.st Jv - " - 4.- A v- aa vi. :v-nbe?cPr for sale a general -assortment j ofX. fr- it.'e, H'trntft, Ctitt r. Trunk. 4 . 7 - Mj.i cjr, FaHce, HVipt, Stir. , i'r. Bfi, Ac Jc., waranted tf tho 't'-tt -".AflUALa SD WORMAKSilir. " iwim of tha abora named article erereai . fivrtherfl tanned Soli fAuthtr, uppnLeath C, Cc'f K4ng'd BMingL&kint I ' i ' frea hoiv ,3f ocl,V Sj:arabJft, Boot l.JLling, BrUln Mwccb for' Carriage T,i.tmlng' Coaifl tATufl; Frig', Ay. . r-w-v out a hotchkiss, or.jiUe-.fifA-Mitficftie,-a triors Ek . ef .Owen JlolmetUtore. ''!. ' - -- , - Hay 3 1843, . Sv .Wt 1W.1.T. netnn, g H wo tiepro oilier 14. mutlier uutiauuv, . ., v ;.-!; II- 7 tTOM subscriber in October last, my negro man U WHAM, wham I bought of Mile Cosun.in Junu . " nry, 18U. -v He was Ttiised by th Foy's, on Topsail. ' av tht Onelw"cmv. lie. Wo U !out 33 or 24 evt f tg, nthtt Um, perhw 8 feet 9 Or It) tnche ' :ikii Bftilet lia. 1 ionD3M h mar be lurking about - TTMMor Mt&eivuta niiminiwn. ; , V ALtSO Unaway in Much, my neffro man Tony, 1imb I bought from Thc&M L, of thu county, near bouta rir, ip this county, ail J i prtably hiritirT; sl'oul niJ, Ui ni e. And on in WiUf ' "i . oa Taetdat(h nest Conmv CJrlfbi 14th day or JunaNuhe usual 'flour, i - beys, enn nbout 18 yteitff age. the anda'amitr of net ne$ vktistins of the . joiTJkswann.'.; ' tlMt,r na3ir. JM a. For hi dtlivery w mi at , . ' , tht jail -ia Wuhan jtoaii I will gire revr rJ of twenty UII ApjrUW, 16.tt. flHD. prime retallinj Molusio. Just rcoriv"- an4tor aaUby.tt.tH ii, Kistoti,;, v to. t April 37. : . C7"Accordcou Tuncd.DI ),.WCK30?fS having c ko out of ordfr cn ' " U7 leathern TUNED AND REPAIRED, at a r - to oUoavbylaaU)gthematihe Vaint Stureof March 23. 184? . .. 1 149-tr. rVimmiaalnn Slcrrliant and Cinrrn1 , FOR ALL HINDS OP BURINBS8, (excej4 dealing in apjrituoua liquor,) . . r . i ,. , , . ;, FEFEKENCES:' - A- BoDEX,'r ; l, Rt'if. I). TuiinrMix, ' Wkstox A ilmtao.- ; U iv. J. MuDamki.,, "WtliniBgtm,Mar.8,184J. - 141MO i - TTlTTPt-aa t-re Vaa. ft ta earneatlv reeom- V r1 4 neadedto the alButod .o make a trial of t.ie Eip " ; tuu if vyUSrwfioai iiealiwiand ftviirwif njei&cts Juve already bee4 aaperieneeJ by tiiounmlj. frice'fd) aata per bettlo. w. wake; Ac'iiu (a..S4th, 1841. I3i-if. - O f f VA SfLS frcah Thomastno Lime; Pater Ha ; EVr"v ria,Ceqn', Hair, Chloride Lime," Log. wood, red agadere, tumeric, altwn, atarch, aaleratua, glue, , "aal aoda, brimstone, aulphur,blua vitriol, Itg blue, intb jo, . aaaet braaa, aaa'trted thickneM, line and comiiiorj black A. P red lead pencile, booje paper, fire "Wcfta, paint ajjfl whitawaali.fleor and cobweb -to runnel. Ruaia bow la niga. - tut eana amrcatnuoera, patnu ot an xinua, paint laup ' Ail, elephant, whale and neatt foot oil, wind iw eeauhe 9 a 14, by 13,5 by 12. 10 by 13. and 8 by in, wind.m laa, all ajieafrom 7 by V to 30 by 40, looking tease in variety ,low priced, lookin J;la plalel, all aizea to replace . any broken, picture framei, gilt or otherwise, r 'hIi a creTit anety of notiana. F. W, rAN.IN(i. .April OiW 1842. 153-if. IMPORrANinvoiUC. -' ' HOW N, THE CODRU or rCBLICaT ON, A QICTIOXA- -- RT IF . . !rff, Manufactures, mtdlliitcs. UantatBing a clear expedition of their Trim ijilca and ' Practice. rBj Akouv U,bk, M. D., F. R. S., M. G.S.. " M. A: 8., I-ondMem. Acml. N. S PJiilad., 8. Ph. Soc. NGcrm. Ilanov Mulii, &c: frnHIS konqueat'mnably the moat popular work of tlip U 4ind ev r pnbliabe , and a book admirably aiiaptcd tothewanuof all claaaea of- the community. The fij. 4oing are the important ohjecta which the teamed author andeaarora to accoinpltah : :. .''j. ;To irwtnict 'he Mauufae ure'.j Me allurgiat and Tradea-nan in the pripciplea of thei e pective pro.eei' . '"at I vender them, in reality, U e'maatera of t eu basi-' mittl n4, to einancipatr them from a atate ( bn ni?e toauch are oa commonly gyvened by blinf prejudice V? IM a? viei e routine. i. , Undly. To alT rd MeYchant. Broker,. ..pry J8 Druggiita, and ( (Bcerti of the Revenue, charact ristlc d . ' aeripliou of the eoromoditier' which piaa Jh agh theifi Bands. : V-.iq:..,: :.,. - irdly. By exhibi tng some of thefinet deve..pcmenta f Chemistry and Phvslcs, to lay open an etculten prac tical se .0 I to stnden a n- thae ki dred aciencea. - fithl. T teach Capitalists, who ay I e denirous o 1 aUoing their fu- in aom productive branch of iodua irf, to select, judicjduMv, among plai t ain.fti,t. - i L.thiv. To enable gent erne of the Law laVliecomi' wdl r Bjeaiwstai with the nature, of thome ate t ichemc-, ,' which are so apt to give rise to litigation. v 8thly. To present t legislator such i cltear exposition -j y ataala manutictuws, a m disat;! their. lrn anacfL4 lawiwhicE o atruct induatryof perish -oile kirochof kte t'aiiijury ofmanT nthcra: ' ' T ' And lastly, to give the neutral rewlnf. fntmia eWrflv on 1p-Hetual Cultivation, vipwi umjty : of flj soJiU at )" i4iweinenta of E&knce, rn encciing tha girfa frnmi. tortnaUorno matter ,t4 which Gvcft jritm'aadthe , " v United 6 owetheirpYwanerrtwealih