(fl,e Columbus County Paper Everybody Reads It" "The Columbus County Paper Everybody Needs It" h nji TirPiitv-Fourth Year FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBUS AND HER PEOPLE Two Doliaxs Per Year WHITEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY MARCH 13, 1924 NUMBER FIFTY u JC 3 la f o lr-.l IU1WWS l . My Neighbors Say 1 Was a Friend to Man CorreP C. rpv 4 lS u.acnt Finds Some Beau Q, nimcnt in the Cotton Organ, and fom ents Upon it (lrn, March 11. "My com the place where my home where my children are Or munity AuriteA where my income is earn edu f ',,v friends dwell and where Hi" chiefly lived. I have "J-" Jj , alter due consideration, tlm anl.'-ner all the places on the 'n j ! the home spot for me. u!re k'i mc live until deatn claims tic Ti,..M iPt mv neighbors say I mo. WS " , A 4-U MfU as ieau 111 ,iic rtvsi. iu Mr. John a Powell Died Tuesday Morning Mr, Taylor Sustains Painful Injuries Well Known and Highly Esteemed ; Lumber Buyer Fell and Broke Right Farmer of Route Two Passes In Wilmington Hospital; Fun eral Today n let my neighbors say id to man." farolina Cotton Grower ami it so im- sed us mat we xic FfMl."s uu aders tor their consiaera- press i It I I V W u . , T .,1,4 lltr tion and oenenu n we tuum iuuj .rrasp the meaning of these beauti ful lines and make our lives con form to the same, what a great com munity we would all have! Instead 0f trying to make our community the verv"best, and the lives of the people happy, so many of us are prone to find fault and knock ev erything and everybody who are working for the progress and de velopment of our surroundings. If tie people of every community would work together to have good roads, trood schools, good churches and stand behind the men and wom en of the community who are in charge of these things, what a great country we would have, and how much "better every one would feel! And why not? We have chosen our home in a particular section of the countrv. We are a part of that are responsible, Mr. John O. Powell died in a Wil mington hospital Tuesday morning at ten o'clock following n ' operation for stomach trouble. Lockjaw is supposed to have set in and to have been the immediate cause of death. Mr. Powell has lived all his life in this community, his home beiny on Route 2, Whiteville. He was an industrious farmer, nd although for the past many years his health has been anything but good, he has struggled , to live and support his wife and six children. The surviving widow was before her marriage Miss Marion Young, of Hallsboro. Mr. Powell married late in life, and now the eldest of his six children is only twelve yeas old. For many years he had his invalid father and mother with him, and during the four years thai his fa ther was confined to his bed before his death, Mr Powell was ur with him during the night and working during the day. Mr. Powell died at the age of 52. - The burial -vill take place today at the Shipman grave yard over the White Marsh, and those who Jiave known the sacrifical life that the de ceased has led will be present to pay their last tribute. Leg While Inspecting . Timber Last Week; Returns to New York Cooperatives Meet Here Next Monday Regular Monthly Meeting Scheduled For Next Monday; A. G. Oliver, W. E. Lea and County Agent Lazar to Speak Mr. C. M. Taylor, who has been making his home here for the past several months while he was engaged in the purchase of timber for inter ested in which he and his brother are interested in New York state, fell one day last week while concluding the inspection work on a large number of logs and boke his right leg above the ankle. The injury was quite a painful one and Mr. Taylors brother came down from New York the first of this week and accompanied him home, where he will remain until he recovers from his injuries. Mrs. Taylor and their two attractive children also went to New York. It is understood that the family will return here and that Mr. Taylor will resume his timber buying operations as soon as his injuries will permit. Both Mr. and Mrs. Taylor have many warm friends in WhiteviUe. ACME-DELCO NEWS The Ladies' Aid Society of Delco is doing wonderful work. And the writer cannot help from mentioning some of the things that took place at one of their festivals, which was given in honor of the masculine sex. In fact, I believe