Sun W 0 JJanovtr. .... IlfXRT. MoMEA. V.-.'aalnjtoe, J .... tTO !0 l"pp Sound, . , . . Csndv Sua. ' - . 3 v lUcky Petal, M 6 8mU wtkir. n a v )(' J?. ' 44 4 -JMy'W 4 ', CaiaTact, . ' 3 j .. T . MS ; tQl 'Jfsrt CauUa UectJe. 41 v Warhlk4t Mow' all the wrthwrti teujTae we, have received ef the rite elec&At in this State. Tly certainly how badly for dw Whigs. There is no doubt th Demorrauc party will hsvs very considerable majority in both hunches nftho ajislature." Gov7Mobead we think is re-elerted. but by s freetly .diminished majority from 1840. JUMP mt : Countitt. Anson. Ashe, Buncombe -.Bertie ' Blsdcn . Brunswick - Beaufort , Burke - Cabarrus Columbus Carteret , - Currituck -Chailiara- J Chowan Cumberland Camden CmwcU Crave Cherokee new ITuplin Davidson -Davie ' Edgecombe -Franklin - Granville Gates. ' Greene ' Guilford Halifax t Hertford - Hyde' ;H ay wood Henderson Iredell , Johnston ' Jonee : 'Lincoln . lnoir - tlma v ; I Moore $ Montgomery .,VVB.VMUII Martin N. Hanover J; .aeJf' 'Northampton Otwlow Orange f. Person - "Pasquotank - Pitt Perquimons Rowan Randolph' Rockingham Robeson Rirhroond Rutherford Bampson. Surry 8tokes Stanly new Tyrrell r Washington . Wavfie - Wake' Tawy Aore uoo. 855 48 J 329 846 1554 - 840 349 . 448 .150 -1075 in tu 870 7 214 1409 668 111 - 883 878 804 en 895 485 438 - 451 J633 674 819 ,933 865 783 660 1101 984 844 919 78 643 148 1664 878 668 685 491 954 1890 593 601 679 1659 473 1189 1167 487 879 1485 88 363 103t 891 Suu deri. 433 tat 4V 341 488 451 S4i 363 867 898 888 384 638 603 303 953 91 1137 643 766 470 847 1398 636 760 II 356 469 -446 331 179 303 41 334 611 131 30S6 386 833 517 ia 1301 874 899 78 819 690 1549 68 333 919 134 686 843 1000 568 79 646 73 978 1190 VorH haul. 301 489 !0 Henry. 438 3 381 tCPTha ynunf b :a of Wilmington who ia ieBl joiniit the ovr.f I'.en't Clay Club ahool m be (brised, are rejuMwJ to meet at the Court IIoum thii (Wed..;? !.y) tveninf at nine o'clock. The dJeat of lr. Hilt in the neighhurinf coun ty of Bi'nnewrk will be heard of by the Whip of the Stale with more than the ordinary regret for the loae of n member of the Lffialatnre. He wet one of the most valuable and eiSoMii inetabere of that body. AbleC iraloafj and etperienoed, his active in fluence was at all tiroes Ml and feared by his po. litml of ponems. Hence the fteat efforts male to defeat hint.. Some of then we have reason to brieve wets of the most dierroutahle kind : for foeiNM a report was put into circulation just be foje the election that Dr. Hill had sent an express, naessenger into the eounty from Pilisbora, where he residing 6 the summer, with e notice ilist he had withdrawn from the canvass, and did not wish to be toted fr. . Cave) pea Hems, . - Two more 8 team Ships hare just arrivrd from Europe; the Great Western at New York on the. 30th ull., and the Columbia at Boeton on ihe 1st inst. By them the accounts from Europe are brought down to the 19th of July, Tt e moet itn, pirrtant item f intelligence is the death of tlte Duke of Orleans, the eldcmt son o the King f France, and heir apparent to the Fiench tltrone. Some particulars of the melancholy occurrence may be found in another column. It is an event that tiK tcrrsts the wfio! filviliied world, (Imp on .'tl.ejia. hility ofihi present dynasty of Fiwicenndnuit edly depends the peace of Europe. Tlie eldest son of the deceased Uukeif Orleans is now the nest in the line of success inn. He is a child four years of age, called the Count of Paris. A Regency will of course bare to he provided, and in that will be found a fruitful source of discord. 658 886 649 133U 43733 1615 667 656 484 .639 3131 418 419 571 189 The riotous proceedings in Philadelphia were eofiunutd i mj-hwat JlosJiyand Tuesday. The most ti'u w re on f I , ' y. Alt n'Hock on the svetii-; of that day a Ur;t building known as Ciokli's MlScial ll'.'t, used for meeting uf the blaes, was fired and totally destroyed. Whilst thai was bsridng.tlje Preshjrtman church to Cl Mary's street, occupied by a black eongre gation.was a!. set on fire and d -strayed. , ITilr. ty-n'me petswoe were arrested by the C'hy police aa Monday and Tue-day during the riots, charg ed with participation in them. By.Wedneml y ihe peace of therity'was thoroughly restoffd. -The United States (iasette, of Uednesday, thus describes the scenes of the popular fury. -Every street in the viriniiy of the riots bore eidVnce yesterday morning of the sreni-s which had been enacted in them, to say nothing ef the scattered reins and Uackened, broken walla of the buildings which had Seen destroyed, siandinf up hke nonumenu storied with the reminiscence of a disgraceful event.? V li Crowds of both sexes and of all slice filled evTj- avenue in tlie viciniiy. The whiles, ira lled hy curiosiiy alone ihe blacks (who were women and children solely) were engsged in sa vins; what was portable fntin.llieir late tlwellinirs. and removing the same'tosaler snd disUM she- ter.