lid MililxR v, y 1 ! il, i I A. A VOL. II. .1 o. - 3 1 . mDHXGTOX, IVORTU CAKOMxlfA, WEDNESDAY, DKCKIIREIWCU 810, J" WE i ! IT V7" 7i TTTTTrn rr 't-'tvtv? J.f ' PUBLISHED . EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING. ,' .1. f. HKOIFVV, Editor. Ofiice on Front Street, next South of the Bank of Cape Pear. ... n't.'s '; ' -vr"rJ ' The price of this paper, is three dollars per an- ' nurrt, payable m auvancc, ji noi pam wiuuu ihic ' ' mouth after subscribing, three dollars ,anL fifty ecnU 'will be charged, and if not paid until the trea expifes, four dollars will be charged, , AnvrKTrsHMMTSihserted at one dollar per square for the first, and twenty-five cents, for each succeeding insertion, v.' jjr" Letters to the Editor, on business connect- ' od with his paper, must be post-paid. , S4BJ9Z,E1ZY Vf A 5t E E 0 TJ S 3 V GREAT MAIL ROUTE to TiiYi xoivrw. DAILY, Til ROUG tt PETERSBURG RICHMOND, WASHINGTON, ' UALTlMOREf&c. THE PETERSBURG RAIL EO'AD CO., having effected an arrangement with the PORTSMOUTH AND ROANOKE RAIL '.ROAD CO., to set down, and take up passen gers at OARYBURG, hereby inform Travellers that the connection of the Wilmington Kail Road with the Groat Mail Lins is now. perfect, and as the Companies on this Line carry all the principal ' ' MAILS tf the country, and are connected throughout, ' they offer a route to the NORTH, which for SATETYr EXPEDITION CERTAINTY, v cannot be equalled by any other. There is no risk " of detention from fogs or gales of wind, no Ion? line of Steamboats forced to run at the top of their . speed to get through iri time j and , in addition the line is shorter by ' V'v' ; ' . - ( Twenty-five miles, than by any" other. The fara and all other ex penscs are the same by the" Mail Line as by the . Portsmouth, the Rail Hoods are connected by Om nibuses, all bivrirago is ticketed through from Ga- rysburg to Baltimore f passengers pay through and they have no trouble or expense attending the . transition of themselves orvaggage from one line f another. The line is ruir by daylight from ; Richmond to Baltimore, w - ;" - This is t!i3 only direct route to Wash ington Uityj passengers by it reach there from , 18 to 20 iioiirs ctrlier tlian by any other route, and "at much less -expanse. " .."-'". v C7 As there id 110 Agent 'of this Line now at WELD()N. passengers" who have any doubt ulwut which line they intend to take, are particularly cautioned notltopay through until they reach GARVSB (JUG, whero they will find the gontof the Petersburg Rail Road Co., who ". will give any information required. - JJistancen and time of running on the Mreat Mail Route including stoppages. Weldon to Garysburg by tho Porsmouth and Ro 1 anoke Rail Koad, ; "i miles, 5 Urn. 6 5 2 J " -Petershure Rail Moid, 58 Tetersburif & Richmond R.R., 22' Richmond fc Fredo.icksburj R.H. 61 , ' Stages to Potomac creek, 9 Steamboat to Washington, : CO Washington Sc Baltimore R. R. 40 . f are from Weldon to (Jarysburg, From Garysburg to Baltimore,, Meals, ... ...... to m l i 50 l oo .., FH1FIK SUBSCRIBER would-inform fhe pub- JL he, tliat he has remoted hi9 stock to the new boilding,erected since the his old stand North jsido of Market street, where he" now offers an extensive assortment of Goods mbisWe";amoii"g which may be found Saddles, BrLIkt, Harnesses, Trunks, Carptt Bags, Whips, Stirrups, Spurs, Bndfe-Bits, iftr-i(trh of which he is disposed to sell as low as at any similar establishment' in this part of tho country, Purchasers-are fespeet fuHy invited to call and examine for themselves, as he is determined riot to be undersold. J ' GUY. C HOTUIIKISS. N. B. Particular attention paid to Carriage Trimming and repairing all articles in his line. - G. C.H, rVilmington, Nov, 18th, 1840. . 7.4mo. Tlie Ball still Rolling! THE Suliscriber respectfully annooncea to the citizens of Wilmington and vicinity, that he has returned from the North wkh a well selected stock of ... . .v. -r; CTi OLD CCD CtD CiJ 9 -v - CO.NSISTINQ OF THE rOLLOWlXO ARTICLES I Groceries; . Ship Stores; -Dry Goods ; . Ueady. Made Clothing ; Boots ; Shoes ; Hats ; Stocks," &c. .