Willi VOL. m.-lo. 36. YaLMISGTOrf, IOXXTH CAI20LLVA, AVED.ESDAY. JAPHJARY ID, 1 843. . .r -' " v- y " . , J . TVBLJSHED EVERY WEDNESDAY XOMLSO. ;.. .. J " A. JL. BROWN, Editor. ' Office oa Front St, next South of the Bank of Cpe Fear. 1-2- Tha price of thU paper, it three dollar per annniB, : payable in advance. If not paid within one month after '-rK:deeribmg,WiiUt'ae beginning of a new aubeeription JeaV three dollar and fifty cent will be charged, and if 'not paid jmtil the year expiree, four dollar will be V? charged L; .?''. ;if ?' i", No paperillj diijnsinued until all arrearage are J Aldei , : paid, unles the Editor may Uiu proper to o so. . AoTr.KTitKKiHTS -inserted at on dollar per equare r-i of M line, or lei, for the first, and twenty-five cent for " each succeeding irisertiouT 25 per cent will be deduct. ' ed from' an advertising bill when it amounts to fifty "dot - !ar in any or yen. . "r ' '.';. All legal advertisement charged 25 pr ct higher, -. ' jJ5 Letter to the Editor, on business connected with ' hi paper, must be post-paid. . : " " FWVH5 subscriber having, received an addition to 4tis ' supplies for tfik teason, respectfully invite the at- ' ' ttimoiv of his friends and the public Among othct arti- dee will be found the following: 'I r V CANDLES. Margarine.a new article, Sperm, " Tallow, fUX'ntF.S. 7 Pease Ilrtathound.celet brated throughout tho States as a cure for coughs Si colds, maiaing to the Post Office st Wilmingt on the, 3 1st December,. 1841. ose oaraes appear on this list are reqtie for advertised letters. . " orge W Austen, L. M. AJvaron, B Allen, David Alexander 8, William. Also lip Andrews, William I..V Adamson, ice, Samuel P. Ancker. ' Mrs, Jkine A. Barr, Henry Baker, John, George T . Barton, Thomas Bryan, bara n, Kara Burton, Mrs. Beach, Denman Mm. II. if. Burwell, Samuel Bordenf, mead. SaViuel W. Baldwin, Charles don, Nathaniel 1 W Birdsall, ll. ,W. John C. BpVden',' 3, Jesse Bowdeo, 3, liza BakerYiphn Buzarer, Charles Bat Boody. James L. Cdrbett, Emm P. Colt, . Serena Connoi, John , Cousins, 3, Crump, Mrs. Elizabeth Conley, Aha Mary Cruise, J. It. Guilds, James Franklin Call, Jtohn Craif, Elizab Petition for division of II, Cainpbell, Stuart's, so well known as being the best made - or out of the States. CHEESE. Sapsago, ' . ' ImitationEnglish, very rich, ',' ' Northern of good qual- - CORKS. Telvst, , Common, . ' DRUGS. "Salt Petrp; . . ' Salaratus, ; , ; . Copperas, FISH. Salmon, fresh, pickled, " FLOUR & MEAL, v FLAXSEED, ' FRUIT. ' . Raisins, Currants, --Almonds, S. S. Filberis, , Bnizilts, Chestnuts , GRAIN. Corn, Barley. INDIGO. IRON. . A largo and general as- 8orimcnt" round, wide and square, American, Swedes, Russia, English-, KETCHUPS. WJtfhutj " Tomato, ' 4 !; ' MOLASSES. I Porto Rico, , Cuba, MUSTARD. American, NAILS. From 3d to 40di : Spikes 5 and 6 inches, OIL. Lump, (best winter,) ' Oliver fresh, - - OLIVES. Freneh, pickles.;,, r Gerkins, -t l Walnut. Peppers, .Picolilly. . Mangoes, Mixed Pickles, ,,; . December 22, 1241. PROVISIONS. Beef, Mess, , Pork, do. Hogs Lard, , Butler, best, -Hams, smoked, Dry Beef, .iJ Smoked Tongues, Bologna Sausages, PORTER. In qt. and pint bottles, RICE. SALT. Turks Island, - . , SHOT. "STEEL. Cast it Blistered, SOAP. White, scented, vane- Wailer Qwtnn, Edwin! A, ptea uo in j id canes, G. Gentry, John L. Goodson, George C. Collin! Evelina Cowan, Dennis Davis, Andrew Dickey Dunton, Franklin Dibble,v Benjan George Davenport,! Samuel Dean, Dyer. Thomaa Devkfre, Milton K. ! seph Dawson. Rev. Charles Mi B. Dibble, 2. sv: Ezra Eaton, 3, Jo! Henry Edwards, Rev Rlilridue. ' o .to : 1 ; F . JohnFalconbridge, Lucy An Fordham, George Filcli, Samu tram or ohn IV Cos tin , Coilins, L. Cox E i D. Eccles, i R. L. EdwJ Sanson C, Hi uougias, I Daniel W, )evane, Jo- Deems, C. 