- i-. -:t ... . . : Of ihe Hall first consumed thwe is not enough remaining to be called a oe i. It insy imleed r repealed that it is totally dcsmeml.- The thce-storied shop at the rait, noon 'which the side wall fell, has been crushed down lo the se cond aior? intefnallv, hut the walls are uninjured but by heat and smoke. , Notwithstanding the txertioneol tfe firemen, many of the adjscent huildines are so much injured a's to require exten sive repairs. ...,,....,... As to the church In 8 iut Mary's sireet, (which Wjs oed for worn ip ori alternate Sundays Hv Preshyterinn nnd a Melhrtdisl (fnnnregaiion,) "the walls are standing, hut they are in such a ruinous sitiiHiinn mat it. seems as if the slightest puff of wind would blow them down. Cf a'.I the upon r-r ition we have ever seen, the Unet is h t i i tlie lait Caro'itittn, in wnich the E it.r,a sti .er in N-trth ChmImi has a.s.iile the reiatation o' man itf ar " Nrt' Caro)in- man honored hy hi with the hieh est suiion in her (ilwhoM fmn is Iter pro fVfy and wh se hMnir has never H-wn impea-'i-edby any one who kne htm. Gorerior l)r en is in his crave, hut it wo.ild take" a eeio such men as the E liior of ih micallwl N nah Caitdintan to conrince any mn not poi-oowl ,b party venon, that his veracitv is onnnloncd o- VtcsuonaMe. The syeiu m ty howl in vain over bis frve Fttjf. Obt. -".ffH Henry f fa if. 'lite Democraiie Review, th? OMkH.par ticel.en t, of its part v. in iw last nnin vr. has an hea.led. "Clay in the fiei.l "Vn' he "1 hus opens ; Clay U fine fallow He is M he w ''rtve. ami in the poliii.-.d melee, he: ride. Ihun lenng along at the head hi h in tit. van of ihr atrifr, mi gallaullv. and with so hauah y a crest! . Like the pa'iac'ie oT Henry IV. wherever re fiifbt s h"est an I th blows th eaviwi. ,here stream- its wh te duller as the -ig-nalt.1 h,t rnemls ihe p,M1 f pran, ,m lireciidn to which they should follow, lie is a mm,, everj- ,nch f nj,,,,,, fihtingf Vortl. liouia PhrUippe is about 70 years old, ami his death will He the signal for an upheaving of all the combustible, but now pent up materials of France. New Cotton was received in New Orleans on the 35th July and in Macon nn the 38th. The great iron steamship Great Britain. In tended to trade between Bristol and New York, ia described in the papers. Her extreme length ia 335 feet, hor width acrosa the beam 61 feel, depth 33 feet, burden 3600 tons register. 1 000 horse power, 6 masts, with excellent sleeping accommodation for 86 passengers : 380 persons can dine in the principal salom. She will carrv 1000 Ions of coal, and have a crew of 130 men. Judge Cnnklin, of the State of New York, haa decided, that "voluntary assignments, wheth er they give preferences or do not give t'.tem, must henceforth cease under the Bankrupt Law pf the U. States." 301 187 1576 913 1154! 63 1! 384 44 95 137 703 777 1157 419 35366 113 3161 953 885 681 1473 697 309 534 603 730 686 1183 Members sf the Legislators Elect, .. v Brunswick Arraelisie Bryan, (Dem.) Com mons. ' Bladen. Bannerman, (Hem.) Commons. Senatorial District composed of the eoum'ies if Brun wirk.Uudeu, and Columbus Kohert Mel fin, (Dem.) r Cumberland. David Reid. Senate j D. K. ,,McRae, Munroe, Commons; all Dem. Graven Pasteur, Senate; Street, Dewey, Commons; elf Dem. v Dnptin-Swinaon, Senate; Dickson, Kelly, Commons: all Dem. - Guilffird Morehead, SenaKN McLean, Men- denhalU Doak, Commons; sll Wh.'J- , , Halifai Joiner, Senate ; Moore, Q lPf : vrninmons, ail vr nig. r v . Jones Koonce,' Common Whig. i New Hanover W, 8. Lsrkink, 8ei ate : Jere. Nimn, David .Mclniyre, Colnmohs; all Dem. ' Onslow Pollock Senate t Haskms, Com-tnensj-both Dsmv rr-.;";?" uraneeAUiiion. Penaiet Jones. Bljckan . , tacken, Nash, Cumaonsi 1HA Whigjotliers Dem. ( ;v T': 'V- -' - . PitU-4 members, all Whig." ''y.&jv Pw(notank. 