that the ladies were experimenting. Thev un- Riitic Hie Qf twtx ! doubtedly believed that the road to iiUlllO UlUl Robs a Blind Man; ..nntum niM nrp rfiSDonsmie. in a KH."n ' ' Ji n .J In;-, measure. for its Short-com- v.owaraiy nme rerpetuaiea ins, for no community is any worse than the people who live in it. Good communities are made up of oood people, God-IovingTSod-fearin and God-serving people, if you please, who love their homes, IrVipir neighbors, their schools and It.hpir churches. The man or worn Upon Defensive Blind Man and His Family in Western Prong Sections of Co. a man s heart is by way of his mouth they touched his pocket book. That is to say that they gave the men plenty of good food and then proceeded to take up an offer ing. Then games were played and speeches were made, and the whole crowd joined in heartily. Yet, there The country store of Mr. and Mrs. is one sad regret; the men ate ev U'illm WnntPn mifUvav between erythmg that was DUt before them to ClaikLon and Whiteville. was com- eat, and now uey dftiLt Know wtioftf The next regular monthly meet ing of the Columbus county mem bers of the Cooperative tobacco mar keting association will be held in the court house next Monday at 11 o'clock and with several good speakers on the program. In short, an interesting and instructive meet ing is being planned and it fs de sired that all members who caan attend should make it a point to be present. Following is the program in brief : Mr. A. G. Oliver, Poultry special ist, will make a talk on chicken and egg production. W. E. Lea will give the present statistical position tobacco occupies, together with a full financial state ment relative to the 1922 and 1923 crops. Mr. J. T. Lazar will make an nouncements in regard to his work. This, together with general discus sion should give us an interesting and profitable meeting. Country Club to Be Built Near Boardman Officials of Buttress Lumber Com pany Formulating Plans For Big Club Building and Golf Grounds Pridgen May Announce for Sheriffs Race Well Known Young Tabor Man May- Run for Office; Comments The Unusual Weather of This Week on MUSCLE SHOALS SITUATION The Manufacturers Record, pub lished at Baltimore, in commenting on Muscle Shoals in its issue of Feb. 14, says: "The Tennessee River and Mus cle Shoals are one of the nation's as sets. The development of hydro electric possibilities at Muscle Shoals would result n opening along stretch of the Tennessee River for navigation, and thus a two-fold ser vice would be rendered the country. In both respects here is an asset of measureless value which should be utilized for individual profit alone but for the broadest service to th' greatest strength ' of country in i which the river and Muscle Shoals are located. 'The advocaTy by the Manufactur- A meeting was held on Monday night of this week in the law offices of McLean, Varser. McLean & Stacv in Lumberton for the purpose of ap pointing committes and selecting a' building plan for the country club to be erected on the Lumber River near Boardman. Members of the club from Boardman, Lumberton, Whiteville, Chadbourn, and Bladen boro were present. There will be members from each Whiteville" and Chadbourn, and a total membership of fifty men. The location is a quarter-mile from the big bridge crossing the Lumber River near Boardman, and is visible from the highway. The building will face the river, with sufficient ground in the rear to make a golf court. The idea is to have a suitable place for fishing, boating, swimming, dancing, fish fries, and house parties. The enclosed dance hall with a large fire place at each end will be sufficiently huge for dancing couples, and there will be a number of bed rooms adequate to accommodate a house party of twen ty. The promoters of the organization which should prove a source of pleasure to the memberss, and friends, are officers of the Butters Lumber Company. pre Kpcnrn ot rnp niTPr mane nv Still, there is a little hope;jthe three southern power companies, ine rnau oi wum- . , . , , ,. ' .. tho ladips atp o-oino- to invifp thprr, i ! r i a n hih v iiKSLrovtJU uv me ul uuuul o o - - lan wno IS living lor Ben aiune, auu - -- --- ' . - p. I. . , . ,v ij? -1 rnp nVlrrW Tiipsdav morninp- of asa hnr. v inrorflct 1 Tl Tno WP THTM fl 1 ni " " , i . . , . . iims iiu ""wv w.