FCL. IT.-1U 4. 4 I -41 - , PVbLISHED & TER Y WEDNESDA YMOKNlftQ. J A BROWN, Editor. ; -' , Office em Freai.Su, Mit South of Ike Bank of Cap Fear. ' , Ta pric f .this paper, i thro dollars per annum, , pay kbit la aivancey, If not paid within on numta. after subscribing, or after the beginning of rtw sulacription year, three dollars and fifty rents will be charged, and if not paid until the , year expir&s; four dollars will bo - - enarjed.t-i' : l'liJjJJ ' ' ':' r 1 N paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, Bless the Editor may think proper to do so. . . Abviitisinixti inserted at one Collar per sqnare of U li8es,or less, for the Srst, and twenty-rive cents for ' each succeeding insertion. 55 per cent, will be deduct ed from an sdvertisutg bill when it amount to thirty dol rs in any one year. $FT r- - ' ' All legal advertisements charged 25 pr et'bigher. . ' "' 1T Letters to the Editor, en business connetUd with - his paper, most be post-paid.' - . , " ' . . . From the Chat lot) t Journal . A Nonntnln lit Labor. ; ' -? TI:GreiitDemocrtlifc;LjO'fi"- Contention, - sceordiug to previous notice, took place in S: tis- bury on the2fHh liiiitiUiitj;aitjnuriiHdntt(1io?IH; Alter the great parade and long Jon of Delegates appointed to attend, one would have supp sed that ngil cftttften""n a few mprg would lvmiiqtfii 'i ;here bill frnfii ihe'desrription below, furnished by-a friend Vbo was on ihospv it hal proved! 'iphmliil "failure -there -water haul." 'Hie tf .tt.l',....4 klell tti it MUMjt IaiS sVm '. . tt-nuiai rnja Mia, it nuv i: jwi tv.! v . . before the meeting, that Mr. CTay, Jlr,' (jalliAun; a- ' " a "" t a " a" . - W . . j - anu yovvTvioreneaa, ami ute uiratitf too e sup i rose," would be present. '.JThfs waa (lone r lite fjr- purpose-oi--urawMig -toettier-iiirge-concourw enable die Loco to mKe a display i but ii ,. - .woolu not do, and by meagre niimper,,iieqded .J-- THE LOCO PDCf) L'ON VEX I'lfLVi jVMat fn Salialwry on the 20thrat 10 oVlock in 3 ; f he roiiniing, at Vtigler4" Grave, fbout 300 yard , S. E. of the JUottrl Ilotiser wtied W HoaJt;ifr a nVt i3nnawfoiktJlieoni''' 6ouniy:''')al 'appAntml : cbairman and made his acknowletTetqfntu lftje. i company w a aet-ipeechrin which he. utiiiirrtem orated Gov. Mortthend'e Cliirken iitriip and J Ice , Houip, -which through the tnlerpocftion of Prv " deiice owl no tee irt it. When on motion 'of Mr.' IIoke, lB fottr Vice Presidents were appointed, ., and on motion or , Williums, Esq. two Clerks were nominated and voted for aye, aye. & corn " mittee was then appointed to lake Into conside "(: ration thi proeoetlinga of, the Raleigh Convention Janimry. The Hon. ' Robert ' Stranire, Jat Senator of the United Stales. and . now delijfale -from t)e roumy of Cumberland. was eajled upon hy the rhnirinan to address th .jn.tii?,rho rose and spoke for one hour and a half, eutogiitiiig Mfv Henry, the Loco Foco citu didate fur Governor of Nt)rih Currtlina xtated that hia feeble hedth would mt.p tnii him lo ' Qlke a sreech. at this meetinjr tli!jt hr wa-i tle most dil gent and suTessful lawver known for . ,eu years past was i nee poor rtit nw grown ii h by industry raiid economy" tla Triie he is t.nt . a native of the State, but tijidar the constitution f - lie had a (fowl a right to be "Governor as if he , Was a native if this was made a cause of rejec tion T.un Ik'iilnii, the great leader of demoer ie ;won!d not now be in lh . Senal of the 'Unilffi SiaUrs- there was at one time "even Senators In Congress nntives of North CHnilma. TJib spuiik er knowing what sort of stuff to ele. jitmeer will : berated the Whigs soundly for ilm extravagance i of Riying twenty-five thousand, dollars to" Mr ' Ilarrisoii, whk'h must necessarily increaso the p. I j taxation on the Idbour ol ih poor, besides Mrs Ilarnsou. was rich enough without il but -a - -"change is coming, the dt iimcrats no. longer de " ceved by log eabins, ,had t'idvr, coon skhts :nl(j. s drunken revelry are reluming to theif. "sol'mKTj; , , Section, aaihaasuuibliugofihe humy