'jame Eustis, rds, Zooth II. w EUte of north CaroUiuu . ITIW fUSOVlB COtKTT.' Court of Pleas Si Qnarter Sessions. December ' - r Term 1841. Hannah Bannerman, ' Ann Fennel, Arch'd. F. Murphy & others. George .W, Banner man, Admitiistrator of Geo. Bannerman, de ceased, and others. ' ' IN this case it appearing to the satisfaction of H?e wmnnnaj jpmgin ootu , the Court that jBnUsi, Charles Ban- "Z'o&t'tS cah Ann, defendants in this suit, reside be- vond the limits of this State ': It is ordered that publication be , made in the Wilmington Lhroniclo. for six weeks, . for satd non-resi dent defendants to appear at the 'next term of this Court to be holden at the Court flotisa in Wilmington, on the second Monday in . March next, and pie id, 8ns wer or demur to said petition, otherwise it will be taken pro tonftsto as to tnem ana nearu exrione.- ! ; ; Witness, L. II. Marsteller, Clerk of said Court, at office the second Monday of Dec. A. D. 1841. - ; L. H. MARSTELLER, Clerk. Jan. 5, 1842. . 138-U ' State of Xforth Carolina. t NKW 1IAN0VBB COUNTY. ' ' Court of Picas Si Quarter Sessions, December . Term 1841. Hannah Bannerman, vt. - i:. Heirs at Law, of Geo. Bannerman deceased. IN this case it appearing to Petition for Dower. the satisfaction "BLeal Eatalt Tot ftcAe. 1 SHE valuable Sic PLAXTATIOS know by th urn of 'Point i'eter,' aituaud half mil ahov the Town of n ilmington, at the junction of the Aortb East and North Vt est branches of Cap Fear Eiver. The Plantation contain in all 3,000 acre extendinir nine mile op the North East Kivrt, auording a Snt late rant nr cattle and bogs, ' few place embrees to many at vantage for the culture of Eic a thus; situated between the two riven, h potwste the advantage of draining into both, (the average width not exceeding half a nul,) and contain no central field ; it is also exempt in great mea sure trotn storm ana iresiieu ; it victnity to W umingtoa, in river and ether causes, com from bird. .The Stack- Via ntation proper, which eomprise 200 acre of surrior land under bank and ditch and m prime order it has produced an average crop of seventy, five bjosheU per aicfe. The. stack-yard contain shout i acre of high land, sufficient for all the puqaae of har vesting j a dwelling house, brkk kitchen, suble, cow house, cooper shed, and sick home, together wilh cow-lots and a,fine garden. Acanal 19 feet wide has iust been om- Meted at gpfet labor and expense, leading direct Irom th barn to the North West river, which renders the place in every reopect complete. : The negro quarteisbuilt of brick and in eood order, are sttuatea oo anutoer piece oi man land, within call of the hguse, bat so far, removed a to in cur no ruk of fire. . j i..- '-v .v jfek 30(1 acres of land known as "Bencvento," on Cape Fear river and Afallorv ereek. adioininit tho land of Joseph H Waters. Esq.; 15? tcrc'4bereol is first tsto tide awamp land, at a good pitch of the tide. m- k . 300 acres on South West side oLLrf)CHwooU s Polly river, Brunswick county, and ' &- 1 300 acres on JNorth Lust sule of same river, opposite to the lost named; part of this is eiacllent rice land. 10,000 acres on Waecamaw river, with a hea vy growth of pise, tuitab: for mill timber or tvrpentine r o- , -. ,- . . M- ... ... -t. A dwelling noute ana 2 lot $ at imunviue. l h dwelling contains fourteen room A 19,10 good repair; the usual out-building are of biick and jn good order, - 'Snow'a Point" Plantation; "0 milea above From tht Liverpool Chronic!. ' l , Ct . Gixis The f THE MASTERY OF MEoMEPJSM AND I peared few dare ago ia 'oster, Captain 1 Field. Brown, SPICES. , Cassia,' Cloves, Ginger,-, Nutmegs, Mace, Allspice, Pepper, ; SPIRITS. Brandy Fr. superior, do Old Nash, Gin, Holland, Rum, Boston, SUGARS. St. Croix, 1 Cuba, Havana white, Loaf, best. Do common, Crushed, best, Lump," STARCH. sauc.es. Essence of Anchovies, John Bull, and Beef Stake sauce. . TEAS. . Gunpowder, best, Do common, Black, best, Do common, ,. TOBACCO Best Richm'd lb. plugs, Small plug No, I, WINES. Madeira, best, Malaga, Sherry, best, Port, do Sicily Madeira, Sweet Malaga, -Claret in bottles, Malmsy Madeira, in do " superior. C. W. BKADLEY. - 136-tf. Wo. Gardner. Georee L. Hill. Wm. II Alexander Hay.Wru. L. Nathan Hooker, John Hi Win. Hankins, William II nos Holmes, Rev. T. Hugj J James Johnson, James J son, z, Jesse Jennett, Jones, Charles S. James. K Wm.'F. Key, James Ki B. Kelly, B. King, Wm. . - ' L John B. Lamb, Hendi vmg, wm. it. liarains, elt, Tenah Langdon. reen, Mrs. M. Itephen Goodrich, of