissituded thai followed, Siba .'asidtiUhed her pr6 fonndl v. 'lt is a new s!ory of the Taming of the Shrew, ' Walter," she said once. "I should never Kave be- Llievcd that Siba.: could change. .eo.n "Slip has not changed so much,1' di'esenfed her husband ; "much 'as; she really lotes Rutus, sbo is only gentle with him because she fears him. Regina, my cousin' is a man who, if he chooses, caa Jjpld one in bonds ot steel.' v t lis cpoko mournfaily, with sin giilar dpir.in his tofiP3. "I do not quite understand wKat you -mean, dearest," observed Re gina, gently.;,, 1 ' . .... - t4I wish I could bo eurc vQU nev er would," was , the bitter t.r.iQr. 4'0h uiy darlicg 1 It would hve been better for u had 'wo been, laid side by side, in the grave together than ever have came to tins accursed place." f When cat? we go away," s'ne sighed .. ; "Nevorr I fear," he replied, in 'accents of intenseet anguish. 'You frightca me," she sobbed. as she bent over her little child sleeping as sweetly on his tawny wolt robs as if his bed had been ot down and eatio. "This mystery is maddeiiing. .When and how will it end n j. .; - , All too soon an answer came to that bitter c:y cf gritf. ' Late that aftcrnchm Walter Du ra id reeled across the threshold, his tace deadly pale and smirched with blood, one arm hanging that- - ' . tered and limp by his side. '."VWrmt - has: happened! Where is Rufuji'Tehrikod ia The end predicted fjr your hus band has Cora?, - liis etrcit is dis covered, lie will cme shortly with a borBe of mounted oiScers. Ilij escsp " is imp Jtsib'e. It is known. that the implements of his nefarious trade We in the tubter- Wccaalcrlv waU ...... M Siha was onec more the tava, unrcasouipjr crcaturci i cf ctucr : hiav - "CnrrfcDi ! to die totLerr Iih0 ciied tiirillr. "Hr lnUbuuO Tnt rever be take: f My dariing wife,. if iyvft' wbnld jive cur child thke himiand ;linrry j - . . t - . j-. . ivry lroro this!ated Uos.4 Siba 4 ir.jane witiv psfMon ftnd agony. and she wi ill surely fire tHe powder if Rofin has tio tiine to dof so. G f kI wijl nevor leave yo,"' the avve' with a firmnttsi he knew cot-d not be shsiken. , i I should think cn woull hate anl abhor me." h5 groaned. 'For what?" she inquired, in s- i a pie wonder. . : Ah. you do not know," he nimiied:irHiu. '-You do not yet l.wvc how that Ceml bohnd me ir? botds of steel. liis lieuls and uUh were mytlia. He is a professional c.fSi.t.fieiter; but this lie did not A jlow me U snrmi.-a even until I -ws powerless to leave hfm withont ntin accused as a v Tiling or un will'mr aceomplice..-. Then I cvgr v'cd my lirst plate doinp evjl that cood might come th'ut I might procure from him funds enough to take us away home,' or to seme dis tant land, where 1 could once more become an honest man. May Iiavcn pardon ine!. I. failed, and this is tho end." j j- - Retina kissed h'nn tenjilerlv,5 and he pity in.tears, fell fastiand thick ly upon his ghastly fase. i Just lte:Y,b, thnpA&iCi?-: shod hoc U rattled np the stony rav ine. Throagh ihe low jopen door they saw Rufua Falconbridze turn suddenly in liis. saddle and lift his rifle, deliberately aim, and firo. t The next moment the puiuUitudi nous reports of revolver echoed along the rocky hill walU, ;and a rain of deadly balls whizzed about him. "Then, the ! man I who - had tempted ana destroyed the doomed penitent over whom poor Regina was weeping reeled in his saddle and fell dead " beside his dying liorse. . f; " . j j A woman's wild shriek of Jove and desupratiorij of ragej- land yen ireatiee '.vas heard, and Siba sprang past them toward th? cave, foil u we J . . .1 : if . . '.i, ly me oiii .ers. n rtenirvj 1 uci dead s!r miwt periah Uf to j 'rc-f v:::"5 ier dead the': innocent niusl perish with hc-r. f " : j A, iDomertt p2?.