rank and bW er among we nation of the earth. - ''' Tbf latest ttstistict of evwv jmrrtant object ot Mlimi. ,r J tactufflaijaaiveri frobi the lst.a.nduually from ofllcial . au atthe end of each article.' f . ' i.ne wort wiu nepnnieo tram tneM Jxtmlon Edition, which sells for tW a eopy. ft will be printed on Rood -pet, 10 new arevier type, and will make about 1 408 8v0 , a,i H will be issued in twenty-one sem'i-montWv a" bare, in covers, at 25 centa each, pnvable on rli liver;. Ta any person sending as five dollars, at oee time - in i . ranee? w will torward the numbers; ly mail, pot pa 1. aa asoti aa they come frsi jfe prss. . . - t i o auitabta agento this affords aTrare opportunity, as we n put th work ta them on termVtf itHordinarily fav. t iuU. laaerynannfaetnring (Swn and eve y ullage ,-ai-hot'heTJnited 8tajterind Canada, adbacrileni , r v be obtained witb the greatest fac lity. Address Mat V : . 1.-7 , r wosawsR 'T. SdLV. T rSACKS LirpooJ groood SaJt, tVs SU b.i. u .ron ftuiHr. 1 0 fraA Canal MWr. J . s 60 - Hem i UKK, tO priiua ' . - 10" MpmorMeatBEtlf, ' 10 " , prune ' ' 14 l)ld.Mooamga1i!M,hiik(r. " ' v ' 10 ' " JaoMka Kub,' ' ' It) " N. U. Kum, - ' IS hhJa, Lii, 8 bbU.mokod Tongnee, - - ' -; v-U lEEP -' ''' -' . hh Ja. Bacon 8ulea and Shauldeta, ' ! Coal for Urate, r 1 1 0 kega honey de 1'obaere, IS M. AfpiuieaSdjtara, in qr. boiea, 6 haakrw ChamptiftMS .. t boxMBoap, . ir , ApplT in I 6. YOUKE & Co. IQ.lJostm Painted I u''t . " ' ,1 J J8 " l'orn Br.nmii, . - For iie hr KEITH, BU oSELL & Co. ' Feb. 10. -.."-. Lit rilla and fhamU Dittera. AUo, at Che Arabian-balaam. I'm frltoiviiig ir aiuoiin tke dirtrwlng variety of htt- nj m diaa. tu wtiica tho egi tuoie j.im J iu are wt u kuowp U) iiilallilile - T ' .DviDiiiv.bv ilKitou.'hlv clejuaine the firatand aeoond atoiiiaetia. au J crtitnu flow uf pure healthy hile, inatead of theu) and a-iu. kind;- f latuleiicy, Palpitation ut tliejiivnt. Laa ol AipeUto, iejrt-bum and .ieal-iUc iidetliiieaa. IiUtemiivr. Jtiutii ty, loincuor, and Mblan- choly. Which are the general ayiqptouia ot l)ap peia. Will vilii'ilr, aa & uAtu.nl toostdue uce of iw caa; t Cikipetuu bycle'aoiiug lha whole lenh of the intrrtinee witb aaol vputtureseaa. and witlioue fiolruce: all violin ptirgea leave the. bowels coative witliutwp daya. UiurrkttQam t'ltolera, by removing the a.irp acrid JSunia Dy , whicli thuse corhwlaintaate oceaaliiird, and liy promotlnrthe ul. ceffsrlveae -retion of the mucua membrane," Ftttt isf 611 kindH. br r3torin:the blo.U to a reinlar circuutioo tUroush the DTOa if oeraniration ill aomo caaea, and the 4btfogail8auB4t alt nrtejiffaLoluilfona jjl gth; esk. 1M ltte r llta uae neea Known 10 core aaeumu tim Dsnii.inentlv in tnree weeka. ami tftfut in null tne time by re navinjtosalinilam.Hationfrointhemuwleaaiid . . . . i - - . . , , w lufiw vj un aniw, lire- tug ami a. ret) ;t!iening tne aiunuvs mm i iuum-n rate moat dalitjhtfully on tliesu Miportant organs, and hence hjie eer brerffoonll a certiin remedy for (tie worst caacs of Gr awl. AUo, ori',1y l alodging from the turnings of the bowels thetalimy matter to which they adhw; Antknia and Comumpt.na. by relieving the air vea.wtot tusaunca vrom tiie mucus, wnicu een auni Brtlda will occasion, which it not removed becomes tiaio- eucd, and produce those droadtul diaeaca..&riy, Ul cers, and Imttratt ort be the perfci -purity which these Lifati'illa give to the biood, tutd'aU -lhe humora; Scorbutic Eruption, and Baft fvmpUx.ont. by their ul terativo etfoct upon the fiwid tliat feed the akin:, the mor. hid at ite of which occasions all Eruptive CifmpMnlt, Sillow. Vloudy, and other dpagneabli CiAnpUX oar. The use of these Pjlls for a very short time, wUKeect a entire ciwa of Salt Return, ,tiryjtlai,B - atrikia tha ( 'tear nest i f tht tkiirr Common Cdds hd lijl ifsti,Ulalso baurau by one doae, dr hv tan. evea in the wriest eaaes. Piwo-roi a remedy for this m.-,t.li-tn!iing and ofistnat nialady, the Vegfc tahle Life I'llh deserve a dtattnet sua .empa mc recom mmljlion. It is well known to hundreds in this city tlmtthe Proprietor of tTiese invaluable Pills; was himself afflicted with this complaint for upwarda of thtrty-flve ye ire, and that he tried in vam every remedy presejiiiea within the wlmla ertmoiwsot tile iHanria Medica. , He however, at length, tried the mcd'rlue whicV he now of- fera to t le public, and he was urea in a very anon time after his recovery had been.pronounced not only improba ble, but absolutely iinDOssible. by any human means. Cheeiemnn'a Arabian Balsam. Por every kind of wounds; and for rverv kind of an.-f a. , burn, s. a'ds. free xjag.Wv For 8 raiua Brnis. a broken Ribs. Fra turea audStiT .ointa. For Quinsies, Croui. (Rattlea ) Com- mon Colds. Coozha. Sore I.tines or Throat, Rneunvitism . f all kinds Numb Limlu. Perished Liro a and Numb- ;,'toe iii geaf ral. . rVroken brcaata, corns, and warts.-,nd forclennsinir the teeth. - - I h io used the above articles, a"'" fhem naad. and with , e i o'e recommend them, . W, WABE. Aat Fy..8. 