thMtsttn s ,o,W Iml'.ire ine bear pU.isiii4 evniert!e.t,Tlii M- so bmaJ and glaring uu wSsertHiii tlmt it im 5 duiit'd a Smile of iucreduliiy among the etowd wlnun Ihu qiiiek-sigh.ed orator oliservuig, eiimiy eJ the b g word f r a It ss one and aaiid hun ut i lie tlieu said that ths Whig sm'ceBS.in M was Owing to l!H approbation and idoutry oMlie U - dies, who like the ignorant and superstitious I J tit- lous, worship their id. l Juggnruaut, Mhey wor. shipped tog cabins i encouraged dfiinKn revel i) of hard eidw carousals, and diseouoMjUanced dp mocracy, so that a decent democrat could scarce Jy j(ttla wife, for what aiau ol taste would have .wuuian for wile tiiut wished to be a poluieun Alter be had concluded, Air. Hoke, of . I.iuuoln was ealied to the stauu ami spoke sometime ujion. democratic principles, without nieuuoiiiiig anv , other Uian Unit Martin Vau Bureu ki )ear wu ecoHomical, thai the expeiiditures of the Whig adiiimisiraliott Jor tluj Jasi 18 juoiiihs was .extra VBganU Alter this the Convention adjourned to ! 8 o'clock. At 2 the Hon. Bedford Urown, late . Senator from North Carolina and how delegate (turn Caswell, adUjesged the democracy and was very sarcastie on Wluggery and tederajism.coii eclinglhem byarivv of round assertion, ami Confirming the same by an oath of to hep me God, a ta Ha dolpk, to pass for evidence in the absencd of better proof, .lr. Heilrjv Uie very fery essence of all democracy, then arose sntl Ue. ' elarad bis' inability to make a speech, an expect' ed speech to-the gaping crowds of 400 or therea . bouts then present, including soma 4 or 6 demo tie ladieii but before Ht. Hsilry could coocludo hiaspolugy for Uialatl of a speech, 'sj thunder loud arose and passed over fhe scene with uprinkling of rain thai ntioguishedJiia re marke. One of Hie fecretsries then begn tg mad some euers from relQctantly absent deinocraiic ffienc which reading' wse rfitugimhed by a more absolute sliower of rain. So the Oifetinf sd- ourned to the I'oi'rt Hous at candlelight at thai lime the ctajrmaii took bis scat as judge ud called upon Mr. . Uced, f Fajrettevillo, Mr.NCraige,'.said..tO'',1e. f Lincoln, and Mr. M cliae. of Fayette viljf, J wbo ' acr Hn, turn belalmred V hiirery with ' tiiight slid min, birt each like their predecessor, Bedford Brown,' Em). prnfesseilreai love and rejipct fur all the Whigs nd diil noi inland. .to' be p' imiiaj 1ir oidy-tfri hi; leaders Henry Cbiv and John NfArelieml. Meeting adjourned untrl 9 i liR-k oa fjaiurdsr. Hour arrireilbell uiii, . Tlurn a least. of good thing, of fat thimfinjl jvm nn Unesf;?rt produced, being leUers raf! hy hrg FraJericli, one id Hie Secrotanesi is front Nils Tignjt prtufe on Demuvrtcy, Vluifg.'ry, Heirry Clay, nd ilio Tariff. Anmlier fmm Jolyrr (Trtt4s"Cal- nin, oot'itf like stibjeets, inlerspewejl wiUt jiiMii lilion, danuer, iK-inOrracy, foreign relaiioh, and southern fighis will) protection monopoly bank- nig1 and nniinre i WmplihCit b) "'' waieri one fnun honesl t.evi,Wooilbiir)-, ihori lecions on fim.uce,iilt'ipiiiion, appropriations, an 1 treasury notes under pnrValue. Hue from ex-UiT rolk, lectit c on polk slalkf.Jiickory- pisles, and -smir beer, also reminding the :o iveniiim that he Was great man, one otthe jiatives ol N'Tlh.LaKt- ibia.-snd front a paternal solu-ni'do still feh. Wnheu to encourage ami promote the UiniL'stc ultnrtrof tleir)oieVi4nt-thsMmpriatioftoC-evj- ery thing else without the 'duiuuiiig pressure of a anu..-, . . , . Tlieommutne appoifitcd yesterday were tjien called uon lojrepoii.-wJieu C. Fisher, the Hou. Xr'iieinlier of (Joneress said he wiis as . chairmnn featTy io yeriovt. - T4 l4mM-nreTr1eallCTr "tnt ifTa qiteatioiir is it .Aha pleasure of the meeting that'tfiey wijf h;ar dti ,1'ort 'oT the coniinitiec, answered ae, ay . 