- - - . , wnun the sirtipo nprt enmo rvmrP i ,t ul ia n rr?P tn anv i-nis weeK. " , .,f k.Sr'" ana m connecuuu tnerewuu an unci ..j v. oujii, , tor tne uroauction 01 nitrates aim I 1 I A" the manufacture of fertilizers, has attracted widespread attention throughout the country, an vtuun- Many Appeals from Recorder's Judgments Whiskey Cases Occupied Center of Stage in Tuesday's Session of County Court; Defendants Appealed environments, .:,,. ,i 1i1Jlf .nTYirmmitv I There is strong evidence ot me u To better off if they ere store having been robbed and then more cooking, and will invite thej ShI to some island in the sea. "ton fire Several nights during; men. Tra .. La! The irn-j lCll 11 v.. cw.v, .w.w,. ...V. , . j. 4-U. i-Ulr. r. busv i!oinr things for the good of uuwuu uUa their fellowman to stop to fina fault and knock those whose hands An oyster supper was also given . . 1 J 1 1 - . raponf- UTaovc rna uinru nuu I I nr. t need 01 ine nour is more . , , . , hr fV,n t.qHipq' c,.iotw loof it-; f00 ciuiy enterea ana piunuerea at nigni , wivr -x , they should hold up. J. D. Frink. JTTLE HOPE HELD FOR THE ENTOMBED MINERS day night at the school building. Re curred again Tuesday night and sults: , Men were lined and their that the robbers then setfire to pocketbooks were emptied. Tra! la! the building to cover up the crime. la'r m wnfon ;c ftQn,r KlinH tv,p ! Mrs- A- B- Reeves, of Bowden, Ca.e Gate. Utah. March 10 Be- f,.u U,UU1B1: "t ' bers, Miss Marjorie Love, who lost expressed by companT off i-" r P5pe"fe f SP " SSSi two f her uncles this week- Her , . . . it vpar. Mrs Wooten conducted the , , , . , a a-i i r opcxic tut: wcca-cuu witxi iter uul- store was the only means of gaining Hufham. fi, wSfJn rS MrT L ' ! The Senior class of A.D.H.S. is three children and Mrs. Wootens . .f. Q . . aged mother. The couple lost all of ! V ...l ' , With only one exception, every prisoner convicted at Tuesday's ses sion of the county court took an ap peal to the next term of Superior court and were allowed bail for their appearance. The one exception was a very old negro suffering from asthma and who has alreadv ronp lief was and was able to do fairly well i , , . , , , , , Clarkton's basetball team defeated rials tnmVhf that tomorrow alt Inner vear Lnlnr-c-. ik. TT U XP.-t 1 AWT1Q Tl XT St0T6 Ul Ulail 1 UC1 WUIUU11J , , , 1 J , 1 il J line will have been penetrated and . v Tr.E i A.D.H.S. last Friday. The score was .the considerable stock of-goocTs that. ;,wVnt anrl WmilH HflVO fn Uan I pen" was given by the Delco B.Y.P. TT e 3 i ri U -t. Ti , . . i .ij. J il j. i vi. uuiiuav uusiic" Liiuiui. it Kept ill Wie UUltuuij; hi yxjici niai. she could employ what leisure mo ments she had from the business m Wooten also attending to her sewing. EVANGELIST DRANK POISON Stevens is he fate of the 173 miners entombed penaent upon ner. lruA tv:i i . ;o ,a v,Qf were aestroyeu, mis uiu. t lint- iiiLir- uui: o iiciu ,iicu . . - .. i , ny of the men are alive and 36 t Her sewing maen ne wmcn was bodies had been recovered at 6 p. W. there is a bare possibility that Eome escaped by barricading them elves in a rescess of the mine. Georpre Wilson, member of a rescue crew was killed arfd several hscue men were overcome Satur day and yesterday while trying to reach those in themine, adding to ie number of casualties. Governor Charles R. Maboy. of Jtah, visited the mine today with lompany officials and the executive lftoriTTJ 1 1 ill Ji.t1n h appeal for funds for relief among , ZZTaZ ie families of the stricken miners. Py fu I "CVZtC - Picked rescue crews worked in the f rm, w" :Li " "'u V Mcape wav of the mine through the, V"" " " " lTLtfZ I W aS UScU ill icoo iici'i. ihour was back in the pulpit nreach- ing. as II notning nau imppeucu following tary letters have come to us from . to the roads to begin the expiation many sources in entnusiastic praise of this position, urging that the government should accept this offer in preferrence to the one made by Henry ord. "Mr. Ford's plan has bten in our opinion unwise frqrn the beginning. He has demanded a hundred-year lease on Muscle Shoals, and this should not be given to any individ ual or combination of indivjals on earth: for it stretches into ee generations the ownership or con trol of a power of such measureless value. The terms of his offer have always been identifinite, aM the 'congressional