the Court that Joseph Bannerman, Charles SmithvUle, containing 1200 acres, 200 of which are efen ... . ......... . i -...1 ... I II . TU 1 Ik. nluu . mitt. Bannerman, Alex. Uromartie atld wile Kebeccan T.UM't ! "Vr .X Ann. defendant, in this, suit, reside beyond the tJ hmils of this State; It is ordered that publication besides which, there are aeteial site on (h premise be made in the Wilmington Chronicle for six where BRICKS may bemade advantagoously and of good weeks, tor said non resident delendants to appear quality j ana age, Joan 11 antes, 2, Joseph Hann, if Ebben Harden. till, John Hill. Mi- ikins, Andrew John' I ah Jelleson, Siferh Jones Knight, Jno. Lee, Dorcas Lo- ng, r.fA., JunciL. at the next term of this Court to be holden at the Court House in Wilmington on the second Mon day in March next, and plead, answer or demur to said petition, otherwise it will be taken pro contetso as to them and heard exparte, -"' Witness L. 11. Marsteller.Ulerk ot said uourt, at oflice the second Monday of Dec. A. D. 1841. . L. II. MARSTELLER, Clerk. Jan. 5,1843. 138-Ct. , , i i ii ! II II LlAl State of worth Carolina. , NEW HANOVER CODNTT.'.,, Court of Pleas Si Quarter Sessions, December Term 1841. Ann Fennell, Arch'd. "1 Petition for of lands. partition rtMaxvJfll, 2, William larty, Gap. B. Mitchell, McKeuzib, John Myers, ur Morgaiajas. jvieanes, Martin, N Joseph Norjs and George S, Grant, Joseph Nason. Joscoh Newfcy, Uharles U.iJNeal. P George I. PhecMiis, Mrs. Ann PAwell, Heze- Henry Migilcn, Robd Marchant, Dennis Wcl Moses C. Millis, WmJ Wm. Murch, Jr., ArtU Abel Morgan, Thoma F. Murphy Si others. vs. George W, Banner man and others. IN this ease It appearirf to the satisfaction of . . v ' i -n - . . r-. I 1 T. the uoun tnat joseprr mametmnn, wnanes Ban nerman. Alex. Cromartie and wue Kebeccan Ann, defendants in this suit reside beyond the limits of this State; It is ordered that publication be made in the WilmingtorfChronicle for six. weeks, for said non-resident defendants to appear at the next term of this Court, to be holden at the Court House in Wilmington on th second Monday . m m i T J . in March next, ana Dieaa, answer or "demur, to 500 acres adjoining the same, with a small stock of cattle and hoi, mules, etc.; ' s .. A Wharf and Ware-houses at SmithvUle, with two convenient stores. 1 i ; ; . zfi:- i'iJt; . . The Howe Place," joining old Brunswick on the South a handsome situation on th river, well wooded.' ' '.-, .-': " :' The "Richard's Place," on North side of Town creek, contairtinz about 300 acres, 100 of which ia tide swamp part of the upland good for corn,. The store on the INorth side ol Market street, In Wilmington, occupied by Mr. Horace Burr, andhand- somelv fitted ud lor a lirv uood establishmchi. . The Store and Warehouse on WUtinsou s al ley, occupied by Mr. John Whittier, Vacant lot on Market street, next Last Of the residence of I. O. Wright, Esq- and one of the most eb eiblc situations in the town for a More and dwelling. JiLSU, sundry other lots and parcels of land not enumerated.' "'Vf ";"' r.,-"'-:-rV"r-1'- ; ' i Apply to SAMUEL POTTER, -V. , 'V; dr: Sinithvills, N, C 70 shares stock in the Wilmington Si Raleigh Rail Road Company, for sale as above. - January 4, 1842. 133-81. ; MISCKLLAlXEOrS. ik a; , SOMNAfiULISSl EXPLAINED. - ; Anrmal magnetistn h, for some rears amus ed and bewildeied the lover of ' the marvellous. Ridocuted as a mere allusion or Uelavioo, it ha neverlhfle nernloxed the tflieniifie : its effects are too palpable to b denied, but any rational solution of the cause or cames in which the have originated has nitnarto eluded detection. The honor of bnvcilin this tnysiery "wi reserv ed for Mr, James Braid, an eminent surgeon in Manchester, who, having witnessed the recent experiments of Monsieur Lafoutiune, in the Athe- neum of that town, determined. If possible, to bring the system to tin test of physiological and anatomical principles. This gentleman having satisfied his owrr miad that he could product the pnenomena witnout personal contact, ana even induce sleep when ta a different wora from the person to be thrown into a state of somnoloncy. snnnflneed