'J'nC chairnian said he had no report, biU wouldiffef and reatr'fcsiiUitions in pfaqe of one,"ajid thejjt, teal some 6 or 7, to be hereafier prU)ted,1dfndr llie revisal of a commit tee of threel jfcther wUbSaiu Address said to lie now hastily prepared not read. . Th; chairman ihen appmnted A'hatles rherji Balislmry, M. Hoke ofXiitcolnu'iii and X U. Wheeler of Liit coin county, thfcjimmiie o ut4i tiiif - a i id 'g vj, sal, all of .which were. sanctioned and approved aye, aye, in Democratic style. The Chairman then called Walter IeHk," Esq,,, Col. Win eler,. Esq., Mr. Biggs, of Mariiu, (Mr, Carter, of .ha- vie, refused; Mr MeCoIlum, of Monignmery who all uttered full blooded Democratic siiecChe and qiiit when they eioppetf.H'llie Meeting tlien ailjoiinied s ne die. 1'be foregoing is an abitracl of ibe proceedings of the meeting front observation Initliot offii.ui ilicy transpired.' TTJOV, MORKHEAD AT HALIFAX." The Rnnnoke' 'AdW.'tC jjiVcs'n long -VHetch of n.:. m I. .1. ... iii:r.. t. .!. iniv. iuiirenrnu s eneerii ;u iiainu, i'u inn inn fjill., hi vi;iiirh be ably tlefeiided,bin!8elf. frsm all r ' i :.:. .i... ...... s....i Ai.l -i-.. i:(inri', iinu rjirut-ti utr wtir linn uio enrii " lountry . At the close of bis pfch, GnV. Ilrsnmh ws called Job, aiulaecordihafy eiimi ffvrd and addressed the nnirftulg,ror fieaflytwjuthrs. "We sliall irnl aiieinpt,(savs tlje Advrti:,ie.) t give ei-en a ski tch"(if hi!"r'iimrks, further ihan to say 'ho spoko in vef'big!) and'- co tiplimeir.ary lermsof 'Gov. MuivIihu I hJ a pure, hoiiist and nble man, ahd? most cxcellt'r.G)v'eriiiir, with whose Adiiiiiiistrawou Irejwmld fi.ul po IIiulinof did he Micvo thwre ta iwv raise of i-oinplaint. and v hilst he liad Tinifidiee riii ibe ooilesl mid faithful discharge ofJus dirtiess Governor, ho dif fered wiih hiiii i ij Fedrra! jioliti.'s 'totally, and bad risen lo reply to las Fedehd politics and to de feud hia own principles u hich he 'litoulit -were Hssajled.- I'riueiple which" he liiid vhlwa s en- luitiiineil and in which he had been siisiaineiMn ihiscotimy for 25 ypar. .He "cmludi'd Jiy re peating his rcgafd 1'or Gov. Morehead as a gen- tleumii and ah E.ve6u!ive officer, of North Caro- . -. " . .. 1 ' linac . . ' ''" '.'' ; . Gov. Morchcad replied lo Oov.'Brnnch.yit a very eloquent, cIcbt andforcil'leVppw U, deinou mraiing beyoivl aH'ffttVil thn hirrw-tuess of m positions and susiaiiiiiig in a manner, uhaf.aweia. hleflie prihcipleslie had'arfirst taid down." He also spoke jn " teriite? of nigh regard ami respect for Gov. Branch, bul begged leave to assure th Gov. that the VVhigs were e mil led to Ins thanks An Noi th Carolhiu's occupy ing her prcsi nt pnuld position among the Stutea of 'the Union Gov, MorJdieat)'; r ply, we .think, J one of the finest speeches that he has 'ever defected. He is ii man of facta and figures," clear in nstalenir-nts, sound in his principles, and unanswerable in his conclusions. He is in fuel a pracaj and en lightened Statesman i n tit led lo the"',cohfidence oT theqpeoplef and just ibe man to be at the head of affaire si a crista like' the present. Would to God, hp was nt llie head of the Nation, and CapfrTyler"yell provided for elsev here.. ;An old writer sayst 'This 1 fe is begun in a erf, and endeth wwhji cry Trnef and athe two extremities of Ufa, aro . so dolorous, there etknitlff tut idurtKsVfta naai-st'it isai'i fill itinssat lal 'Va 'mijlat I afiswsa arw vwa-pscov. jrnt vJWll0ltWW III aorw MfM0l miti m lunv ifi'UHi oitMjr innii ntv,oyiriar if port of the pniceediiii8i)ot in liianu'ef tnd onn but is snfisiTintially 0rreptiiiding Willi 9 facta - as (offt.,' ACalrs la Rbc4e Island. .. We copy the fullowiug leuer from the New York Coarjer and Enquirer. -Ltrrctpondatct of the Courier Enquirer. , ; ' . fEOVIDENCE, Msy. I8i. ' - There are indications noi to be rttisiakenv (fiat a powerfuf efort hf otf making tt rs-orgxinxe the party whicn snstained the People's 0matP tuinm'irtid which claim the govenuncm under rt. For ahhouyU afugiu'vs lTrf is'uiider the protec iiirof ibe Governor of Oourtecticuf, and lie is irt commiiniradon with tliC leaders f lij; pany li tbii riiy ; a'meetiiig of bis friends was TTefJ 1 Chep-htt this week; mf stiU a innre Tinpmlliit flne'wua helr"yeterily, ear Liine Rock, iu Smillifleld,al wTi'tcb