,5 U i.e. I t'u. .til :.JI: V ot i '.,s'ol by; Con - ;a ti t!jvTp:ibIiJ .. t t';j kind of currency 1 V : Uir.iir"5i5au J, and. .'..'...ioaal guard jwi j; securities -sihasiiow bean suvenil months a . Li L Aluiou Ml-U iHigui ce pr; ... . l. t. . i upon an experience of such iiiuiu cJ iLutiua, to. fonu a ' definite opinion iu r -irJ to the. cxteat of its 'influences' in costing, many ct'iIs under which tha Fe 'jral Government and the country dme .TiL.ort3 sufferedespecially, those-that hav3fawit outot omk. ng .expunsio i is, a cJepteciatei currency, a:s3 oflicial ,defalc " . iionsi Vet' it is but rtijht' 1 1 sjv that nth- of t5ie siiUyH'lo weaisa ii this slightest :yi degrde, bat jjnuch to strengthen, the coate ' , . dent'-anticipationB ;of its i frijairf. Tus ; v groaJi of Ut.ai hiTj bzoi hewwfo ao r fully explained as to retir.ib recapitala- ; lion" o in tesDeet to tot UAlm and iays 5 r nienca it affjrds tn eoalvicua the pj'dic 4 ' - tervWe, and the ability f the overuinent s -Wl V 4j discharge through foramoy every duty v . .tteaiint oa the colleeiio.i, m isfrr,. and v v disborisment of this pablw vnuaey wiu . pfoniptituJe aul success, I can say with sg is i 6nfideace,ihatthc appreheisionsif those ffha .fit itta tra, their daty.to opposj itM i tdopUoa hate proved V)b3untjjuJe.iv U Si'?:. Ce contrary, this branch of thj fiscal af-i-K latrf th Gaverameat b ba,a:id it is ' ', J tlieved may always b-v thai carried oa , tvith every desirable facility and security; - "V A few changes and .impraveinnts ia taj ;, - ditalls of iha system, -without alTjJting any DTwciples Involved in it, wdr besa'a r . mitwd O, yoa by 'haS.j'cwtary; hB: 4l?'4:S;4li.Trea8uWJt.nd .trill. I -anr sur, t r wit, at . v T iMf baads thaL fittentH:r to 'rwhich tbey : j may, on exaariaauba,, b found to be eu- - ' lhaTeJ.cl8fiHicdAj?;b ur fiscaV.affai.rs .tetssary:.tQ,!.Uie:d'.ie pej - A fofenance of a dtjty specially njoineJ upon ms by the constitutioaTt.wUl serve, also, " J to I illustrate more 'fully '.the- priuciples by , which I have been eutded. ia referenea to AV two contested points in oar publio " pnlley ' which were earliest in their developemetit, isf "M. '( 'r?5 Vaad-hareT been more imtwtant, in;iheir '- ', caasequeaces;' than 'any thai havas arisen (: under but.cb.n plicated and difficult yet ad- v. -, mirable, evstem of coverameut ; ; 1 allude 'Vw ; toanationaldebvandanatibaalbaak.lilt ; yv.'t -was in these that the political contests by C ' X. - which the country has been agitate.! evr ' f ' - since the adoption of the constitution ia a i -f ' reaf measure, originated and there is toil much reason to apprehend thatyihej'aMl j thuamarshalleJ, will caaonae as iisreioijrc ta produce similar if not aggravated," con ,, ' . ' Coming into office the declared eaeaiy i , Joi both,!! Iwira " earnestly , cnueawrej o r-P preveat a, resort to eitner.. . , - ' Theconsideratiort that a Jarje public debt affords an apology, and produced in , soma degree, a nspessity ;aiso. lor ; resorj- ing to a systen ai.d xient of .taxation which Is iiot oaly oppressivaahroughoai, "' ' , bat likewise so apt to lead, in tin tend, to 5 T. ;: ; the commission of that most Wious of all ,?! ' . ffsaces, against the principles of, republic Can goyerfirnent---lhej prostitution r of po . ' litical pawer, canfirrad for. the general benefit, to the aggf aadizsment pf particu lar classjs, and the gr,uiic.it oa of judivid "".'ual fBpidi:ys."alone.saflinieni,;.iad3p3ii deady of th3 , weighty hare alrsady been urge J, to reiider t s cr e ' '". atioa and existeiice die sources of a bitter Sand onappeasaSieiacatJ " " X ' ' If we' add to this, its inevitable teaJcricy 1 produce and foster eiwayagant expujidl. . . .ares. of thj : public maney, y, wliich a lie , . . cessity is increased for new lonu and new hardens on th3 peaplef and finally, if v refer to. the examples of ev.