1843. 38(f '43-lf. 0SN, Cotton Ylfu from Hoiky Mount Taetory Cotto i cloth for hraroee from the fame Factory, country m d nraro woolltn-cloth .Seine, or "eoo,!- for canTnon sewing twine, Lnrd.end black eyed 4'cns, as gjodlbr feeding cowan tne cms pea; f All the above ar ticltta o.i wholesale or re'tailat tow. prices, by v A. J. UA'PTLR. Ariril 2. ,') 1842.- 5I-tf. ' , ii i n ii j ii i -r-fc. i J 'JaR. J aylnr'a Balsam ol Livcivvnrl. for Consumption. J 9 -li er U imi'l.uiit, Couc'is, Colds. Asthma. J U Frtt sal. hv W. WARE. Ji 'tnt. SW St ' '! y tcy itigMy iiiipoi'iaiit. uza rrRTJPNT' COMPOUND for ;hV core of Sa't "'BhrUiA, and all diseases of tlic blood, is fast taking theTpIaxe or an .utlier. remedies. More jhan iu'icc rffwwnrfpickiges hav Iteen aoU within a frw.montJia iii-ihis tiinity,triviiijj urriversal sail (action. . Una rein filv la fecoinmemleJ in addition 1. ait Khcum. lor the cureof'Hini Worm, Sca'd ' HeaiV.Hlririgles, Lepjoisy, l'iL-s.-lt -Ii, and more eiccial!y tbe JicKsoh (l. h. ( From a UeutSemaii in Baqfurt), .Con.) ; Mir: Taemvi, Dcalf Sir t. Hearing of an extrjord nary cure of ."salt Rherfro in this vicinity by the ue ol Lyojlr ronipoand; I vih you lo forward me by way of flos ton. lour packages tulie sent trom U6S to mrliord by Mail?- , . y ' - -Oct;,l83D. Eftract of a letter 'rom a gentleman, io Miltou, Muss "Mil. Wiuum. ft.T .stjfDrtfj "& ' " I am eniiafied that vottl medicine is highly' nseful, from iiscife taoii mvaelf aatl aan another individual fo vvliom I procured wuie; and I shall therefore recommend it tojtliose flinii ted, every occasion, out ctiee muy, , iMtltrtii,I,m8..'AonL28UCl8387r ' " Forfait; in WilinirtjrtoM JCC. Lv " A . Dtt. It. F, PURNELL. .Tiinunrv lOil), 1842, UU-if ) f nti'ii'. o J (icons r liuam. rauuiers mm J i ar ucss mjkers, have ins le a need ol nsiicnimnt f tne i r certain purpose. a.'l P'nh hi said-deed, know give notice lo all ..persona invested to-prcs,Mit their claimt against a ud firin itiimrditely. or tiiey wi I lie .deprived al jiV Wncfit of the "s iiif assignment,'' ' All persons indebted Willie 8 iittVe reqoifd tactile and moke payirent, or their-aecmnta wiil be at 'once pla ed in the-liands of an olfi ;er. No debts due the said Jacobs dt Fitnam must lie fpuid but to tljc aubacriber.- i: i JAS. F. (lcItliE Aesiiriiee, Fcb?23.'--""; . '.;.:. . 145 tf Or. Hi F. IMlFMCri, t; ; - Who , ate and If fif a i I ) r ujeg i 1 1 EBnft on hand at al times a complete assortment of ChemlrlKs. Dru!?, Jdedi ines, PainU. Oil. De . -tutts, and WndoiV Clas, , which henarill sell low for cash oc exchange lor produce. s ,i v . i-Oct,:27t1841.:.;7, . . ... 128-tf. Bleached aiil iinbleacht'il Hikl iu Oil. " jf&itrtrthnl on cnnsispitncnt. 25 mi While T-arnpOil, sf ' 20U Gall. ibthlimcliPil Winter ofrained Oil: - For sata l.y KKITU7 RU8SELt. ti Co. Jan. 5. r- . :4- j 138-tf. : 200 B uf rjHOT, nreivwl erniFignment, nd for sals hv-7 ' . - ,KKmu RUSSELL fr Co. ktnr 17. 0t3 c2 tt Cc-tl THE auhnbrbeiif aWtrouaofcloaing naineae, at fer for a4H hia eo ura nock, of O OO ton etuig of OKY GOUUS, GKOCEEIfiS. . "1IARIVAKE. , CUTI.KBY. , KARJUEN.GhASS. ax. CHINA WARES, at coat for eaak ar negotiable noiea with approved endoraera. , Country aierchanteand lamiliea woaM da well to call and eiaunne before making purcbaaea. In all raara where gooda are charged the attta) price muat be paid. J.H.ROT1IWF.LL. . Worth aide Market aueet ' ; All pfraone bdebted by note or account woe id do well to call an I aettle previoua K Irt. May next, aa an aduV tinal ui of coita will thoa be eared.' - J. H. R. MarchS, 1443. - U5-l zfjevsaoa szoas. auhacriber baa juat opened,: at the etofe Jately ocmipicd py Dr. Al tiler, next door but enaalreet ol the Poet CfttV? a general araortment of Bllsccilneoas and Scboolooks, BIANKBiMM Or KrKRT KINry car AN LKTt r.R FAKR, VARIOUS fjjatlS, ft AP- , ftXO DO., flkflNR0f)lvLKCTI-N Of1' ! 'Kf.W l B1C,N U8IC BOOKS, v IM Lt'DIXO J,-0fK, &C. , all of which have beciPlecteao New York with great care for thia &arkyrfnd art oileW at moderate prirea. Hia aaaortment School booka aajd atationery ia very fuir la whiijjDe attention of purebnera ia invited Any wdrkewt on hand and wanted byant peraon can be rnmwiew the ano-tmi notice. '.Tbyi IKC1JLATING LIBRARY U with the ook Store. . m , ; JAMES G. October 6. 1841. ; . ',r H tiittv' bpeini Oil. - (f Cla. bleach d and unbleaeh d in V BM. and tier. ea. For sale by KEITH, RUSSELL & Co. ,.0cu?7 128-tf. 10 KECKS" extra ft, No t. White Lead, For.aale by, . Nov. 10718417 13'J-if. TBVTOTICE."The crediuirs of Isaac, II. Warren are , .. . l : . . t i . . . l i : i 1 w . reuuesieu lo uanu in ineir claims w mo auuscnucr. mn an equi 'mviiicihi may pcinaue anu paiu agreeaoiy to t.ie assigumeut, J. EVERETT, Asditrnee,, December 1, 1811. f ' 133-tr. Duck, t'urtlrtge ki. Bolts X. Brusgiua Puck, 10 bolu Zoloft" " 10 ptecix heavy Ravens ". "10 pieces light ' ,v 2 bales Seine Twine, " 10 coils Hu ia Rope, - 40 colli Mahill do. . . KEITH, RUSSELL & Co. Pec. 1st, 1841. U33-tC T10 eases Prints, " w Bleached anil unbleached Sbeetinjjs, .2 cases Satitielts, .2 Ktl'J'S 2 " '.: VermoitCmiXTTaiisirnefi, Received on consignment and for mile by 'KEITH RUSSELL & Co. Jim. 5. '8-tf. i. T"itt " r - - ' HE subscriber has taken Docu Thos, H. Wright' large and commodious Store and Warehouse on Z:y:y:: Z':Z? u ..i... u. . t . , , , trruuU .ml ..Itn.linn In ih. ..I. nf .11 bi.l. -r psrdnceand the purchase of merchandise; he pledge, him? self to render general satisfaction, all those who may entrust either to his care. 7. " " ' ,V Itefereneettli JRO B RT SIMPSON. ' tE.. Dudley, : ' . 