pTedges Were givento BMtn fli?UC 4Pvobl Ciiiiuiion" by forcsvjmd very coiisiucr.ioie suip oi monej; was rawe i wal also determined, (o holif iitr.pamprir' nt in ibe ciHitse of next -week. The- sessions' of the fJoeernor snd't?uiicil. have herl' buig amf fre q'ient, a1tljqigli.5irestilis of llieif deliherainme haiiof bv-en made public, it is known lhs in- fnrin:iliiiT linn hpn ri.iv(f "iif .a Imdp nf mDH .H-jau.xiTig iAV.er" county, Ma.saclmsens hat co.na.nicaii(;, Cavesed toweeii Gov! King aihllhe.Goveriuirs of MassarbusetH and Wew Yti2.iThe Goverymr and -Council have :do listed uport the pitiarus thy importance oi art ttricient miliiury orgaiiizioij V lh. nnniner '"ii which they Itave jConducted( tIie govcrnmf'iil .ilirongh tye Ia:e crisis convinces the pexle Uiat the call would not be made were iitnot nvsary. -I. l j..... ...lJ..L.w Ht.iii.iI -.M it...ii. I l, uaanron ,oiiiuou wmitwupj , "' panics are fnrmiog ihroughnut llie city anil St te We shall be tar better pepareu to ujeett auolngr as-aull upon the government . t Tlie number of men who turned out last .week. according to lite oitamii' is ascertained tooi4ouO,tlie4uaivf,tjny partpfffWence county, txeep the citjh Pro vidence Aouiily 'contains half the pop;ilatioit of the Slate, Hixfoearlv. the wholaasof 'the dioafTected portion of it : Some towis in i. however are amoniist the soundest irybe Staier as Scituate and FoSterm! a large nflmber can be jelieVl up on from them, as well as some from llie disaffect ed town.' Thcnjintia has been in a wretcjiej, state of organi2 lion, but half . officered, badly equipped and very' little drilled. Their" defects 1re, however, 'rapidly 'disappearing, especially hi this city , and -the othea- populous jparis of ilio tsiate, .wnere tiiemen arevoustaniiy meeting lor drill and exercise. I 'l'he ngfit tjtirU prevail ev ery where, and before that all difficulties and de-. mnencres wilr speedily fall. VVe ahall'mm liave I a large etncient force or ifeitizen soldiery rca'dy In,, Hcienn tnc laws anu auiuoriuiM .oi me -oiaie a eairist rreasoaat Jiome or invasiiiiroin' abroad. Wo firtve eonSilence in our Gnvemorcnnfiderice in 0611 Cyveriimenii and cpBflencqhtir; ourselves ;ftnd vre are ready to (fleet thfrqupi tion, whether fawlessvio1ence" or regufaleil tiher tv shall prevail, not in Rhode Island alone, but throughout the Onion f for. the Conseqnenr.es nf this movement,' were it possibhj for it to succeed, would, by no me'ans, be eqnmietl to -'mir, '.limited crritory. Stifth has not been llie (fesjti "of thf. coiispiratnrsyinr'e the encouragement-!, of Tarn-; many IJall and its kindre 1 povwers Was offered to them. fVho shall estim do the i weight of guilty ewponsildlily which rests unjiii' them in', your ci ty, who to? ihe.ukev(Xr' 'he lowest partisan ndynn tag iirtred on iwmaililcniisil and - ifeser:iie man to fchemeswhicb cou!(J only have been fulfilled up- i-oikibe ruin of all (tat is valuable in on a political and social institution'! - - ."' v- ,. . j "Your Mo.tcy or your Llf -.J Is it so, that w itl'h and rit:wifl screen crime from merited punishment, in this country if free and equal rights ? . An instance of die kind has surely ccitrreit i't Virsinfaj and, we alinost'iud it iu our hearts t'oohurgii it, as a h ot lipnu hcr er nilne. The reader iw douM fccollpcis jo h lie seen a notice, some time ago.' pT ilw murder of gsor Davis, of llie Virginia t'niveisiiv, ou- der most aggravated circumstances He was shot. by a fttuuent', a yiiiing man by the name of Seni trwt fhigMf) coidi cted iiUhnSouth. The charge Wis proved to ifie "sail faciionof Utree prelimin. ry tri.'Mtna's who inveiifi.tjt'd- li but. the accused .was t leiiirih admilcfto bi'il A the stun of 125,00'. At the 'Ute term of 'Albemarle Suitert or CoWit.'a retAi've,' of ,Semme8.,froiii t-Jeorgia, caniujprward, anll paid this' ninnintjjiiu Court; and the culprit escapes with impuniy. Mmry Sved ilia ricli mnrdererv when n poor man, niuli r S'milaa rircuiitances ; would have been swung iip between the heavens' and the earth, r,mid