a- public lecture on the subject, which he delivered at the Manchester Alheneurh, on Sat urday last, before seven hundred persons, .: V Mr. Braid first placed on table a eommori black wins bottle, in the mouth of which Was a cork havrtii aplated ton. The individuht on whom the experiment was to be perfoimed was seated on a ohainand directed, to gaze intently at the cork without a winking or averting the eyes. -Jl-iTiiejrklwas about two feet from the person operated upon, whose bead wis inclined back wards, forming with the object an angle of forty- five degrees. In this position he remained for about hve minutes, when profound sleep was produced,? if H:0ys:--y-ri t i Toe second experiment was coropwted in the same ume. Int the third ease, a bandage was placed round the head, for the purpose of retain ing in an immovable position, a common bottle cork, a little above the roof pt the nose, as the object to be gazed fit, and id about four mii:utes a comblete state of somnolence ensued. In this ease it was proved by inability of tl.e patient to open the eyelid, sltiioogh consciousness was hi ho respect suspended, as be waexabie to reply distinctly to any question. The fourth experi ment failed, either through the noise that prevail ed, or owing to the person not imag ills gaxe continually ob me njecw 11 v v-; v" H The fifth was successful, ana altnoiigit , the nartv made a desncrate effort to open his eves. so much to as to seiuio bis. whole franie, iliey remained as though hermetically sealed t when Mr. Braid took from his pocket a wooden ruler, and draw the end of U geutly over the npperWe- lids of both eyes, when the : spelt was broken, and the sense of stgtit restored wuti periect ease, A. i r.e sr Vci A.neri- Cti.GAtxx, Th rtimor cr 9 1? " i of the arrest of (his officer pt Icavii'T 1' A uirjr Department 'Viihoat' orders, snd tpm.-: '.Ij.,' . Wsnhintrton. was at least prematura , t', :il believe, there ia no dpubt that tLa Here 1 u &b- ' Dt withofltleave from"y post po .jla per manent leave ora'jPwe will f-e or .'. red u hi !Wten4-tfwneti(i.raak b?(t.jiIetf tot:.a corn-; mandof tlis Military Dcjia;:mef. :' Thisperhs; is the least oftgraeiooa modi of set- "J "' ' -soldier who ha' ttSft the) State lliule servt, but whose furultieJ now ijre sutr od to be iame- .w!at tntpaired, . . , TIi InJcpeiutent, pubb's'ied at t abla'ws- - eopinbi aragrapbenu scwmpariJta u vt ...i the f'oUowing expUoatftry". -wriciiti , . Ul On who has tlorje . t i oi.. ce as Gen4 Gaines,' and whoso i ... . ry i.. .i ". .ave always been adorned by hih pnalJ wo.;h,i. la fit that one speak with all jwible jtenJetats Wnen romorwae rife cere, not sonir i"Jhu tales of his disobedience of orders, hie contuma cy. His arrest, and even the severity; wiil whick he had been treated, we U)0i c.ue to Imve at such faou as could be depemkd on- -The resul; ia bolUitsrGen.'GJrteadirL'"e fctllere, "fit his command improperly not eo toucii Veausa he did It oport sort of cootingerrf and constru'- tive leave, frott " the-Secretary at ar, mhK,i ought not to have been 19 Interpreted, s because It was t direct nioiatiott of dory w sJrcsa aa ap-. -plication of thi kind "to thij .Sqerotaryeassinr 4 ever his superior officer, the Commstnikrti'uXhtM. w e nave strong reason too, v ovitere vm ne 4 quitted bis Division- wllfidetf aistjnii'jf" eom mand (as he should Lave flunc) to '..f next enpe-. rior officer thu leaving , his Di'visiod iihouJ. any military head. - We bave ascertained. thaW grave as thele factj rendered the- case he wae 4 treated witiTall possible consideration, and an on' , solicited leave of absence tendered, him, in the properest terms. To this he replied; by an enu . meration of his serttcc-t, and la tntiruaon that when he wanted Ii ave of absence he wpuli Jp-' ply fos it. Respect for Lie JhlghT ordees, his ad vanced ' age, and for crrtaiii fanclee withvwhicb! his mind u eliiefly'posSessei poltueJ odt the orA ' : if to&ni that enld bs) fakei withL hirm'onleM'v . ell idea of digciplina Sn tlie ajrray was Ibandoned ' end a leave of absence fot him was 'made out, by . the express, instruotiort of tl'e President tHtmseu. "'. But we do Hot understand t!t.it leave 10, be per' manem, as we Amenca states u wroe. m , I hough a ware of these tacts we cafe rorborn periments fully dsmonstrated thai the M menfion them, throiif h censideratjone that witf ta was perfectly independent of mmM?' be nderatopd, ' S jnftch f tm)inauer These' fixt IIIWIIWUIWIM n W J.... ".. J J- r v. . . . .. 