7 'p.lMDiLn,il ,VwilmingfbnN.C H-.J Wjn, . Williams J- , ft-'lTr ' John Wright, Wayn-'slmfough, N. C. 1 ' Thos. Ri e. Smithlield N. C . ' Redman Bnnn. Nash county N. C ' Nov. 24lh; l$41.. , 132-tf. i K EITI I ..RUSELL & Co. DEALRKB IN rjROCKHIES A' PliOVISIIINS. ,.Ai the h re formerly o.cupied by.Jaa. McOary. 0,t27,,1841. , 128-tf. ' "V . ".: , ' : - 111 E 8ubs;hcr' haying entered into copartnership. JL ,urilhe transaction or a .whslMMI Gro,ery, Com inTn..ion and F.jrwardiiig business under ths firm ot' .llESTk. 4- JiEXSEIIS, bava just received ageneral assortment uf Grocttiei and .(jaoKSfudiieh they oderlbr sale at their store'in Water street, betweorinceasanaClit-snut street. m " Sf1 ' ;'ptIARLES R HENTZ. ;.' HENRY 1. BENNERr WSlmington. Jarv 1st (B,) 1844. ISd-tf.' iL'.i'11'VaCj i..''..m- ' 'P'iU uba Tiber being situated in a ceulral part ol the - '.tow ik, having s liugeThouse wilt" pleasant roma, would take a lew' boarders eu the fstdaj' of Nov, , " , V, 0. JEFFREYS. Oel.herl6. (20) 1841 . , - 127-iL ' 1 - - ., OWIU OWUCI-S III The 'undersigned has lo cated hinisell in W ilimngton, in orde,' to carry on the Millwright busii esviu alt its tiranchea, such as build ing ami-repjirtng Oottou Factories, (Jaw and G.iat jkilla,, ice .ttilla, vc. Any person warning a job done in that line of business will be promptly attended to by appl ing to the undersigned in Mr. Je. .kins' building opposite the Presbyterian Chuicli 1 retcf to tlic lollov ing a ;enta and owners by whom I haveleen einplojed. . ,. Win. Chambers, J sq , Salisbury, N. C. ' Duncan Vurchisiii, ,-lnq., Little river, aycttcville, N. C. James W. Han iltu, airent at Little river. N ABRAHAM COOPER. June 2. 1041. 187-tf. 80 boxes A'pcrm t.'entlles, ' 50 barrels mule and refinetl WJiale Oil, For iile hyKElTJf, RCSSEU. o.. . Jaii. 5. .,, ; l3-"-tf. Ir-ft'LlS PATENT TKi;s, and all other articles i mamifactured by bim for salt by. VV. WARE.Twj. Mirch 31. 1B41. A' 8Mf T flkEN up and committed to tiiejail ofttladcu coun ty, N. C, on the 17th day of January, 1842, a man aiave calling hia name I eler, about 65 years ol age, and who s ivi he belongs to Lawyer Duncan, of &ulh Caroli. nav" The owner; ia hereby notitted to come forward, p ove property, nay charges, and take him away, or ba will be dealt with as the law direrts. Ar,- , , I. F. DA RNES, Jailor, iM.tr. - April 19.1842., conWcted THE subscriber having located himself permanently in M ilmington, olfer his service to his friends and the public generally, as an agent for the sale of -. LC.MIII.ll, IMBKR, NAVAL STORES, ! and all other (Country produce. He will also give atten tion to the purchasing ot shy kii d of M . Rl'H ANDI3E. His purpose ia to remain in Wilmington both Winter and Summer. ' L. MALI.ETT. May 4th, 1842. 16SKT. , BLANKS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, 'rff'.nlJ or Swiinnoas. - TyilE underaijned will receive applkationa for in ta li ranee or renewal of polkie in the above office. A written deecription of property with ground plan of pre miaee anould accompany any new application. - t). G. PARSLEY, Agent. May 19, 1841. 105-eow-tf. 7 AtlniiiHsira'tu-'ai Notice. - . . - TTTl A VINO taken out letters of administration en the iTj estate of iewis Evana, dee'd. al the present term of tha Court of Pleas dt Quarter Sessiona . for the county of New Huaover. I hereby give notice to all poroaa hay. ins elaima againet my intestate's estate to present the Mine within the time prescribed by law, or thia adver tisement will he pleaded in bar of r eco cry.. All petsons ind.-btrd to said estate may ave costs by "calling and making immediate payment. .. . - utvirrl I ll J. wcritjc, , Wilmington. N. ('. March 17th (23,) 1842. 149-tf. jrty Dallara lie wau-d-Uanaway from tiie autiacrilier on tbe 28th day ot Nov. 140, my man UMP"1. ia absuit S feet 10 or 1 1 inches high, ami well prnportioiicd ; alnjut St or 22 years old,' quite black. UCMI'S when apoken to has downcast ook and sucks or d aw hia breath, ffe was carried fro n Sulfolk county. Virginia, ta Wamburir, 8. C, and broueht to Wilmina- ton, N. C. He siys his mother bought him and failed lo pay for him, and that ba was taken and sold he still claims his freedom. 