the execraiions of the world 1 Suci is the idea tlmt must immediately strike the popular mind and ii h irue. In the language of Ibe Charlolte-1 ville Advocate-r"the r?njtd of justice gra j"!y the piior allernalive uf,pcciriaty fine, which, be it ever so great, lite law certainly never de. signed to bp rcceiveaas the.prue of blood, or Hhe pit'tnif penalty of crime." , '. We do deeply uepjore, : says mat paper, "ine wouuu wnicn oy hia escapo has been inflicted upon the peace and safety of society, and the contempt with which the majesty af the law is ihuvwiied." .."'' . Greytborough Palrw(. Trie reptile ii human form should be avoided ; oare may ruboot dif ef gnajf , but not the ajimiof t afctrdero."-'' 1 '" An Important caTcr.-.ct!. ... The New. York Sun publiihes a litter from a private correspondi nu hi writing fnun Mo bile, under d ue id" the 16th, esysi " An expediifoo IsnoW tec eily filing- rulai this place and New Orleans, to lake Mftsrnur s. ti witl consist of )w"Texlan aplmonera of war. which arrived here t.HJy. &einvfr if'nfe bop i.f waf, he A oaiin, now si NVir Orleanai, and four oilier Urge ecfiooners) now chTierad in ibis porVja orryrMwrraand itmmuntTkmt a'snx stcamlwst to ior ihem ail np the bsrNr k Sle lsmr. ? They are sure r lse ifie ehfti i ) . The rmy will1 corarlst of about un der the of omt 0o.: VVsfimitiw from Washington e iiy -aW rf 1 ashtngferi fiiie,lrave felhiw, cool ami colleried gentU niarl siid' ''shaf CoWrMnnT4'iwwiiora ibe mviilVxpedit'rtn, airl t swhirjS ifii-land Circps. ' Ttie errpte fierff are ffRinihWne groes to aid this erpe)'tmn. The whole Ie ctn nrst is nnpniteden ( and tbe foreign rest dents t Metamon have scut word to Col. Waolf ington that iht-y will not'tefeail heJclty. , 'he P,i,n of ,,,c l"" ' K "P1 ,,f ,he nt7 ,d 300,roO in rc- Sir From Iht Sne Vork Vlvrorat Plea of an Iowa CoimacUor.' Gentlemen of llie, Jurytit is with feelings ol no irrdinar'y cominoBon thai I rial 1 defendthe ebaMciet of my injured client from the attacks Lwhtelf lluve bren made upon his heretolore au BpfrWchhle ih- raeter. Ifeel, fentlemen, that . ' . F . j HfOUgtl; 4 gIMfJ WtramaTier Uln llf Ol JrtHI ITB, or even the iuJge here, yet, that I am tolally on' competent to presem this ere cast ;fh that P''H,t naniinous and heart ren.ii g JiitasWsrlr tli Toil pufuiuto- demands AnX( trust, gentlemen, lha1 whatever I may lack iu pieseuting )he subj'-ct, ii i .ill . I . . I .-., '. I . ." i i . wut oejmuieiiiuieiy in.i ie up "y your own goou sense and discer ment, if you have jiiiy. , . The counsel -fcr the prosecuiian gentlemen, will undoubtedly endeavor to fieave dust iaxyeu eyes, lie will tell jnu that bis client is a irianof fuiiciiont that he is o( uieucliablif veraciiy thai he is a man who wouiJ acorn l fotel) aif artimi ajprfnet another merely to gratify bis petaonal r pcirosQVj buffet me retreat you gentlemen, to be ware bw ju relj upon any spacious reasoning ifkfe ibrsf I niysell' apprehend thai this ere suit dfolly and malicious loudit i fotcht. gciitlnnaii, fiir tlx sole and only purpose of brow .heating my unhappy client here, and in an emk nent liirtniier grindihg t e face of the poor; ana1 giillemen, I apprehend that if you i ould I wk iniothis man's heart, sai i. I read the, mot tteay thai propelled him to fotclt this suit, sich a pictifr of liioral turpentinn and beari-feU, ingratitude would ,he brouirlit to ight as 1ms never before bcCn ex perienced since the Fall of ftbignra- ------ . . , ' . - . . .... -i inw, gentlenjeii, vwant to uiiikc t,nriilianpp-J peal io the kind sympathies of yiiyr jitjileraqd sec if I can't warp your jii'ilgeinl'nta a Iflffoui't fa vqr of my unfortunate cITenii and iliciilshai' lotcrr my arguments to a close. Here is a poor man, who has a ntimejt" ns wife and dnldcn- te pcndani on Jdru'or their bread .mil buiii r, , stt- loniy uncut up Here,, ajin arraigueil helore as in tellerjual jury, on ,ihe charaa of eirnonuiiiou'ly hookiria; j-i s, gciiilcuien, mark the idea; lx;oki!ii; six. quarla of cider You, gentlemen,, hitvie all been ptai-ei,! m ilio sa;uo smiaifim and yo jkiiow hn.wtif fuel fir thu mislorniiiin.of my he-iri-dir,!!