-. ALSO-a few Mahogany framed L O OKI N G G L A S S E S. Uocking Chairs ; Wooden Ware, and a variety of other ARTICLES, too numerous for art advertisement ; all of which he oilers at the lowest market prices for cash or country pro. duce, and respectfully solicits a share of paL-on- U8. 1M, THOMSON, Clock vdci .Maker. Jp ESPEC.TFULL.Y--informs...bU old friends Ufa Hiitl customers of Wilmisgtoij, and the pub lic generally, that ho has returned among them. He respectfully solicits a share of public patron- aaftr-and trusts that his loner experience and ac quaintance with the business will enable him te ive satisfaction to all who may employ lnm. His stand is at the Notth East corner of the old Court House square, opposite tho store of Owks JIdl-hks. Nov. 18, 1810. t ........ 73-tf. 0 Balcigh Standard copy one month. , : ft OII IIAIX lias laken an office one door North of the store of Messrs Hull, McRao & Co., fof the "transaction of a general Commission and Forwasding business. By strict attention ta. business, he hopes to merit a shareAf puirouagc. He would also state, that he has rented the largest wharf in Wilmington, well adapted for the landing and shipping of Lumber and Naval Stores. icernrerrce to Messrs. WoodhuU & Minturn; N. York. Mr. James M. Patton, Philadelphia. Aaron Lazarus, Esq. ? w;imin Hall, Mcllae & Co. AVilmington, Sept. 9', 1810. 694f R. F. P URN ELL has kist received from New York and Philadelphia, his spring supply of IJKUUS, MepjciKKsv Paints, OuSj l)ye Stulls, Sic. &c., which ho will sell low to punctual cus- omers.or exchange for country produce. may ij, 184H. ' -; 5a-tt. - QT By tho Lower Route, the Road is Chesapeake Bay, " $11 00 : Portsmouth Rail 80 miles. T 107 ' . Office Petersburg Rail Road Co., November 5, 1810. , 277 79-tf. T.W..BBOWN,' VAIN be louna at rns told stand, in a new build- jingeTccted since the fire, with a hanuBonie sssort- meut of WATCHES, Ikw- ! E11.6BT, Si IVE K & PATXl) WARE, CottEMT and Pt.a TUMf. to,iettier witn a general assortment oi - FANCY GOODS. ' ALSOTwo large eight day flocks, of su perior workmanship i and a few ftno - FOWLING PIECES. V ,'All of which he will sell unusually low. , , ; i Clocks Watches . carefully repaired and warranted as usual. Oct. 80.' , ;:' i:.'v'';i; ; 78-tf. FOtrillWT on SALE. HE-I1 OUSE rcccntl occu piod by Peter Ross, will be rented until the first of January, 1811, or sold, if appli cation be nude to ' ' R. F. PURNELL. May 13, 1840. , fV2-if HiifiR - ATM. W. Nov. 18, 1840. MOORE.: 79-tf. CWice liicuoYs, 5 AM now receiving from Schooner Southerner. French Brandies. Otard & Bordeaux. Holland Gin, Country Gin, Jamaica Rum, 1 r - ..... Old Madeira Wine, i . ' Port Wine, ' Sicily Madeira, '. y : , IN STORE, ' A few kegs,choice-imily Birj'TER. ' "- ; . BENJAMIN GARDNER. Sept. 9. 180,- 4 ' J 69-tf A1 LL claims against the late W. C. Jackson, must be presented to the subscriber within the time prescribed by law, and all persons indebt ed to him are' hereby required ;to call and make payment, as from the number of claims the sub scriber cannot undertake to call on any one, but will place all demands in the "hands of an olfieer after the 1st January 1841. . W. C. Lf)UD, Ex"r. Ocf28th, 1810. 76-10t. ' AAwuiustftivtoY's Kotice. THE Subscriber at June Termt 1,840, of the New Hanover County Court,, having taken out letters of Administration on the estate of Rod man N. Stone, hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate, to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the. estate to produce them as by law 'required, or they will be barred of recovery. - DANIEL B. BAKER, Adm'r. - Sept. 7, 1840. 69-tf THAT valuable1 vacant building lot, on the . North East corner of Dock and Second Streets West of Mr Shutcr's residence. ' THE house and lot between iffr. ShutcrV and Dr. ''Wright's premises, on Third street. josiiua g. Wright. October 28tli, 1840. ;- - 76-tf. FURNITURE WARE HOUSE. IX STORE AM) FOR SALE. fTY Pn'xbj Currac"oa INDIGO, UJ) 100 11m N UTM EGH. - 200 Kegs WHITE LEAD, extra, and No. 1, 10 Barrels summer strained OIL, bleached and unbleached, by - R. F. PURNELL. .May 13, 181(1. 