committee has tried in vain to get him to appear in person and explain in detail his offer, and meet the questions that would be raised. He is askiner Congress to proved a great success. But some of. the feminine members, excelled their actions by song. Indeed, the Delco B.Y.P U. has several girls that Uransfer Muscie Shoais to him for it snuuiu ue pruuu oi, ana espe- , . , , , , . , . Icially is it proud - of Misses AdrytwiCe the lenh of which -water L -A C4. . .: Hickman, Virgie Mae Hufham and j powers are granted by the laws ot jn Gladys Hobbs. These three girls can the land ?ldlS5a iJIily Pnt a picture with their j 0n tl last Friday me justefore Begin- . v . , flllflipn,p fltl , Un...t miiK ma ki. a T 71. Goshen spell-bound with ,1 ir "'Tti r . ' j J I 5UCli-UU U11U VTbX VJlVli ill LiOlL. tincture oi iron, wuic acm uu wa- . , .; wu4. he acid, which had been used as , w , , !'' , i , . .v ffftrnnnn orirl -uu UU1U nave iu Happen iiu . . . i x. ,Uc the other hand, the associat ed power companies of the south, f i m t oi nis sentence. rne cases were disposed of Aaron Spaulding, having liquor, six months on roads, appealed to Superior court. Aaron Spaulding, manufacturing, six months on roads appealed to Su perior court. John Jacobs, manufacturing, four months on roads, appealed -to Su perior court. John Jacobs, having liquor, six months on roads, appealed to Su perior court. Sam Dowles. operating auto while intoxicated, not guilty. barn JJowies, transporting, six months on roads, appealed to Su perior court. .lonn uumce, having liquor, six months on roads. (No appeal.) Clarendon,. March 11. The many friends of Mr. Carl Pridgen, cashier of the Bank of Whiteville, " Tabor branch, are urging him to enter the race for sheriff of Columbus county. Mr. Pridgen has not made a formal announcement yet, but it is thought that he will do so in the near fu ture. Should he . throw his "hat in the ring, he will make a splendid race. Mr. Pridgen is a young' busi ness man of sterling character, and if elected, the sheriff's office in Columbus county will be in good hands. About nightfall last Monday a light mist began to fall from the dark lowering clouds, which term inated in a heavy shower of rain, after which the sky cleared and the moon and stars shone brightly for a short while, and we all thought it was "all over." But not so, for just a short time afterwards, we were attracted bv the beautiful snow, which was falling livelv as bed-time hours came around. And just think, it was the first of the season and the 10th day of March. The wind blew hard all night and very little snow was seen luesday morning. Evidently the snow storm was of short duration, but the tem perature had reached below freez ing point, and all day Tuesday there were high southwestern winds, making it one of the most disagree able days of the past winter. It is not thought that the cold wave has done much damage through this section, unless plants on tobacco beds are injurtd. No fruit trees, ex cept plum are yet in bloom. Straw berries have made very little- prog ress toward bearing, and it is not thought that this crop will be dam aged to any extent. The Clarendon graded school will close a very successful term next Friday, and an entertainmeni will be given at night. Prof, Strole, and his excellent corps of r-istants have done good work and pupils in all grades have made fine progress. The ground hog tradition i:; hold ing good this year. It will soon be forty days since the little fellow came out of his hole on th;.t bright, sunny, second day of February, saw his shadow and retired. J. L Frink PATE HAS NARROW ESCAPE Laurinburg Exchange. McNair Pate, son of Z. V. Pate, had a narrow escape from fatal in jury February 18th, when he was and some of the leading chemists j overcome by exhaust gases, or car of the nation, have united in propo-1 bon monoxide, from the motor of sition3 which lift thelvHole under-1 his automobile. Mr. Pate is rapidly fay and night in search for bodies of Dead were broucht to the sur- icp for identification and then tak- to the morguo, where relatives ime seeking word of their loved ie?. iere. ie i His song leader had neia a meeting in the afternoon for the children, and had used the mixture of tanic acid they are going to visit jail therreigh boring churches with the'pf'Tnd their music. Truly, they