8hrpard, Senate ; Ehrinnajs, Commons; lth Whigs, v , Rowan Rebelin, Senate; Brandon, W illiame, Lord, Commons; sll Whig. ? Randolph Elliott, Senate ; Brower, Leach. Commonr, all Whig;. . WayneEiuaa. Senate; Brogden, Barnes, '' Commons; all Hem. - Wke Sliepard, Senate Massey,' Wilder, , Jtand, Commoqa; all Dem. . l It reported dial .ihf'll'nff (ivTSTftriiir fiesnfort, Carteret, Chowan, Granville, Greene. , , IleTtford.8urnr, andSu)kes: besMes3inenihers n Norlharoplon, 1 in Chatham and 1 in Robeson The American Theatre in New Orleans was wholly destroyed by fire on the morning of the 88th ult. CilNGaESS. The Senate passed the Tariff Bill on Saturday, as ft came from the House, by the following vote. Yeas Messrs." Archer, Borrow, Bates, Baj aid, ClKMte, Clayton, Conrad, Crafts, Critten den, Duyum, Evans, Huntington, Kerr. Mangom, Merrick, Miller, Morehead. Phelpa, Port'-r, Sou mons, Smith, of Indiana, Mprngue, Tallmailge, White, and Woodbridge 35. - Nays Messrs. Allen. Bnghy, Benton, Bu chanan, Calhoun, Cuihtort, Pulton, Graham King. Linn, McRobens, Preston, Rives, Sevier. Smith, of Connecticut, Sturgeon, Tappan, Wal ker, Wilcox, Williams, WoOdbury, Wright, and YoUng. S. In the House the several Bills relating to the Army, for a re-orgauiiatiou, reduction, die, were under consideration during nearly the whole of the week. tin Thursday morning the House took tip the Report from the ommiuee on Judicial Affair, censuring ihe Sectetary of War for declining to iiirmsn mi. rniatiou in oneuiftiee to a cull or the House, and prop wing that the President be re quested to instruct the Sec tary of War to do his duty upon the suhjct. The resolutions which make Ihe Report were read, when Mr. Gushing made his remarks warmly in opposition hi the Reso'stions which were pending, and as w .irmly in defence of the Executive branch of the Government. Mr 0. spoke until he had finish ed Jus hour including the time consumed wlien the suMect Wus last under consideration. , Mr. Everett of Vt addressed the House in con' tinuHtion, partly in reply to Mr. I'ushing and partly in opposition to the Resolutions reported unless amended, -lie did nH regard the snswer f the Secretary as dediuing to furnish tin iufo. niHtion sent fiur. Mr. Cooper ot Pcnn. continued -he debate- He regarded the letter of the Stwtnty of War a positively declining, and in an offensive manner, the call of the House for imformaiton. Mr. C devoted murh of hisspeecll also to Mr. Cushing. He did not regard ihe precedents cii. d by the gentleman from Maas. as applicable to ihe case. and proeeeUeu at eonsnleraNe length to point out the iiioerenne m the two rases. . No action was had on the Report . 'I On v7rM,By- Pr7 I1" number of Private Bills was disposed of. : On r'etur la business was of a miscellane- mis character. . V.-' .:-,-' The Raleigh Star of U mlTstanli. jhat Major C. L. Hints Public Treasurer, who went Hi. Wehingioo lo get Norl" Carolina s por t on of the land fund under the Distribution Act. retumeJ witltoui the money, in ms"quence l proper arrangements for the iransfernol having . . WW I ;ii J neen eornpieiea. i nis, nowever, win no ow- tn a few days, when a draft fir the amount will be forwarded if the Secretary of the Treasury. '-V: ' 1 ' - ."..-. Jctereigf Remtditt.-TT the goof, toast and water, jiooping cough, ipececwana; hilcesesrise; corns, easy' shoes; bloc' devils, rmpioveavfltt rheu matism, new flannel and patience - luoUiache. extraction; debt, rfirstwhnjeut ; love, matrimony. rite stores and dwellings were oreit srner.d- Ijr closed, aa was the case ihe day before. ,p In the qminer houmled by Pine and HmjiIi nd,ly Sixth' and Ninth streets, but lew dwellings or stores opened. ' So thai these streets hut for the vast numbers who perambulated them would have presented the same appear inee as on iheSabhuth. Of the numerals persons injured on Mnndar. none have died. - There were severd firing re- poi ts of deaths, hut all. on inquiry, have proved U be Incorrect. Tha. white lad shot were hut Ut ile injured, and those carried to the Hospital have been already discharged; and the Macks, althongh so awfully beaten, ire considered to be in a fair way of recovery ."s first Settlement df the) k7silte4 State. Below we give a table, which many my con aider worthy f pre tryarion for future referenc stjiiwing at what time a d by whom the several iaies were originally settledt ' . " . s Sistes. Dales Oldest lownv D Irhom, Florida, 1565 Su Augtiitbw, "jntnislii' Virginia, 1607 Jamestown,- Eiiglfcn. New York, 1614 Albany. DntchT Massachusetts, 1630 Plymouth, Englisli. N. Hampshire, 1833 Dver, 1 no. New Jersey, 1684 Be gen. Danes. Delaware, 687 i Hmilopen, Swedes Maine, 1630 York, English. Connecticut, 