-ry Gavvraau we at which has exuted, f r proof. hov seldom ( it is tha' the syisteaiVhiiiit aiaaas adopted . and implanted in thi policy of A aa.itryj has failed to eXpia I it-ilfr u nil public crad it was exhauste U.ati tbrp3nlaweru no longer able to easure iu iiii-rjasing weight, ,i it seenji impssi'lj to rasist the'coajlu ilon, that no beasfi& reaalting from its ca- . reer, no extent of conjacat; no ace sioa' of wealth to particular classes, nor ahy, ! nor all its combined advantages, can coun-, ? terbalaace its ultimata but cartai t results ; 7-a splendid Goverameat, and an iinp.ier- ished people, v . , ; If national bank was, as it un deniable, repudiated by die fra hers of t'ia co.istita-2-!,' tion as incompatible with, the riits iff. ihi ;' States and the libsrtiea if tha people t if, V; from the beginning,' it has ' boe i : regarded 4v by large psrtions of oar citizens as co ning ia direct eolliaion with that grat and irital ameadaisatof th'i caastitutioa, which d elarei that all powers n i conferred by that V iustrunie'at on the General Goveramentare reserved to the States anJ t t!ie people; if i u nat neea viewed by thain as the first great step in the march of. latituilinous con. atracuoB, winch ancheeked, would render V that sacred instrument of as little Value as an n written consdtution, dependent, as it 4- wwiu awne oe, lor iw meamiig, on Ihe la- ' teres ted interpretation of a dominant nam-. and affording no security to the rights of die niiaority ; if such jis: undeniably the 1 - caae, what rational frrounds could have - been onceived for anticipating aught but ' determined opposition to tuclt an insnm- JUon at the. present day t .,' v.; ' :' :, ' Could a different result have been e -5 jrectea, when (ha CQiwequenpcs which have , . i.awej irom ii creation,, aad particularly rcri"3iaaio . IU CX'S ter.ee, had confirmed, in so ttrikin m'n. Xpert the apprehensiAns of its earliest oppo- v."" " , vrtny uem- : :sjy"w":' - """'i-pow. public taitli has at aXk timsv an 1 every . w 7" I -' . where, nsen.most scrapuiousiymaintamed , ;i'"S.chf f Mdrmcans of influence, by a rnmptji8ebnr!re of the iiumerous pay, 't... S -jjuuljres tolexteadcJ; auff divciiiedl:launa oii thH ; i.sii 5;.;.' i .... laic, accar.li t.vof its tap.t:i;y .ta r.-..;..tJ ! v t: i;s will and its i.r.-.-r j.,?, laud t'u h'.ji t ot 113 UVJ.'.tCS, I u V..,.J ; a:tJ prodae.i .i of ihe labor aa.l pny..- y '-of every ism i.t -this- extaadad couatry, ; haJ belt fui'y uni fearfully enveloped ; when it was iioiorious' l!i;t ail classes of j this great 'community had, by niaans of. i the power sad influence it ths passjisja. i . . i . . .1. .-. , D2,:n lntJCIci to mauness wi.ua sp.m ot. heedless speculation wh.'.j it had been seea that, secure in tha support of lha cobi - nation of iiiflaeness bv w hich it was sur- I rounded, it coaU viobp its c!mrter, and set tin laws at iblianca .With impunity ; j this as in other commercial nations is un and when, too, it had hecama, m st a'pna- diTabtcdly lni. To suppose it .ftoeessarv ' rent that to believe that such, an aceaamla- tia: of po.t era can 'ever bo granted w'ith- wollid be a rjfljcuoil on thef iiitelligeirce of J oat the certainty of.b'jinjr jbjse I, -was Tbiny f.Hovveitizjas. .Whatever may .have j To avo d :;'u n wassity of a p2r,n j lint have a.lvoiiutiJJ,: ani ea.l3avo.v4 to carry into effjc.W the jmliry of ciaiiiiiiig th ap prapriations for Ihi "p iblw, aryice to sueli o!jects paly as are clearly withiii iha coa- stitiitinuil antb iritv of lhi FaJif il l,ov eminent of (Ssclii li jg fro n .its expeaisf those iinjirovidJiit and uaantlior'uid grants of public maiiev far works of iuUraaf iiu- . . i . . . . . iredaeessor, an t avliirth, if tney haJ- not jeea s i clieokajr would hmrf baf ici?tlHj titaa luv? . t.iyo;vi,l tae i la tjjs ot tin Gaaeral LI avcramaat i i .iti!iarras4auiits far greater than those which ; ara naw ex- peri-'nsei by any of thu tjtates i of limit tag all jour exoundiuras .:;tVVthat ".'aiiipla,': unoitsntatioas, and economical uJmtuistr-i- tion of public affair, which is alona caii sists.tt with, tha churaoter of our: institu tions; of c allsoliiii a nuiiiy fro n tfie cai loins,' iin;4 tlu sal ii of jp iblic la lis, a' ra eatia 'tally atlequati to djfray;.iU the ex- peases thus incurred, but, nadernio pw leacs whatsoever,' to imp ie- taxes upan the p3ople (o a greater amaant : than i was actually fiecessary to ine.'r puauc aervica, coiiducte J upo'a tlb tprt iciplis l hava au- Iii lieu of a hatioaal bank, " or a ilapau- denss upon banks of an v djc-eripaaa, for me managsaiini oi oar oscai aa urs, i to eti'nt'iheiideJ'. thl" aduptiyii' of '(lu system which is now ia sucMS'stul operatt iii. That system affords evry requisite facility lor tne transaction i; iu, the pecuniary acoa- ceras of tua Uavsrameat; will, it is coaji, deudy anticipated.vproduc in o liar raa pecls many of ilu .beaijtits wiiicli bus bea;i I'roiii tiitiu to time expected from'tbd crea lioa of a , national jbaiiiw but -i w-aicii .hiKo never beenj realized i .avoid -Jbu inaliifill cvua ji j.hc unm caiv.i u.i ui.ii.uiu.i , diminish, to a rjater ; xteiithaa caul Ihi aecain,iliaaa.4 by any ouior ,in jus im oi. re forai, th? pairoaage of the- Fadjral iGu ernment . i vr'm policy - iaiiiUj Guveni ments, but mora csaecijllv so in oa like ours, which works wall only in proparuoa as it is otaJj t irely fir jts support upoa the unbiassed and tiuadjlterated opinions of jts constituents : do awavt forever, Jail (lependenca on carp rata io li -s, eitlur in tha raisin. coilajiiiiiSafca bursiirg t!i a pa'ihn rjv i-i J; aiti jiUou, thi GavCrauiant equally above tltr totnptaiwn of foueritia; a d.i.iisri.is .aid iiao istila-; tioual iasiitationit jtaaii, o? thj hacsssity of .adapting iw policy to liiu views and iu- teresis oi a ana iu ;a . larauaajra , in . jy pbwer abnadi4.-'- It ijby adopda aa-l cirryiag oat these priii'-lpbs,. tiad.-t iiirjj nUiuas tha' maat ardaaua ua l disoo if vja i jf. t'i it th atta int las been male, thus fir .s.ic.jjs.-if illv, 1 1 damonstritc jtai lha paapla of tha U.titU SJtale? that a itatioaal baak fit all timis, and a natioa il djSt; exetJp U Ua i.ie.is'i'jd ' at A part id wliaa thV ho:i:; a!i rKifty ' the iiaiio;i da ni jJ t'u la.ii, ira.y nirilies of a pjlicyi w na't s'ioaO o tlyi a i id nil in such xS 'auciaJ, a0 "h t hiaraly ua:i ewaary, bat in dira.!t anJ Jiully hostility to. tlu prtri.-aplea of th ur OavjMiTiJH, ill l lo'thair owa pj.-Jl laaut walfare-. - , -fflu ptiiim'm x lain tha div atop fini it of these poitioas, appears i i t'i pra.we.lf njr s vstc.i of the pa t Jiiato.' a vi p.-'3eai ttat j - of .. lb j li ia v;ial c ).i jar is of t!i a FjJ- eralG averanijat.;; Th fwts thirj stated fully authorize t!i3 aisrtioi,1. j,'iH(t 'all the purpases fat hi.ih ,4b is G e.i u 3:tt wa'a . instituted, hive been ac ao.nptiahe 1 d Jfin four.ye ir of grajter pjc.ni.iry eaiaarr hs m :ul thui ware everbafora experienced ia t!ie time of peaces anl in ihifitfe of cppo siltoa as formidable as a iy tbat was ever baf ire arrays J ay'ii is thp priwy of a 1 a U ministration; jth-U. this Ii w baaa d :ia ,w!i3vi prqveio5m,;fhie!i were so wisely awesteJ jislatiaa dasinsa to secure exclusive pnv by. lh i onslitutional interpwitioa nf iiiy j ileges ' and iinniuaiiies "of individuals or tha or ijn try rjva.i lai ot t!i a G us: n -. u and credits of all kin U, was t pbca ; the wera gaaerally vd HtJJsi:i, a tha operation of Vn Uws, an tha-ea 1 lithi iU2 f ou a sab I basis; givi iig and receiving of tha eaaatry ; w'r.b . t'u cani-M of aio all catsi jal ia ' for value, and .neither permanent public u.f)t, !r;' jnearring fltiycn intei ineiag noi eucoarazmg in others jiabi ity, other than, such as the ordinary t!i U deluMiva ystaint)f cr.ilns from wliich resources oitua Govern nant will p eJtlyit has -bean w 111 1 so diffiaalt to escape, and discharge, and wiihaut the ;tgj,iuy f a na tional bank. ' v . ' j If this view of the ;prces.lings irf the G vera;n int for the pari'i I it e.uhracas, ie warranted by t'i a fa -is at they a;a k-uwa io existjftf the army at 1 navy hava been s:i8laiite l M th fuU extent audiiiriz i I . Iry law. ana wnica Vonrass ileeme;! samaient for the defence of the country an I tha protection of its righjs and its honor; if , its civil and stjiplomatw aeryica has ' h ui j equally sustaiiud; iffampli pwvisioa has ' been made for (he admiilistratmii of justice and the execution of th? laws ; if the claimt upon public eratrt ids --"in ."behalf of .u. e .1.. - I ! .. ui soiuicr in iv .vihuh i.i ,iidvoyuei;ij prondy met. and ' faithfully discharged i if thera have been ho failures in defraying - the very large expenditures growing out of that lonz-cnntiniicd and salutary policy of ; peacefully '.ratnovint the Indians to ; regions . 1 jof cqmparative sSifaty' atvl prosperity ; r a sj kva saecaaffally arconiphshr r; , ;rt t a p -.ruafueul, t: ; - ;:.u'..n.J La U l.avo WO not a r ; :'. th.it a p.uey, t'.a o 'j. : Ik';! lo ;iat:itii tn j pu!l c b : d.jutly j f cither or thssc fr.i. ' -I tlisakd, will recjiva the final P-jurtte whosa uabiassad ?'i I ! (' a t .. ir .; . , ; . . .. ju.igmeai upaa p.ioiitf auau .wcr c.u- muialy wrong: " " . . ' 1 J'hat embarrassments in tha pecuniary concerns of indiviiluals, pf unexampled ex- j tjnt and daration, have recently existed in now to tmea these' reveries to tfie sources, was involved darinj tha earliest st igas of ijriiom tne wnoie question is not iu un derstood. .a.