52-tf. RECEIVED PEIl MORNING STAR & EMPRESS. BUNDLES HAY, Tlin subscriber would Tes- Tiiuiysj . - ,. , .. Itn, v -fMiidj) pectiuiiy inipnu nis .menus LI -".'If'1' J, generally that he has purcha il V sed the entire stork of the late yj- , fltm 0f Nutt & Mitchell,' and .will continue to keep a general assortment of , GO O0 IS, ! ' such as are usually wanted in tliis markot. ' ' " NOW LAUDING, 1,000 bushels Salt. .-- , . Bi F.-MITCHELL. ' Nov. 4. 1840. " 77-tf. ' ;?.! '"' V ':.T. '' 'J, ''"iV- .-.;.' r ' '' being deemed necessary that somo alterations vJs should be made in the Inspection Iawt of the atate, so for as tolates tij'tho niodftof appointing " Inspectors for the Town of Wilmington, and that thfc office of Inspector General for the said Town , should be createdNotice is hereby given that an Application for those purposes Will be made to the ? next General Assembly of the State of North . i CaroBnat - r i '. , ; Sept. 9, 1840, . . - 1 69-tf.' Notice: : r. i '1X3 hereby givenXthaeppucation Will be made itf tl at the next sesndjr&f the Legislature of North 5 ' 'rrolma.toamondn:t"Entitled An act fir 3,1 f' '' fa appointment Comraissionera of Navigation fj. .nd Puotage fo'tho Capo Rear river, : '' : "JO tt-- Nov. 60 cae.ks LIME, 50 bids. N. E. RUM, 200, " planting POTATOES, , 16 boxes men's thick BROGANS. G W. DAVIS. IS. . ' 79-tf. LIST OF, BLANKS - . ' ;, AT THE 0lONICLIi;, FOR SALE OFFICE. " Appcasaitce Bomls Justice Jeace, Appearftpco Bonds Superjor Court' 4 , " ('oupty Court, , Apprentices IndenUires, -Bonds for le forthconyhg of property," Dills of Sale'for Negrties, . ' r: Blank Notes, , Bills of Lading . " Checks Bank Gape Fear,' -' , Branclyank of ihe State,' ; Consftihles' Wasfan, County Court Writs;- . . . Ca. Sa's, " ' Certificates of Inspectors, Crew Lists, ' - 1 ' 'Executions i ' V ' ' '' . " Fi. Fa's, f , -Negotiable Notes, : i- a i ' Outward Foreign Manifests, ' . Inward, , ' ' Coasting, i ,,, ',; ' 1 Peace Warrants, ' '.'State 'f ' ' '-. ' ' Scire Facias, - -'f- '', 1 : sSheriffs', Recognisances,-"'.. V' Warrantee Deeds, ( 1 Witness Tickets Superior Court' a ' -" County Court. V &c. "'"','&c!. -'&C, - '' '' ' 1 1 job FRiJtrrjiG,' ' 'KXECPTFr) IS TUB ' KltATt'ST WaXNEB,. HTsjHE Subscriler offers ftit sale as Dougall's sLiL; wharf,: recently jeceived from Boston and New York, an extensiye assortment of faahioiiable and common FURNITUREf consisting in part as follows : - ... v , ' " ' " " ' -- MAHOGANY Sidebonls, " Buivaus, ' Secretarie, " Sofas, assorted, " Bed Couches, u ' Centre Tables, " .Double and single Toilet do. .... . i .... liadies Work Tables, Grecian ' do. Cane scat, f lag seat, . , w inusur aim ' Childrens, ' Cane seat, - Carved seat, Mahog. cush'd., and Children's, , Double, and single Wash Stands and Sinks, Bed-Steads, a variety, k ' ALSO Lime kept constantly on hand bv the Cask. - Together with an assortment of Crockery by the Package, Hard Warei Hollow Ware and G ROGER IE S. All of which will be sold chkaj- for cash. -H. BAKER, Azfit. Jan; 8th, 1840. . "44tf. .Rocking Chairs, IRON FOUNDERY .' ' -- AND -;- . Steam Engine tlanu factory. T HE subscribers solicit orders fir fei and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Boats or -Manufactories,' Saw Mills, Rice tMills Maim JSoUers, Water l antes, -yc. - For Iron and Brass Castincrn of every description and weisbt, including all kinds of Bevel and Spur Gearing, (of these they have an extensivo list o Patterns) which they are prepared to execute in. ; superior manner and on favorable terms. Kclurences : 1 v Law & Savage, ) P. K. Dickinson, s Wilmington, N. C. Gilbert Potter, 3 - Thomas Dottcrcr, ) Roliinson & Sons, C Charlaton, S. C Jonathan Lucas, j . ... ' . l.rTkett,:Georsown,s. a. ' , 'LEVI MORRIS & Co., Phila. A, B. ROTIIWELL, OP Wilmington, is authorized to receiv r dcrs for Machinery from the Foundry f Levi Morns 3c CoM and will give such information in relation to it as may be required. ' ' ' ' Apru zxo, una ! , . . ; -,i 43 ly. ..