1 630 Windsor, - do. Maryland, 1633 St. Mary's, do. Rhode Maud. 1636 Providenre, do. North Carolina, 1650 Alhermarle, do. Rooth Carolina, 1670 Port Royal, do. .Michigan, IB70 Uetroit, rrench. Pennsylvania, 1673 Philadelphia, English, Illinois, 1683 Kaskaxkia, French, Arkansas, 1685 Arkansas Post, do Indiana, 1691) Vincennes, do, Irfmisiani, J 699 Iberville, do. A'aHauia, 1708 Kt. near Mobile, do. Mississppi, 1718 Natcm . tlo. Vermoni, 1785 Fort Duinmer, do. Georgia, 1731 Snvaumih, , do. 1756 Fort lynidon, , do. 1763 St. Genevieve, do. 1783 Bo mshoro. D. Bonn Tennessee, Missouri, Kent tcky, Ohio. 179.1 M irieiti. E ni'grs. N. E I he following extract from a circular dated North and Smith American Coffee Hous-, Lon dim, July 10th. 1818. will give some idea of she alarming state of affairs in England : In Staffonlshire and other districts of (be Pot teries, the colliers are going about in lauids dc-' manding contributions from the tratlesmen ; mid unless Ihey shortly return to tlieir l.ihors ihe iMit- ten will be thrown out of work by the want of cnnl. Yeonianrv and troops are pouring into Newcastle Odder Lyme and the a 'j nning places, Hint seriou ttillioions are hourly i-ciected, though aa yet it does not appear thai any serious distur bance has o-curied. In Manchester, Leeds, and Stockport, the excitement is immense and some idea of the state of things in the first named place' may be formed I'roin the fact that t e fallowing resolution has been ..adopted at a meeting of ihe Anti-Corn Law Association held at that plice : That hdtev ng this counirv to he on the eve of a revolution, and being utterly without hone that .a t't. ii me icgiBuuire win acconi j annce tu the starvn g millions, a requisition be forthwith prepared. igncd, and forwardml to the u.enih rs for thi bo rougtt, s ling upon them (in conj net on with othi r Libt-ral nu mbers,) to offer everv opposition an I impediment to the taxation of a pro urate peo ple, for ihe purposes of s nre! laxin i aristocracy that the wheels of government may he ai once arrested, through the rejection or pn-T.mtion of vwtes itf sn,ply. " Public m.-etings have been held at Iesds, l.i veroot, and a variety of other places, at which the speakers have indulged in a irain of language of the most dangerous snd revoluOoiiMrv charac ter. In Siockport it is suted that theammmf paid in wages has been reduced 8.000 per week. md 8 to 10.000 persons have t-een deprived of WW, n iiu'inieroi ao iitiouai mills have been clow-d in Manchesier, including two belonging to William Guest, Esq., by which upwards of 8;0 hamls have b -en deprived of Ihe means of subsis tence. The-And ('orn law Conf renee has is sue! another circular, calling upon the p smle to hold tfieeiings 'snd semi deputations to lmlon to consult with the league, and to seek an it irr. view, not only with sir Robert Peel, hut ihe whole Cabimt. and l iy before the members of tl e - - each a eewoonl of the state of trwle as shall, it is ttMNlght, induce them In pndong the silting of imrl amenU ami reconsider the questions of a re- peal oi the com and other provision laws, AmUf n lw. tfi,, ,lie nni aMj n,,,, ..j,ir. JT or the West .extorts aJmira'ii even from his bitterest political oppot ins. taTbev ranmn help yielding him the tribute of their prat-. Jilexim bia tiuzeilt. , The Effect of thi hit lik u e R.hrlh,, vpm the auHtry A respectable farmer caluM nn us few days ago, and entered In n a co.i vernation as follows : t take i-oor nxnr. .vt: Spmmer, but I have all alomr dirT nl with vim in pmuic, M you know. - 1 .shall mw vote mvi yon. lliiSKlHMle Hand mailer has given uie so me new views of things, When 1 taw Mr. a 'ten, Mr. llryair, ,vjr. t imlerNel and Stephen A len, aidng the people uf a Sute in overturning a u.ivertnneoi njifary to lh forms of law, 1 was led io examine the tendency of their do- innes. I het are too revolutionarr. Tiiev Strike at the foundation of taw and orW I am convinced we shall never have peace in this coun- j try until the people are langht an Imbitu I respect ' or me taws, and this they neve will be taught uiuJer Tammany Hall, hnt quite the w. iwry." ma gemieman is one ot tun 'moot farmers ol our, Island, and the. Whigs will lie most happy of hi otvoper itim. We heli-ve there a e manv others on the Island who h.ivr been Jetl in renounce the p eudo de nocracv of I ammanr Hall, when thev rmiu J it n lw J.mi. binism ot the worst rtiaracier. Brkn (L I.) S-ar. . It is much regretted thai so immr of the