-ed and then a "oAt exploi6!i rer.t. the ro-kv mountain side. A 'voi clinic bhizi of crimson --flame, and orange fire, and then a. pall of 6moUe and an awful fiilenco settled over the place of tragedy. . , Miraenloivsly, there wa3 oneiur viror a .email, drk 'woman a maniac with u iree eyrs ; and vrh:--toued hnir, survived to gibber j'or evermore of the hnnian passions and sorrows and sin thai; had ended vt it h tb t sur.t among the wild Kcntuekv hills. ! ' 'f Prombition and Anti-Prohibi- - tion. ,,i ' -j ' !-!!'!- It is but a littli space, as tisie flies, until the election In Aug:i.r, when the question of prohibition or anti-prohibition will be liceided ;at the polls. Dy by day the" mttrHt increies, certaitdy here in Raieigh, where public matters are 0 naucii discasicd. Both &Ue ,irc srgup ine, and the majority,, one ayj cjr the other, is generally pntdori at 40,C0O. Mr. T.:'K. Cooper, ' prcsi der.t of the State anti-prohibition cvujiaitleej and Mr. F. M. sirctar f thf saui?, were inter viewed! Thy itatcd h th3 ni jority on their fide would not f't under forty thousand ; hnt :l;c cut- look tpr tlsi pruhibiticok' was worse than gloomy, and li.at ihi- ihntt-prahibition morcment ined hrenpth every ! day. 31 r. 'Sorrel J Mated that 75 jersett. t f the tro vol will he ..icist gaicst Jririibi i ion ; t b at t hs ell or ! s of tho'. olr cd-prciu-he 16 and other men of ittlii ef cij favoriiir prtihibitton cannot at feet th it tiUc ot e 'tt v :.- ?v blight degree. '. Thickly ettu V plct! titifs and tom?t y kt be l'-h fnly ones in whkh prohiljitivn .will hjtvc any fhaw ; the country people nre .pp.-sid, to, it. iu eten .m UaU ighy where thei e is wi'cr trcrgtb, the prohibitionists' will be beaU u by iiOO to 5'0. and in AVake ly 1.50uor 2,0(krvo'f ..'.; .'Mr. S.f rell dtcliuei t aiiswer an inquiry as to the sifiount t t the nnds c itn insr i:to tiiQ hands of tho anti-pro-hibi'ioriists, an J also ,a qufstien in icard to the hid given by Nqrti irn hquof dealers. He did Lot think the action of the Republican S t v t e e xec u t i v e c'o :v ui It : ee will U f feet over 500 vot e. He aid that iKatteis' have been managed with the adminirtrHtion thut Re publicans arc lidt free in dealing wiih the prohibition question i; liitir . own Slates. Tne '"anti" movement meets With the gepcrat approbation of the Radical part, and at least fifty ' per cent, of the Democrats favor it. Tho .active TV canvass of the'Statc has now be-uiH and white and colored fpoakers will be 'actively engaged. There vill be several preachers, othong theuj ifr. Brown, Who .will deliver addresses in their sections in nivor ijf fcnti-prthibition. Other pck crs" win bo Ir. Korment, O. II. Dockcry, O, Piice. J.' II. Win ston. Dr. York. W. R. Triill. J. T. Respass, JuJgeamuel Vv' Watt's, J, i. O'flara, Jame II" llarf is. Mr. ii. A. Gudger, president oi 'the State prohibition, association, was next interviewed. Iu respon3' to a qiiery as to- the pros pc-cts ot success taj his patty, bo answered with quickness and vigor : "Splen did, perfectly splendid. 'There, is no qu?iipu aa to our suceees. lie stated tint tho prohibition move ment was growing in strength' ev ery day. Tiie State will, be carried by from 30,0uO to 4-0,000 ninjority. The free ue of whisky and money on the o'hsr fide, he declared, did it more hrm t ban god, and wi;s An aid to t ie cause cf prohibition.. Funds are needed by the prohibi tion, ci'mmittce to carry ou the wor k. In ifeipoTfSC to a question as 10 what ellWt tbo row it; the Re publican cvtiifnittee would have in aid ot arui ;.)'i)hibiHor:, Mr Cituigr replied iia:!' lie-tbonsrht not mnch wt fact, would not atket this isuc either way. The mUrepreseuta tions ot thai'ann7; were the worst features. Tnere, were fine sptak eraj in the field, sucir as (itineral Vance, Jude Merrimon, Judgea bchenck. . Avery. Albentou ai.d Diet;, Maj r C I'lMtv, ti? J. U, M-IUe, Rev. J ', lioo The