-i ' HARRISON'S SPECIF1 CO 'NT ME N T. BTOR the euro of Whita swellings, scrofulous and other tumors, ulcers, sore legs, old and rrcii wounds, sprains, and bruises, swellings and incarnations, scald head; women's sore breast, rrTiu matie pains, tetters, eruptions, cbilblaina, whitlews, biles, corns, and external diseases generallvv The proprietor ha received at least a thousand certifi cates and other documents in favor of his Spttijie Ointment and they embrace almost all the com plaints in their worst stages to which 'n(en or sticking plaster can bp applied. Among these certificates, there, are a great number from the most eminent physicians in tee country, who use the Ointment in their daily practice, in preference to anr, or all others, which have ever been invent ed. The proprietor has also received a. great many testimonials from farriers, military gentlemen, farmers and others, relative to the amazing efficacy of his Ointment, in the bruises, cuu? and all the external complaints and diseases of horses; and among them are no less than a doei certifying to the most perfect eurer "which it hojrpr(brmed on the sure backs of some of those animals. Alto gether the proprietor feels no hesitation in stating -or in putting it to the proof against all compo sitionthat H Harrison't Specific Ointment is vastly superior to every thing of the . kind which aTheretofore been offered to the pubKc ;' and the proprietor not WX3Wm&jMjteiicm good qualities, butia willing to risk his reputation on single trial, Tor he khowgfrom the most ample ex perience, that it cannot be used without immedi ate and palpable benefit, iiv any one of the com plaints for which it i so highly recommended. Retail price 50 cents per box. Sold in Wilming ton by W. WARE .- '" '- G. 1L FRENCH. July 22d, 1840. " " C2-lyV I., LIME $ COBX. ' JUST RECEIVED and for sale at Dougall's wharf. - ' ; . , ot)0 casks tresn Thomastown LIMJt,, 600 bushels CO RN .. .. ,i -. ' - In lots to suit purchasers, by r V ; H.BAKER, Aent. VilrningtontprjL2Sji 8j0. , , 43-tfc - , V. . ' - ;'"--' .:-'.:'. -;.' ,.-U- to the afflict kd. iiadlock's VegiB tabic Powder For Diseases of the Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Eynpepsia, Liver Complaints. fXj'Tho opcratiori of this medicine is particu larly mild and safe. ' It promotes a gentle and healthy perspiration, and checks morbid and per nicious sweatings; relieves, chronic, affections; and congestion of the lungs; assuages cough j promotes a free and mild expectoration ; removes pains from the chest ; relieves asthmatic or difficult renpira. tion, corrects Obstinate costivencss. anil leaves the bowels in a regular and healthy state.' Those painful symptoms which indicate? diseased lung: readily yield to this Certain remedy, when season ably resorted to; and it restores tho patient to the bodily vigor which that wasting disorder, the con sumption, if felt to its natural operation, so surely esotrys. ' Ctrt'fieaU tail be seen hii'annluincr In Y.VAUe; Agent. Wilmington, N, C. Aug. 20, 1840. 67-ly. JOHN SCOTT'S PATENT AS. RES L OS WROUGHT IRON FI R E PRO 0 F C II E STS, SAFES &TIHESE Safes are constructed of Boiler Irou, fJt with the space between the.two Iron Plates, tilled with a mortar made f the Mineral Asbestos, which renders them perfectly Fire Proof, and they being constructed ofhick Boiler Iron, with im proved Detector Locks, throwing fropi two to twenty bolts on each side of the doors, front and hack, renders them safe from Robbers In the great fire whichoccurred on llio 46th of December, 1835,in the City of N. York, one of his Chests was exposed to an immense heat for about seven hours which preserved every thing con. tainedin it It was the only Patent Asbestos Chest that was in that great fire. The following Certificate from a house ot the highest respectabtb ty in that city, Messjs. Hubbard & Cascv, Hard ware Merchants, Broad Street, is very satisfactory ami conclusive ; j . " Mr, John 8cott,--Sir, in answer to your m qmncs, we belieye, that your Patent : Asbestos Chests are fully as good, if they do not surpass any other chests that wo have ever seen. We therefore recommend them to tho attention of all persons who wish to supply thcmselvos with Iron Chests, The following facts will enable every person to judge : At the time of the great tire, on the 16th, we had two single fone ot them of your manufacture Iron Chests, in which we gut our valuable books, papers, notesy'and money. The chests were exposed to tho samp heat for about seven hours- and on being opened, your chest was found to have preserved every thing- that had been put into it, but of the contents of the other chest, not a vestage was left unconsvmcJ. " ' Very respectfully, ;';' . Yourofyedient seryaiits, j '"'''i . ' ' HUBBARD & CASEY, New York, Dee. 29, 1835.' ' The following letter was received from Messrs, Yeoman, Woods & Cd.'Bankers, of NashvilW, - -'' Philadelphia, Oet, 1 Otlr, 1 836, Mr. John Scott, . ..',.. A :.i-.