Vol. V. Js'o. 10. WVUMIXGTO.V, .VOVyrU CAWOU'A, AVY'RaUAX, .VCiIST-;W, PUBLISHED EVER Y WEDXESDA Y 31 OR X ISO'. A. A. HROWftY Editor, O.Trceon Front St.. next South of tlif Bank ofCsiw I'Var. The price of this paper, is two dollar nnd filly cents prr annum payable in advance. .If not paid within one month after subscrihing, or after :he beginning of a new subscription year, three dollar will be charged, and if not paid until the year expire, throe dollars and fifty cents will be cWired. No piper will be discontinued until all arrearage are paid, unless the Editor may think proper to do so. A . ... II . Jinvr.RTiftjbMEYTs inscneu ai our uuunr i'er Kqntiru of 14 lines, or less, for the first, and twenty -live cents for each succeeding insertion. 25 per rent, will be deduct ed from an advertising bill when it amounts to thirty dol lar in any one year. Yearly standing advertisements will be inserted at $10 per square. All legal advertisements charged 55 pr ct. higher than t!t9 usual rates. Letters to the Editor, on business connected with his paper, must he post-paid. ' mhs'LEAns. g i?) High Post. for sale, bv SHELTON &' MALLOUY. August 1 si, 1843. , 220-tf. ""NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to A. J. Dattle, by note or ac count, are requested to iimke'iiiiincdifiU' payment, or they may find their papers in the hands of an officer. I have-authorirod Mr. Dattle to settle the claims. C. D. ELLIS.. June 14, 1843,. . 213-tf. sZiTr: It, m AN experience of about fifteen-years has proved, ln ymul a ilmibt, that this Vermifuge is a rrrluSn ami nevtr failing cure for worms. Since it was first put before the public, many worthless preparations have been forced into sale, which had ilieir day, and urc now counted as so much trash, (j"wh reim 11. A. Faineitock's Vermifuge ('. daihj intreuning in pnvularili, owing to i.v iitrin.iir irurlli. It has only to be used according to the directions, and if worms cxi-t, they will certainly be expelled from the system. The price is only "5 cenls per bottle, which brings it within the means of all. Be sure to get It. A. I'uluitsl ink's Vermifuge and avoid all other articles whii h are said to he as good, as none of them have the virtues of the genu ine article. W. WARE. Agent. August 10, 1 8 43. 222l4m. U. S. District Court of N, Carol ma. IN BANKRUPTCY.. NOTICE to show cause against the petitions of the following Petitioners in Bankruptcy, for their dis charge and certificate, in Wilmington, on Monday the 0th of October, 1843. Buncombe. James Arrington, Wiley Holcoinbc, T William Arrington, William E, Davidson, John VV. Edmonds, Joseph Wood. Yancey. Samuel Honeycut, Lewis Arrington, James I,. Harris, Wilson McMahon. ClIKROKEE. " Thomas J. Cooper, H. P. Gunnell, Robert Kail, John Bryson, . John Anderson, Joseph Mtillwell, Thomas Berry, William UriHiu. John Bradford, . Colvard Nelson, Joseph D. Cooper, N. K. Leatherwood. Macon. Joseph Welch, J. M. Bryson, liavid fassinore, Jams Angel, Jesse Pendergrass, Elijah Cox, Andrew H. Hodgen. Surry. John Y. Lindhcy, Alexander Moculy. Irkdki.i,. Alfred Y. Carson, llirhirrond Nail. Samuel K. Houston. New Hanover. Benjamin Jacobs, Thomas J. Cappa, ( Keuhen C. Hallet, Joseph Everett, Wm. E. Anderson, Willie A. Walker, Wm. O. Jeffreys, John R. Restou, William V. Thurston. Henderson. Abraham II. Tribblc, Christopher Sumney, Benjamin D. (iullick. Haywood. Hugh H. Davidson, William M. Davidson. Allen T. Davidson. Lincoln. y Jacob Helmcs, Henry Kullcnwider, ' John Kullcnwider, James M. Forney. Mecklenburg. William Hunter, Wm.il. Speck, John Sprinkle John Sharpe. lluRKE. S. II. Rhodes. Guilford. 