- Mten cliuntj aV-l I urns you -will, nor prnhit thu natural giislniis ol your syinp.itlivziiig heart to he oviircoine by the superstiiio'ig srguuienis of my ignorant oppudent mi the oilier side, " The law expressly, declares, flpiutemen, in' the biiigna'ge of Sliiikespiire, tha whar no doubt'ex. tfita of hc guilt of a pnoner, it is your duty jo lean n pon tile sidtr of justjee, and feicji him in niioeVnt. ,lf t on keep this f..c m view, you will ve Ibe honor geiitlcmon,' f malting a friend of fuin ami all hi iclattoits, and you' can alters lootc back upoif tjiia e that y'ou did as you have been due hyjhut if yon disregard this first point of law, et.a( naught ml eloqm nt remarks, and fctcfi iiim jjn niiiliy, thu silent tweches of ciin scrence will folier you ove,r evury'bnr cornfield, and oi v injured client, eilenicn, will hu pretty ;ipVlhi;lit no you some, of tliesulari nights, hi my cat lights on a sa.ucar full of peV-milk. a t.From A I'tnnnhanifti. 1 1 t. As military afl.urs are creating more interest in the community than usual, wesiibjoin a martial cull vtibut.m tt hi-ratiin. which was recently secured by a friend, of ours while' tratell ng in iho iilierior of the State, and who has" favored us with ihe origiiiid manuscript, '-'Omitting name! and places, ti, document reads ex'ni-tly as follows: ATTENTION MOlJHBMAN-Mili'asrrteivJ -' vNotiL 4a lisrby given thai all Doss Belonging to ihe- V oiiipeny will meet on 2and diy niay-1842 at 10 o'clock iu the After Noon at, the bouse of !';'' for Tranen "and report with Fer Locks arid all dose as not in rold Conre'fpr tfrtfmitj in' rpteet; v. E. ti'i-.i ' ; ' "'".'' , Crjplon of Compci.y.' i.-T'-rf -Township. ; .I-.--;' The t'epton" of lhe 'Molishetnan, probs hly found tbal'dose" wlto were lucky enough not to be 'in rold," were not quite ao greert as to come r.rerd" and t-in role," notwithstanding the- appeal thus made to their martial sympathies. v , ' t , 1 m ' . i' m in 1.1, 1 i; A ' rJIa who cau uke adiico ia svmeiimes auperior afj him wbooati it - " ' satined to n:i:.zr aiCnz '4,, : ''' " "ItoCi On TeiJr, April t, wss Isi4 iher fonnJjiion stone of amiHiurnvrll to Corns HigbliimJ Vrt, to bferfclcfl frnTteJiitely sdjolning tothej;..t on the w-vft ehuirfV-yanf if Grwtwefc, wjirr lie rt mm'mt weir frrter'tdC TIw cemnony excite J f grmmtt wr rt .0ed by .'Uluttht lf.00dr tui LlWpwj..jiAf bonle whw ; swifj Bwipsj pmf, and an appropriate lrnr1piion, fwed m the rme rwhl tbe tt-snof frtrmaHifcs'fflKrtMfirw hy dx UrWef Walter, P.Sf.SiiwartKrP, About 1C0 geWiemwafterirsrife ( dwn to" din ner. P. M-Siew1 in (Jie clisir. wlm In s feeling arid euVtlvespeSrhr' with which he prrfWd a (eat u " the merRorj- of Corns an l. Highland Mary. made tho fidlowing olsjriio--i7 And yet, of ell jdrt ownri' pM vrtia pt memory of Bu rns, f do most proudly beli e vn my frienda, that we liavji bi day brfiell IlirgtVat est I Amt whatjiave We lel)H'f f x We bavsj I held towrj make Irolidsy, nnswPr bysirarW geM, gsthetrounJ hw grsve, and Uy thtr ri stiinc of CVnmapfi alorp the ssbel ' of at f to- tantpri una heu tvr ;f r) aterA piaiir, simple, inodrsttrpuntry girl, who ; would, fiave g ajed upon the glittering files and rushing tlinrng wiot.supersu'u'otia awe t,v M try' Campbell I tt is a miigis name to every lover of llie bard." Af, ineiiiifFii m ii, -sat ine eirviiw ui eo rntiuiikcr m wind," with what sweet rtcollertians are our me morie' peopled. Little do We know of tier toidj yet how well ia sii ihs little known.. -A iiigfi. buidgirl, born In Qampbellton, whose pirrntasf- lerwarda resided here, hrterved as dairy maid ije. Castle il:ilonlg r w.,u -ml Lmim iiiacbcd io :rierT in appearance, handsome ralher ihm lofefy, w th the small foot and low voice (" an excellent thing in wman,?!) which oSms loved, who was poa scssed or rare good sense, and. " whose heart,' he det;Iareaf 'Mvatfj raught with uulh, honor, constaucjr,and foefwith wbrm he hehtllfaf farewell