-::.;-s f '';;' -.'-' I. Not deeming it within the Cinstitutiona! powers of the ISeneraj (;rtyernnient,.to . re pair private tosses sustained by reverses in basmess havpg .Jia-'"connexion fwith thr public service, either by .ditject' appropna- I . . . . . . - classss in preieranco to, ana at me expense !'of: the great majority i.eojisarilyjtbbrred j tf;in any par.tictpaiio!t in uipm, 110 auempt to da ao;has hsea cither mad3. rs.;om!iiehd- . ed. oreawSragid, by the present Excca- tlVei ,-rCv'-''.i': - ;'.r".-: '?'i.-,4iJ-,.S I" It is baliiiveiv idwiyer,? that the grc?.it purposes fur the attatumettt of which the Fadoiral (Jaa'nment was instituted have not loan l is: ' aijrht of. Iiitrasted', only with , cartain' limiteJ nowsrs, cautiously cnumarateddi'-tiiictiy specified, and d fia. -Mr lilt u Jtrsxwmii ,fHli a intfarticsa wjnijn 'Would seem to defy m sqimsiruc.ipii, it has been my constant aim' t eo:ifi:Ii.. myself within thj; u nits ao clearly m.ire4 oat, and s i carafully gaardna. ' 1 ' i llaviiii aWiVs baaa of opi liaj that t!i? best preservative of the ua oa. of theSiatcs is to Iw found in a total abstinence fnini tha exercise of a! doubtful powers on t!ia part of tba Federal Govern naat,. rather than ra attempts to use theni by a loose constructioa oi. v.ia, CiiaUur.ria, or an ingenious pcrvcr sibn of its words, 1 have e ldeawred to avoid commending any .measure which I had reason to apprehend would, la tha opinioa evea.' of a eoasidarabla ; minority of my fallow-citizens, bts regar lei 'a tr3a;:iia oa the ri.its of tha S avas, or the pr ivisi ia of tha li.ulo.va.l iaiir.i aa.it it oi;, U ual.' Viawiji t'laag'rijf t.i p V.vas of 't ii; Fa. oral Ga'Jra uaat ai a v i.i uay c i ia.ja: i of the Sutas, it ,se3;n a I to t t'ut ,sia i only should 'bu exe.'cised as ..wart at lira time int-aj.lud to be givoa. 'u sThave beanVstraathmiid tiK, JhiJu propriety of thit ijjiaM:',-by''th3. c fttfiiil i.i hi. il uu Uiiima iu gi Uwjrii.i.i liiis, I 11.11 y to p'.o l ica Ji93 itist'actioa and s distrast, . ta exuo je no iSies, ana to provoke rasistanc.:. I.Hta id tf ,i I hui savai i to tha r adaral Gd eminent; .eveh waa.i 'suwesifal they mist yjr pravj a4oarj3. or jlactirable w.u tnass, hy anaaatiag a poruoa oi tnosa w.i (S3 aJ.usioa is laJispusaaie to the great aggragale ol unite J strautii, aua whusa voiuuuiry attachment is, ia my cs timatio i, far nior! csientialto the ciTiciency of n ff ivara naut, strong in llw. best of ail posstale strenirih the confidence and at- tahmaut of "all , those i. who make up its foaslituen: etenients. '. . Thm balieving, it has baeu my-purpose to to the whole people, and to every ine.n'pr of the confederacy, ' by general, salutary, and e ) Jul laws alone the benefit or thasJ ;r;m;t uicun institutions ? which it was itu cad and aim of the constitution to establish,' and the impartial influenca of which is, In my judgaiant, ' indispensable to th air preservation I ranhot bring my. self to believe that tha lasting luppiaess of tin puople, the prosperity oi tne, ataies, or tha p rmi ii ii'y of their Union, cah be niaintainad by giving preference or priori ty of any class of ciuzeas In the distribu tion of .bauefiis or priyileges ' or bv 'lbc adoption of measures which earicfi one portion of the :'Unha at tho expense Of .:'.! ':-J r-: .1.. r... oiuHuer, nor caa 1 sub 1:1 1110 in.cncrjiii-o of the Federal Goverament with the local legislation and reserved rights of the Slates a remedy for present, dr.a security against lutnre,uiagers. r , w ;Tli3' fist, aad'awuVedlyi nolHliaVleast, important siep towaras relieving tac coair try .fro'ii the coaditiba iatowhic!tithad ; baa plaawd-by excoises in trade, banking; whi.-h it has left iioibing behind it but tha wre.'Vs jha't mark its fatal caraer. , ' J , T 't ih fi i.iaci il affiirs of lheGovcrii ina itare how, '-an I hive baea "during the .whole perio I of these wi ie streadiiig dif- fi.'ulties, poi I acted with a strict and inva ifia'de regard to tliii'gra it ftinda mental priar ctplf. I that by the assumption and m liiitenan.jfl of the stand thus nkeii o i tha very threshd I of the approaching crisis, jiiora Jhan hyj.'anyXl).lifi4!se br causes wh iuver. the comrnunily at lararehas been ' shielded fron . the inn.lcula'ib evils of a -g'aneriil an I in lafinite tuspensionof specie payment, mnd a co.t8qi9nt annihilatioa, r . .t. ...l. i . ; .1 t. " i ' . , inr loa.wuoiB