most skperienred and useful Members of the House of Representative have unhealed their in tension not t he candid ales for re-election. To those heretofore-announced we h ive now lo add the name of Mr. Mason, of Ohio, one of the bee business members, who, in a letter tinder .late ol jiy 19, "p ib'whed in ihe t)liio"wp -is. auiiounci's his determination nm to tie again a candidate for Congress .V'. Iihlfigencer. N Fair play is a jewel. It is no business of ours, but we abhorjo see foul meitris tesorieil to to ki t oft" even Pditical adversiiry. Since -Mr. Cal houn ahjindoneil the logs, we have had no cmisc tone particularly nttnehed to him 'wit !ie recol lection ol old times promp-s us io desire ih n he hsve at least justice from his new nlliex. It ilse allies ol his would deal frankly with him. aid say at once that ihey cannot support him -n one could conpluiu : . but lo flntier him up with the idea of h-ing their candidate, whih thev are constantly nl work, taking the most effective, un der hand means to an lihilate him is very little better than sheep stealing A'tVA. H 'liiy. H eteit cf ev read r. The writings of Goldsmiili are all unexception able -m.ich more than uiey nil br.-aihfl an ex'-ellent feeling, a p re morality, mil an expan ded philanthropy', lie whs hiuisclf be lefi.-eni even to excess, and his te iiprnnice is worthy nl praise. -In fmnj (say the wrimr f hi life) he was commonly moderate,, oft n ahsiemious ; and in wine, even in cutivivhl Km-ieues, he was ns lit tle prone to excssM And in his "Auiouitcd Nanire. he says, "How nwy ho ei.j -ine.l in holy scripture I will not take upon inc m m, ; but this may be asserted, that if the utmost bene lil of the individual, and tlie imwt ex'eusive) ad vantage lo society, serve In mark any iustiiutio'i of Heaven, ihia of ubulirunce nmy he reckoned among the foreuioM." 7Vcf In tho days of (i.ddsmiih, hMik of travels seem to have p jsnes.ed the same prevail ing foull ty which limy ansjj (v, ch iraetcrixe.l, namely, sameness and want of i novelty. " who sits down (say he) to read the account of nimlern travelers m Asia, will be :ipt to lancy that iheyrff truvrlei in Vie wm' lntk. ' Thn, thi same ciliestowns and rivers tire again descri'e l. lo a disgusting repetition. Thus a man shall g t S hundred miles in admire a mountain, only be ram it wan epiikeimf in c inturet vei what in- formaMmi can e received froiuy heTring'Vial! iiwin tun luiuni weni up 'ieu a lllllroiu in onler to ome down again Vi wajijjravel. er, whp will find mil and diselose to us the man ners, ami the mechanic inveuvemious, and the im perfect learning, of the inhahitama ; resolved to penetrate into cmmiries as yet little known, and fffrcr to pry into all'thcir secrets. Such infori.ri liim would indeed t interesiing and beneficial.' nerieo ilenre. The following 4 reunrks show corwl reservation and true discri nmaitnnr The world selij..m judges tlms;-i,- In. irenerd (says Goldsmith) the bnnehVtlonii of n .geitmm m m are hnt ill bestowed."- Ills heart ' seldom ""gives him leave to examine the, real distils Iif thi oSj ject which sues for his pity; his gtt faeii likes the alarm timMMiii. and he bestows his fortune nrinnlf anparen wretchedness. The man natu rally frtitnl.nn the other hind, aeting frm . ' mose:"tane ling, seldom roliejr ,sfntjv,en Jie does; his reason, and not his sensation, general ly, find out his ohjeci. Every iinsiaicejnf; his bounty Is thes- fore wrminf nt.' sn I hears' witness io his hvolence.i,,5 , . From the Seie Fork Jlm-r'cnn. : . pja ti rt& slae mt Oris , 1 om Ua ig ,a,iii J',4e'iger. "The -fetalis W the eulam my'sr.t as f.dlowss Tnierdar (July IS) at 13 o'd.k. lbe Duke iH J leau we ; leave Pans lor Sl Out, w.icie wa in inspect several reci.nenis inisii.laJ tut mi eorp of ooortion oh the )IW. His eq.iin- gs wer or.loreJ, and higaiieadauis in reailiiMws. every prejKir itnnt was ma le the Pavilion ar for Jhtf j.Miriiey, afier which ia Minhiie-s was 0 jmn.iha.D.j.uMof Orleans at llo.iiiMer,-s. Ai ' w'e '!rl,,c'' 'n mo carriage, mien Jiqg tit g.. u Neaill v 10 ik0 feave of t:w Koig a si Q iei-o and the Royal faindy. This ewriag, was-a fmr wheeled eann Jel. , eafer,e. drawn hv.iwo hor s a la de-n-Dauin.Mit thai u driven by a mw Mlliim. h was the cmveyaiM-s usually, lak -n bv l te Prince wh.m g 4ort dist we-es r emi i . "iw- 1 al.Mie. not hiving suJ.n-.hl one tBHfato mnmmptty hmt- M arriving our U13 P.e M l,Hf le ,HW. m j . , , Uimi i.H.k fng!,i anJ br ike into g '111 arnag wa-s.Kwt taken