tryit lo full nf natural romance known unto e'vfry on,-who died suddenly iu our town, whither aht had gtinalc. meefnar loverin the annfverenry of .whoso dcsih Bums wnsev?r-full of grief, even amid his marria;i oiimfitrtij-aRd,. in whose praise and memory, 1 1-snug eftrhewi his mosteleratcd and alteeting siraiua. bloqoeht ly does one of hef own sex, one celebrated for her mental gieatnesi, speak of hef, with nothing more appropriate than whoso remark, can 1 con dude ray preface. "Mary Campbell Was a poor peasant girl, whose life had been spent h the most servile offices, who conld just spell a verse in her Bible, and whocouldrlof wriieatall, wlk ed barefoot to that, meeting on the banks of tbe Ayr which her lover baa secorded; yet Mary o'umpbell sliall live in memory as long, aa the taiieuage in. rjeflusie of her land eiidore, and lleli'ii of Greicainidthc Cartlian Quei n are not Oiore'auretf iminorialized thai this plebtian girl Piat secni of pnriing lov that spot mi tlm Banks of Arr, where the golden hours, on angel Wing, hovered over Burin) Mid his. Highland Mary, is classic ground. Vaucluse and Petis hursi are not ni"re lastingly consecrated, and like llie copy of Virgil, iHlAvhieh Ptrareh iuted down thi diitb of Lauri, lit iVhich irniiiV Itave inaife n pilgrimage, but to look? onven such a relic ahajl t,hf Bible pf llighliind Mafjt jiCj, and t jijany, hereafter shall gaxe vilh glistening eyes on the ban 1 writing of liiaj who, by tn? mere force of truth and pIi3ii, afidl live in all hcaris to t he end of UuieV . -, V V "Vtt .y : Burns poem.of "IIiohlaxo Mabv" will form a-very proper pendant .totihe above " - j ' Va banks, and brae, and streams around, - - The rast'e o' Mpntgomery, ' Green lie ynur woods and fair your flowers, i Vbar waters never itrartilie ! ! ' ' There' siinmst'tint unfauld her roles, ' " AiiIlheio the Ungcst tarry,' ' For there I took tlie Wt fc";i . ' m O' my sweet HigbUnd Marni 1. t n s veetly bfoonJ th gayjreen blrk, n If ow rich iht bajwlbstu'e Msofan' -As ondensam thejr Trjjrent sbade ' I crMped hefto jny bonomt Th golden bourt sit angef wing i Flew o'er me and piy dearie; For dear to mess lightend Ufa,' ,'( Was my sweet Highlsnd Utrj. Vi'l' mony a vow, and lock 'd embrace, -...Our partiii j was nVtemlert -And pledging sft t.' ineeTajajn," We tors irarsets iannidert t - Dnt (K fell death'I UUtitoeli frost. fba hiji mywirMeal'l (.r" i'jlow ireep lb "soej, arieT 'etaMV clay," mi- '. That, wraps taj Jiighlaud Mary. , 0 pale, pals now, those roay Hps . Z y V - laft bsi'kkwfd see tiWlyft TgvV And closed for ay th sparkupg glance '; . Ttot dweH on fee see kindly! V :' " "?And saMl6riwMslis dnaf ".v " " Tbst bauTt that loved' me dearly! . .. ' BulstiH withip mj boeou'l cars ShalUive mj BisMaod Mary, flow to borr m a Skill . Can jfe-tjf nw two sixpences for a shilling 1" asked M by of a grocer's clerk. Certaiidy," said the rjert, banding mil tnixpenny piocss, 'Well," said the boy, picking up ilie kixpences and lurning to go out, "mother My iho will send yotj tlie abii Img io-mrfwiH nd wis off. . ' - ' . jC-'-. C . A L A err.'.. ,:. ... tf ; trt rt.2 t.:i yr. ' 1 I ; plare lnre.; V -t V. : ' a ffinrtof'sj wlJv. ; : u,i i. . Bpfi'da! ' ; rtfui. fsCer:.Ut of t!j scWff, h j J s nnewof J in dwr ftot; ,-j t (iarffp'ivll.'st si ji.Tte w,.. ' Wt J. f " . y fight. A eha"jiijjc tnrued, and t!.; m. c tstrute llist time wiiSin ii-fsSt, r . j n most c"cr.it.! jfamurf Ilirr'won Ci.'. , t . fotin-r, tlioogfi a!.If id' tof of the? t". ::ht,X I..: gcTlcef I! wa called on h am ; t' 3 i f t nti and kt promptly 'rpysa ji U '' rerolfect well the lumsf U e? t : very kitnl-bearred cfi maids the I. ahd!ye deicocratsBfctf lr rs" St f Mest lfmiti, ? tVf It ifr. f. :Ji r 4 ' .;; , plare warrest tfid'prik:, .1. a.-ti- '. ". ':." mess received bint very pi.;.. ', s . . 