1 D. W. Edwards, John H. Bennett, - John K. Lane, - John ShawV Rockingham. Samuel Hand, Peter Ritch. Cabarrus. . William K. f ay lor, Johij MJWorrison. Rowan. Henry A. Walton. Davie. E. R. Birckhead, Ilurch Cheshire, Richmond Hendricks, Samuel C. Austin, Mary Owen, Aquilla Cheshire, Wctly Clarke, John Hendricks, Zadoc Hendricks. . Javidson. David 8. Burrow, Jamea Floyd John Shuier. . Anson. Charles DaMey, William Edwards, Daniel U. Beveily. Richmond. John Webb. Stokes. Wyatt Breson. i Cumberland. .lohn Depo, James Cain, John B. Morrah. - .' By Order of the Court, -W. E. ANDERSON, Clerk. -A Sappington'g Anti-Fever Fills. A CERTAIN and effectual remedy for AGUE and FEVER, bilious, and all other FEVERS. l'ricc 1 per box. Vv. WARE, Agent. August 16, 1843.- ' 222-3m. Just .'Received, A FRESH supply of PcaseYll6arlnind Ciiiyly, Tor COVdHS, COLDS, $c., Direct from the head Depot 45 Division street. W. WARE, Agent, For Messrs. J. Pease & Son, N. Y. August 16, 1843. 222-6m. Chceseman's Arabian IJalsam. CURE for wounds of every : description, sores, burns, scalds, freeiings, &c ; also for sprains, bruis es, broken ribs, fractures, and stiff joints for quinsies, croup, (rattles,) common colds.Borc lungs Or throat, rheu matism of all kinds, numb limbs, perished limbs, and numbness in general, broken breasts, corns., and warts, tVc. It is likewise excellent for cleansing teeth, and chil dren cutting teeth. Price, large sized bottle f l, small 0c. W. WARE.Wgenl. Aug. 16, 1843. 222-x3m. DR. DUFFY'S "X, Tonic Mixture and Anti-Bilious PillV CURE FOR JIGUE FEVER. LA tJjHESE medicines are offered as a safe and effectual friti cure for Ague and Fever, and for restoring the con stitution to a state of oerfect health, when laloring under the debilitatiag cH'ccta that generally succeed an attack of Bilious Fever. The respectable testimony which is produced in their recommendation would alone be sulficient to obtain for them the confidence of the public, but the great reputation tlrcy possess in those places where they have lieen so ex tensively used, and have so fully answered the pn r post; for which they are recommended, leave no doubt of their entire superiority over all other medicines now in use for the euro of the Ague and Fever. Certificates to be seen at the Office of W, WARE, Agont. August 10, 1843. - 222-Gm. JUST RECEIVE J) And For Sale by the Subscriber. FYtfSV UBLS.Citv Prime ork. 5 do. do: Mess do. 5 bbla. City Mess Beef. 5(1 kegs Cut Nails. 25 bales best Hav. SO bbls. Plaster Park 40 bags Shot, assorted, bbls. and half bbls. Flour, - Bags Coffee, boxes Segars, hhds. and bbls. (Sugar. Barrels .Snull in If ladders, boxes tobacco, 10 lumpsto lb., Ac. &e. J. 1. BR VAN. August 1st, 1843. 220-tf WE take this method of informing the citizens of Wibuing'on and its vicinity, that we have Otis day dissolved copartnership by mutual consent and satis factory to us both, as well as to inform them that all the accounts and notes w-TiTcTi were, contracted at our store in Wilmington must be paid to M. Abrahams, and all those which were contracted sit our store at. Henderson, N. ( '., must be paid to Martin Fuli!a. - M. ABRAHAMS, . M. FULDA. P. H. While, 1 was at Wilmington a few weeks ago, I made a few enquiries concerning the business transact ed by my partner at, that place, which caused certain ier sons to believe that 1 suspicioncd him of 'FOIL PLAY.' I take this method of informing such persons that they can with confidence banish such impressions, for at our dissolution at Henderson, N. C, ho in every respect pro ved himself to my satisfaction to lc an honest and honor able man. MARTIN FULDA. July 10, (2G,) 1843. 2t!)-tf. MHIIREE superior' instruments of different construe tions, tor sale by August 2d, 1843. WM. COOKE. 