1 ; v . r - mnffnetiami a in no one instance Was there the Kn now,howeyer, fcMomeTioblic, lLattt is use Is least approach to personal contact or any maul- kny longer to withhold a atmplo" statement of the pulation,4'"- '.';. ' " ' . trth We fedbonndktUie'Same'timetote. llaving thiislbonvinceil the audience that sleep mark that4fl every ,tcw pf the fBcial propria- ' could be procureiwiihout pressure of the thumb ties of his Itatioit, Oen'CaioeVdoctwh.afJs tt. Or waving of thbandepa employed by Monsicor ceedtpgly un&U io goinirkbout tbe ecftsttsytse. Lafondine, Mr. Braid proceeded to axplain the turiog0pon hi pTaof National Jence. Noi, rational ot hi discovery. .-.:r" v v v ddet,trdlminieii rite QiilecomingneM tfIie tfcfrqj 'The artificial mode of prodttcifl aleep s to tbit. W1adyr h'owevef charming or. .eloquent, , fa mm inn rpciii and leraunr muse e of the eve. I snouia noju Wui, ai him, on. tne Opoo.; tODl .. whto la effected by econtinwuslyl ofVar ' Rrrrd or ne of the . . , . i. . . 1 I.. u I SCRAPS FOIl FARMERS AND PLASTERS. " The State of New, York produces more horses said petition, otherwise it will be taken pro con- and mules,' neat cattle, sheep, : poultry, - barley, kiah Purinton Lei PrescottLewii John Pretlovei gal, T. PouzolzJ Willard Parker, B. Price, L. Patten- 'arker, 2, FOR SALE. 1 no subscriber oners lor sale his possessions at Soutli Washington, New Hanover county, N. C, consisting of a two acre lot, on which are :t a good two story dwelling house, wilh six rooms and four fire places j a good kitchen ; large store house ; two story ware-house, and all necessary out buildings,. Also, adjoining the above, forty- acres laud, thirty of which are cleared and under tence. It is a good situation foriraua beinjf at r tho head of tido water, from whence boats' and Tafts can go at all seasons. It is situated two and a half miles East of the rail road with , a good road leading thereto. For further particulars ap- vpiy to me at 'Duplin Koad, uuplin county. " W. J. LOVE, Sen'r. Dec.2? 1811., 13r-7. : .-i'. i.,'.. -1, .Vt ' : Jrlerchartts' Fire Insurance Company, OF BALTIMORE. t ivr - - . rnan w. rage, uu r. rrentiss, Joel IVm. W. Parker R ' Samuel Robbna, M. CTRiehardson.l Rev. M Robbins, WmB. Robeson, Wm. Ridbird, 2, John Redmold, Charles J. Relyeal Samuel Ralf, Wm.' T Richardson, Thomas, J.j Rogers, John RustinCas well Kufs. S ' James W Sterett, Isaac Sniffin, Joljn Sinis ter, Mrs.' Elizabeth Smith, John Smith, Ur., -Da niel Skipp r, Benjamin H'. Swell, Vi. C. G Snell, Gdbrge W. Stecms, John G. Sihoolhed, John E. fuggitt, 2, Joseph H. Snow.l Stephen II. Snowl Dempsey of Smith, Wm- pheffield, Daniel Sfigle fe Co., Wm. Skipper, Clirles Sut ton, Gelrge W. Sikes, James Sedgejy, Miss Eliza Sreater, J. F. Spiers, Wm. G. qhearman, . m . . . a GeorgiJ A. Soulhall. T II. JW. Taylor, Andrew Thally, Dat t'tsxo as to them and heard exvarte. Witness, L. H. Marsteller, uierk oi saia uourt, at office llie second Monday of Dec. A. D. 1841. L. H. MARSTELLER, Clerk. Jan. 5, 1842v 138-OU " State of Worth Carolina. NKWj UANOVER COUNTY. ,r Court of Pleas 4; Quarter Sessions, December Term, 1841 E. B. Dudley,.- 1 -, ? j . . . iginal attachment. oats, buckwheat, wool, hops, potatoes, hayirmt, butter and cheese; lumber, pot and pearl ashes than anv other State." .5.--,f She produces 10,093,091 pound of maple su gar, w men is' 3,i04,auj pounas more man is made in any other single State; elie raises 19,698,128 more bushels of pota toes than any other btate. Louisiana produces 249,937720 pounds of u I .. . . . . 6"" ....... . v. y Original attaenment. Ohio raises 16,282,951 bushels 6f wheat, and E. II. Wingate. " 1 5 more than Pennsylvania (which is next in order! Levieirona negro girl named Grace and her by 3,263405 bushels, and 4,43f),441 bushels si . . Itr'l. I . 