4 will giv the-abpve1 reward., if de livered to mem HUoungton, N. U or-conhnod in Jail ab that I get hia; - ; ' 7 U r j. a; sanpers. na ItV.lMt. ' . Pi', JnO-tf. Palnj IsVaf (inoils- on; totirjrtitKcut, r Just rrceived anil for sale hv K E iTir, RUS8EL L Co. v s 150 1).Z. I'nlntl.eaf Hal. " ' -s h' 45 ' White Palm Hids. ? . Fein 16. . - I14.f. 1 1 m i ii. .aim i. ii , , l 10,001) V arils Fall River prints, assoftei ur , itl'I'PII niiatscii ' . r i Jan. 5. - - . . '. I:H-tr. T.llljOltlAG MSI SIALISM a 'nEPECTFl LLf iiilbrrrrs the ciiiaona of Wil mm, minKton and the surrounding country, that t baa iiT MTrHT-Pieraon'a and coinincji' cd for himself qa n hia shop Uover Mr. S. It. Johnston a store, oiipositctlic lower end of the market house, two doors below Mr, U. UardncrVatore, and twoalmve Mr. W,- N. Pedcn'a bar oom..wuere he can at all times be tound, and would he ' . ..... . . - . . ... happy to atteud to any person who may favor bim with their cuxMn. His CUTTING ahull'bedi nein the ueat at. and moat fashionable style, and made up in the b -st of workmanship. . 'V-,- ? H accisea.isU tbe changea of fashion! any person "-wishing garmenta made to their -own taste, can have them made so lie hopes by stnet a'tention to business he may receive s liberal share of public patronage. Wilmington, March. 9, 1842. t 147-lf x . ' ''Printing Paper. . 4i(jJ) Reams 11 by 32, " 244iv 34v , 10 24 l)"y36, 20, " i'eafaper, m-150 ! ' Brown n-rapping. r mle by KEITH, RUSSELL & Cq. "17v . " 'M'3.Mf. For Nov W. WAKE, HOLDS the agencies for th following celebrated MEDICINES: ,. uojiiuke's Matchless Sanative, price $2 50. ' " H idleck's Vegetable Svrup, J1 per bottle. i iiauiucs v oiicvauic j uwutrr, iirr wine. , . curefw bowel complaint for children or ' '-""l' K" J" " ' l tier tar or a I rjer bott.c. : Harrison'. Sueiitic Ointment fit) eta iM.rluk.1 Phelps's Tomato Pills 37 to 75 ctapir x Miles' Tomato Pilla 6.1 its per box. .. i '. Phelps' Arcanum, price J2.00 per. bottle,? ' Chemical i-ile pintment, price i,b9 per pot, ' . Chapman's Cough mixture, price 68 cents pet bottle, Mollat's Life Pills, price (15035 eta, per box ' And PhueniS Bittera, 1 nd2 per bottlej Lcidy's Medicated fSarsoparilla FM4 Extract, price (1 7 per bottle, S. '' v' ti.:t. LeUy'a Tonic and Antidyspaptlc Cordial, price $1 pr '" bottle, fc ' ' y!'' ' Leidy's Vegetable Felirile Elixir) price Jl per bottle, Leidy's Sarsaparilla bills, 26 1 is. per box. ... , . T , 7 Leidy's Tetter and Itch Ointment. 25 cts. per box, ', Bijchtcr'n Pulmnnary 1'reseivativt, price 50 cents, ' Dft Sapingtou'snti-Fever Pills, $1,50 pcrjtox, Jayne's rJarratrva Pills, 25 cents per lox. t Alibcit's Oleaginous Hair Tonic, $1 per bottle, Jayne's Ve.thSugc.'fiOsCcnts per bottle, JayneV Indian Expectorant, 1 pei lotllc, . '' Jayne's Carminative JJalsum Ml cents, Cheestnan'a Arajiian Balaam, $150 cents pei bottle, Hand's Remedy for Tetters V Ringworms, , $1 per oo'x, Hawson'a or lsaacThoiiimon's Ijlh Ointment, 28; cents, Church's' Ifch, Oiiitmefll etlect a'cure in one night Dricc 50 rents ir hot. S Hoil a cure fdr the tooth ache, 60 echts, lloit's Indian EUjUf, $1, . Tooth jrawikr of the first quality, 25 cents, Tool b at he Drops, Dr. W- Beai-he Vegetable Medicines, ' Jan. 6th, 1841. , ' T' 86.. JOIIX HALL, At liis new store; foot of . Alulb. rry slrrel, conti nues tftgivjj prompt atleniion lo the Conimlloi k. Forwarding Business, atad olTert fur sale at ihe lowest cash rates, 10 lihtls. Porto Rieo Sugar, 2 " St. Croix, 25 bags Laguira Coffee, 15 Itio 10 old Goveriiineni Java,7 1000 lbs. Woolsey'a diitble refilled lofSugsir, 30 boxes Ra sins, ' ;" 1'A boxes SpcrlwOaiitlles,'' , " - 10 TiaL l.yello'w .feoap, ' 50 kefsils,f I-';;. 50 bags;'SI)0l, . , v . 20jitirreaiCim.il FInnr, ' -..---tJ.lQU0R8 ANtf-'ltftNES.- - 2 lialf 4tipef CoanrBFantlyr ' " y- 1 pipe Gin', Swan Brandy; . . ... 2 qr. caski Mudrira, ' s ! 1 L" 'd and superior, , 10 j. skew (MiaiDpaitffie, (an A. 1. article,) i; 1Q tiarreJs Moiidogalieta Whii'key," " 30 Rye. ' , Mho in. tlore to dote a ermirnment. , 5(100 pound of bsictin tides, a first rate arti cle, awl will be sohliwerthan ever before snl(J jn this market.' t At.so- spveral lots, of lmtck ami grey eyed PEAS. IWrrels tfnd tubs of Lard.J I allow, ami Irish Potaiok,. d7c. Sic. - Sic. . peV22." 1 84 1 . , - ;fi i ae-ic - . - , For Sale. . . - A number of LOTS near the Raft Road,- Fpr terms apply to J.P.JONES, or P. W. FANNING., March 23. l4-tf. A LARtE adppiy af Gray's Oirrfmerik C'hfsjawnaar's Al Arahaw Baimm, X. Taylor's Cangw sTysanKai LvsjrwsaalMsailwsJ Wilsinsioa Cattiago Kepsltory. LL. lj JirrT in i, - ii,,, -tt im ,m ' in t.r i ITS?? fc-.liEEEI.IAlC, . WOULD respectfully inform the public that they have returned from tbe North with an extensive suick of CAR 111 A. G K S. " of their awn -manufacture, csm prising etery desirable ki id nyr in use, of the ma4 modern style, and va rant ed of superior materials and workmanslnp, which they are disposed to sell an reasonable terma for cash or country prouuee. imong tneir assortment msy tie louna Ldfichet, JfarovchtSt - ' Charioted, Buirrie, - Gift, :Sulkry$, , . f Fagotti, ' Vamolei, Harness, adapted t to all the variety of Carriages, . , ALSO ' 1 t ? A few VA E T 'B7.7M 5L for sale low. 