pari'ij u inigra nave lasiea. of a jast a i l invariable stiindard of valii:, will, it is believe h at this period, tcar-jaly be questioned. " 5; i- t ; V A steady adherance, on the part of the .Government, to the policy whicii has nro- if iluced salutary resu State ifgwbiiwn, aid, what is not less, im- portint, by Hie inUuptry, incrpjite, perse Wiice4 .and e conomy. vpf .the , Ji m urirf tti people cannot fail to raise the whole coun bv the industry, irntcrpjise, perse ano eCOnomV-.OI- .the. Jtmnnifatt couu - 11 15 tj t ) ey may , t) ill I of. its acwmphSiini at ia i: way SRCurea or w newer ia-. ma.i a-c-iii2iit" c'f t!i. pauiaiary ' concerns of the Government, and, by c;ns-iuenee, - to a great extent, those of indiuiJvals also, shall be earned back lo a condition of things which fostered those contractions and ex pansions of the currency, and those reck less abuses of credit. From the baleful." ef fects of which the caanlfytas : so dseply suffered- a return that can promise.' in the cad, ifo better results than lo reproduce the embarrassments the Govcrnineiithas expe rienced ; and to remove from the shoulders df the present, to thosa of fresh victims, the bitter fruits of that spirit of speculative . . i. : enterprise which bur countrymen are sokrjyers and' laltcs, which H 'was .authorised' liable, and 0on which tha - lessons of ex perience are sa. unavailing. Tha choice is an important one. sad I sincerely hop '.that -Jt may be wisely ne."4.,''ivV'-"' .. A report from- t!ie Sac:etary oi War, presenting a detailed view of f e affairs of that departmeiiH accompanies this' comma cation. .t.-- ;'.-;. ,: .' ' ' ; I;: The desuftbry dutiea.confi3cted withltiitj removal oi tho. Imlians, in i,wnuitae ar my has been "constantly 1 engaged .ia tha nirthsriiv andTwestertittroaaers, and iaLthe pnnection of our comWree; and citi Florida, have" readerad it impracticable ia carry j lo , full cOTact tha plan rec ani.n ju J ed by the Secretary far improving i is di)'i- phnc. In every instance where the regi: mc;iits have b'een cpneehtrated, th'ey have ni;Kle great progresfit and- the. best results may ho-anticipaied 'front -a- continuance of ahis sysiem.; During the last ; saisoa, a interests iii ih lUquarterl avid Co itni lorrr part S)f the " trK4s have "boe:i employed in Aulitj'c iiv ill ?loop-ahwaor!it(ViH reiniiivingilnliaiiafrom tha!iulenor;to thalJias Ijuen iiiurubm 1 t i vi jlt.thvSiiidiyiib territory assigaeXthem tit the, west ?a d.i-' ty which they have piTfornied elficieiitly, and t,with? paisjwj;t!iy Iu nuily ; a i .l thai portion of thein which hs been sta- tioned in ( Florida ;cJutinuedcactivo ; ope-i rations ihcra lliraughotit the hats.of jsum their new homes west of th Nlfssissippi; i oe p nicy or ine rniie i. mates in re-, surveys oi i:i2,.eiu?i ot vie .ymtMMAt-as, gird; to thYiladiatis of whicha succiufj iliree accouafis giviii fct tay niessiga of 1S33, ? those fwhic!iiiavfthJea; comil and -of tlieV-wUdaai"' at I .exu IbleyiTfshortly hi In" I bi'f'ra fa-.- - o a it t which I ain fally s itisfiid, lias beau cj-tti-t - S'I'he cxploriajf exp lido i; at thttcwt nufd in active operatioallirbnjbout tlu d ita, w prep trng ta "le av "i Tlu Tlay f of wlioldy prib I (fiiiy.aXmtaistUiIafaa Is, Nsvy Zeaboi j,-iit f..jrspraecj Since iha spriiig bf , Ida7; niara th ui f irsy : tion of ,1J Wis which By'jlbiiiXtri' t!m asand- la li ins li.iv'e't b rimoved t .sac-ieisfullv aecoriiolw!ia.LI and l urn hippy l) all, that all : acco irus ta I ttit'.ia :.tii':;3':iaa'at i,-?'li-gita Ji-'-i5r.; concur ; i i rapre3en jn the, r.'i!t of (!iis j 35 cast, a; idjif cr ards u 1 itit.t.f j Odb v inaaaitt; aij-em'iiaatlyt: banefia'i;il. ! taV thatr wK lo tgitn J 1 53:)V east, 6 v! yiV paaplv. ; . ; - ' jnat. WaSsaml II.t.j4trirttliiit; fc 'i'.ie e.m 'ratio i of the.Saminoles aloaerrigJitjon liaadred niilas, Imt on whicit tiiav heseen'atfs adVwiih; aadm'xMiiDjalbitlih.thh of 1ca vvatch': e,i,mpis3:l ftia "otta iiig ba,ri. coinitiancal by ttja la iians'Jiii of the Ii !io;iSferit!l;ol't!ii V:itrpirise; Fliri(l.t,:'andar tlij apprebsmiou tliat; they ,ie'utpimVVllSet ty're tstiiriony?t the would ba coinpelled, by force,' to coinply! Zealand -tyW I conduct of his fpffieers and with their treaty 9tipu!ationsr 'rhe ex9eu- inan an ? it is hut jiuticab that officer to lioa of the treaty :of . Pai Vne' landing, f stale that he appears to .have perVormail signed in I8d2, but not ratifie I until 