1 MT - ... I. . -,:f--- - - child, a so on l house and lot in me town oi n u- more man ew 1 or. intenv gaze assn oojcei vieweu uuuor kuw . u'-uutuiniiw sngle, 5 , Under such circumstance the irritability Public ervicei, iudgee ps to speak our,n far- , of those muscle becomes exhausted, a well as cponihe w hole raattety S; m, .. the Irritability of the ootlc nerve, giddiness !.-....:. 1 1 ....... - .if oa a'mial ia ri nrt hfiirn thu vn. ana tleen Sn-I c ... .. ,T a . ; " ' sue. Congestion is induced Tnthe:eyes, and eohflrmstory of flie capture 67 trie Texaa Expei carried from; them to , the optic arid muscular dition to Santa T bythe MexTcap troepe Thef nerves vi mc eve, uu owing h men fivumn; 1 luiiuwmg tuuurvuiive aurua auuitoaat parucuian. to the origin of the nerves of respiration and cir- f . Ummml-riii,i tv it -nut eulation affect them tlirougb Vropathy, and en- . E0M-i.We kave n'ewsaj.:afroiri feble the acuon of the heartf nd lung. fl toe heart ... Wa.f . r- t m c, . MsV ..veif irutvi J Mvivuvuui. naUiV . y swi thu actinif feebly; i unable to propel the blood wiiii Buincienuorce 10 tuu ueiuiuc;s,usiu neu their coldness, The- regioo in order Slw. ri-nilni.B 1 Ml (11 1 mftr lm11nn of urinn than anf other State.v J' . . mington, also n all the interest of the said Win- gate in the negro slaves belonging to the estate of R. Bradley, de,c d, (names unknown.; IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant resides beyond the limits of the State, or so c: nceals himself that the ordina. ry process of law cannot be served upon him : It is therefore ordered by the Court that publica- tirtn be mado in th Wilmintrton Chronicle, for '" six weeks successively, notifying said defendant South Carolina do. 148,907,8 to appear at the next term of this Court,' to be Georgia ; do. 134,322,75 South Carolina produce 59,919,67! pounds of rice, arfd more than Georgia (which is next in rder) by 47,730,259 pounds. " - Louisiana 3,604,534 pounds. Those are the principal rice growing States. ' - " ) Mississippi produces 289,838,813 pounds cotton. come nomena Alabama do. id 1 hnl- holden at the Court House in Wilmington, on Tennessee : ly, IVIiria 1 oomer, Solomon L. Ihomnfeon, Ko- the second Monday in March next, then and there Louisiana bertlreat, Jr., John fruit. I , I to renlevv. and nlead to issuet or tudemeni' final I Arkansas I J ' 1 J . a will be enterewup against him, and the property Tennessee . H. Whitfield, Joseph Winslow, Miss Su- levied on condemned, subject . to the demand of New York C. Willis, Thomas Williams,. Alfrted Wed? the plaintiff. N ,. ' Ohio Witness, L. H.'Marsteller, Clerk of our said Court, at office the second Monday of December, A. D. 1841. L, II. MARSTELLER, Clerk December 29, 1841. 137-6( do. do. do. do.;. do. do. fell, 2,Maclin Wilson, Lewis R. Waterrnan.Tho- mas" D. Warren, Wm. Wright,J. Rr Weston, Bob Wilson, Curtis Welings, Peter M.. Walker, bbenezer Withington, Domiuic Wlnte, Martin Walcord, Mrs. Lucy Wilson. Samuel Walton, ,' II. W. Wist. ' - W. C. BETTENCOURT, P. M. 7an.to, 1842. ' 138-3t- 240,379,660 88' 755 128,250,308 87,610,185 23,897,192 2,765,030 2,116,953 2,193,290 do. do. do. ' 'do. ' do. do. wine. '.Jo-.. do. ' SAGACITY OF A CAT. It was only a few evenings ago ihat one of our rBjHE wulcrstgnrd will receive appliraUons for insn- ranee or renewal ol policies in the above office. A , written description of property with ground plan of pre mises snoulu accompany any new application, v. - ' , O. G. PARSLEY, Agent. f . May 19, 1841. - 1G5-0 o w4f. -: -WILMINGTON SoMVe, Harness, anA - ' r Trunk BTTIIHE subscriber offer for sale a general assortment ej of Sadillet, BridUs, Harness, Vollurt, Trunkt, Carpet Sr Saddle Bags, Valices, JNiivs, Stir- " Atommittee ofgontlomen having waited on rups, Apurs, Bits, fyc. ij-c, waranted of tho . the ubscribcr, and solicited him to take a best material and workmanship SCHOOL, ' I Persons in want of the abov named articles are res- he, through this medium, informs those friends, pectfully wited toealj and examine before rtking men and all others who roav feel Interested, that the I l'"nBI,CM' State of Worth Carolina. -J KEW HANOVER COUNTY. Court of Pleas Quaitcr Sessions, December Terra, 1841. Jolm Hill, 1 .1 1 Original attachment E: II. Wintrate. I . ' ? 