220-tl. I will for a few days mko likenesses, by ihe DAGUERREOTYPE,- . , at 23 Princess Street, (Mr. ('aider's new build ing,) at the greatly reduced price of TWO Dol lars each, including a Morocco case. R.JHIGAN. July 19, 1843. 218-tf. ECEIVED per brig Belle, the following consign ment, for sale by WM. COOKE. (i(5) (23 '" keRs) rtUli W"'10 1,l Broun1 Oil, s&sV 2 casks Sperm Oil, I bhl. Whale Oil, . . 5 bbls. Tannet'i Oil. August 2d, 1843. R 220-tf. BOXES BosUm Soap, for sltly r Rl'sSELL & fS AM MB LL. Ancust th, 143. 221-lf. ?10 5 5( more daily expci ted. ) HAND. Corn, Ils'on and Cow Pease, forsnh bv . WM. COOKE. "Aumist 2.1. 1843. . . 220-tf. Hunk ol' Capo I'ear,? Aroi-sr H, IH43. 5 J. FrE." HARDY, of Ashvilliv has-Wen appointed Cashier ol the Ilninch of the 11. ink of ("ape Fear recent lv estid.ihshi'd at that place. THOS. H. WRIGHT, Cash'r. A ttgust 9, 1 8 43. - ' 22 l-if. FOR SALK. ( M. CIGARS. Uy ; HURR &. 15REWSTER. Aujnist 10, 1843. 222-tf. I KK HO Y. tJROSH very unperior Friction Matches . MM" Foral. by R()BT(i. RANKIN. August 9lh, 1843. 421-lt. FOR, SALK. fKV KEtiS Nails, ass0rtedsi7.es, by" WW ' . ROBT. 0. RANKIN. August 9th, -1 1 f 281-1t. FOR SJLE. KECiS licst WhilJ.cad, By HOBT. RANKIN. August 9th, 1843. 221-4t. ()ifbiLE. "1 rtnRLS. super Red Brand Flour, 30 " assorted Fayette do. Just Ifceiveu by HUB I . U. KAMMiN, August ath. 1843. il-lt. Toy SaYfc. HE LOT on the North West corner of Dock and .Second street. Apply to JOHN WOONT1SK. August 2d, 1843. 220-tf. Yot Sale. BBLS uperline Flour. II i LI. i IK Miles tandi-ih in the Msy-flower csme Arross thelitorfny , And in that little band was none More gi'iierous or brave. Midt cold Decemlier' sleet and snow 1)11 Plymouth' rock Hiy land ; Weak iverc their hands, but strong tlu ir heart,. Th it pious pilgrim IisikI. Oh, sad it wu in their poor huts LTo hear the storni-windshlow; And terrible at midnight hour. When yell'd the savage fi. By July 19, 1843. BURR & BREWSTER. 218-tf. FOR SALE. 42 CASES Claret Wipe best cpilitv, by BURR & BREWSTER. August 10, 1843. - 222-tf. Tobacco, &c. EW Flour includiiiR best brands of the State, and the inspection ol r ayettevillc, various brands. 10 Boxes smoking Tobacco prepared in (iuilford county; a new article to be tried by those, who love the pipe, .Manufactured Tobacco of every mimlicr and differ ent factories, with best Richmond sizes, 5 Hhds. N. C. leaf Tobacco, Cotton Yarn, all varieties, Feathers, Dupont's Powder, ISO Batrs Shot, New Orleans Molasses Rnrto Rico SiiRar, 150 kegs cut NaiU. August 10, 1843. .Liverpool blown Salt, Sheet Lead, ill barrels, Coffee, u. w. BROWN. 222-3t. SjTEIIE Hartford Fire Insurance Company, continue TiL toINSCRE against LOSS and DAMAGE by FIRE, on terms as favorable as other offices, ami in case ttf Loss, the claims of the insured will ba adjusted and paid with liberality and promptitude. For POLICIES, which can be obtained without delay, Apply to - HENRY R. SAVAOE, Aizcnt. August IGth, 1813. 222-tf. tissCS CASKS frosh Thotn.-iston Lime, laud ing and in store. For sale !v P. W. FANNING, Agent. ALSO FOR 8AI.K. f PAIR 2d band inside Venetian iliiids, suitable for ) IS lii;hl 10 by 12 Windows, Driiwimr paper, all sir.es, ' ' West quality Black Lead Peni il-i, do. India Ink, , I piece Oil ("loth for Floors, A lot of Boots. Bushel and small Baskets, Looking (ilasscs. Nonp. Starch. Itluelnk. 1 Linseed. Spcini and common Oil, And a full assortment nt (ilass, Dvestulf, Putty, Paints and Brushes, boxes Water Color Points good, Varnish es, Vials, all sizes. August 9th, 1843. 