- Sir In reply to your favour of this date, on the subject of your Patent Asbestos Fire Proof Chests, we beg leave to say, that when the Steamboat Kan- uuiuii was eurnea at asnvnie, in Riarca last, we had one of your chests of smull size on board in the hold, containing: many valuable papers. When lh Chest was' taken, out (after being exposed to the fire for about three hours) and epened, we were agreeably surprised to find all its contents pertectly sate. We feel no hesitation ltt' recom mending the use of your Iron Chests to our friends. . , .1 E ATM AN, WOODS & CO., ' r .Nashville, Tennessee." The subscriber is agent for the sale of these Chests, several of which he has now on hand.- Orders taken for any . size or shape-r-a great conve nience to persons building. II. V. FIJKNELL, . . Wilmington, N. O, may 20 Uf BTTJJHE subscriler isnow receiving a larce and LX well selected assortment of GROCERIES. Orders from punctual .customers will be gladly re ceived and promptly executed, s , . V ALSO IN STORE. 250Q Bushels heavy Turks Island Salt. Commission Business " will be attended toss usual. . . " - .ii ' 'JAMES. RIcUAliY. DciaiaS iOuJ X-J 31-: From the Raleigh Register. ; RALticH, Dec. 1, 1810. Dear Sir : At the request of Bereral gentlemen as you will observe by the ac companying letter I send you for pflbltca tinri, a letter I received, some time- previ ous to the election of Senators to Congress, from Judge Gaston, declining to have his name put in nomination. While we all regret the determination, which deprives the State of SU services on'a more extend ed theatre, he cannot fail to become still more dear tt? us, for the reasons which in. duced him to devote his time and talents to tho more immediate service of th Good Old North Suite." ' , Very respectfully, - - Your ob't serv't. JOHN GRAY BYNUM; f Raleioh, Nov. 30, 1830. Dear Sir : Wo have been informed, that somo time previous to the recent elec tion of senators of Congress by, the Gen- errl Assembly, you addressed to the lion, William Gaston a letter, . askiuir his con sent to nave his nanio put ltt nomination for appointment to the U, S. Slates Senate for the vacant term pf six years,. , and that ne replieu to you, 'leclintnj your request. reelintr a desire in common with all the fellow-citizens f Judge Gaston, to know the reasons which, influences his determi- nation, we hope you will furnish for pub lication a copy of his reply to you. ; , very respecuutiy, 1 ... Yours, &c. B.F.MOORE, . . II. C. JONES, LEWIS THOMPSON, . ' VM. W. CHERRY. , Nkwders, Octobtr 31t, 1810. Dear itin 1 had tho pleasure to receive on Tuesday last your friendly arid very affection ato letter of the 21st inst. It Js impossible that I should not feel, ami that deeply, the earnest tone in which vou urro unon me the lequest Uiat 1 should permit myself to bo put in nomination fur the appointment of a Sena tor In Congress. As a manifestation of youf attachment, and of the esteem and confidence o. the great body of tho Vhigs of North Car olina in whose behalf yon write, I bee both Jou and them to bo assured, that I priaa It ighly. 1 confess too that, although my mind was fully made up before I received your; let ter, and aitho' I had previously made known this determination to other friends who had addressed me on the subject, I feel embarrass ment and paiu in being obliged to say to you, that I must -decline a compliance with your wisnes. i am apprehensive lest my coiwnct should appear morose or tmcourteoti9 lest 1 should subject myself to the imputation of in sensibility to kindness or of indifference to the public welfare. Suffer me to say, that ither ot these conclusions wonld bo unjust. ' " With all my exertions to tame ddwn foelinff to the standard of reason, I find my heart yit throli bingat any indication of the favorable opinion of my fellow-citizens, and thathcarf will have wholly ceased to