mm VOL. IV.-.IV. 28. WILHOfGTO.Y, AORTII CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, IOVETsIJi:n 33, 1842. IVhele ,Vo. 181 PUBLISHED EVER Y WEDSESDA YMORMXG. A. A. BROWH, Editor. Oi&ct ob Front St., next South of the Bank of Cape Fear. The price of thii paper, i three dollars per annum, payable in advance.' If not paid within one month after subscribing, or after the beginning of a new subscription J ear, three dollars and fifty cents will be charged, and if not paid until the year expires, four dollars will be tharged. No piper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, anless the Editor may think proper to do so. Adveitisimcyts inserted at one dollar per square oi m lines, or less, lor me nrst, ana twenty-nve cenis ror each succeeding insertion. 25 per cent, will be deduct- .4 r -- ..i .: : ..l :. ... .1,1,... .!! du uuui ii uvciiistug uui nucu I. IUIVU1II. W lUll.J uui- lars in any one year. Yearly standing advertisements will be inserted at $10 per square." - "?"A11 legal advertisements charged 25 pr ct higher. , (j Letters to the Editor; on business connected with his paper, must be post-paid. . tTi n w vr k ITflll , ,. " fcrji uiujci r . ui w taT - IAtniMlaalAn Sr. VAvn'nnllnv Marrhan losdon's wharf. Has on hand the following articles for sale on , consignment. ' ' 4,600. bushels Turks Island Salt, 5 bbls. prime back country Lard, SO ' Prime Pork, : , 25 ' Beef, 14-" Albany Air, a good article, 60 bhles New York Hay, 60 bbls. superfine Flour, 10 bales Benbow's Cotton Yarn, assorted, 15 hhds. prime long leaf Tobacco, 10 boxes plug do. , ALSO ON HAND. 75 M. ft. river sawed Boards, 30 m Scantling, 200 , common Shingles, 100 " best contract, do. 15 " White Oak bbl. Staves. August 29, (31) 1842. 1 73-tf. 5 000 .BUSHELS Turks Island, Delaware, just arrived mid foi FEA 7 HERS Just received a consignment of 1000 lbs. Fea thers, for sale in lots to suit purchasers by GEO. W. DAVIS. London's Wharf. Oct. 5. 177-tf. whits rxxra lumber. 40000 FEET just landed ; for sale by 7 GEt). W. DAVIS, London's Wharf. November 16. 183-tf. SALT AFLOAT. per brig for sale by GEO. W. DAViS, 1 London's Wharf. November 16. 183-if. jonx ULl7 COMMISSION MKRCIIANT. OFFICE FOOT OF MULBERRY STKKET. " " Offers for sale : 100,000 ft. river flooring boards, an A. I article. 30,000 ft, wide boards. 80,000 contract shingles. 300.000 common do. - ' One raft of handsome shipping timber, 45 feet long, in the dock. Having the finest wharf in Wilmington, I am prepared " to receive SAf.1L STORES, for export, and will make liberal advances on consign ments to my fi iends at the N orlh. Prompt attention will be paid to securing freight for vessels. lean n!si sim ply orders for any description ofTIMBER &. l.UMBElK, sawedpat Kiver Mills at t lie shortest notice. August 17. 170-tf. Factorage and Commission Business. FBHB subseiiber intends continuing the above husi 1 nesa in Wilmington, at his new stand, font of Col JTMcRae's office oft the wharf two doors below the Rock Spring, where ho will be pleased to sec those having bu- ' siness If! his way. He has the lollowmg in store for sale cheap: 20 bbls. Fsyctteville Flour, 10 " Mess and Prime Pork, 10 small packages no. 1 and 2 m tckurel, 400 lbs. cotton yarn, assorted siies, i - 5 bbls. best Molasses, s- AL80. An assortment ol groceries. Ac. Ac. .,i , , '.. J.I. BRYAN. , Oct 26, 1842. 180-tf. - itfVOTrji:z:jE2 QTiXHE subscriber hereby warns all perrons not to give eLSLj Credit to any one, not even the woman he married, n hi account, except his order. , HENRY N. HOWARD. ' Sept. 28th, 1842. 176-tf. FAMIL Y PR O VISIONS. I HAVE aided a fresh supply of Corn, Peas, Meal, Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Bacon, (sides and good hams.) Coflee. Sugar, Cabbages, Onions,' Seine Twine, good Apples, by the barrel bushel or dozen, Mountain Butter, Irish Potatoes, and many other necessary articles. All of which will be sold low for the times. A. J. BATTLE. November 2. 181-tf. Bank of Capo Fenr, 12th October, 1842. "A PPLIUATION will be made to the next General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, to alter the period ( f the annual meetings of the Stockholders of this Bank, from the 1st Monday of January to the 1st Monday of May, as being more clement and convenient JOHN HILL, Pres't. , Oct. 12. 