iiivisjigaiioa by theofBciaU of t tie l stouice Dcpai tment ot the alleged frakii in etar route con traeU bas prtgreseJ 10 far that it has beca Cotrmiued to- prtKSt ine C..I-C-S cf &t kast sowdof the prihei- "! ! . pais to the grand jury, at & early a date us poaible. It :V.a!c d that. linhLe Qi$e'ithtT. .casc-s in u hieb m goytinpcnt is in pany amn- tion will yQ' g1" to me "i.rge fiah" . firs', And that th isttiaV caie Wiil be against a few promirient : politicifis ar:i Vx-ptofHcc fii- cisls, ow crjtwo cderiis and- a few coDtrkclon, and that the preten tion will ik on tlie charge, of enUbo 2rt dtft. Aa .42 Urcstssa srecr to defraud the orjr:iicciit oat ot large ani? ci uicc. t : I Never Drink 9 On thelcfper cf an ' cp train, fr ou Cariau C?y, rcc?ntlr, a trit4 rUr noticed ah old, wh!t berd gentlemmn trying to fei in an OTr- coat. The young and ipry trTc) cr rnshed tcf liti aaiMancr, anJ in hflpii. liim With tha'"gtnatift bo ticctl go3 iizd bottta of whUVjr protruding fromT ine of too iutide pockeU vf the coaU I5ein of , a waggtih tutrix he uppropitatcd -tho :a!; gt4 the coittin tli itrangcr and thto puliin out tha fiaik $14 : - ' :.:. ? -v - . " Will yon tako a dunk ttrj Tise old man did not rccognixa the bo tie, and drawing himself up, u remarked rather severely :' . 'X ir,? I Mvcr drink." . "It won't hurt yo'nt',iniited ' tbo wag :: the bestV - "-. ; "Young man,' said the old fctn tlctuHnin a tcn ? utended'for tho whole car, "if yon insist en drink ing whisky you will be a' ruined loan at forty. It is th curie uf tho land. Wiftn l was a boy my in oth' cr ditd. and the bit thingjhai sainted woman did wa to call mo to hcr dying bedside, and iJ, Juhn, swear to me that ion wilt jU-ver touch a drop of liquor- Here the old man clapped hi$ hand to his side pocket, jonid enVpty, and recognized tho buttle in the hands of the other continued. '.'Except, my dear boy, n occas ion al snifter while tr&vcling," and reaching for the'fiask he pressed it to his lips, amid a howl onattine'' which shook thfrCAr. j t Worth Knowing; A practical gardenar mtr that . if yon will set a tomato plant ; by iho iMo of racti jcbb pjiarv worms will keep a proper dhlanco from lxb. Cabl age worms abhor tomato plants. As tomato and cabbage, plants both bear tranT . planting well, it wll be easy Jo try the expenment, withont plant ing theVcd toother. The toma to plants' eonld easily be pulled op and thrown away wbo the worms desert the paten, or when tbk plants are large enough tb bVtrca I'lesome. Possibly the' tomato plant may he made very ntefoi jd protecting cabbajre apd oihtr plants. ' Probsbly the mcst remarkahlo casre of death by lightning 00 record occurred at Florence $. C, Mareh 18th . James Bett was erwwr. field on his farm daring 1 ikender stcrra and was instantly kilkd bj a strefce of lightning, whicii loro up the groond wLcropoo the can had xtood, 10 &o great arVexteot a to bnrv hira completely froia sit at the bottom of a holt &erera fct t deep. Mr. Jest was sect) jast before the fatal stroke, and his dis appearance dnriug the flaih f roxa the sight of tereral peofo wlx. were watching him from thir d, r.ud wtUer&.,low?l'r,?'3, the greatest cod- sternal i3r kmoflg thetn ar.d tOTtrit ran out to fAtbom tho laystrty. Tfu-y foend n immeceO surroandod bi great heap pf . atj but cot a vestige of Mr. Urt. AtT two boars, hard vc k vith siorVa hs dead body , wz fr;d tt Ue bottoai cftbe holo. Tbo prodang a sort of raHavo terror arn img to or.we gZdGjraa: aad j jKrrititipna. cantryraca actl thgj ioox co t w caea . tj ttrriy e eLsjirljy. - fZtmtae Jtna A French cok,?&o Laa be ra Hour of inspettSeis in tLt CeJld S U t ?. t eh a.: r t i2i7jrtfca Usai Atccraxa covkoD b ors?dcr ia 1 6r.t bite sue? f nn m liLij. - 1 .'X. , 1 - J 1 - A r, -a "I - t 4' '1- 1

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