'Wilmington, Doc. 16, 1840. 83-tf. -s. CAttOi INA, HOTEL, TO LEASE t "V- SELL.. ZTT1IS Subscribers are erecting, ono-e of the ntoat eligible scites to the 1 own of VV iimington, f vcrv csmmodioiia HOI EL. to. 1 fitted op in aauperior style with generally single, lodging xoitme-a liar Room,' llall, Parlora, extensive dining Room, Cellar, Kit hen .In-the basement, wit-t a good well of walerVhder ths sima, to letlier witli all other ronvcniAicea requisite for a firsi rate IIJUXB. OF tftrTUKTQltlttliNT, Attached is a gool sized yard, which opens jdii an Hss ; the. Hotel e .i .....'..-. . i f .,. . iromwg snuuiou mariyci street neat i ne si ne ot iiijs otn M'own llall. . . . "-; As this will probably . 1m the leading Hotel jn the pWj. it is desirable that some fitlly cumpt ttnt )mmn shoulil jiidxrtaJstjtjjBaiinicnti iiichiatmosp rt isthnuirU advisable tp" advertise for p'Oposjitioiis (kjJ paitn i,om such perrons as may be nUnus to eagage in Whit .mmt uiidoulitwlly provb-a profitable business. ' 4 la-.connection with the abovei may- hft rented the -tffner building, neartjr haf the at of Uie .Hetel.nd which is calculated t" cmruunicute vory ailvanlagoouf- JUmnjLjin entirf trout ot nearly scv-jntyJciiiVJour sto rirs iiikii.,111, nriCK. should' any one be disposed to. purchass. the Hotclf i-iiHirt-fn iimi iuis ruiioivs; iron maraer- srrcei io an alley, will be sold on reasonable terms. ' Early arrange menu are desirahle . ::'" ;: . j; C. & R. B. W OOD. March 24. 1841. ,.'-'.,".. ; . ' . 8Wf.. 'iniu sunscrtiier Having uiRonMhe large nev buildina at the corner .pf Second and. larlfet street. opposite where he formerly kept, is prepared to receive ,k.. u.. i l i.: - - ttiwm, wo., msy euiiMiu nun, nnuovery exvmon will ne useu io give saiisiaction. , i noss navmg. negroes to seuan ret ttnrral pri es on application to me, and those wishing to buy can h sup plied. . . ii. unlHJriCi i I. Jan. 26,1841. ' : "141-tf. 75 UiindleS Eiiatrrii Hay, 2(J0 Barrels planiinu Pota'o s, 25 " I'lieiimiiio tin, , lorsale by .KEITH, ia7SELL & Co. Jattv'f. ' 138-tl'.. THfi thltOit A, " or ; ... m irlcssen cer oItJie, South. ITNUES fhU title, the subscribers propose publishing T in the City of Chirkwton, a Weekly Paper lo be devoti'd to Literature, Scie.ice, the Arts,- Me.hunics, Ajst ricuttifre, iousuiuii, auu ueneiai inieiugcuu in u wbrtl, to whatever may iiupart ipst tsuliou or all'ord amuse. mrut lo each class, prolesaion ot calling;- ol our people. In politics an I religion UJie CA'cor will Wupy strk tiy neutral gromnl; yn suthaent attention .will . lie laid to Joth, to enable the Reader to' learn h nv prosers t'io relt gious and political condition ot the country. ' jA paperdevoted lij llie purposes alvv stilted, has long licen a au'd ratum lit the outh; and it la to meet this that77i!?CAf(rtris iK)W propOA-d- to be issiled. The fhibsoahersjirt) aware their prrtnisej inav bppeiir too con fident, after the reiie.ited failure -of .Southern ue'riod calk but theV lieg leave to say, fust so complete srcilie air.ilipeJ Tnents tney itae mane so ettenstve tne earrcspnmlcni r they have e; ureil so valuable the aid, lsth V". Northern and HDiitherntalents -thoy have rh listed that ' willl'th kjitdly'fif lings and liiwaf patrmiage of the paih,,;-tjie! have iio tears for Hie Yesult. ' ' - 1 . : r The liwy V :purfwenV bflbe Citieoiu, wfttit suppliM with articles of rareasd aubst.iniial m rit. will review ami critiques of ail the new wotks of the day and with original tale sketches. wflknf fiction, bioeta. ihiesandfioetry, frbai the' pens of several of tne. must Kilted authors, .both vf the. North ai d fbtith? ? u A he ciotf yjc itKi Wc .a.co J n .rtmftt yilPe en rk'hed w;fh essays and iltustrotmri f nm in.'iuikiaU hiilt 111 public estimutinn, s thornuglilt prncttetirin.en-, which tpaelher with the .Ngrii ulturtil communiciirinns ajreatlv 'serurcd to tbe paper from vanou porlmn of the count r will tbrm a coiniieiidluiii of uselul iiistrti.- tion iiKaluablc to lliesilMin hihI tl alliintcr. ' In the Diu a, tmeiA of f.'etrf l iUUi;;tntt, the sul -it hers Wieve thetJaiena will take a aland, which wil not.1s surria.-tsed by any Journal ol tbe I mon. As one of the stibscribeis- will make jt his -constant buahieei t visit every m Uiouof- oui looutu j( and liimu;h mean c an exti nsive actjn.iinlaiiie iilre..ty ossetcd in the tilii ot our ne.iiHia il ami the west, a weekly corrcsponnet ir Will neUaliiished with Uoston. Ieiv Y ork, I'hllsdi'li.hm bnlliiimre, WuahiUBton, I incinniiti and New Orle.ips through whfh wliLlw obtmned.. not onlv the earliest in formation in reaari! to all loreign and domcstir mutters o jmporuiiie: prices Cnrrenfel iulhern pro.lu Is nnd monetary nllairs of Inomeiil the dilVrent 8tsie. bti also the opiiiionsof judicious men In reg ird to t otnti.er. cial pfospe. ts. and matters of an -economical, Civil, and political character, Jor since- , y ' A Hu'e folly now and then" ' ,,'' .;' Is relished by the best of men i K do they intend to exclude tiiose .lighter alit Irs of" infir mution, limiiliarly ilesigtutlt'iv the chit , -hat d), the-day rs'hicb, while they ot.iy aefve to amustva neary or listlcs. naur.nnve jt the sama tiujjf the higher cllecUof wijiuint. ing as with the charactrf and, eustoni of our. Northern and Western neijhbof'audcoiinei tiiig more closely the bond of nnity btrtween W. Feeling nssured tlieti of their ability to meet the wishes of the .Southern community, and to establish ' a pajict 'orf me most nro.m.useipr ann popular pmn,aiiu ncrchy pledp ing themselves llint no exertion sl.alLbe wanting on Un it part, not only mosfefully io reileem. 