178-lf. NOTICE. S HEREBYJbrwarn all persons from hunting or dri ving with gun or dogs, on my land, known as the ens' Mill land, and the Downey land, or fishing in niy Mill Pond, under the penalty of the law; or any negro slave, or free negro With dogs found on the said lands, the dogs Will b shot and the negro severely punished. ' .. . ",. , ,, , . MILES CQSTIN. October 12tM 842. , ,u tX : ,178-flm., :r Tirana? jccc: niT :, THERE will be ah application made to the next en suing General Assembly for this State, to give to the Commissioners of the lownot Wilmington ami their successors irt office, alt the property that may hereafter earnest within the limits of the town, for the purpose of building a Town MM and otherwise to improve the town. There will, also be an application made to the said Gene ral Assembly to extend the limit of the town of Wil mington.1' ' ' i , Octobel 0,1841 , ' 1T7 K. Dissolution of Copartnership. The cdWtnerahip heretofore eijstTng under the firm of HVhaAWAY & PECJwffM, doing busi ness in this place, TuMst Newasst, K. I., was dissolved by mutual consent on vhoj of last September. The business in Wilmina!?' rclaTthsjjo the late, firm, will be liquidsted -y Jjjlwf Uathawsv. sf JOHN HATHAWAY,, JOB A. PECKHAM, .; ' Novembers, 1842. 181-tL . JUST RKCEIVEIX Per Schr. Charles E. Thorn, ftom fttw York, 3 HHDS. St Croix Sugar,' ; , , 14 Kegs best Goshen Butter, 20 barrels canal Floor, v 14 casks Cheese, . . 20 boxes Soap. ' 'yt ' ALSO IN STORE. 6000 yards brown Sheeting, ,r.i"'7 1 cask best Sperm Oil. - For by JOHN JTATHAWAY.-, Biailley's wharf. November T, 1842. 181-tf. Just Received per Brir Scho- , ' RlsTaa HHDS. MOLA88ES,.f ' 99f CO UagsOofree: , . At the old stand of Hathaway St Peokhani, on Bradley's wharf, by JOHN ffATHA WAY." Novembei 1st -ll-tf.- MOLASSES. 23 HHDS. prime New Orleans Molases. ' jusi received per schr. Kowenn, ' ; and for sale by JOHN HATHAWAY, Bradley's Wharf, Nov. 8,1842. 182-tf. . HARD WARE, WOODEN WARE, and a general assortment pf FAMILY GROCERIES, For sale at ahe lowest CASH prices by C ALDER & URANN. Oct. 18th, 1842. 179-tf. FILCH and NAVY BREAD. 67. 1P BBLS. For safe by, VJ) ' CALDEK Sc URANN. Nov. 1, (2.) 1842. 181-tf. DUCK and CORDAGE BOLTS Duck, f 200 coils Cordage, for sle by. CALDER & URANN. Nov. 1. (2.) 1842. , 181-tf. TEA. SUGAR. $c. CHESTS Souchong Tea, 10 boxes Sperm Candles, 30 bbls. Chenango Potato's, 10 bbls. Loar Sugar. For s .le by. CALDER & URANN, Nov. 1, (2.) 1842. 181-tf. The subscriber! hiving formed a copartnership for the transaction of a general Grocery, Dry Goods, Hardware, Hat, Boot ' and Shoe business, . " -"-ttt the .CASH principle, flatter themselves that they shall be enabled to sell cheaper than cny si milar establishment, and respectfully solicit the attention of iountry merchants and all other who are desirous of making cheap and judicious bar gains to give them a call. " SH ELTON & MALLORY. Oct. 28. - 180-lf. 6 100 KEGS NAILS, a-sorted, 40 Bids. Prime t ork, 30 " Primii and Mess Beef, 25 Firkins Butter, 10 Bids Oil. (Sea Elephant, suitable for Machinery.) 20 Biigs Ri. CnrTee. For sale by CALDER & URANN. Oct. 18th. 1842. 179-tf. FLOUR and POTATOES. 50 hhls. Canal Flour, superior brands. 300 " Potatoes. For sale h'v CALDER & TJRAN. Nov, 9 1842. 182-tf. -H FAINTS and OIL. "WmfHITE Lead. Black aint, Verdigris, and WW Linseed Oil, lor sale by. CALDER & URANN. Nov. 1, (2.) 1842. 181-tf. GJIsliA.Jie.S. 100 Boxes for sale hv, CALDER & URANN. Nov. 1, (2.) 1842. - 181-tf. 50 Bags Rio Coffee, 12 Boxes Sperm Candles, assorted. Just received and for sab; by BARRY & BRYANT, "ctober 5. 177-tf. HOOTS, SHOES, .1ND litfOGJXS. i 1 Cases various kinds men's and women's Shoes, Brngans, and iiools. Just received and for sale by BARRY & BRY&NT. November 16. 183 3t. TOBACCO. OC Boxes manufactured Tobacco, just received per Oatrirll : fr at Kv RRRV A- RRVAPJT .. , . , November 16. & BRYANT. 183-3t. NVJ4JLASeKS. November 1st. .-, Sla81-3t. FLOU from'VlK(jlNlA. 600 barrels Petersburg superfine Flour, landing ex schr. Canal and Fsyctteville Flour. For sale by R. VV. BROWN. & Co. Nov. 16, 1842. 163-31. Just Arrived. - braid CanalFlour. . 