beat bofore I cease to take a warm interest in the happiness of this glori ous Union, and especially of our part of it tho good Old Nortn State." After so long a retirement from tho turmoils of political life, to re-enter upon them, at my years wouia prooamy off to sacriuc-my-finp-pincss, and as I apprehend without obtaining the only equivalent that can be offered for sucn a sacnlice, tho consciousness of fulfilling duty. - The situation which I now, hold front the kindness of my fellow-citizens ha be come perfectly agreeable to me.' " I find that it suits my health, keeps my Intellectual pow ers in "action without oves-burdpninir them, . ... ...... ana gives mo leisure and relish for domestic enjoyments and my ajrricul'ural pursoits. It is a kind of Intermediate estata between the bustle of temporal and the calm of eternal '-e x istence, so congenial to the contemplative character of age. It obtains for me wha t the wise soldier of Charles the 5th when hore signed his . commision declared necessary, "M'quid temporis interes!CTdcbet mlam mortem que. . z-'. 'l'r'r-z'- Besides I bolieve that the faithful perform ance of the duties of my present Office, is as important to the public welfare as any services which it would be in my power to render in the political station to which you invito me. To five a wholesome exposition of the Laws, to settle the fluctuations and reconcile the seemingty conflicting analogies of judicial de cisions, to administer justice in the last resort with a steady hand and fin upright purpose,' appear to mo amorfg the highest of civil func tions. And so long as Uod spares me health and understanding to perform these faithfully, how can I better serve my Country f. iNow, my good friend, have the kindness not only to allow the'iust weizht due to these considerations, but to lay them before others , i . . . '..,'. wnose personal. paruaiity. may noiiiKe yours be so stronjr aslo acnoiesce readilv in a con clusion adverse to their wishes) in such terms as may secure for -them a fair bearmg.iVnd particularly I beg of you to say to your fel low-members from the West,' whom you re present as peculiarly anxious to gird roe this proof of the regard m which 1 am there held, that no office which it is In the power' of the State to confer can call forth my grateful ac knowledgements more fully or mors warmly than the assurance they have thus rendered. and in which I wholly confide, that their People epteem and love me." ; , , ' :,v Truly and &fTt;cttonately yours, WILL. GASTON. Jons Gsar Bvnuh, Escj. 7- -v -- The Madiionian after congratulating Kenlucky on haviug won the Prize Ban ner, pays the following deserved compli ment to the presiding genius of that glori ous State: ' - . """'.'')"" t "(..'' ' ' - ', 1-. r - - I Mr. Cfli'i'conduct throughout this cam- paien exnetea the admiration or all. And now, after seeing his owa.high etaira$ postponed, yet yielding to tlia disposition Of. events, with patient resignation, and magnanimously coming up to- tho support of his successful .rival .with all his strength, and coming at JentH ot:t cf ; with tho whole of Kentucky a; '. bearing the prize Banner al. iting the ballot of his State ta t rival's majority, he has fjrr.:.!, : the roost glorious, if not sublime, r jnjhe history of public men. V. position of Henry ClaychaI!enCj , of his racer " ' ; 'THE NEW ADMlNISTRATl;; Tlie following remarks from the T , phia Sentinel express good Whig s though coming from tti Administra:: "We are prepared to expect tfczt adrrrinistration will be chsracterised I ration and a conciliatory policy.-, and beleive that it will bean md.Tii ; for the country, liot for the party; th be slow U proscribe for opinion sa! and capable men; that it will pract. .. sternly rebuke the doctrine that the ments and honors of office are to be r as spoils belonging to the vktors. pect this irom the long established c. of the president elect, which has ev anything but vindictive and narrow; wt it because the successful 'party bare there twelve years straggle earner, : justly contended for this policy; and I the experience of lue admimstrattoa n piling, partly on account of the pros spirit of many of its leaders, is big w struction and warning