'but even to exceed the promises they make, tlfev .respectfully soht il tha pnf ronageof the good people of South Carolina and her sis ter Htates.. .. ,. . - The UrIIITOKA will be minted o an imoerial sheet of -the vcrv best paper and ypc, ant( shall be enuVcllishcd with por.raitaof our distinguisbcd.'nisn, and views illus trative of our so nery. 1 be price will b 5 per annum. payatite ujion tne delivery ot tne tmt numrer. N. S. HODGE. f B. R. CARROLL' ?" Cliarjpston, Warch, 1842. v 166-tf- 1 Iieap Lotsr: I OFFER for sale a uuail er of HOUSE LOTS s little lieyond Boundary .on Market street', or I will sail more.than one entire square together. .. Anso, AJurge lot and aifjsll fjouac, on FonrtfT', street Sa bargain to any anb who wishes to invest a moderate aBirt togmtdadvantaie. ' . 4U A aamhrral tethsaarths Rail Road. . 4U, Wb lets ia taa vfciniry of theDry Pond. : -'tP. W. FANNING. - -,'' IH3ZLGZ2CIDmr 2i)Ci73 I'ou-d A'Lies it Shoulders, for sale by, BARRY St BRYANT. April 12. (I3,).J842. . . . The s ouderlitl Curco PERKOKMLDby br.sWAVNE'S Compound 8jf up of Wihl Cherry, in Pulmonary Cunsu ptioa, "7 ii.e excited the astoswsh.bentof sll who bavs witneaswd ' it marvellous effects; there is noaccoamt ol , BicdkiaM, v I rom the earhest agea furnishing a paralle ; b almoat miraculous cures ettrcted by this extraordinary -i;i-int. ia unptecedentrd. - Iftll'OK J AW I TESIIMORY.: . Cont impt.on and Bleeding of tht Lumgt tvrtd. Mr. William h-pisrd. residing iu leaver loumy.ra. near tbe (Hale line, rslatea as lollswst " In tha month of - May last my wile wss Isken with Bleeding fern (A Z. tt, coughing, night sweats, hectic fever, dtt. fcbe had taken a violent cold ( havii.g ptsvioualy given eyaip toms of tho approach ol VemumjAtvtt, I felt n.mh alarmed and umdr inuncdiale application to a hyaiiiaaU ' hnder his treatmcut the becanie worae, iiuta ad ot better, until tbe first ol June, when I heard from an inielliscnt man of Dr. tSwayne'e ISy.up ol Wild Cbtrn, and Jrnnz. his eaineslnewin TOmttH.'llding it t was induced lo try oae bottle. 'J beeilirt cicmlcd uiy uimoat rxtetlutioiia she feit immediate n liel. I ibrn niouutcd uiy boisa and rode to the utbi e, No. 4 1 At; Ulair atrtet, 1 itfc-burg, wi;ero it ia Kci't iorsaie. t.u jiioturcd six lattice more, Which I am happy to say has eilecUd a rlect cuie. Please publish t .is icitincute, wilb my in me in full. lht otncr uuiy Know where to find Ilia grcanH blessing on eartir."' . VVillsxHuu-s.su: For sale iifW iiniiitgton" N. C. lv . - , ; I)U. R. F. PURNELL. Janiinry lOib, 1842. , -1 10-tf. IX yeara have now alapsed since J first introduced my A3 Vegetabb l ins to tue public. Slid which is Li. au. rest list ul Ihuir virtues that tan be iiivin -Uii-am u ittore ol tlieip sold .Un ai oUier description ol tills iftriiatAer-nYthekimwii worid. Iu lact, tht aaia ut my eioUMo J uls lias luten enormous beyond all precedent; u,,..vr., a....ii iu uiM uuuuieu lUOtSatid I4x rv e.4 ihe S t oiid 10 turee tlm in.r.l i., u.r.,in.. '..,.. ii. - ' .0uw . M.V .uulM, H, , . - . !lhirtem and 06tt till the year 141, :iut i los.J. d. nu. i '' wliichvdeisforjli prouigiuus jjuanuis l two unllici.a ol bixes wcre'ryceived; SLai auly iullnVd "at aiy e.tat-" Ir-hroenfc 'l hsse (imhs speak un ro hi llicir lavor than.4 Ju.uine of meceTtilogy, lor though an undeservmg aio-7y ui. me .h i un.i.i ."ii uiiu poLuiatny iy unuua a meaii,u h as tii u ioii eHfUlicaUtsaiid tha noe, it Ik sura ;. , to iose its hold on pubih;, 'favor as Mpidt' as it mda it, 4 lor iinriitwc Mrutcs ai.Hie can aui.d tue erdeul of luLiic 1 opinion aaiiLjiiiljtniiiiit lor'airy'lt nih ortinie1. .Heawetha gsnerality ot newly d.svuvAtt WiedKiues have lul an ephc1nt r.il exulcm c uir tputatiou goes up like a lock. et. at d down hko the stick and hems the refutation and theval of my pills toirtume to iiicieste, lor hever pur chases theni oi,ce. sud gives rhem (tit trial, is suis to i atrOuize thefti forhle. - I heed scsreelV obswvs that ulna . in ten of all the regular physicians ' the United butt s --7 efilermy I ills m Dieireiierti practice, as Uiu tact is uni Vrs.illy krt6wh.,and has liecn testified ot time and again, by nearly all the moirt eminent niviiibers ol the (acuity. . : . s.s .. i?4: 7 ... . ' ... Iiarii8dni Specific OJntmcnt. tri'JU toe i ure ol white- tilings, scrolulM, and other ! rurtio,s,ulc.ra, sore legs,, old and fresh wounds, plains and fruises swellings and innaiuiuetion, aiad