1831, thadjiiea assiguad V,hhnt with an'arJorV'a was postpoijed, at tue ?saUcilatib!i of tliet bility, and pjrsieirincs, which giVf every maiaas, unui laaa, wiisu may again re us wed the agreement to rembve peaceably ifo their new homes iu the west. , . v jn the face of this! solemn and reneftred couiDact. inev oroxa t ieir l.uin' ana cnm. i inenced hostil ities by the massacre of Ma- jor Dnde'g command, the murder of their : agent, Ueneral I hompson, and other acts of Cruel Ireachervi. ; hen this alarmiu? ! and unexpected intelliirencc reached the n: . i .i . I seat of Gvernmsnt, every effort appears to have been made to reinforce General Clinch, who commanded . rite troops then in Florida, General Eustia was despatch ed with reinforcements from I'hariesioii; troops - were called Vout from t Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia,: " and Ge:i.' Scott was sent to take the command with ample owers and ample means. At the . first a arm, General Gaines organized a force at Vew Orleans, and, without jWaiting for or d.vrs, landed in Florida, where he delivered over the troops he had brought with him to General. Scott. I Governor - Call was - sabs jquenlly ' jip pointed to canJuct a - summer campaign, and et the close of It, was replacil by Gen. Jesup. I Tiieso events ati i changes took j lace under the a lmtuUtration of my 'pre decessor. 5 , ' "V '" ' (V Notwithstanding the i Xf rtipiis Of the experienced officers who had commaiulad tliera for eighteen months, on entering up on the adminislratioa of the Government 1 found ,the Territory of Florida a pre to Inuiau atrciiic.-A strenuous ef. rt? was imaicdiately ' made' lo bring tbeso hostiiitios to a close ; and the army; undarV General Jesup, was reinforced until it amounted to tea tbousaitd inani, and furnished . with a buadnnt supplies of every dasenption.; In this cimpuigu a great namb3r of the enemy" wer captured and destroyed tlbiit the cha racier of the conquest only was changed. The Indians, having been defeated in eve ry engagement, dispersed in small bands throughout tits country, an! bei'ania a i n terprising, foniiidable, and rutliless b in liw ti. Ganeral Taylor, who succeeded G.m eral Jesup used his best exertions to s ib d ie Viem, an I w.ii aeconde I ia.his efforis by the ouicars; unljr, his cbmmaal but he, too, .failed 'to protect the Territory from their depredations;? By fart ;act- of signal and cruel treachery, they broke the truce made w'ith lhm by 4 Gaiieral Macortibi Who Wat sent' fro:n , Washington fofv the pu f pos i i of car ry i n g v i rt to e fleet the; ex pressed wishes of Obrigreas, and have con tinued their devastation ever since. General Armlsiead,. who was in Florida when Ganeral Tayb'r U-U the army, b permission, assumed tha commun l, au. m met by proposjtions for paaco ; am, irom l lie i fortunate coiUdance of the arrival in Flo- 1 rrJBi.-aillW. WJinv ucruJ,-ui n- tuiegJllua ltroio the Seiuiuoies wnoare nappuy.:sct-jea ry . i.t.j . ... to ha atlrili::. trol (;!' ihj generals hav troops ; (.... i i id i I C.C.H. G,.-.-.'.i-.i j ; th, ;i a.i J !.,! i2iujelves. i I .'VU.i.l tlu a-.-.it. E x p r i 1 i a J ' eoninuad t,f vvi l.ava a. s- f.r patience, and enJuring co:.!"3 ; the army has baea constantly' furnib'..J wi.b sup plies of every description; and we mat loo'i for tha .causes which.'MVQ e a long prcjerastinatej tha Usue-of t..- cor 'si. iu tli.e vast extent of the theatre of hostili.ies, U12. alinosfinsurmoaiitable obstacles j re pealed by the nature of tha country; the pinnate, and the - wily character of tin sa- ,T!;c. sites fo; marina liospitals ci.i tha to aelcctbnd cause lo be .p irchaseI,; have all bea:t dasigaaied j bat the appropriation nat proving sufficient, conditional arrange ms;its pnly have baen 'unada ;for. their a quitia-i; Ir is .'for (Qongress, to : dwi l whether thbsa' canJiliunal .purcjiases 'shall b8anctknad,anJ ihc htimaa intentions of tha law carried into full effect. vNf ' ; The navy, as will va ap-a.Vr from.Vhe ac campanyiiig ri pori if the Sicrajtary has han usofully an 1 honorably employed in zeaj ia. the Maditerrancfan, -:e PdfiatTo!i the coast of Urazif. a id ii the. lif of MexicaA small sq ;ja.l ; conslsti:t ofl i.:...., ,..-... tl .:. .1- l i. n.o i,;.iw, w.islui iHiioa uu ji - ine autppo. C- y f tan war uosiau yiMjr t;:n;no larii Jviiruev is how oa iu way'td tho China u:i India sais, for the parpiwa -of atfen lin" 4 to oar and 'Society Islaa.ts;;5 iha,C'tystC:iXw Ziilaad and Japan.' togathcr with 1 1 ot?i.iir p'rtsaiil isliin.U fraj isito'l hyb.yyLiila ships fr Via ' pti rrri? 