with great velocity n,. tie Chemm de ,la Rerolm. . Tha Prince, seei ig thai the pUlliot w:h "o'la'de lo muter the hor aes, p;jt his foot m "ihe step, wIiirIi is very ner t'ie grou;i I, an I j i,H,tM d 1 .in ifo rmi'jwMU uv-halfTaFrhrt riiarwii-lr r.ins direri Irom the 1 rte Mai.fou The Prince tiuieh 1I the rind with botli feeii but ih- i n;i.ilHe w ia so gre inn he staggered, and fell with his head on lb pavement. . - , ' . i u-,H ererl ,,f 1,ie'fal1 WiW 'Pfrible. fiir h s R iv l Highness remained seiisrless on lhesoi. Per -O.W jMsuHlly rni to h.s assisti ice a id carried urn into a grave's hy the wav-si le. a short dis tance nff, opiNisitM Lml Revmonrs's -lali'es. I ihemeainimi'ihep,istili ns:iceeeJe l in get:iig command over his ! ies.: inrnod hU earriagv round, and came lo the d mr of ihe hoii-e w'wr l iti Prif e waslyiag. His R ival High-never recovered law so see.4 (daeed o 1 a he I i i a room on ihe ground llor; and lurgieal assi. lance wa sent for. h ) in nv. a phy ie-an it. die iieighhoriioo I. was the first who ra ne II hied the Mval su Terer. hui thi pr nlnce I no g eNl e!fc-l. .The new4ol the acrid ml was co-ivv4 far Ne nlly. T ie Q in im neliai lv .t -mi 01 fmii; an I the Knf followed her. .Hi M j -v was lo-bn at Paris at j ,Vf .c' 1.1 h:i!d a ' oun- il of Miuwters. His r !ia wf,ir!, r;M. jt. sisNi over'to ik their M ir!ies who em- rd Oieni. with M 1 lam A J laid,' an I the Prin-es- l'L.ii.i.i.... 'Pi. . . - .1.1, ik- , iiry in'e nidi to tne hon e nit which ihe Duke of O.Hrmk had been tiken. He y I'lat ti-iie was neariv lifeleMS. It m iy be cosy lo limgiue. h I il will he im- iossi'ie f.n- any irm to deacribc, t'ie griel of their l ijttsiies an.l lfvl Highnesses at I'l- soeeiaele .1 l . I. is lv i. . - ' me.v neiwiu. irr. iMnq-ner, Jr. rh Prince lov al s hrst s ireon. ha I arriveil . . Sm;i after 1 .1.. r. . 1. . j. . 1 ... i.ic ue a n in tw nnJ tl'intpfusicr cume from I'liurhevuitt Mii-I Vmeei.nes. Dr. Pas- Viler was very s.mi c o;i, Jlp, 1 1 a-i'i innce ih n tne cae was ot the m ist a.'rioi. n at ir . f -revprv ),. ni in n iiier- wa a i tl ihi n Hie nrain, ami every inimiie ihe evil Jn txri 'it ..sre A Cre took place at New Orleans on i',e 20ih, among the ha-k buildings ,'A,r,l' ,W .boarding house. Several gentle-' men escaped merely win, ,M.;r jWt j,Hl !i..xarX It ts Icared that a Mark boy perched in the I urn s. One heavr gentleman was lower. mg himself hy slieets. when ihey bioke, and he fell a eoH4deraMe distance. The eseape of Mis'. Wade herself is tlius describeJ in the Picayune: She had caught the alar n. in time to re-ich the street, hot hail lingered in se n-h of Iter cliiblren, lis'tracted with uncenaiutyand terror, until ker return by the stairs was render -d iinpos -ible jjj'l w after seen ujkhi the nad", and the itenieni that took dace below at this spectacle Wiji immense. Ala lderwas.swiftly etetaW i : v of the Ikmi-, but it.was loo short lo' reach the eases By this time the 6 imes were raging . . annmd the upp -r story, and already creeping upv war I ihrrt 'gh His ronf. -v.j; ,K .'fl With id.ntao. mirniliMis eineditiom eoflHl in the frigluf.ll enufrgenev of flie "case, another U Ider was raised fwoi Ihe first 8 sir b am of ih . new buil li-ig adjoim ig, which was place. I direct- i ' y up 111 the lop round of the othrr ladder, and t V V iii! li.l noi roich the MoT the dwelling by some -PiTTWfive fm-U Yet. fruu this, oerihws and - fearful height the daring woman swung herself v mwiis of a sheet, r nehod tlie ladder, and deti' sc-n led slowly and s a'ely down the,trembing''S' Nippon 10 me groun 1. sue haq not ret steppe : ' ; iro 11 the I w round of ihe ladder when thr upper 4 ' part broke, showing but t.m plainly Imiw cri.tntl" 'tad b-cn the da Mrs. Tade is a he ivy w.nn.m she is much iujure'd by gi iati.Hi of mi'iid. a-id a hlii'riiig of the neck, and" iri'ids hy the A unes an.l sparks ere shs leliihe At a Temrriiccpf SnttKm' al St, 4nii,s'nn the llh fnstan. the , following semiineni, among others. Was drank : . ' " Th firfarmtl J)riiol( tr ie: 'We welenm them a ihe otfy meyfngers that have ,ver re turned from the YfirU la'nd.." JJ V A Vohme in i . The Knovil J.Mt says: at the Tern peranee ( 'elebraiiim on the,,'?!, rious lourth' at Mew Market Tennessee.' alinU lml appeared in ihe nncesshinr bearing1 a flagon which was 1 inscribed' the following: "jgWi Bight when Daddy' $ Sober. Mv ' . Ml SlO'l 1 I'l inere iS ". A r.