3 CiIo nirn they wemiv ; '- t f.f llie dl"i. ' ?. U t I t'.l ' 1 1 : 1 j Ut bO 'nt mt way, ari i ke rnii I Ltd ihem over lo kc" t' 2 j thotf.'rV They ud they tr. . t that his jurisdictViri did Bat tfr ' d;trict-atul as of all earthly t!il, j,' and long argument Wat moat m lit. bo went for hh unihoritica,' an J briuL books' prepared for'a set 'o fq gooJ ; it I UavarJ, ot UeUvyars, orq 01 t: V n::a c -rsr ieJira?iindlrfioapecchoa t!iej htm so much fame- undertook to Ut. c. out of Ida premises; Tniantitne the lecond er: nncipal retired, jiirnped into, a earrk;s wtnt the ground, fought , uio Btfel,. in wldcli r. -r G trdiner wawouni!td,cmd returned to me hor-i where thVy foa.td Messrs. 0ayrd ami" Ea:L'j ' still busily engaged in llie-case, W need t -have a heary lag1 at Mr. Smith in those day, x a'antf ;ha manner in which be bad beet) fyi.M Mr. Biyard wa't!u father of lhs preaenl tsti Mr Bayard from, the same Stai, who Mno : nmrtHttri dignified with the title of the Cbeva-'' lier Bayard. The duel had tlie tjapptest poasiUf ' effect, and you have no idea how coorteooa nieuV - berwen for a long time aftrwarda . a f .Th9 fnn at nhlnlziU ' K ateamlioat ieavet Storkboim every wee:, arid i lourhes at Gfle Uudibivail. Hrmond, -Uukli, and soine other pointi on tt) fstero coatis of the Gulf of Bothnia at Winmt 11' t! t e iaiernon in way up to Tomes; at thl hesj " ' the gulf. Thls'toya.si Very " pleasant one, ' and gives an opportunity lo those who wish to go tip tbat very northern city at the lumnftr 1 j stice, r on St. John's day. wJien from the jeiV b iring monntein tliey ran have thekr fi'b eon- ' twined in the fruih of tfie Copernti'srj rystem," . Fur, at itai epoch, the aim, tojfliose who : thai eleaiion itoe not desrf nd belo the- J z j:biit is set-ato jtectme to ift nortfiwrr 1 ; verge more and; more to the exact - north, edit readies at midnight tit, Uwen pitch, when' tt it just vi nhUi abHiuli3 ffiir.jog. fn a few minute , it is seen to commence its vmward Couw towr j " the tiorilu nst, and thus coittnues its gWimisproV . gress until it reaches sgatii itsaeniih iu. the souih.v 3 Even Iodine who is at Stockholm, af tlpt epiK-fv ilietifghls for to or thyj week gri;iifUIeii.i) , light, from 1I1I refnetion of t1ia u ua, raja 'aw- tug iw! being u hale beneaih lha horizon, for -" tlie perlormtince of alutost any busmeso. ; We happened aboiti Viis lime .four'yeatsjo la be.' going nptothe protiHUitory of Up?ala, '"!, wera' hliged 10 travel allpilit t aqd we have,, i t!i, jncl rocolkction nf reading ahnier at midnighty at case, even whilst poising UtrougfTa forct.-4 '.-orAII the rear after, attho aqme season. We often whiled away our leisure miuneuts by silting at tha w indows of thapbouso. where we E.jyed, on ' the Engfish quay in St, Petersburg, aciiy wbk-h is situated in'ibe saitie dcg- N. -of Stockholm, airtleadiiig un:il midnigjit.' 'Xjurmg that- period scarcely a jrlond was lo be keen in ihe sky, whLh had boih day ami uigbt," tbat tight Jltt'e which te -peculiar to these northern trcgiuns 61 tin pardon n Vic year, and Which is occasioned by (he r ; of the sun striking the atinnsphere bfl'iat foji . of die earth at so smajl aji angle. Scarcely a : was visible in the heavens at aighUsmf thornocn even n ben foil, hardly - formed' a shadow. At' that seatori there ia eouicJhiog uunar.ir.l and dealU-ukaJit the -sppeeraneoi of tf,! - i tt vit t-; acta in.' Business emne to ikr. ' ' -re ,th Siin goes ilowii.all uaiure Cillv iu' i, t. .:aauJ rapoee whilst ii is yet Ifgbt. a And if you have -been hmwi-iistoiacd t such a etatn ut t'.f"-, yott srem, ii 'n - pas th atreels' whe.!u . '1 be of SioekMin, of Su Petersburg. lie rnosaad, ct Tafnei," frffc in the midst of eciiy. which b cn mhabited.. Noising Uiwg. pcrkapa, ia to It' seen any where, as yoa pas street after ', save aonie solitary sentinel, with hia grey c:t . ana muskftU fmrirt inntft. eraft"'Jf.-i-!l'!it Aotencau rtvidsat at X Tjr and ewiiers li). tbat city have feahsortned sua of twenty thousand dirttarr tit toDstitate 4 fv- for tho esulBahment, of tjcheH fr Ar Artistt. ; -''., Remember Uiat mtistof the msiqbrass' eJT.;. of- Robert Bdme ' were conivedi wfci.'a 1 1' toiling Qr the pfovh f 1 ' .'; ' - '"r 'jiP ' , J-.'-'S :; 1' '. 'fit. . N ' ' ; "