'ivr'g y j :tx t!vii .it-J't--" teuaiitaul pmto q lired.-VOiher sai db'r vessels rhayif fieeii, "ifeisfuli Vaiecttrrtnli vof a inv c- iiliaaat, waiclv; wit -fist asuranca pt a:t ivoaorabie issue to tne n dartaking. ; : . SiS 'QV . .The r 'port of tbi Piistmaster Gsueral, herewith transoiiUd, "willVcxhihit th'6 aer- vice o) a mt tl:nirthi!;:lt l is; Past vet its present i-badi tioa vt'?I'!'tb: lr)inspbrlatioh has been " maintained during the y ear to the lull extent authorized by the exist ug laws; some, iinoravemenis have- 'beeii effactcd. .. i i .i - ii.' -..i., which the public interest seemed urgently to demand, but not involving any material additional expsriditure ;V tha contractors have : gerterallya ncrf irme.l their enzaire meiits. with" fi delity" j tho postmasters, with few excptions,l'h;ive rendered beir ac cou iiis -van d pakl I q 1 1 arte riy baf iinces w ith pnimptitude; pnd the whole '''Service of th department has tnnintaine I ' the' efficiency for which it has' for several years, been dis? tinguished. - ' , s ; I no acts of, Congress establishing new hiail routfiSttand requiring inorci expensiVe services on others, and iho increasing wants of the country havefot ' throe yours past, carried tha , expenditures something bevohd tho nccfiiing revenues : tlia excess having been (met; until V tlp pasi l,yeuf 4iy the' surplus which had previously accuinu- Jatcu. J lint surplus having been exhaust ed, and the jmhcipcle J ' tiirreasCof re venue not hay ing he eii. reatiscd, owing to the depression in the cmmerciat business of tho country, the finances of the depart ment exhibit a small deficiency at the close of the last fiscal ycir,' Its resources, how. ever, ;arci ample ;,' andie : reduced 'rates. of enfiipcnaationi;Va vice, which may be cxpyctej on the future lettings, from ino general rctluclion of pri ces, with the increase of revenue that may reasonably be anticipated from the revival of .dieommerciar , activity,, musttsbmi pLiCo Jho finances of tlie iJopariinenlOii a prosperous condition-'- - ' ' ii Considering the unfavorable circumstan ces, -''which have'5 existed during' the past year, t is a ghirify inga-esulHhat the f; ye- nuo nas pot iiecimei as .cpmparea witn the preceding ' year, but-on the' contrary exhibits a small increase, thecircumstances referred to haying had no other effect thaii to check the expected incinne.; .... '. 1 It will be seen; that the postmaster eral siiggesis certain iitibravementa iii the esLiblisbment, "designea i to? reduce : the weight of the mail,;chcapen the transpor tation, censure greater regularity in the ser vice:' and secure a consiileralu j reduction in the ' rates of letter rWstakeaii f objeci; highly, desirable. I ne suajm iina 01 mher.il interest to the corhmuuiiVj and ts respectfully recommended to your conside f itinn ' '.'.-:';. '-"-.--'); . .; 1.11 -h-.;w'---'' ... '" vtc'-' ' L"'-"'' -: I :Tliersuppreiio of tha'AfVicartxala rade has received the continued attention of the Goyerhrrient.- J he ; brig iJolphuiJ nnu jumjiicr umnijiu. uttii ciiiiiiuy-. aunngtne issi-casorv-cm tne coastoti i n ,i ; ... . rrinei,..: t:i.. 'on c.ifr. For. j c;i:iion resrnce 'on l$ . leprae, arra ;..! euh-rs aa.l tuevexarj. i the apprehensiua of iheir slave coast has, in a great the prostitution of ths Amcrican 3gtO ti iuhiiinan purpose. It is hoped .that, by coiniiiuinjr ta maintain .this fjn-2 in t-t quartern and by the ' exertions of. sV c ceas in paumaml, much will be dor ? put a stop to whatever portion cf tV inf. . fic may have been carried on utiJc-r t!.a A merieaa 'flag, and to prevent its' use iii a trade which, while it' violates the law, is equally jau oiyiage bn jhc riglits of others and lhe:Tbeliufsof humanity., " : . ' V t The.effot of the sdverat G6vcruraent who are anxionsly.gceking to suppresi t!.ia traffic Tinist, howdver.' b3 directed against the facilities afforded by what are now rc- 4fl(Trllf l lirttj mala AiAWti..l ,,T;" before. that QbjcVt can be fully accu lish cd. : Supplies jf provisiona,' water-ta3kJ, f mercha!idisc,-and, articles connected with - "! tlio'prosecution of the 'slave-trade, arcfi 'it--i ii nqdertfMKlf freely carried 4y Vessels of; f different nations to the slave factories j ap ! ; the cfT.:cls of tai factor -are trahsported k' ope .ly froitr ono staVoVtioll Jifailoth'efr withoirt interruption br punishment by ei- tifir of t!ie nations to iwhicb tbey belong,C t tffie dila'thcs cbinni?n!3)f t!f: .1 J8H'mit' to your jud mohli M G iveriimenChayingrhcen ihe'f 'rt!fitrrtglflVtf';'S" i whether dii i first to pro v f nioii, ,y a;eq.a.te.