haveal- ready been invited i to so many if experience. Soon after 12 o'clock, February 18th, Mr. Pate drove rys car into the garage at the Pate home on Church street and noticing some little mis adjustment in the engine, began iworking on it. while the door of the motor FIRE CR tfeMAT ES 172 MINERS Relatives of Victims in Death Watch At the Mouth of Castle Gate Mine 'ite the great disaster, people and it is estimated that every j is after-ted. have madp no en given, iney proved tnat song ; taking far bevond anvthinsr that has ' rpcoverinp- from thp pfferts of his excels inj worsmp. ana mat pro-j ever been promised or suggested by found sincerity is the master of ar-1 Mr Ford, or by any onelTlse. The tistical apnearance. You should acceptance of this offer would guar- j v a i a i i i a ii. x -I near mem. Ana ao not iorget mat i flnf PP thp nrodurtion of nitrates and of fertilizers by men whose and whose achievements rank as of national concern, and by the accept- nt.ion nf this offer this nower would i i i J i a. i 1 -4.:i r i. --j 4.v;l: . . . . r . 7 . aiae was cioseu aiiu me U1U L"M uuu.hum uicu be developed to tne utmost extent rtlnning. He was soon overcome by work has made an interestate, hit. fnneihlo. and hv a suner-nower svs- i.l i. i i. A r.,,A vi,T iCTiTV. .t ----- - - me gases xiuiii tilt; iiiutur e.nausi oud to give their ser- tem bemade available for the and lost consciousness, Sometime and poured the Axalic acid in-! r'w AtTh Tf vn7 ' :c" lfly . later, probab y an hour or more, he to show how the entrance of ; , f T . ; , ,1wi"lu w loippi, u uum.g tound lying on the lloor ot the to allow i vy vnc , vnnr hpnrr to hp tnncnpt . find out . nf.i.:i- 4.1, 4-U-,i.U TnnniC I J a. . . , me uuu niivugn a U1..W-, p-arap. the motor still runninsr ana and iron to show-the blackeumg ef-vB tfc areprou fects of am, while illustrating his jvice hbfihlfp of talk, and poured the fxalic acid m- ;Mim cam-airn. to it ciiecira, nave maue . iifp rlpnrpd it im. and ".. " . w . . ' 7 , luouue un me uuu nnvugn Cn.io- , p-arap. mon-ua.ion other than thjt.1 t the mixture where the minlrt- ! !? e? V,S' J0UJ. and the adjoining repon. It is the buildinK fiIled with en, ,u trriei rnprp nas neen no . - . 1. x u ,, nu uc Cleocin. ii"u M .. whXattends many, took a draugh of it befort h, idmhtlQSrevea t0 you tKT-t isa-.-r.-. li'K1 little school house here has in. ..,. Uf. crews and- the. several - tneir pupils excused until ';v,'v t! tH.e, are taking part in re- an offer frauerht with tremendous ct j nncciVnlitipc for soiithprn dpvploo- pact FERTILIZER. COMPANY IN HANDS OF RECEIVER Thp Vireinia-Carolina Chemical Co. onerating fertilizer plants in dif-j forent sections oi tne soutn, one o UGHERTY'S STATUS j these being located at Waaesborr. AVinirr ht ben nlaced in the hands of a . t t TTTil receiver. rresiaent vv lisuu, -10 More was name as one oi the receivers was. tacen became apparent that it a-r:!n:f'Lnn M qv-.Vi tin- of stated that this action enin r,.o,.;, n.. tuv wheji it " became appai eMiyjaion aain occupied the spe- was the only mean- C; 'iare committee todav the company s a&seLb Ti-re was a"he same , Stae a lacked the best interests of the securi ay development, from Attorney ty holders. It is stated that there nml Dnn.h, orv,ir,IS will be no interruption m meuu - , , -:r"r : WQi conduct of the company's busi- Th, J rum? w "3: r The receivership was fore- 11 oiana for investigation of the shodowed. by a -.collapse in PJ 011" Y general and hi administra- of the company's stock and bond is- lllf. Apartment oflustice to sues,' in trad on ne , - ""i where Tiearines scheduled to stock exwiangc , v n Thursday are exnecteT to" con- mon and tref erred stock dechnedto .thereafter6 1Safily-n definite period. ' H tbond issues broke from 15 to 17 1 points,, also to new iowr prices, x nere ". -,., MnitiAniinn f -all the new so " mucn was j I that: The scale of life are balenced so well n concentrating all of the influences An atom of sin may drop you in i and all ot the capital DacK or tnese het j power companies and their asso- An atom of love may lift you high ciates into hastening as rapidly as From a lowlv earth to a valted , possible the industrial and agricul sky ' ; tural development of the south iv And what you do upon this earth ! order to create a market for this en Determines true your second birth ! larged hydro-electric power develop- Regardless of the sin you've doneiUient. Repentence means a vict ry won. gases, tie was given prompt medical attention and for a time his condi ment. Its acceptance vrould result tion was quite serious. He soon ral- "POET-JOE," A.