221-tf. f i KEO.S' superior cut Nails, assorted sizes, ) I 10 barrels Nc'w ork City mess and prime Pork, 12 barrels Canal Flour, 12 boxes Favetteville Candles, Bedsteads. All just received, and for sale by BURR ci BREWSTER. August 9, 1843. 221-tf. f BARRELS red brand superior Flour. t mt. 25 barrals1, 10 ' 5 " 4 " Of New Wheat Aug. 15, 1843. do. Superfine line X 1 Middlings. Just received bv ROBT. do. do. do. do. do. ' RANKIN. 222-31. Mr. r.R.PEIttSON: I HEREBY notify you that at the next Session of the Court of Pleas 4 Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of New Hanover, State of North Carolina, on the 9,1 Miin.ltiv in Henlemher tiAvt nfUHA I shall make an- plication to the Court to take tho bcnelit ol tho Act for. the relief of insolvent debtors, contained in the SHth Chapter of the Revised Code, pages' 320 29, when and where you may appear and object and oppose as to yon may seem lit. " J T. 1. FRALEY. , Wilmington, N. C. August 8, (lfi,) 1843. 538-01. The above was for loaned money. V. tt, Pf:iot Ami when the savage, grim and dire, lfi bloody work began, For a champion brave I have been told. Mile Stamlish was tho man. But oh, his heart was made to bow With grief and uain full low, For sickness on tho pilgrim band Nowdealt a dreadful blow. t In arms of death so fast thev fell Thsy scarce were buiied. And his dear wjfc, whose name w. .Kos, Was laid among the dead. His sorrow was not loud, but deep, For her he did bemoan, And such keen anguish wrung nis heart. He could not live alone. Then to John A Men he did ask, i John Allien was his friend, And said "friend John, unto 111 y wish I pray lliee, now attend. My heart is sad, 't1s'ry gad, My poor wife Rose it gone. And irftliis wild and siivage land ' I cannot live alon. . " . i To Mr. William Mullins. then I wish-you would repair," A ad sec if he will give 'ne lea've To wed his daughter fair." Priscilla was this daughter' name . Comelp and fair was she. And kind of heart she was withal, A a any maid could lie. Jolm Alden to oblige hi friend, Straightway to Mullins went, And told his errand like a man, And asked for his consent. Now Mr. Mullins was a sire, Quite rational and kind, And such consent would never give, Against hii daughter's mind. Ho told John Alden, if his child Should Is; inclin'd that way, And Captain Staudish was her choice, ' He had no more to say. He then call'd in his daughter dear, And straightway did retire, That she might with more freedom spenk. In absence of her sire. John Alden had a bright blue eye, And was a handsomo man, And when he spoke, a pleasant look O'er all his features ran. He rose and in a courteous way His errand did declare; And said, "fair maid, what word shall I To Captain Staudish hear ?" Warm blushca glow'd upon the checks Of that fair maiden then ; At first she turn'd away her eyes, Then look'd at John again ; And then, with downcast, modest mien .S'he said with trembling tone, "Notf-prithee, John, why dost thou not Speak for thyself alone V Deep red then grew John Alden's face; ' He. bade, the maid good bye ; Wut well she read, before he went, The language of his eye. No matter what the language said, Which in that eye wan rife In one short month Priscilla was John Aldeu's loving wife. Itetattlnff Society. 