7 l . . 9 . . . - . jueviea on a neero ein nameu urace ana . nor child, also on a house and lot in the town of Wil mington, also on all the interest of the said Win- gate in the negro slaves belonging to the estate of li. Bradley, dec d, (names unknown.) 11 appearing to the salistaction ot (lie Court, that the. defendant resides beyond thelimits of tho State, ol so conceals himself that the ordinary firocess of the law cannot be served upon nim : t is therefore' ordered by the Court that publica tion be made in the Wilmington Chronicle, for six week successively, notifying said defendant to appear at the next term of this Court, to be holden atthe Court- House inw ilmington, -on the second Monday in March next, then and there school will ooen on the 10th of Jannrv. is 13. !LlSllUllEIlls 3 IPmimilXftgr-Sg in tlie long room in the rear of his - dwelling,- cni L ; Northern laiintd Sole Leather', upper Leat to replevy and plead to issue, or judgment final trance on the allev which tiftis" from Front to Sn. f'.'r; Calf Skins. Limns and Bindmx Skins. 1 will oe entered up attains! him, and the property condjtreet. , As the number of scholar is limit- shoe- Tkreadj? shot 'J acks, Sparables;, Boot levied on condenmed, subject to the demand of 4edto 80, and as that number is nearly madenp,! Webbirigi ! Bristles, Morocco fo Carnage the plamtill. ' f e-,....'.,' a-v '. ruinesSt I, tu xuarsteuer, vicra. 01 our eaiu 1 those wno, wish the benefit ot.aschool, tite nunv-j TrimminzLoacn ice,,ivjts, innge, e-c. ber of which is ljmited, had bcUer make imme " ?GDY C. HOTCIDX1SS. Conr at office the second Monday. of Pecember, diato application:! ,7v- i'.-y : Nofth iiide of Market etreet, .2 doorf,East jk;D.,1841.;vi ''"S'i'' ' Y:'.l " .. : yf,.-V '57,'''-A.'PAtTL;REI'ir6N: of Owen'Melnvsp:tore.?. fi-- I H. MARSTELLER, Clerks , Doc. 20, aHItVvA 3i:;iW.if,l- -tl'Dee. 39U91M' 'X'jPjJiJtT t, December 29, 1841;' 137-6 ; worthv neighbors who keeps a shoo in Little U nueroanK,was mucn surpnaeu at me conuuci of his cat. He was standing in his shop, when pussy put a paw on his trowsers, and endeavored to pull him towards the "cellar leading out of the shop, lie took no notice at first; but this she repeated three linios: and in order to lee what could bo die cause bf her thns troubling him, he took her in his arms and carried her into the cel lar, where he kept a large quantity of leather. Pussy immediately sprangirora him, and jUmp intr upon a piece of leather began to look under neath it, as if in the search of eomefhing. Her master raised the leather, and he there found a boy of twelve or fifteen years of age concealed under it. On bringing the young rascal from his hi- dine-place, he naturally asked him what he was doing there I The reply was, that he had not money to pay for a lodging, ' and thought he mieht stay . there till morning. The worthy shopkeeper made him remember that a feather bed was preferable 4o a leather one, by inflicting summary punishment on the ollender. ? 1 hus the sagacity of thi cat .roost rbably iaved tfie prem lses from being robbed, and its master pernsp from being murdered. Stockport paper. ; Riwab d. -A constable in Howard distrid, Md.r offer the followiwr reward for an sbscdhdv ing debtor Eight pound of fat Baeon, one dozen salt Herons, (he spells Dad lor a corrstaote,; twelve pounds of ship biscuit, and alivenoo- Alvarez, our American Consul ia New Mexico. with five or six oilier freniiemeri! arrived hare da ' blood consequently i ccumulatl ia' the before yeterdar,v after a tedtoua-trip ot 53 Say f ;th. heart, and thus and f 0 Sajlta F , th.y w'er. Jrjacli annoVed with ' in oiuer to remove uie inoruinnw ioaii, i w cum-1 , , . ' ". -, ' , pelled to increase the Tre(lon,cy of it cohtracJwW.e'f throughout eearly .Cie t- .1...