10 half barw dos do. 30 bbls. Prime ctljpPork. .j.;,-. , Mountain tt GoshenNijsv f trd. Window Klaji-tipluW tallow Candles, 4s, IWnd 6s. .11 W t.l , .ir"' eperm vanuies. rorsaienv, ''w . U. W. BROWN, oVllav November 8th, 1842. r 182-3L T On Ctyhsignment. HHDS. Stone Ware, assorted, Jars, Pots, & Jugs, ' with covers, a a (ample. The Manufacturer will execute order from the under signed, to suit the demand and 'wishes of retailers. 60 one gallon Demijohns. 10 hamper Bottle -, Cork. 20 bbls; Vinegar. . : . 4 ; R. VV, BROWN, & Co, November 0th, 1842 . ' , 182-4t t ' SEGARS. W 10.000 Havana, 20,000 Florida. 5,000 Kentuckf. ' ' Cheap for cash. S HELTON & MALLORY. November 2. - . 181-tf. PLANTATION GOODS. "'' 1000 pair heavy Brogans. 500 negro fllanket. Linsey. Caps and Wool sts. 1000 yards negro Kersev. Flannels. Calicoes. Great bargains in the' above articles to be had. SH EL-TON & MALLORY. October "26, 1842. ;'. i 180-tf. : APPLES, &c. Creenioga. and Russets.' Cheese and Crackers. ; Preserved Ginger. Dried CU'rants. Applv to SH ELTON &. MALLORY. October 26, 1842- , - 180-tf. .NAILS. RA KLG8 superior Taunton Nails, assorted sites ir For sale bv SHtLTON & MALLORY. November 2. sk 181-tf. FOR SALE. Prime Sugar House MOLASSES. At JSIIELTON tt MALLORY'S. November 2. 181-tf. CHEAP FOR CASH. A FEW barrels fresh Mackerel, 20 Quintals Cod Fish. 20 Boxes Herring. Apply to SH ELTON & MALLORY. Novrmber2. 181-tf. W RAP PING PAI ER. 100 REAMS, for sale by MI ELTON &, MALLORY. November 16. 183-tf. SHELL BARKS. 20 BUSHELS' prime nuts, just received by SH ELTON & MALLORY. November 18. m .183-tf. Just Received per schr. lucrease. 10 BBLS. Prime Pork. 10 kegs Goshen Butter. 20 bbls. Western Flour. 10 kegs Buckwheat. 10 half bbls. do, do. 10 boxes Sperm Can dles, j hhds. P. R. Sugar. For sale low by SH ELTON & MALLORY. November 9th, 1842. 182-tf JjSdjl BBLS. Apples, (Spitzcnbergs and Baldwins,) (SjpVjy Just received and for sale by RUSSELL & GAMMELL. November 1st. 181-tf. JUST RECEIVED PER BRIG BALTIC ON CONSIGNMENT. 16 Hhds. prime Molasses, 30 M. sawed laths, 100 Barrels Eastern Potatoes. RUSSELL & GAMMELL. Oct. 5. , 177-tf. yd BfiLS N. . Rum. 20 bbls. Whiskey jfF 1u0 k'g assorted Nails. For sale by RUSSELL & GAMMELL. November 9th, 1842. 182-4t. BAGS Shot, for sale low to close consignment. 93 RUSSELL & GAMMELL. November 1st. 181-tf. 2 B B LS. Canal Flour. 15 Prime Pork. 10 kegs Goshen Butter. 6 casks Cheese. 20 boxes and half boxes new Raisins. 500 lbs. Woolsey & Woolscy, Loaf Sugar. 5 half bbls. No. 1. Mackerel. Just received and for sale by If SSELL & GAMMELL. N.ivemSer 9th, 1842. 182-41. For Sale. "1 011 KEGS Nai'"' tt0Ttei sizea JblVF-F 80 "I"'8- Goal, broken and screened, suitable lor grates and stoves. Apply to, L. S. YORKE. November th; 1842. 182-tf, FOR SALE. '(fii(flf FIRE BRICKjatpHor quality j suita- ' ble for furnaces. Apply to November 2. L. S. YORKE. 18Ktf. FOR SALE. BBLS, fresh ground Flour, 1,1 " Potatoes, for family use, 20 Kegs Pennsylvania Buckwheat Apply to L. S. YORKE. November 2. ' 181-tf. Onn Vei stretcher Brick, a superior article ; MrJr (ot Mle by l. s. yoUke. Novemliei 2. . 181-tf. tyf BflLS. Flour. SO bbls. Mess Pork. tV 20 bbls. Prime Pork. 3 hhds. Bacon sides. 10 boxes Kperm f'andlest , 10 boxes 8 by 10 Window glass. r 20 boxes brown Soap. For sale by, K S. YORKE. November 9th, 1842. 182-tf. lata, Cag, and fehoes. 20 cases new and fashionable Hats, 30 do ' Wool .Hats,. An assortment of gentlemen and boys' Cloth and . .. . ; Velvet CAPS, 1200 pair heavy Brogans, ,400 " mens and boys'kip ditto, , 00 " womens' and misses' leather and . Morocco BOOTS and SHOES. V Jnifrafeife'dud' for lie" it ViBrflre'diierld pri cea for caab, by , s OWEN HOLMES. ; Oct. 25, 1842,- . ; ; . 180-tf. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE WIL MINGTON AND RALEIGH RAIL ROAD COMPANY. In conformity with t!ie requirement of tho Act of incorporation, the stock holders of the Wilmington Si Raleigh Rail Roid Company convened in the town of Wilmington on Wednesday the 9th of Nov., 1842. On motion of James T. Miller, Dr. Frederick J. Hill of the county of Brunswick was called to the chair, and James Griswold of the county of Wayne, and Henry Nutt of the town of Wilmington requested to act as se cretaries. 