'I move that the question be rend." Serrffta ry road : "Which 1 the truest aetctice. mesme rism or phrenology i'l The Coal Merchant. Jemmy, my fpn, just throw into trie Joad of pine coal a basket of tlu best maple, birch and alder, and scatter it about well ; it needs some thing to make a jingle. Now I'll start for mar ket. Have some coal lo-day, marni ? W hat sort have you sir r As nice of the kind as you ever saw the best part of it maple, birch and alder, with a pine stick hern and there. . We'll have a dozen bushels. The bin is filled, the dollar paid, and the mer chant drives on to the next door. Soon as the dust suhsided. the bin is visited, and the quality discovered. The master smutly-nosc is sent for, he comes back and coolly looks upon the bin. Now sir, I want you to lake this piiic coal and (hose brand-ends, and give me my dollar, or I will let the neighbors know what a cheat you are. A cheat! Why good woman 1 never heard such a charge before in my horn days. I told you just what the coal was before you bought it.( Did you" not say that the greatest part of it was frotn hard wood ? . ''"',. No, miirm, I said the bent part and so it is. You did not tell me that it was half brands ends. ' Ciood Woman, I told you lherc was a pine stick here and there, and you 11 fhem here and there if they had been burnt, we shpuld have called it pine coal. No, no, marm, you do us great in justice to say that we coal merchants cheat. "There are tricks in all trades but ours." Good morning, marm. The Smile. There are few persons capable of smiling gracefully. A really graceful smile, emanating from the heart, playing lightly and in beauty around the lips, casting an expression of pure benevolence over tho countenance, ant bear ing, as such a smile wl, the mark of intelligence and of a (rank and pen disposition, is a rare gift indeed, and proclaims the possessor a member of the aristocracy of nature. Without the stars and ribbons, the marks of her royal favor, he may stand, perhaps on a higher pedestal than many who bear such brilliant decoration. Never lake the the trouble of asking 1 botjd from a per son wha can really -smile,. dread no de ception, lor tto ordinary observer will ever be imposed upon by a,ner, grimace, or distortion of the lips, - XaHIi Carolina CofressloMl OecUfftv " " OFFICIAL SKTTS.SS. "... . Mr. President, the question ha neither ne gative nor alliriiiativT, v-- Preaidenl. No matter Dr. Jigg for mes merism. Captain Jewkes for phrenology." Mr. Ntitnder. "1 would ask. Mr. President, if the question does not entrench itself agiinsi the constitution F We are not to discuss religion or -pulitirs in this society t JVnw free knowledge is a sectarian pint ; nml if we are agoing lo discuss that, I shall withdraw from this M-iety." President. "The word has a different mean ing in the question, and has allusion to the protti-her-antir ihivil opmeiits of the crnnnyum." Slump. " All is outer order, there aint no question ;ifore the meetin. 1'resnleni. "Dr. Jigs, will you open ?" Dr. .Iigiis. 1 h:ive not entered these walls 'this evening prepared tofpeak on this question; I-IJ am much in f:ivor of mesmerism, as I undJ stand it. .Mesmerism i a kind" of somnolence ' ami is 1 yciio isiane, wiicn no sain, "Diesscune that man who invented sleep." 1,'inler the mag iii'tic'inlliieiMrc of nicsiucric sleep, man has tra velled tlirmih iTic abstruse region's of of Mr, President, the chimerical atmosphere of the most bounded metaphisical incongruities, he lias Ana lyzed time and space, and soard into the mysic ries of ease and existence, like any thing. Aly opponent will, no doubt, extend his ferocious mouth agatnsl my argument ; hut, sir, my argu ment is hiisetl upon tho experiments of Collyer, and the philosophy of Doits ! Sir, 1 say, mes merism is the key which oversets the dtpnet of timet and discloses to human visinlqgy tho intri cacies of miracslotis interp"oiiiofiV I5ut phrenid ogy sir, what is itf The child of gall and bit terness. It maim out tho human skull like a trr- "restial globe; and its professors, tojieep good re- scmblatrces, have whirled their brains ort the ax es, and