to their sue and we are not withont evidence ; that the Hush of victory, the leaders of the party aro not disposed to forget the; doenri n6? , Tho Sentinel does the Whig party n than justice. The friends of reform hav contending against real and not mere nary evils;; and among the, bad pr! introduced and acted on by the pn and present administrations, there is c s more corrupting tendency than that recognised the offices of the VGoTernm the legitimate spoils of a victorious par there be any meaning in the language Opposition for the last twelve years, tnumpli we have gained be indeed a r and not the mere ascendency of a fac it is one to consistency, and stilt more good of the Kepublic, that the owe es govcrnmenV should be filled according true rule of honssty, capability and fid tbo Constitution. , ,, . 1 ,', J We extract hrtker from the Sentint KJhanges under the new regime thei doubtless bo, nay must be in order to a vi and steady government. ; : The Preside his cabinet must of course be politically Removals for incompetency, dishonest clamorous hostility to the governmer, undue meddling in political matters, looked fur, and wished for;, we shall be ly at fault in our calculations if the ne eminent is not highly distinguished for toleration in the distribution of its a, mcnta." - - - - : "- The removal from office of those whr made themselves notoriously busy in p warfare in a necessary Step towu. enforcement the true doctrine of a mehtstOen," Harrison's detennina serve but one term, will place him e independent position 'which will leav free to consult his own judgment and c lions of duty more fully than most c predecessors have been able to do, with r to the filling of offices Jailimors Ann ----' 1) r ;- - ; ; ,. .;, , Slate fcgislaturc. vTHURsoAY'Noir.; 20,VS"'S , -: HOUSE OF COMMONS, After the reading of the minntes, ' Mr. Gbibak. (Speaker.) rose and sta the House, that having been honored by ! by being chosen as Senator of the I States, it became his duty to resign his as speaker of this House and also bis sc member ot the House or vommons. - ': la doing so, he should not detain thee but be could hot refrain from exprt bis thanks as well for the many favof ceived from their bands, as for the d latin; ed manner in which they had been c ed. ., . He was well aware that, owing t want of age and experience7, he was met tent to the discbarge of the great and it tant duties devolving on J Mm j yet h Conscious that among the many from better selection- might have been 1 there was not one, in whom beat a heart devoted to tho great and important com in which the good of our common countr involved. . - In taking leave of the presest bolr, r of wTiom had been bis associates in, bo'yl in "the pleasing pursuits of Literature iuore in manhoodengaged in the concerns of our conntry all of whom manifested towards hirn such marks oi I ness, he could but (eel an indescribable s Uon too strong for. utterance. - -f 1 ; Uut ibe observed) although we sep for a season, we are still engaged in the ; common cause. Hoping inn our may be successful for the good of our v. I take rv leave. The House then proceeded to vote Speaker; : whereupon, It. B. Gillia. Granville, , was elected, having recei veJ votes.' ."';' On being conducted to the Chair he r his acknowlcdgemenLs to tho House in stance as follows: 1 ' . ; HJenlkmem tf the House f Cbmnvmi sincerely feel tha obligations, under w! you have laid me by the manifestion of y kindness just made towards me. I am f sensible of my inability to fill the impor station to which you have called me; ntn" I relied alone on my experience and ski! 'should shrink from the task.' But knowi as I do, that I can trust to the indulgence ; co-operation of the House, I shall enter the duties of my appointment hoping that our united exertions, out laoors may brought to a happy and sucessftil terminatio The Mouse voted their tnanKs to tne 1 Speaker, v . f AnFlltntratian by way of Depull Irav ' whatTs nonsense t". askcJ iyjorbl who Ulked little else." "Nonseas replied his friend,- "why sir, it's nonsc 10 001. UUvi Mill . VUIICU VdllUI. - Get out,' as the powder said to l bulIcU ,, , . - o I r

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