1 On Motion of Edward B. Dudley, Willis Hall and James T. Miller were appointed a committee to examine proxies and ascertain the amount of slock represented, who reported that a majority of the capital slock of the Compa ny wai represented. On motion of James Sr Battle, Resolved that a committee of five persons be appointed by the Chair to examine and report upon the expediency of continuing the franking privilege hitherto extended to the stockholders at their annual meetings by the orlicers of this Company; when the following person were appointed by the chairman as said committee, viz: Jamea S. Battle, Willi Hall, Jamea T, Miller, John Wright and James Griswold. On motion of Dr. Samuel A. Andrews, it was resolved, that a committee of three persons be appointed to report upon the expediency and practica bility of an inland connexion between this Road and the Charleston & Hamburg Rail Road. Whereupon Dr. S. A. Andrews, Alexr.McRae and Samuel Potter were appointed as such committee. On motion of Edward B. Dudley the meeting adjourned until ten o'clock to-morrow. ' , Thursday morning, Nov. 0th. The meeting convened according to adjournment. James Grit wold one of the committee appointed at the last annual meeting of this company to investigate the accounts of tho different officers of the Company and for other purposes, presented the report of aaid committee; which on motion of Dr. John Hill, was received and adopted. The President and Directors of the Company, through their President Edward B. Dudley, submitted their annual report to the meeting. On motion of Dr. S. A Andrews, aaitl report was received and adopted. On motion of James S.D.ittle, the following resolutions were adopted. Besolved, That a memorial to the General Assembly of this State, be forthwith prepared to be signed by the stockholders, soliciting the passage of a law for the relief of this Company. , .t Besolved, That James 8. Battle of EdjrecomK John Hill of Wilmington, Willis Hall of Wayne, Wyatt Moye of Edgocornft.-Samuel Virik of Nash, Joseph T. Rhodes of Duplin, L. II. Whitaker of Halifax, and Willfarn At Wright ol Wilmington, be appointed a committee to draft the memorial, tfor tne purpose set lortn in the preceding resolution wherever practicable, intending to follow it op in the fdl to btrjething like the reduction in the fare, if the situation of the Company boold render it necessary. In October they believed it did and an order was passed for that purpose to take effect the first of next jromh. A copy of that order is here w'' obmitted for your approval or revision as yon may think proper. The exhibit of expenditure of the last, compared with the present year, will show that our effort of economy have not been unavailing, and ia tl. next year, preparations have been made and are making which will doubt less, yield a further saving of 13 to 20,000. . . A regards the prospect) of the Company, it is hardly prudent lb fcaJar a conjecture. This however may be fearlessly asserted, that at pre sent, the stockholder can indulge no fear for. the continued existence of the Road and for the permanency of those public advantage which the nc ble enterprize originally promised. Evennnder prertnl discouragement have not only been enabled to keep it ia perfect repair arid to pay ha current expenses, but to have an available balance to, be applied td old debt and ar- rearages. Our receipla have fallen off, but it fia been nealrlv met by a tv' .. duction of expenditures. And surely the general depression and public embarrassment have now reached their criei. and better times roust come to ud. We want a Road across the peninsula of Florida. A charter has been obtained and a survey made for one from the Su John' RifertoibeCulnr. W hen this and the Flint & Ockmnlge Rail Road (which ia near its comple tion) are put in operation, who can doubt that the stream of travel from tho valley of the Mississippi will ponr itself along our line to vivify and relievo us f . ' ' The fompensalion, too, for carrying the mail ha been paltry and inade quate, while our expenses and hazards have been greatly increased byHho contract. The compensation fixed by Act of Congresi is 237 per mile, and while we have been receiving but little more than half of it, the Charles ton &JPetersburg Company receive the fulf allowance, and to ineressa tho " invidiousnc of the matter many of the Northern Roads receive over 300 . per mile. We know it ha been aaid that our pay should b less because of our Steam Boat connexion, but it is notorious that this to us ia the moat ex pensive part of our contract, and least profitable being precluded from way travel. 