cqual-noclalized their exubranccs on the oxipilaliratical bones. I reserve my remaining remarks for tho rejoinder." President. "Captain Jewkes." Jewks. I aint prepared to say nothing on this question ; at least no but then, since 1 hearn the doctor. I would say a few words on the ideas chalked down on my hat. Phrenology is the science of tho knowledge box ; and knowl edge is free; hence phrenology. Hut mesmerism is the science of sleep. It says that one man can put another to sleep; so can opium. "It deduces man, then, to the level of a poizonous drug; My antagonist has made use of a great many long words, and his speech will go twice around the world and tie." Stump. . "I call tho capta'n lo order for per sonalities." Jewkes. " Didn't the doctor call my mouth ferocious ? Retaliation is the first law of nature. He nced'nt say nothing about mouih! Jest look at his, Mr. President; it goes clean round, and makes the top of his cranny-um, as he calls it, an island. Mesmerism and its supporters are hour bug ; yes, sir, humbug, sir. They pick out a sleepy headed fat boy, who drops asleep of him s)f, and pretended that they willed it, when they dmild'nt helped it if thev had tried, I conclude sir by moving the question." President. " Those in favor of mesmerism, hands up 14; phrenology, hands up 14; a tie. Gentlemen, you have decided that one science is just as (rue as 'the older. The society is 'jot'rn ed. (laz. Cherokee", Macon, -Haywood, Yancey, Runcoflibr, Hrndersor, Kinder ford, McDowell and Burke, S f 'aid well, Cleveland, FIRST DISTRICT. Graham. 137 330 131 1 3A VI 25 740 Cltngman. M3 ' 194 -347 267 9W '27 5654 403 259 m 2888 632 3817 Clingman's majority, 929 SECOND DISTRICT. ' Barringer. Mecklcnbiir'g, til 6 Lincoln, 523 " Iredell, ' - . Rowan, Davie, Cabarrus, 4135 Barringer's majority, - 348 THIRD DISTRICT. Mitchell. Craie. -i83 I373L. 360 4 584 295 - Kockinghnm, Ashe, Caswell, Stokes, Surry, W.ilkes, Keid's majority, 418 347 254 920 810 10811 3830 3787 , Raid. 975 345 943 1027 773 121 4184 354 FOURTH DISTRICT. From Hears' Family Magazine. The language of bird. The Bobolink, or conquedlo, is celebrated throughout New England for the great variety of speeches attributed to him. He is a great chat terer, and always seems to be talking with rapidi ty while he is singing. Some of his notes cer tainly bear a resemblance to the word which is given to him as name. Among tho ludicrous phrases which ho is often heard to utter, the fol lowing dialogue is given: Bobolink spies one of his comrades half burled in the tall grass, and, soaring .above him, he vociferates: "Winter see hlc, winter secblc, conqucdle, conqucdle, hid in the clover, come pay me, come pay me, you've owed 1110 seven-and-sixpenco more than two weeks, and now yon mean to cheat me!" Upon hearing this conqucdle rises, up with quivering wing from his hiding place, and wies out with exulting voice, as he poises himself in the air: "Wadolink, wadnlink, whiskodink, whiskndink, dance a single jig; I've nothing for you; waichee, watchee, say another wor.d to mo and you may whistle for it all your life time!" Not only the wild birds but our domestic poul try are occasionally heard to make ' some very significant remarks. It is a remarkable fact that the common ducks invariably call out " Quark, quack, tjuackr whenever a doctor's sulkey pass es by their flock. But the most extraordinary of all the speeches of Ihe feathered tribe is that of chanticleer, which may be regarded as decid ing a controversy that has long been waged in the civilized community. Old chanticleer awakes in" the morning,fl;ips his wings, and vociferates at the top of his voice., "Women rule