hcaJ. so. a breasts of womeu, ilicunmtiu paiaa. letters, ei options, cliiUl ins, whit.ows, biles, orn,and external ' di ases gei.crailv. It is fikrnise greatly rupf rioi lo ai f u.ediciue beietoforediaiovarcd lor the chakd backs ai,d limbs elhorsiHi for liugtvoims, chapped lips, and iu shot t fur every bodily evil thut muj tall to tha lot ol 'msn. vs ''. ; ; ;, ,,;. "''"' J F, Mainin's I.u Ina trordJai. c . " OR the sure and spet i.y CD, a ot iluipieiil consomp. lion, hum-muss, unj.oieicjv luco.hai pr whites, et obstructed dnlu ult or inlul nienslruaiun, imon liuriire ol urine, or involui.tur) dtmbarge the to',' and tor t e gene, ul prustraliuu of be system,, no aialk-r wht tker ., the .csull of inherent causes, or ol causes roduced by ir. regularity, illness, or act idiul. -. 'ii-. -v-. 't he wide spre.dtelebrity of this wonder'ul and inee. timable cordial in both bwnispheres is a sulln ient guarni - tee for its ijuick and positite success m curing sli La alhive alkt'lions snd eoniptaints, Nothing can be mora surprising than its invigoialing clltnts ou the human frame. Persoi s all weukness and lassitude I efbie taking it. at once become robnst and full ol ai.eiry ander iu in lluen.e. It imiiiattiuU'K oouiitcra tsthe inrveet,sn s or looseness of the lemale frame, w hit h ia the only cats of Wreiiness ! and ahiih. piiorto Dr. tviogi.itl's dic.veiy, J was coiisidercti lo be inccniblr. And it aprtdily leu.ovcs ' tho iniiedimenu prutliiced by by si,! prostration, which lreuently detn wen liom getting married. Language, indeed, csni.ot dojusii. e lo the tiicriia ot the Lutma or--oial, which is regarded by ihe.headsot the fatuity in all 1 parts of the world as one of the most imcorU lit medical j discoveries of any age. -..' .-.ft " r Por salewholesale and retail. iii'Wilmincton. tv - R. F. PLR.NKLL, G. R. FRENCH, W. VAR1U Sir. Telt i s? rtit da add Jozci:gc. . T is nowwcll ascpttaint'd that the most eligible way of adiiiinbtcriug medhiiie, particularly 'id cliildien. ... in tlic tnrut of Iniietiges. '1'lits while it picscrvis tbe virtues nl the nreilb iiie in a very i OmrMrstcd slate, at the sumo ttuie obvm.es the house ousncss which usually .itcnils the exhibition ot incd,i ii.ul sulslamrs. a he proprictonfitiv ing been regularly 1 ten to the n rdu at pro iea on. and engaged in sn etc'i.iveju:a -lif fot n.sny years, led the utmost tonl'.dente, iir ret piniueiiiting the billow inz medft itte. to tCe l-ublic,'for the Vvrroi the dia .ascsfor hit h they aie designed, ua tilfii ilhiaty"ha Wij tested in a vast immber ot , both in ) ul hi and pilvatt practice, t-houid they ever fail-, it will be liom unt strjrtly' following Ihe directions uicunipanwiiv each -riiilo. - ''.m ,? Dr. Pelers' couh E,ozciijrc, . 1 Are now rapidi.v aiijierseUtiig nil olUt-r pr -pjruiions for the clief of Coughs. 1 olds. Asthma.' V hooping Cough, ) atoith, 'j i;l.tiies of the UbBt. li.oiuhiiis. and similaT tiulmonary nliertiniis. It is now well establiihed, that targe pmportmn of cases i f t onsumptinn, by onhith so imiiiy valuable lives are aunuall- u i Un ed, owe tboi ori iinto rieglci ted eolds and coughs, whi. b might easily ;iave been removed at an early )ierioif. No medic hie will he found fc elficaicioi; in curing such cose a these lo. zenges. . .. Dr. Peters' Worm Lozenges, Arc acknowledged; 1$the faculty t4' ba tue most selen tifie and succesnlul "jptefmration. Ibrrthe destruction of woims. ever otlered' to tint, public . 'J hers -are sevstal 'iici!ii iiicsa(l',eitii.id us ccili(sin sutfa cases, but they have proved o uncertain and worriilei-s, as to have lost au vdiifid. nre with the public: ' Sothe of them, inderd, era so violent in their Oierfllioh, aa to fiequently rud to fatal esuiu. Tha j ubli. thetefore is cautioned ag-lnst them. Those lozenges, while they will I e louud to b perjetlly safe, will ut the wime time n. ver full, where worms ar present, to oWroy them. k 7. Dr. Pelcis'torUlulloicnpcii,1 7 " Aie a iiitxific for the Teticl of nervous or si k head, ache, lawneas of spiritsVor melancholy; languor and de bility, either from previous disuse, or too free living; tremors, spasm of Ihe stomach, irritability of the nerves, hvatericaf sllci tiotis, drowsiness, cholera morbus, lens of futigue, and pulpitation of the heart. From their efficacy in the relief of headache, they are called by- many v the headache lozenge. ' '': "' '-v''--? ;'t v A large stork of these valuable eaogh, worm, and ear dial carulii-s, just received and for sale in Wilmington, N. C,. by v . , .: O. K. FRENCH. March 30th, 1842. 7, " ,".'V 160-ly. - " ril;itco, I aid. CntidlrH. Km I lie rs, &c. ; 30 Bags Fetitbers tisstrf ted sites. r v 20 Hilda, l-af TohsiretV .VW.y 0 12 Boxrs inanuriicltircd Tobacco. ) 15 Bsile Shining &; Cotton Ysrnstrt'd. 8 Tu rw Jiiie Betms. v , " ' v 50 Jinxes Fay eitevi Je . louldpsntlle. . - r i' Barrels Prima Pork, &r? . . . aJkitl leceiyed on consigoweiit and tot sal hvi , . 18W1, i-tf. t 4"-7' ?t 7.7''';-;-'- .. :.- -V ' M .7,."";:- ' m .'. v. ... -. . .- .. :: - -