-D.H. S. AMERICAN INDUSTRIES LIGHT EN HOUSEWORK lied, however, from the effects of the deadly gases and is little the worse for the experience, which might easily have been fatal. Many people are doubtless not aware of the deadly carbon jnonox ide of the gasoline motor exhaust.lt is extremely dangerous in closed buildings, and even in closed, auto- . .;f. . mobiles, The United States Bureau Marriage Certificates , , - , 5 . of Mines has issued four rules for In order to jibe with the eternal protection affainst the deadly effects can accomplish frt than "I" can never .do issues. "After one look into an American kitchen, with all its conveniences and devices to save time and work its marvelous button ' that one has but to. press to work wonders, its equipment to make everything quick, comfortable and easy, I understood America for the first time." Mrs. John Adams of London. Dear lady, the American kitchen is the result of electric power, gar and telephone - development,, the greatest labor savers the world has today. fitness of thmes marriage certifi cates should be printed on bond paper. of the poisonous gas Never run automobile engine in closed garaere: open doors wide. Never crawl under car with engine running, even if car is in open iair. Never sit in closed car with engine Castle Gate, Utah, March 9. The bodies of 172 men were being cre mated tonight in the flaming caverns of mine No. 2 of the Utah Fuel Com pany. Fire broke out in the mine late to day, after the men had been en tombed by a dust explosion. A heavy cloud of black smoke with flames and gas belched forth at the mouth of the main shaft, rolling away in a heavy pall over the little mining town and ad ding to the terror of women and children who had gathered to await news of husbands and .parents. From external appearances the ex plosions most have wrougfit destruc tion almost unparalleled in the his tory of mine disasters. Three tre mendous blasts were heard by work men on the surface, followed by a number of lesser vibrations. Then everything became quiet and soon the gas found its w:;y to the surface. Air vents were immediately test ed by the surface crew and all wei 3 found to be shattered. Nothing then remained to be done but to rush res cue equipment to the scene and wait for other crews. The feverish haste somewhat sub sided when rescue crews made suf ficient headway to discover that an intense fire raged throughout the passageways. Hundreds of relatives of the ill fated miners took ud their watch at the portals soon after the news of the disaster spread about the camp. Guards have entirely fenced the area necessary for work of rescuers. It is almost impossible, mine offi cials admitted this afternoon, that anyone could live -in the tunnels, that gases which would cause almos. instant death was stilL pouring out of the entrance and, every air vent closed there was no chance for the entombed men to barricade- themselves from the fatal air vapor. Work of Little Honeybee A honeybee's work consumes about half the hours of daylight, the re- running and all windows shut, even reaming hours of the 24 being spent jf Car is in open air; always have in rest, according to tests made by window open. the United States Department of j So many deaths from carbon mon Agriculture. oxide, a gas present in .the exhaust I from automobiles, have occurred Glass Stands Shock j throughout the country during -the Glass for lenses has been-produc-1 past ferw; months that the Pittsbur' ed that, while as thin and as trans- station of the bureau of mines haas parent as ordinary suectac! es,' will i been prompted to call the attentior stand five times as great a shock., of the public to its danger. ' - ' ' - i .- Women Were Excluded Women were entirely excluded from attendance on the Olympic- games in ancient Greece and were not even allowed to cross the Al- pheus while the games- were going on. Bright Colors Favored ExperimenT to determine JLhy er .they dress to please themselves or to please' men friend- nr no'.v br -ivf' conducted ain th? .t'n'vc rei'.y of California.