h-e-r-r .'" Immediately. Irom a netghboting roosl, another answers: "So' they Jo h-e-r-e!" This is no soon er uttered than a third responds at a considerable distance, "So they do every w-h-e-r-e .'" I conclude with that interesting lilllc birdcall ed tho wood pewee, an inhabitant of our woods, that seems like some benighted wanderer, flying from tree to tree, and crying "pe-a-wee, pe-a-wee," in such a plaintive manner as to attract your attention more than the sweetest warWing. Sometimes he seems to be actually imploring your sympathy, and endeavoring to relate to you his grievous misfortunes. . Ji ttarch for Trcamre. About forty-three years ago, a British brig of war, mounting 20 brass guns, aijiLhaving a very large amount of specie on board, sunk with all hands, off Cape Henlopen, We are informed that Captain Meek er, of New York, whose ingenuity in such en terprises is well known, is now at the place w here the brig was lost, with apparatus for raising her, pr at least recovering her guns, and if possible her treasure.' Phila. Inquirer. 1 1 j - ' : An unmarried lady on the wrong side of forty, asks the following significant qrieslion. If maich cs are made in Heaven, why are they sd long in coming down? Can our bachelors answer ? Dcberry. Mendenhall. Cuilford, 1 486 783 Anson, 329 105 Sianly, 137 82 r Richmond, 236 209 f Montgomery, 176 65 Randolph, 332 194 ? Davidson, 346 422 j. 2042 1856 sherry's majority, . 192 FIFTH DISTRICT. Miller. Saunders. Wake. 802 871 Chatham, 821 619 Cumberland, 430 589 Moore, . 308 311 Johnston, 399 362 Wayne, 143 490 3001 3142 Saunders' majority, 141 SIXTH DISTRICT. (Returns published heretofore.) SEVENTH DISTRICT. Nash. Daniel. Orange, 1500. 1066 Person. 216 515 (.ranville, 767. 575 Halifax, 560 366 ' Warren, 08 ' 596 Franklin, 339 526 3489 3644 Daniel's majority. 155 KIGHTII DISTRICT. Nash, Ildgecom'ie, Pitt, fireene, Beaufort, Washington, Tyrrell, Hyde, Craven, Carteret, Amnglou. " .851 1512 536 226 '583 . 63 86 157 539 , "256" 4265 Arrington's majority, 548 NINTH DISTRICT. , Rayner. Currituck, 171 Camden, 443 Pasquotank, - 594 Perquimons, 406 Chowan, 249 (ales, 331 1 Northampton, 476 Hertford, 287 Bertie, 423 Martin, 316 Raynrr's majority. 3719 4813 Moore. 431 91 165 154 263 351 330 57 391. 506 2879 8 si -'.5- S'ew Mode of Making 'Soap- The Westmin ster Carolinian mentions the manufacture of a bar rel of soap by Mrs. Moul, of that toirn, without the aid of fire. The whole process of change j" from ley to soap is effected by the heat of the suir, without ahy trouble. It mnst be regarded as an cconominal improvement on the old process. We know of an economical house wife in this city who has been iti the habit lor many years of , manufacturing, in the manner above indicated, al(4 . the soft soap she required for household purpo 1 ses. The process is exceedingly simple, it 6e-T' ing only necessary lo use an old barrel as aley hopper, and draw ofTevery now and then a buck el of ley, which poured upon the grease, that should be placed in another barrel and set in a ' position where, it is exposed to tht rays of the sun buLlabegvejetover Jn rainy weather. In this manner, with the aid of occasional stirringT the soap will be fit for use in a few weeks. One barrel of ashes and four pounds of rendered fat -will make a barrel pf soap. It is necessary, how ever, to rend up the fat, a it may be thrown into , the barrel in any state snd will, be consumed by tho ley,--JVa. Int. tJl Healthy Town. Only two deaths hsre oc curred in.thc town of New Brjinrree, Wortrster county, since October last , , , Wilmington, luly Mh, 1843. j 210-1 tt.

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