-4 pennltics, .tFie? Slave- I tralahi first 'to dcelara it' - piracy i xW-! ... . , - - . . . . ' lijif forbid to h$;, , ' ' citizens, nil trade vith : the slave lactones oi thacbHhf Afsjea.givi'igau'exaniple . ? to all2antimi in this rsDCff. whicii ftfVfV.'-' firty ftllowed; cauti it fiil tfy J proicothaV: 1 moai native rcsultshibnajiing '.'tip' rtios,e da'i'W bf inimiitv; U:i'i zfl-tM i taiCnutt l'olUp iV.Tlio.uas, if in J.mA . Jixta, V, Jdu. kl. ii, Atlierlon, VanairovM-Ci. - Ujihi'U, ftr.rX A. Cooiicrj Mwsiu', .SalUutttlji a'uU lubbard;t' .'::V. MalJrv.i. -i ; t.CMMlCuiMty-i-MtS'l. KUtiXl, VAw''?:vS,''' s'athij'iU.fiifisGid.iligiJa ttenlryr'Johd Hill f :U: C: (JalbraitS. and ? - Oiuuuillet iQH Cdwmercc Messrs. CurtitW ? Hiflco, tiutkoland .''MabwafAlrrisV ttoltj, WellcrVahd Wiulhrop. ? f - low, Llncola, CraryJuo, VVIiitcf,FiHliUar f ;, land, Jacob T hompaon, Casey, and Chapai'aii.'j 7? J Committee un Ihi fuit UffLt multott Hs' . -. Messrs. MeKa,-ilopkiai, Brig js, Marvinf ' .liCadbeUsr,,;Jos'!.l VVilliatn, ASbcrtCt Drown, Reynolds, and John H. Thompion. ' Messrs. V.. Cos't, Johnson, Ciiristoplier' it.-? Williams,; Heinic,, Clarke DtV3c, Ura!iii,t ' ) Crdrtstart, lliwkiiis, an.d McUarty, , ' , flOmmittet o)thsJfJii:iarylev-sSitfU gfianl," Uoffinau, Turiifyf l-S.imuula;f Uaraard'r M.inly; Tnlinbull,; SaiusoUr Ji. dJutlef, ini Starkweather. , ' - 1 ,. . ;. . ' ' V? Cimmitlce qn Hnblutivnary Chiims.yiotlK$f . Randolph; Hall, Taliaferro, Paminter,:Mont V V g9jie.-y,;E:yi Swojrirtj'Oir,; James,' and Ng ' tlianiel Jomes. , ' ' : y' 1'ommiltee on PublieExpeilureiesarit iM: Bond, Duncan, Crockett, Wattersonv McCul., locbi Green. Uaker, Brackenrldge;;and -Mc-'i Clorc, ' 7 :;vavw,v,v : jJ?;'J ? VummUlet m Private XanrfM. Messrs t - Calliori.4 Delicti, Wick,' Wm 8, 4 Hastirtgs, ; Jameson, Cross, Warren, Yroom,'8Dd Board-Ir' f man. JiX '?. ':": l -''i' ' - Cim7enJaiiKuriMessrs.:A(Iams, Y i Nisbet, i' Slade, .T'liingliast, V Wortliington, 1 - Dromgoole, Mitchell, Lastmari, and John Da- vis." ; -:v; ' r "'A . . r-w. Vtmmillel aittttmMMtri.'-'DU8beri ry, Dertnis, McClellan, John Smith, Ham- inond, Shaw, Doig, Hook, and Ridgway. . . , : J Qtmihittes onjiyiim Affaire. limn. Hell, ' :'l fiBwis Williams, Alibrd, Cbinn, Lucas.IIunt, ; Johit.'W04ylai; ParrltbVaiid Itvatli ' --t' Vummilut on : Military vfuirs-MBSsrs..; 5 3 Waddy Taompson, Miller .Uoles,4 Kemble, ';'. John W. Allen, Monroe, Sumter, Goggla, and Wm. 0. Duller. . -:7V MtmmHice an me annua. -;nor.i. jvenu. Cvmmitle on' Natal Me Dartpr;Grifflai'"Di D; Wagenor;'Gbode(f JUim ward Rogers, Tripletty P. J; WagcneriT and 1 Win; R. Cooper'-'Kvw; '-"::?''' f - . Cvmmitte on ' Natal Mairi-UMtn, f&j'l. ! 'niomas.'Iieed, Ciinnnll, Anderson, lboffiti V Naylor, Sliepard, Dickerson, and jyionianys,; !-: Pickens, Gushing : Dromgoole,-: Granger,? IlawPS, Kverelt, Clifford, Leet, snd Kine.V.v'v.V Commit on the y.,rri7w.Me8rs. Pope, - V , Jenifer, Wm.U. Campbell Stuart; llrewster, Garret Davis, Jas. Cooper; Morgan, and Da- "i; GtmmiileeonJleioIuiioiutry . uiori.-Mesrs. Taliaferro, Carr, Andrews, :Sveenrod, LV Da- ; vies; nrockwayiTiylor, Hand, and" Peck. : V f (bmmiltet bn invalid i;iiofl. -Messrs. S.7: a; Williams; C. Moms, CliiUMiJcnf Doan, Strong s, W. Morris, Palen, Sweeny, and , EJwards.:;:V'V?;''' - Committee on ItoaJt and Cemk.- Messrs.' : Ogle, Carroll, HiU, of Virginia. Tiios. Smith, X R.iyner, Black well. Underwood, Crabby and v Albert Smith. ; ' ; ' 'i Cimmittet, 0 , i'aen.--Messrs.- 'Fletcher, ' ' Deatty, Prentiss; NeWhard, and Paynlcr.': : V Committee oa Vu P public Building and GruuiuU. Mossrs. PnUikin, Leonard, Keim, v Jphrt H iftlings, and Qsborne. ? , V!, f, Cummittte on Hevioal and ' Unjinithed Buti-. "if-: Messrs. recK, rarrisn, aacKBon, aauies, rana iviiie.v : : ' y;:::'' U Cimmiltee ;,wn-ea$'rs'.'Jttitph ,' ounson, vnano i....mi..vuaUJl c ioyot and Andrews,, ,(t :;..y,.t .i t,m ,.;"" ;. ,.v-.- y i - r Cumittt-m .' JH'&.-Mea8rs.-. T-.Uaa cy' kiinii BBa krtmn.haiu y v .Tne six Kt.ii ding Committees i .ExpbhJStfr jut ln "K ww,UBvicl u.eivuies, . appomie - -iw ewMoiv-w coitiini .1 i

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