-w w pr n hic hI by th Prim- 111 me 1,-rmut lauguag gave a m mieniarv reine. mi mis as quickly vamhed. Mirshil S011I1, Marshal Grirarl. ihe Mimst.r of Jnsti.e, F.w sign AflTiirx. the Interior, the M irine, Fiimiiciw and the I'ti'ihe Works, arnve.l. unit wsre admit- leikinio the deathhe Ich .nnSerof he Royal D ike. The ban -ellor, ihe Pl-el'eiii of p .Ii,-., Q -l0 a). PaW and Aupiek. with ih.' officers of tha hvus h liV,Ji,t!S,r Miijwsiy's anil -Priiii-e-ir hastened t the i'p'.i, an I rvmsiiw-l' on' side' tint hmHo in j s iac kepi clear bv sentinels staiioueiFarimnd. A 8 o c ock. as the cassi heca ue mor'. d -spernte, tne rving s nt tor the1lutcies de Nemours, tvho h nl mmameil tf Neuilly. She ea tie, attended bv laihes in watting. No en can pamt the affl etmg scene nresente I by the rha-nVr Wie'ithf" Dohess di Nemo ir came, a nl n:li-il her hitter tears 10 'ih v of thi resi of the family. Tim Q nvn an I Priiifcea were o-i their knea-s by the be In. I . prayi ig sol 'iit'i ing with tear- thii hamU of iheir'd -nnthig to i ami iiriihor. s int. n lv helovl. The' P i ic were spechl ss, an I soViingaht i-t i t suff on The Kini stoo I hy silent an I in ei inles. wale' iug with puiil'iil anxi iv evi-rv rt iciintim ii ih con ile:iani-e of expiri ig hir. Oil-id- lh houne iheeriwd eo.iiiuiied eV rv initiate 10 in .-r-ili;. rvti-y "lie O er. nellll I 'lin'j-.lllll-r 1S- tiou. I he t ore or Nemllv and hiecleigv imme diatelv o'vyed ihe King' sum none, and cam- l mi iimviiie. Un lcr the Influence -. no.vr','l ni" li-:im -nts. ihn ig iiiv of ihe dving PitS ' m piolo ijmI. I.tfo with tr.'W, b it vershtwt'. an I leu without strnggliiig p.iverfulfr ngainl the l t- r destruction o mi much yoi hl'ul sjreogi'i. . F r moment r-spir.tion b-ea nn uviro freehand th beating of the p itfi( w is itercep i'ie. . As-ihe slight's hopes a're'gMrie.f t by h 'tirts torn with despair, this scene of desolati.m as interrupted hi.-w moineniarv calm, but the gleam 1 . . . . ... noon p iPeai away, ai 4 o clock the Prim stmweil the unequivocal svmpt-ins of dep rtiug lile. and in another hal ho ir rendered his nool to lto.1. dying tu the arms of bis King and father who nl if liiKt moment pressed bi lio on ihe I I ri- i .. ... . iiireueio "i nis.i,Hi ctiii i. n ill.iw?! hy I'm i'-nrs of his afHieie I m ih. at. i'ie -iM -n I In ii m- II ; mons of ihe wh ile of his fa uilv. 'Plie'Prin being dead, the Kmj drtw I'm U iceii into an fid joining room, where th- Mhiisters n I Marsrlts assem'ilc I, thre.v themselves pi her fM, a id en leav ired to off -r h-r co'i.vati n. Her M ii ... i - i ,.t. . . . . - eseaHim-Hi.,.. iv not a itn-a tint miartrinm ha fallen upon our fa iv. but Ihi much greater is il lo France !" , Her voice vas then stopne I bv her sobs ami t urs. The Kin . seein? d i.erar.i a'wrrefi in grief, too' his haul. nr-i' it with an impression 'showing his sne ' of his nereavement, rm. at the san e lime, with a firm im as and magiintiimtiy truly mv"I. One great causa of ihe present d sastrnus posi lion of. Mr." Tyler is hie want of information a( to juihlic Ming In a rent jmirnev thningh tlie Western por loii ofkSlaryland and the adjoining counties of Pennsylvania and Virginia, we had not the misfortune to' encounter a single Tyler man so Jar are jhe people froin .being Yv lensh, ihai every one is anxious trfrepti i i're all riMinec tioiwwiih that party. But Mr. T t ier does not comprehend this, TiiejW tahititon corre-p ilitiil of the New York Amsriansavsihia Whia "Senator soiii'e davs", agT-h id busiiioa nil It ihe lMli,lll I., A in ll.n f .1... . v-F'-'-... imijii.i'p.ii Mu in in', lHrvit)W III-. cidental reference wis mde to he stale of p ilihu opinion. Mri ;Pvler s lid Sir, vo.k'n m. hing aboiiipji'diropiiiio i.You arelenmvndby the papvt i-.ymi rend. - limi t'tAfn iionia'it an-UlicreJimt wiU sel what ihe people think id my Administration ! .IP .:-t , v - a Uf, ".,jsW- linltiwt Patrittm ! The re-eipis of the N. Y. CanaJa have fallen 1 off 8187,000 from last year. From lbs National IntelligenrsrW the (th. - The Itc venue mil, Yesterday the Setniie. and " return. cl mtbs ll i.iso of Ktffiiesentaiives. h will tis lay lw laid before ihe Presidtmi, with whom the' ."oemii respotwitiil.ty will tlien rest,itlitif oig liie a.l yna give'liefo a saffring People.siidi spread joy-mid glaibie-s and gctitiHle through the t " in... ..i, Bituuiiw ion eves a no nis unari in nm public distrjs, ref isu his mnent W the jbd, siel ,ilu me hs coti ifry into lnimless miscrv.;Jtl iv the tiivcrof ati Go-id "imrlinH NttJmttta ju. lo.n, and avert a dea-i-dim so-ealamMons l' I he debate on the Tariff Bill rm-oj in the Suuale vsierdav. This debate, at various sls gi of the qtiK-iioii. has been (as our readers will nave seen) of much interest, in spile of the trite ness of tlie principal suhjeej Hue f. Throughall the general s of a thing ' ex In iisteil as this- voal.l see n ui beTbfigM pni-sages of el spii-nce ;f, md spinieil arguments have o.Ta'tl J y hirt o it. ni:e have, in leed. U en Mime siaMvk of great bril.iancy. h isjh t'Mirt. A iki ihesw oi y lie plavd hal of Mr. Arc,.cr on M mdiy.of , wli ch we hoe ready fir p ihhcitio a c iwe a' tt cir f d am;y.