'Hie-amount we now fece&efor the whole contract, it is an ascer tained fact will not pay the insurance on the Bolt. The contract will ex pire in June next, and if it cannot be renewed at a fair and adeqgxle pries it will afford us the opportunity of making such retrenchment a will be an equivalent for its loss. , . Soon after the last meeting of the stockholders our attention' was directed to, their resolutions recommending a meeting of Delegates of the several Com panies, constituting tire Atlantic Lino of transporuiion from New Orleans to New York, relative to establishing a nore uniform and lower rate of fare'lwith the hope of increasing the travel A correspondence was open- - Cu, suu ineeiiiig invneu at w ainngton uiiy in January; at the same time. Jiesotved, That the publication required by law to carry into effect'fiUJ f P theso ..i;-..i .Au. m -r.....i :.. .u ' i: ...1omPHMe' Your viewa were brought to the notice of the meetinr. but hid mciicuiiix icsuiu- ,iiv,i .fr,: ,l . i:..t l.t.-'' . ... . ! " ucmrcu uiiicci. i lie uirecior wituessins: toe continued application to he General Assembly referred to in lions, bo made by the President of the Company i mmnniiinn At imi iiimmi . it.. - I it . . i . . ... Th commit. nnn,;ntl v.i.r,lu in rpfpronrH. In ill frnkinrc nrivu " cuur, unaiiy a MCECt irOffl liattl- lege heretofore extended by the officers ol the Company to tho stockhol ders attending the meetings of the Company, reported the lollowmg resolu tions, which were adopted. Besolved, That al stockholders shall be entitled to visit Wilmington free of charge at all generaj meetings of this Company. Besolved, Thavalljitockholdcrs who are original subscribers to the stock of this Company, and their distributees, as aUo their families, shall during the week of the annual meetings of this Company, be entitled to travel over the whole extent of tho line from Weldon to Charleston, and return frge of cnarge. .,-.-. Dr. S. A. Andrews, on the part of the committee appointed to report up on the expediency and practicability of an inland connexion between this Road and the Charleston & Hamburg Rail Road, submitted the report of said committee, which report with the following resolutions accompanying it was adopted. Besolved, That the President be instructed to obtain such information as he may deem important respecting the viewa of the citizens of South Caro lina, who may be desirous of a connexion by means of a Rail Road, between the Southern terminus of this Road and the city of Charleston. Besolved, That the President cause the necessary preliminary surveys lor the construction of a Kail Road from the. Cape rear river to the naviga ble waters of the Waccamaw liver to be made, provided that the costs of said survey do not exceed five hundred dollars ; and that he report to an adjourned meeting of this company to be held in Wilmington on the second Thursday in May next. The committee appointed to adopt a memorial to the General Assembly of this State, presented their report with the memorial prepared by them, which was adopted by tho meeting and signed by the stockholders present. On motion of O. G. Parsely. ' Besolved, That tho President and Directors of this Company are hereby directed to memorialize the next Legislature to pass an Act, declaratory of the construction to be given to the Act of Assembly, authorising the State to become a stockholder in the Wilmington and R. R. R. Company, so far as regards the election of Directors of said Company, and of the number of votes to winch the Slate is entitled: and to declare said construction to be, L that the State has no vote in the election of tho six Directors to be appoint ed by the stockholders, and that she shall on other questions, be entitled to two votes for every three voles given by individuals. And also, on any other subject touching the interests of the Company. The following persons were appointed by the chair to constitute the com mittee to audit the account of the Company under the