- ' .L. t.. .u ru - 1 whole route. Hie company consisted 6f twelve ' lions, in uruer iu cum rcusaia tur mid icuitou i , j . , of ila efforts. - The brain, head arid face now b or fi!tee" ben 'h!ft l",el &r.,,hestt congested in consequence, and varied phe- wpafa front the patty about 30fJ mile, from , na resulting from irregularity in the cireula- h,ere' or 6outhen route to avoid : e k-i nwAsshn u.; riUiar 1 me coiq. j The inability to raise the upper eyelid Mr. Braid f, Espedmon bn Ac 16th ofOctoW, J ' 1 - ' .1 ,mail in Sunt, ha in an.i.h iham a ni..nnA-.n account lor oh the principle of temporary paral yses of df lit levator muscle, owing to exces sive and long continued exertion at tne commence ment oi me operatiou. j.y J''::-: z;: ; arrived in Santa Fe, in much worse ckcumrfbiv ces than could ever have been imagmed-t-they wore all captured, bound,, and sent as prikiiner to the cjtyf Mexico. Til causes nd attendant; circumstance, as Iveu' by "our iiiftsinanllre theset ' ' " ,,. " The deputation, tlieir arrival warSanta Fe EMioRATtoM.- The lion. C, Oakley, cf Illi- Continent, having .ucceeded, during hi. visit to KlVK'f109?0 "nJf i U fllI Wnrlfl in firfminff A irtttinfltitf f fnf ' thfl - - " ww 1"vw'" M1,u' wuu"i purpose of sending out emigrants to the west. he company is constunted something alter tno and t;e other under MeLeod or.Lou'l, the Colmnander-ii. "Chief I . :r. i.-.i i. i .. . manner of tlw company.! formed' for coloniziujji , l!v t if . , ! 1 1 i ! i si k t- a Australia.' When Mr. O. left, upwards of 'i00 000 had been subscribed. Thi sum, or 8 lare portion of it, will be invested in lands, chiefly in Illinois and the territorie of Iowa and Wisconsin, by tho company. Offices will be opened in Lon: don, and at some principal town in Germany, for the aale of lands. Emigrants who purchase wilt be sent out in ships, provided by the company, which will sail direct for New Orleans. From St Louis, where an-office wilt be kept, they will be sent to their respective purchases.' :?TZ T"TT. The object will be to send chiefly farmers ana more, were sent in advance a spiee, to ascertain the disposition of the Mexican toward them. Not . understanding." trrffhature-of jheh eijnbasSf . sufiicientlyr and uord herr'contradictorjT slate menta conceruintbe place from whence they" hailed, (hey were stripped and ordered nottoleav -. th bound.- la the, meantime tbey made, their ' . escapet but after' travelling' five day! atd ertly progreMieg fiftyiriiles, they wer taken by some' . shepherds, brought in and; llibt.' Seven more from the-company were again senk in affiofci 1...w.lir-l .Mil ik-. r .Mll .m.m1Iw K- m. B ' . V 1 a anit'Of LpsIia I .nmha nf k tf anil llr. F.I.W1S possessing some capita!, andol respectawe cnarao-1 " "2- .: v - ter. - It is said that 'there are immemw number, of fT Jj their possmion the Con.utut.on snd farmer in Eneland and Germany, wlto are anx- JrwT Tr?r'u,',cT:fu V"' iou. to reach the United State, and particularly mn the western .Vtates, and are deterred frorrjcomtnr uS' "Z??!." Z fte byfther gnorance of how to get land when -j w" t : i i . ' V - f thl ..'.' . . t .u xJ. j.j .... ! eoMtnur to be ehotr br the entjeiue of tna by the entjeiu'e talof the west. good faith, we doubt not that in thi. waf a targa P. ,80"f",nd' P'"' XTclZZ -tldition will be mad, to the portion a'nd eapi- ilfe.! number of 4haTxana were urrotinded and tak en Cwik being the only pne dc? irou of mi..ing resiBUrMsei Their faiei wretched ai we ex Thadsyhey anipt &f nearly a Uierr eiouiia. Tobatto in Connecticut 'The Hartford Time slate that Col. Phclpsof Warehouse Point, ctti- tivated fifty acre of tobacco the past year,; and deprived 0P tlVhoes: handunl'd. scd atart?l nlci.il !t t.alt ihl iliifntMiv f li. WSnt i L I r... mum'.A.'.i.iU -'.It. iT MeJifO. With UltiCie siwiii. ,MSV n'r . v '-, - raised at least that number &tartf,, which, ( ten on foot SOO'jo.iW Jo th. city Meif0, (ntapour4,mtount, say the Time,,to f 10 000. SeveraVef the towna in ;he neighborhood of Windsor cultivate tobacco to very considerable extent, many of the firmer planting from one to hree acres,, and making profitable crops.. gave out, mHt be spewed t$ hnewM.. on the road side. They had gwifO mdes 1 Santa Fe, (when tbesw mn lefu) and the number were already lain in ebedietire. to t order. ''-. ' mag , wq ' "' ''"

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