-is; a id Mr."ll.-ms'a s.nuiii ig up of en -r lay m a I irr.ib!.- of p irliameotary :i4'. Ii .tr n O- thn. al o. jwe; shall, present a earuful por r i urn i i a iby ortwo.' In llw closing iliscjisi oi o ye-ler.lav. Mr C.dli..u i led oif. i ia hmniilury "rJH iri'e nnw li.i.-al eii ii miv s,ee It wa mneji praise I by ij ihiNM who ilinii que,ion Tf Govenrneui fieldl " 'or suH loiy. ," us. hoe;er. it m d. e en -I i its best (nrt-s lIiH ta es na whip in ths d et .: :dv and litter for som prof -HSur's i hair in n : colleg.! than Im- a great congest of nation with im io i, when metaphysical de.luctious ure very hlbv, Mr. Be - ton followed in a shorter di conrsur hV which he conf overtoil aome oft ii- p )i ias ti.keit v his ally. Iledmied his S's rtinu I'mi lis1 Tariff of 184" was -h cause ol the eub-eqoeiH r 'huid iucy of ihe reve me lie denomieeil iiUo the i'iip'.midence of Mr. Cnlh inn's I'avmriie men-" s ir. that Jitnh ni in by which twenty-eight md-. !io is of dollars were parcelled out among the Stale. Rcc irri ig aterwurds to this mailer h veird thai he could s:-e no di'rerence between the distribution of money derived frm dtp land sales and a. surplus taken out of thn Treasury". Mr. Walker then re-iutroduc ik iu a new fiimav his proposal for taxing gold ami silver wares, whiim was again voted dowri. VI r. Evans eomdoded. iu a general reply, iit? reeieil more parifularly against the latter sek. ers. Of his sp ech we have already expressed thit character. The New "York Commercial' Advertiser, tn an article in rjply lo one In the MadisOniari, sat s : tVe sa firiher. clearly and distiiwtly, that iaf -h f rty iiioaiid voters 'in this city, ihero are; nol one hundred wh would vo e. muter any cir cu.HHiaiices, lor the r"-elec:ion of Mr. Pyler.-k Nor, Independently of tne office-h. Mers. cmitU live hundred soles be polled fo him in the Slate of New York. N'.'r will there ever be , 'J'hn Whig will go s gainst him loa man, "wrii A :me itrm i nncipl;; if for nothing else die principle avowed by the President himself when he gave the following toast, so lately its the. year;. "By John TylurPilgrim Prividents nnd Tra velling Cabinets: Too fruitful, offspring of the eif:l flVjleajiid term f7.ecrnnd no re 'eofiM the tiest i liters in of the country de mand it; wil! not the ro.mlar suffra.e decree it in 18411" "Hie Tim nmy II II Doffl'icracy will go a gtinst him r rtW, bee use in.r" leailers hate" Id n because ihey .have so instructeil their rank mid file .md because the rank and file of that piir ly always follow their leader. These ileclara lions we kmiw will he unwelcome; But ihey ar smVmily true; and it is high lime the Presi dent f h uild be nn leeeived as lo his true position. Tifro inoTyer par y in this city; and there cart be none. Th 're is not a politician in the citv, nor a nroch mt, nor a manufacturer, nor any body else, who dates one i!v avow himself to he such. ' - .. - .- -.; . While the Norihern cues wr.i List Week ei""" perietfing an extraordinary degree of heat, the thenn-nn -ter" ran ring from 8 J to 9 V at nearly ; thrsame titns weappeir to have ntslieil su hlern -'- Iv i itn Autumnal weith r, the temperature hav. ing been since Monday so low a to render win Ufrchilhingc'mforiible. It woidd seem aslf the niitor il and m 'worl I was o uif joint, at least ij" n'trhcmisphei. Th, rJivsic d aects and effecis of Vsiuiw nresTiH the reverse of her oidi- Viry appearances and operations, whilst a sia-ial re via luon.em'irarnn hiui-i in unupimi mpn ny, s Mcids ot al irming frequency, breaches of pri vate rrnsl'io 'delitqience of enormous magnlttider Willi tffy form and -ihotfiflcatin:! nf hitinaM turoiio le, eopear to detonn the f ee.'anf sneiy..Thw seems to be a singular sympa. Ihv at least between the moral aml( phyjej phe nomena that belong to our period and gene'ra ion. ''Charleston Patriot. ir'M 3 'ifpit " i;yv ' MWSjh ssS