resolutions passed in 1841, viz: James Griswold of Wayne, W, T. Ferrall of Halifax, and Hen ry Null of Wilmingion. On motion of John Hill. Resolved, That if any Director of this Company resident in the town of Wilmingtoirshall absent himself from three consecutive meetings of the board of Directors; and if any Director of this Company residing beyond the limits of the town of Wilmington shall absent himself from eight succes sive meetings of said board, such Director so absenting himself, unless ab sent from sickness or absent from the State, shall forfeit all the privileges extended to the Director as such. On motion of James S. Battle. Besohedr That the annual meetings of this Company shall hereafter take place on the second Thursday in November of each year. The meeting then proceeded to the election of a President and six Direc tors; when Edward B. Dudley wai elected President, and Alexander An derson, P. K. Dickinson, Samuel Potter, James S. Battle, A. J. DeRosset, Jr. and James T. Miller were elected Directors. On motion of Edward B. Dudley. . Besolved, That James Griswold, Henry Nutt and William A. Wright be a cominrQ to prepare such portions of the proceedings of this meeting for publication, as they may deem advisable. REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT & DIRECTORS. 77ie President and Directors of the Wilmington Raleigh Bail Boad Co., have the honor to make to the stockholders the following report. That at the last annual meeting, the stockholders appointed a committee to examine and report all the transactions of the Company, their debts and liabilities, to whom owing, and rate of interest, with such other information as they might deem necessary, which having just been done would seem to renderlt unnecessary for us to travel over the same ground, hut to confine our communication to such matters as have not claimed the attention of that committee. , ' - The Road is generally in' good order; during the past summer the' rains were unusually severe, in the neighborhood of Tar River, particularly, more to, than recollected by the oldest inhabitants. In two instances the Road suffered severely, but by the activity of tho superintendant the travel was very slightly interrupted and the Road soon restored to good order. The Boats are in good order, except the Vanderbilt? she is under, going the necessary preparation to receive the new boiler pjepared for her at our own shop, and the repairs necessary in her upper works, to put her in superior condition. Her hull having been recently repaired and her bot tom newly coppered. ? The past year has been unusually boisterous, and subjected these vessels to the severest tests, which they have nobly sustained, rr . , The shops and depots. At this plaoe, every exertion has been necessary to keep the Boats and Locomotives in good order with the force our means enabled us to employ. Some improvements have been made and others are requirea not only nere out at tne otner jjepots tor economy and convenience. T he Directors were early i n the year fully im pressed with the .absolu ee necessity of exacting strict accountability and economy in every part of the establishment practicable without effecting it efficiency. In the summer a reduction of 12 J percent was made on the operatives more to Charleston at $23 was agreed; to, on the well founded expectation that lha UnwU f lk.l.. I -I I ' ... ' . ..... uvuiu vi uuiiexuiii, wuuiu reuiico in like proportion, and although we have assurances it will be, has not yet been accomplished. The necessity of reduction is apparent in the cheap rate of travel 'from New Orleans by the MissfWippi and Ohio Rivers to Baltimore and Phila delphia, via. Wheeling dt Pittsburg, the whole route of which is charged at 33 to 35. The sail Packets on the Ocean also carry passengers at reduced prices. On both of these routes the fare does not exceed one half of oars. i;ouia we twen be mistaken as to the primary cause of the diminished tra vel on our route! , It appeared not only necessary to reduce to obtain the travel from the ex tremes but equally so to guard (lie intermediate points. Charleston ton lbs) South, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore on the North, offer first rata sail Packets on the most favorable terms and at Philadelphia and Baltimore; via Pittsburg and Wheeling to New Orleans, the very low fare is offend, as before mentioned al $33 to 36, all of which draws tho travel from owr part of the Atlantic route. We conlcj reasonably only expect the traveller of urgent business, or of wealth, which with the local travel ol a paraelv settled country, is totally inadequate to aupport a Rail Road and Steam Boat transportation. , . . , . , - When we take into consideration also that the Steam Boats and Rail Roads can transport the larger number at, or nearly the same cost as afew'persona, and ! certainly with equal facility with the craft on the other routes, can wa hesitate,; then, to urge the reducliqn to nearly the same price, depending on our superior speed and certainly for, preference. , : " The recent reduction we believe,' has increased the number of travellers, but whether in equal ratio to the reduction in money, we are not prepared to say. It has not continued a sufficient length of time for a fair test. - It will be teen by the report of your committee that the liabilities of the Company, vary but little from the-laei yearr-That about one hundred thousand dollars are required to meet the payment of the old debts to which the creditor! are justly entitled, and from their representations stand greatly in need. Many of them have been generously forbearing, but others have indulged in vexations suits and levied executions on the hire of the negroes employed on repairs, whose attention ia daily required to watch over the Road and keep it safe for the passage of the Trains. They were seined add taken away regardless of consequences, in the hope of coercing payment, when the Company had it not. Without provision is made for these debts these scenes will in all probability be acted over again. The Directors can suggest no other way but an appeal to the Legislature, for the postponement of the payment of the Bond due next January, and the endorsement of fifty thousand more to pay these debts. Having alrea dy paid fifty thousand dollars on which the Slate was security, the farther assistance would only place her liabilities at the same amount first granted. Such a measure or some other equally efficient is required in justice to the creditors and for the protection of the credit of the Company, The officers and free operatives of the Company have discharged, gene rally, their duties ably and faithfully; and when reductions of pay have been made, it is not because their services were less valuable, but that money had appreciate!, and the necessities of the Company made itoosolWy neces sary. - These reductions have been submitted to with 'eheerfulnes, an&we have no doubt will be hereafter, when necessary. It has been the policy of the Directors to keep the craft in good order the qrew under good discipline, and e very spar and rope braced tight and s.trong, to stem the adverse winds and tide which have been severely op pressing for some time all works of improvement in this country; determin ed "not to give op the ahip" while it is possible to keep her afloat. The receipts of the last 1 1 months to the 1st October which period the fiscal year has beerr directed to be closed amount to. $311.97748 Add the receipts for October, VHMW $1 - The disbursements fot the same period of 11 ; months, 7 - '.: $180,892 6 Add October, (averaged) from committees report, 10,044 78 $IU7,537 43 Amount of debts of previous years paid in 184, deducted, 25,421 83 $829,790 0 Leave the actual expenses ofthe vear some- ining line tne Daiance, $172,115 50 $172,11$ ftfr $57.80 59 It will be seen therefore if the receipt have been reduced, the expenses have been reduced iii equal proportion. The balance of availing funds of the previous year over the present, appear to be, " '"' t $27,446 03 The profited; this year ending I st November,, j 57,680 0$ Which was paid away as follows. Bonds secured by tho endorsement of the State, $50,000 00 $83,12 IS Old scrip, Less paid in State Bonds, $27,625 09 15,000. 00 Interest to October, , Since on Bond to Vanderbilu . - On Bond to Literary Fund, ao. otate security, $12,623 99 neaab. 28,523 43 2,100 1,550 , 00 17528 7 EDW'D B. DUDLEY, Prea'u lS 0$

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